» v v * vs44j; i ; **- ;r> v ^ ^ " , r~ " > * > ' ' ' 1 "* ' " ^ ' • * Y\ ^ v »• - ^'* " «7 % > ff* eeftmndty, di^ifl4 jia';; - -TOE ^fcHEKRYPLAINDEAhER • ^libCOLLpM LAKE 5f;.;£ tir^vs' ;/$ " Y'j Vote at Election, April 8 by Eve Levetque ^•.-.•'Youf county officials will be Qg^^elected on Tuesday, April 8. ^^.Whether the candidates 1 you ^^esire to hold office will make : / ,1-the grade -- depends on YOU, x/ -.,^-the voter. , Regardless of the ife you request at the polls give every candidate a "fair !fT*shake" by taking advantage of your privilege to vote! J For a ride to the polls -- «11 this reporter at 2171 or rs. Theresa Schutz at 1961- M. The outcome of the mdich needed county home for the aged in Hartland will also be decided. Both Republicans and Democrats are urging" voters to cast a ballot FOR the bond issue. The raise in taxes Will he nominal. You will actually SAVE money in taxes by plac Ag your X in the square mark- FOR the bond issue. Vote as your conscience di<N tates -- but please VOTE on Tuesday, April 8. The polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Lights At Each Gate Soon The contract with the Public Service company who will install lighting at each of the gaies was signed by president J. R. Levesque, at the l a s t meeting of the v i l l a g e board, Monday, March 24- The work is scheduled to start in about ninety days. W. A.^Rakq^, engineer for the village was present at the meeting and explained how the plans for surfacing Eastwood drive were coming along. This road will be completed with ^>tor fuel tax money. The plans must be approved by Springfield before bids on the work can be thken. This is nW in process. 7 „ General road repairs will commence as soon as funds are available, according to Eton Parenti, road commissioner. Ordinance No. 29, coverihg disorderly conduct as drawn by village attorney, K. A. ch,x was read and passed. * It was published in the last ! issue of the Plaindealer. :(jt s With the return of warmer T \veather,, more" spectators are i:j; appearing at the board meet- ^ ings. J.t's encouraging -- but Ijilj '.xoom for more. Why not plan ?l|'- to attend the next meeting, l^j'^ondsy, April 14? t•:r j; * " • And Oae -- Makes Three , ,^Fp*£&y l|U'<L.gir$ Jp^Pemencia and Robert Fernandez p}j;.,bf Orchard Drive. Wee Sylvia lii^'Jyfarch 25 at j!':^ little lass joined the family on Tuesday, 8:56 a.m. 'The made her appear- I£ £nce at St. Theresa's hospital, Waukegan and tipped the I' H;,; scales at a mere 6 IBs. 12 oz. Our sincere congratulations f'to mother, dad, and "big sisrs" Yolanda, 4, and Gloria, months. !\,V They Fed An Army! f: ij; ;* The McCallom Lake softball ;j3eam records with prjde the ||^-success of their big venture, j J;the breakfast party held at J; it .lBerenice and Whitey's on Sunfi nrday, Match 30. Roughly 125 ji^ungiy men, women, and chiU || i. dren consumed an enormous ^IjBiount, <?f "groceries." ~Th^ Wjjrjlrst customers to arrive on r^»>the scene jvere Ma and Pa j ^' Olsen and their nephew Lud- [:,j,.;|Mg Heskje It was hard for jj; ^"Fa to wait for 9 a.m. He is j'.JI'JlJised to dining no later than ; •3f!iS7 in the morning, and has for I ^ blmost 75 years! fi tp. If you are interested in the jM statistics, 12 dozen eggs, 15 v,;^J)ounds of sausages, 12 pounds 0 baocn, over 150 cups.of coffee, and 4 gais. of milk went down the hatch." We didn't 'fy J1 fm-fe get the figure on hpw many pancakes, Waffles, and pieces of toast weie also served. One thing is certain -- no one left with a hunger pang! The ball players served as cooks, waiters, and kitchen police, assisted by their lovely wives. Every one helped. Every member of the team is exceedingly grateful to the wonderful response and all who contributed to the success Of the affair. ; ' Later in the day, an impromptu , practice was held *t the beach and the boys are jubilant at the "hidden ; talents" which were. discovered. Manager • of;the club^ "Bud" Cable is optimistic that- the trophy will rest at the lake at the end of ttoe season! ; T5gg "ttiint Next Sunday, April '6> the search is on ami it is every youngster for h;n;self when the small fry of the community go scrambling fcr those colored eggs. There will be. many valuable prizes offered in different age brackets. The hours are from 1 p.m. 'til 3 pj». Mrs. Barbara Thacker is chairman foi the "hunt" ahd would like to have all the hard" boiled colored eggs at the beachhouse by 12 noon, so they may be "stashed away." Any' "teen agers willing to help hide the eggs before the arrival of "the "hunfers" are urged to lend assistance. This is the third annual event of this type. Hands 6tt The Baft!! The uiving platform is sadly in need of repairs and a new coat of paint. Don Parenti has requested that any "polar bears" wishing to dunk before the start Of the regular swimming season -- do so without launching the raft. The beach committee will take care of reconditioning the raft but have no desire to swim after it -- "and beach it again. In other words -- HANDS OFF!! Break In Routine Mary and Jake Kantorski journeyed into Chicago last weekend to catch up on visiting with old acquaintances and a glance in the shops for what's ne\y in fashions. Mary, too, is appalled by the "sack look." We predict it won't last! They stayed at the home ^xlaughler ahd^n-inrlSwr^rfT and Mrs. Bob Loesch. No Laughing Matter Our complete sympathy^ to Wiliard Schultz who suffered the unfortunate, accident of breaking his toe on Suiiday. From personal experience, we can say that it is ho laughing m a t t e r . Speaking of the Schultzes, both Will and Theresa have been industriously redecorating the Interior of their lovely home on Fountain Lane. When the task is completed, it will be a "thing of joy and beauty forever." Must Be A Girl! judging by the lovely, frilly clothes which Mrs. Barbara "Bobby" Fredricks opened at the "infanticipating" (thanks, W. W.) shower, she and hubby Norm, must have plans for a little blue eyed blond, girl baby: The party given by Mrs. Dorie Brennan and Mrs. May Kennenberg fras held at Jean McDonald's on Thursday, March 2tf. In attendance were Dorothy Cunningham, Anne Matthesius, Marian Mager, and your reporter, plus the hostesses and guest of honor, of course. t ii if- ' •" (Political Adverth«m»nt) LET'S HAVE A CHANGE! i >! 11< || I'.Vi ft I i!1' ? ll'.fi'-.f 1.1! i|: I am Stephen Arthur Schaeffer. I live at H44 S. 5th St* !>• Kalb, III. i am only 5 montfts old and it »t«ms as tho l hav# h*ard mostly politics since I arrived. From th«s* discussions I hflv® of voting* Naturally, I would like to havo you vote for my grandfather, ARTHUR J. pESMOND Who is the DEMOCRATIC, candidate for STATE REPRESENTATIVE Of Tti* $2ntf DISTIICt Please vote so that I may have the same privilege when I arbw UP# 1 * ' • According <to the old superstition, thera should be great news from the Brennan household since Dorie's gift was the seventh to be opened! Mr. and Mrs. Fredricks. reside in Crystal Lake but have made many friends here in the CQ«t>miiini<.y since Norm, started working here. i. . f-omfortPlas The laches' of the Lake .have taken on the project of purchasing ngw seat. covers for the folding chairs irr the beachhouse. There were quite a few new faces at The meeting and it was a p'easure to welcome Mrs. AbLie Berry and Verna Schlofer. Many hands were o u t s t r e t c h e d to r e t u r n i n g Marge Stacknick whov has been absent far too long. New dues paying members also included Lillian Ringelstetter, 'Betty Houck iuid Doris Brennan. , For an hoiir, the, ladies played \soma fun games and then enjoyed delicious cakes, cup cakes. complete with jelly beans, and plenty of coffee supplied by Betty Murray and Betty Roeske. The next business meeting will be held Thursday, April 10 in the beachhouse. ^ Stop!! Or You'll Be Sorry! Word comes from Chief Larry Murray that-there have been" -too many violations of the stop si^ns. They MEAN what thSy say 'ana transgressors will be ticketed and fined. Motorists are to come to a complete stop before Altering the blacktop! Spring Cleaning It's that time of the year and even the men folks are getting "into the act." On Siinday, members of the softball team, the beach committee, and numerous youngsters pitched in to "police" the beach and rake the weeds. Ole Olsen helped considerably by lightening the, work load. Grateful appreciation to all willing hands from beach commissioner, Don Parenti. In the near future, the soft ball diamond will be graded and ready for spring training. Handy With' A Band Aid Mips Roberta Houpk deserves some kind of an award for keeping calm in the face of an emergency. Thursday afternoon, Billy Aalto was clobbered in the forehead with a baseball bat and was bleeding profusely. The young lads who were with him brought him upstairs*-.to the Houok .household. "Bobby" administered first aid and put Bill in good enough condition to ride his bike home. .His parents, Vir* .ginia and Ray rushed him to a local doctor who completed treatment. Happy -we are to report that Billy is mending rapidly as youngsters do. To Suiiunon the "Fire Dept. Call the operator and ask for O and then give your house number and. street name. Through the co-dperation of our local ^police and the Mc- Henry fire department; your 2nd add mccullom lake • • • • • home will be easier to locate. The fire department has a map <?f the village and can locate your home quickly. Please be sure to give-YOUR , APDRHSS when you .call. In the event that a pulmotor is required call the fire department. ja.lso. : Burp V^ctlni '-v |',f Herb Roeske is convalescing at home after receiving first and second degree steam burns at his plac4 of employment. He was hospitalized from Tuesday 'to Thursday of last week in McHen^y. According *to the latest report he is well on the mend. Send -Get-Well Cards To Ea Listen who was bedded for more4 than » week with a severe respiratory ailment. He is still -convalescing' and would get a big kick out of, hearing from his friends. * Mrs. Mary "t'omasellO' Is home after' a Ihte^j week itay in McHenry hospital Sorry we didn't have the \yord on her surgery earlier. • She was hospitalised for twO weeks befor being operated on St. Patrick's day. She fsame htmie on Tuesday of la^t week and will lie incapacitate^ for quite some time. How atkmt a "sunshine shower" of cai^ds for her, tqo? "v / • » • Mrs. Lillian BxisSe has had a long seige of illness this winter and get-well cards would do much to help her overcome "cabin fever." : 1 Pink W Pretty Dressed in; a lovely, . pink, parity frock, little Janie Frost was pretty as a picture as she greeted her little chums at her fifth birthday party, Sunday, March 30. , Earlier in the day, Lorraine and Gene Frost prepared a Sunday feast for grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Schmitt and uncle Harold Schmitt. In the afternoon, Nancy and Jackie Morris, cousins, Kathy Schmitt, Vickie, Johnny, and Christie Bassi, brother Tom, and chum D. D. Levesque descended on the peace and quiet of the Frost household to mark the occasion in great style. The youngsters made short work of the tempting "goodies" mothfer Lorraine prepared for thorn. The First: One Gregory Burg was the first 'teenster from McCullom Lake to be confirmed at the Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake on Palm Sunday at aweinspiring services. He officially becomes an adult member of the congregation as a result. Thirteen other young people composed the class. Birthday Kids Chuck Ingersol is {fetting mighty close to becoming an exalted member of the "39ers." He has only three more years to wait after his natal day which was yesterday, April 2. Chet Helwig usually marks his birthday by "whooping it up" with his ever lovin* Gert. This year the celebration will be tomorrow, Friday, April 4. Mrs. Jean McDonald has a list of things that she would like ir. case husband Hugh Patrick should ask her. Her "great day" is Easter Monday, April 7. Anniversary Greetings To Helen and Paul Nitz who friay receive an astonishing gift for their eighteen years. The proud parents of two fine lads, this couple is hoping desper- RE-ELECT X MAX F. KOLIN REPUBLICAN COMMITTEEMAN McHENRY fcoti'NSHIP ONE YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED For A Ride To tfie Polls, Call 2171;-- or 3174 R? Pi -- 3£FSRticar"Advertisement) HARVARD WAY... --give you-- Hie Outstanding Candidate -F0RWILLIAM GLEASON WE ALL KNOW BILL to be completely independent on the Republican ticket, a good lawyer in his own right, a steady family man, a tireless worker for the welfare and progress of the community. How could BUI Gleason HELP but make a GOOD COUNTY JUDGE? McHenry County traditionally has retained as its county judge a man who does not live in the county seat. Why change that good practice now -- when the county has ah exceptionally well qualified candidate in Bill Gleason? You can't go wrong! Go -to the polls Tuesday, April 8 and mark a good bold X for the third man on the "ticket--William J. Gleason. This message sponsored WITHOUT the consent or approval of . William.jH.\ Oleason by lb friends oin Harvard. {POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT) PUBLIC PULSE (The Plaindealer invites the public to use this column as an expression of their views on Subjects of general interest in our community?- Our only request is that writer limit themselves to 300 words or less and that all letters have signature, full address and phone number. We ask, too, that one individual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material whfch we consider libelous or in objectionable taste.) The County Home I would like to clear up a matter which may be confusing to. some residents of the county. Management 6f the county home ib a responsibility of the board oil supervisors, who are both Republicans and Democrats. The oiunty bume bond issue is a civic matter, and the county is depending on the vote c-f -all Republicans and Democrats, church groups and civic organizations to approve the referendum. It umrt be remembered that you can go to the polls and ask for the county home ballot, and vote for any politicians or declare your party. Again, 1 myst say: It is the responsibility of all registered voters regardless of political affiliations, religion, etc., to support this important civic project. Mrs. ! Louise M. Breen ately that their "blessed event" due momentarily will be a fat chubby girl child. Good luck and best wishes, kids. That completes another hectic round of activities for this week. May this reporter get serious for a moment and wish all you wonderful readers a most joyous and blessed Easter? That's it for , now, and next week we'll have some interesting descriptions of the newest Spring bonnets. mm smut ON DISPLAY SIE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS McHeory Comfy Wei & Ptnp C* WELLS DRILLED OB DSXTOI *• fcni« *ix mu i rami Twin* la UM VUhff* «| MiC»n-- Late OHTa* treat McIIuq on tbt McCaDM ana Woofer Lake to* mcratfea West Shore Beach Home Owners: We have so many who stop by our house and ask us why the other roads are so bad, and also the lots. The i roads in • front of,, our house weren't good either, so to s/ve you time we have been filling irr our holes and oiling our roads. This has gone on for eight yea"s now. When the . grader comes around, we never let them pull up our stones in the road. As we said many times, please, home owhcis, go out and fill': in your holea and you will have roads like ours. Then we will have a nice piace to liv£.; in. Mr. and Mrs. R. Essen f. Lincoln Drive * : " West Shore Beach, McHenry v HONOR STUDENTS • Sixty-five rreshman girls ;| with a "B" average, including- j Patricia Raymond from Mc- J Henry, were honored by Owens sophomore women's honor society at Northern IUiiiois uni- -« versity, at a tea in Williston 1 hall recently. :;1 To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, tise; your heart. (Political Advertisement) F O R SHERIFF 0 of McHENRY COUNTY (Political Advertisement) ASK FOR THE DEMOCRATIC BALLOT ARTHUR J. DESMOND WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE for STATE REPRESENTATIVE EVERETT (Andy) ANDERSON REPUBLICAN . CANDIDATE Primary April 8, 1958 Born and Raised In Woodstock Overseas Veteran 3 Years State Prison Work 7'/i Years with the IUiiiois State Police^ 5 Years in, business as owner and operator of . Andy's Mkt. and 'Grocery, Woodstock. J u I? \ 5" L L For County Clerk Your Vote arid Support Appreciated Primary, April 8,1958