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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Apr 1958, p. 2

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. t. i r i V.; V: Pagt Two THE McHENfRY PLADfBJJALER thduwi TiT.r; - rrfiVim Showers Honor f •••, /' Miss Mn Weber • • • A dinner was held in Marengo last Monday evening, honoring Miss Jean Weber and Bill Neumann, who will be mai> ried next Saturday. The dinner was given by co-workers of Miss Weber in ttye Building and Zoning departmeht of the' court house. The couple received a beautiful,gift from those prese n t / . ; ; '•:. i f i - Guests' were:: Mr. ' 'ana Mfp. Geitfge* Jedlickifc Mh;and Mrs. Thoma^S Alvis,; Mir. <and Mrs. Paul Airthur, all; ofij'pystal Lake and Mr. aand Mrs. Harry Perry of Marengo. A recent miscellaneous shower honored Miss Weber, given by her aunts, Mrs. Kathryn Conway and Miss Genevieve Knox, at the. Knox home. About forty persons were in attendance to enjoy a social eveningand a tasty lunch. Christen Girt Of George M. Freunds • The new daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Freund of Wonder Lake was christened Linda Susan on March 301 at Christ the King Catholic church. Wonder Lake, by Rev. Raymond Hubers. Sponsors for the baby were Fred J. Meyer and Arlene Guzzardo of McHenry. Jane Mascvi. Shower Guest , i i Miss Jane Mascari of McHenry will be given a shower b.y close friends from Chicago at a restaurant in that city April 20. The serving of punch will precede a chicken dinner which will be served to the sixty fair ladies expected to attend this happy occasion. Taieiit Winners Present Program Winners of a talent contest in the third and fourth grade? sit St. Mary's school presented a program for the March meeting of _ the Home and School association. Taking part were Mary Beth Thompson arid Susan Rosing, who did a tap dance; Judy Micnels, Renee Leight, Debby Griffith, Charlene Glosson, Victoria Freurtd, Dolores Marke, Mykell Freund, Donna Jean Harner • and Mary Malpede, who gave a play called "The Discontented Crocus"; and Sharon and Richard Justen, who gave a toe dance entitle "Melody of Love." Slides of the county home at Hartland were shown by Howard Nehlig, superintendent. Fr. Nilgss spoke about playground equipment. % £Iecti6n of officers will be held at. the May meeting. NAVY CHAPLAIN V. TO ADDRESS PARENT EDUCATION MEET "Rudiments of Delinquency", an aiddress by 0iaplain Altei W. Robertson, U. S. Navy, will* ^e presented April 15 at ^ p.m. in the high school sewing room for the parent education meetng of the P.T.A. Chaplain Robertson is currently the brig chaplain at the Naval Trainng center, Great Lakes. Chaplain Robertson received lis B.A. degree from Texas Christian university and his 3.D. degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological seminary, Fort Worth, Texas. He has had special training in criminology at the Eleventh Institute of Correctional Administration, George Washington university, Washington, D. C. Chaplain Robertson served A. W. ROBERTSON as an enlisted m^n aboard the USS Hermitage in World .War II. He earned three battle stars and the letter of commendation with combat "V" while serving , as chaplain with the First Marine division during the Korean conflict. He served aboard the USS Valley Forge1 before going to Great Lakes last June. An invitation to attend is extended parents and high school students by Mrs. Charles Peterson. Alfred |t«gger To Be Married April Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Areg- . ger of McCuliom Lake and Los Angeles, Calif., announce the forthcoming wedding of their son, Alfred, to Miss Maureen Fox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Fox,, of Windsor, Canada, which will take place on April 19 in the Church of the Visitation, Westchester, Calif. MARRIAGE LICENSE Harold J. Nye and Shirley M. Berthoiix, both of McHenry. Local Glfl Sings With Northwestern Choir On Friday, April 18, at 8 o'clock, the woman's auxiliary of Chicago Wesley Memorial hospital will present the student nurse choir in its sixth annual concert in Northwestern university's Thorne hall, Superior street and Lake Shore drive. A McHenry girl who is a member of the choir is Barbara Ann Eggert, daughter of Mrs. N. H. Eggert, 400 West Waukegan road. Barbara graduated from the McHenry Community high school in 1955 and is a freshman in the school of nursing. BAKE SALE The Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid will hold a bake Sale at' Art Smith's market on Saturday, April 12, starting at 1 p.m. j Letters Mean So Much! ! More--When You i ENCLOSE SNAPSHOTS sec us eon KODAK CAMERAS AND HIM % CAMERA The world s most popular snapshot camera! Streamlined, stylish, easy to use! With the Kodalite Flasholder you can shoot color or black-and-white pictures indoors and out, right around the dock. Just load, aim, and press the button! Twelve big pictures on a roll. Smooth telease, oversize viewfmder, hand strap. osiar $ 55 wilh Flasholder NOW AT 'S DRUGS PERSONALS V Misses Eva Unti "and Mary Ann Bolfcer accompahied fey Miss Nancy CriSty of Wonder Lake, fle\V to Florida to Spend their Easter vacation at Fort Lauderdale. • Donald Rogers was home from 'Marquette university, Milwaukee, to spend his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yanda lef t . Thursday for a visit with relatives in Winnebago, Minn. Mrs. Carl Courier of Marfcngo, vlisited her mother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon, Thursday, v - .Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hayes and son?, Donald and Tommie were Easter guests of his mother, Mrs. Edith Hayes. Miss Kathleen Anglese was from her studies at Roslleget .. Rivfer Forest to spentnthe Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarena^Angle: Mr. an®Mrs^George H. Johnson acconjwaniea by Mrs. Erie Gteer of IfesCSTvLake, were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. ./and Mrs. O. G. Eder in Eyanston.; 1 Mr. and Mrs.' Percy Lodtz of. Crystal Lake; visited . McHenry friends Thursday afternoon. • Mrs. Lillian Bolger, son John and sister Miss Kathryn Kortendick of Woodstock were Easter guests in the home < of another sister, Mrs. Howard Ashton and family in EVanston. Donald and Richard Herdrich students at Campion, Prairie-du-Chien, Wis.; spent their vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Herdrich. Ronald Nitz of the Salvatorian seminary St. Nazianz, Wis. is -vacationing with his parants, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nitz at McCuliom Lake. Michael Meyer, who is studying at Holy Cross seminary, LaCrosse, Wis.; is spending ten days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Meyer. Other guests on Easter were Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carlquist and son, Jimmie of Woodale and Mrs. Laura Knaack, McHenry. Mrs. Beranrd Frett of Maywood has been spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. John Koerber. Mrs. Margaret Hafner of Grass Lake, accompanied by hef son, George Hafner, wife ana daughter Kathy of Cleveland, Ohio visited relatives here Saturday. Mrs. Nellie Bacon was a dinner guest in the home of her sonJVeston and-a-supper guestof the Harold Bacons in Crystal Lalce Sunday in observance of her birthday which occurred on April 3. v _ " Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anglese ang dStififtfter, Kathleen spent the weekend witlir;the, i former's mother in Morrisbn, 111. ••• Mrs. David Powers accompanied by tjie Sibre Whiting family Of JohnSbtirg and ;fheLeonard Burge farriily of 6rayslake, spent Sunday in the George; Freund home in Woodstock. Anthony Paluch, . a Student at Marmion Academy, in Aurora spent /$ie Easter vacation with Ms parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Paluch. ; • Miss Phyllis Blqiiri^ a teacher in the EdgebrOtok School, spent the Easter holidays at her home in CassviileV \Vis. Mr. and Mrs. - Peter Merges of Chicago- * were weekend guests in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Jerome Miller. Donald Gjvens was an Easter guest in the home, of his* sister, Mrs. Harry Lawrence, in Chicago. x Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Powers and-son, Scott, of Pekin, 111., were weekend, guests in the home of his parents, Mp. and Mrs. Raymond Powers on Center Street. They were all dinner guests in^ the home of Mrs. Ella Wjsdkup in Greenwood on Saturday evening. . Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hopkins of Madison, Wis., spent the weekend with McHenry relatives. , , ; John Bolger spent a few (Jays this week in pesMoines, Iowa, where he attended a /convention in the interest^, ,;$f his company, x >• The Robert tfewkiiHk family were guests in the home^f his parents the Edward JNewkirks in Woodstock Sunday,,. : | Mr. and Mrs. Robert ^PHomp"- son and Miss Maud Granger were Easter guests in the Harry Alexander home in Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whiting of Lake Geneva, Wis. and son Richard and family Of Mil* waykee, Wis., visited relatives here Easter. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Grever w^re Easter gUestK W thelWfne of her/ sistei-, Jfars. Waiter Haufe ^^eenah, Wis. ; v. Mr.; ana Mrs. Frank Krause of Barrlngton and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Weindoi'f of ties Plaines were recent Visitors in the Fred Bienapfl home. Miss Marie Paprocki spipnt the Easier holiday at her hom6 in Chicago. Patti MUler was home irom Champaign to spend; the weekend with her .parents, M^. and MrSyjRoy Millar., ; Mri and Mrs; Hiim^r Ijeike and of JLibertyville, vvere Sunday visitors in the home of her parents, fMr. and Mrs. William Wissell. . : ^ ~ itay Kirk returned to Champaign Monday after spending the Easter weekend With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kirk. , •ijirjiv.;'- Mi4.' Trynn Sr^lttt df Rockton were Easter guests in the home ol her parents, Mr." and Mrs. Martin Conway. Mr. and,^!S« Frank Palmes visited in the home of Mrs. Regina Kleitseh and Mrs. Margaret Palmer in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller entertained at a family gathering at their home on Waukegan street Sunday. Guests were Mrs. John* Purvey arid children 0 l(??yai$i ^Lake, the William ' Mhrgafi' family of Elkhorn, Wis.; the, Gerald Miller and Robert Becker families bf McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hay and children Judy and Kareri visited Relatives in Tennessee this week.-* * • Mr. and Mrs. William Altboff have-been vacationing in the home of their daughter in California. jjfrl^ ariMrs. Paul Brefeld, daughter Gail and son, Rich- Thuraday, WATCH GLADSTONE'S 20th imt, MUtt 100% Safety WITH CLEANERS Complete Protection Against Moths, Theft or Any Other Damage Until You Need Them Again. f. • ' The sooner your locked in our modern stdrage ' Vaults, the better. Just one serious attack by moths could cost you far more than the modest cost of ;Our complete service which includes expert cleaning and glazing as well as storage . . . full insurance against loss by fire, theft or damage from any cause. A bonded messenger will call for your-furs arid return them when they're needed again. Call us TODAY. ard, spent the Easter weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brefeld and teon in Fort Worth, Tte; - i . ' Mr. and Mrs. Richard sesiholm, Pamela and BiUie o| Chicago were faster guests in the Arthur; Edstrom homie. y Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lockw6od, Nancy and. G^y visited' iii the LaVerhe Lockwbod- home in Lake Geneva and the Miss Amanda Behrens home in Woodstock Sunday. - J Ronnie Howard and Boh Trendler iare attending a motor school in Bpaver Dam, Wis. f o r t w o w e e k S i : . ; ? v ? Mrs. Mayme Justen spent; at few days thisr week in the home of her son,. Gfeorge. ahd family in Waukegan. r< . Miss Mary Schrtiitt, Mr. and Mrs. Fr^nk Freund and. Mr. and Mrs. Bob. Green were Easter guests iij' the Elmer lyfilier home in New Lennox/Ill. • • Mr. and: Mrs.. William Wissell and sdn, 3D|^k visited in .the Charles Wissell „and J^mes Wissell homes in Alden the last of the week. Miss Carol Ertgh (of Alveyno College, Milwaukee, Wis;, is spending the week with heir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Engh. • ^ . Dick Wissell and Bob" Smelzer returned to th€ir Studies at Champaign Monday after spending the Easter vacation at their homes here* ' • Marion, Jean, Clarice aind Gerald Blake spent the Easter weekend in the home of their sister Mrs. Elaine Horstman in Fort Jennings, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Martin and daughters visited in the Frank Martin home in Munde> lein Saturday evening. ; Mrs. William L,mgei^elt^ son Jimmie visited her sister, Mrs. Allan Brenner and-new son in Chica&o Wednesday.^ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kline are visiting v in Berwyn this week. > " MrS. Maisie Fairfchild of Grand Rapids, Mich.; is spending a few weeks in the £>avi'd Fairchild home. Mr. and Mrs. John Wolowic and sons of Druce Lake, were ainher guests in the home of her, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lep Blake, Easter. , \ , Mr. and Mrs, Nick M. Justen, daughter, Ciarene; Greta, Garla and Marta Martih visited the former's . daughter, Sister Nicele, at H6ly Redeemer sdhool in" Milwaukee Monday. Mr. arid,; Mrs. Anthony Capi^ elK of Lombard; were Easter guests', in 4 the. Henry Stilling home.'" V . j!:' '• Dinner guests , .in M. Justen horp.e Easter were the Elmer Justen family and Patsy Watts of Solon; the Joseph Justen family of Rich* mohd and the Carl Martin family of McHenry. . : Card ' of Thanks I would like; to thank all those who remembered me with cards, flowets, gifts and prayers during my recent illness. Your rthoughtfulness was greatly appreciated. Mrs. ;-John Thompson J'1 ^9 W1CAD WANT AD8! Maxi soi|; hos* Mi- and" jMrs. Kenneth Pop| of Ringwood are theAi parents of a son, born April 4 at Menii orial hospital, Woodstock. 4r ^. A son was born April 3 at Memorial hospit&Fvto Mr. and Min^ Fi-anr Alderibrocac. ' Mr. and Mrs. Rcijfer son are the parents born April .1 at Meni . • A boy waf bom ^t hospital';' Ap^JI S37 tg|. „ : Mrs.; Frederick 1 y aimSfe . Mr: and Mrs. R^bert^ Decker are the parents of a 10 lb. eWk. boy, born at St. Joseph's has^ pital, Elgin,, April 7. The Deckers have two other boys. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence W. Haug of Mount'; Prospect, formerly of Wond*?r Lake, are the parents of theh* second child, Michael Laurence^ born March 24 at Resurrection hospittd. Michael has a sister, Diane, 2 Ms yea rs old. The bafiv's grandparents are Mr. and Al Gosse of Richmond and %Mr. and Mrs. Waited .of Mc- Henry. . • • ^ V • Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jackson of Woodstock are the parents of their first bahy, :a girl, born March 3f0. Mrs. Jackson is the former Adeline Colbeck of McHenry, • ^,S0n was. bprn; A|),%;7 at jMerporial hokpital; JrPQwt<gk, to s Mr. and iirs. wnliafn Tl Tonyan. t - d . i - »•>;: \ I j i BE READY FOR . r i n e f ^ wni . . > • ti?t our expert hair stylists design ;and ;co^it!i|fr^ your hair to look its loveliest for the mdn^ happy times ahead. ! . . • TUESBAY &. WEDNESDAY ONlaY Helen* Curito SPTCIM- V | LIMITED OFFER i * X- r ' • '3'v 7^0 ONLY $2.65 Regular $3.75 Value ^ Shampoo ft Set 14 flic, can Spray Net Open Tues., Thnra., and FrI. Evenings HI ® • YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS ^ SR,iverstJe $$airstyli%g oJluJto 126 N. RIVerslde Drive Ph^ne 147 MeHepry, Ul. I ft I MddKNKY, ILLINblS SAVE 10% Cash 'n Carry RAINBOW CLEANERS 100 N. FRONT STREET -- licHENRY PHONE 927 for Pickup Service Just North of National's Parking Lot Alwayfe Plenty 61 free Parking at RaitiBow Drlvd-In OPEN DAILY -- ^ A.M. to 6 P.M. :-- Fridays ^ jjn ^ in rewards of These young people know that systematic savifig makes the difference between wishing and having! Their plans for the future are BIG ... and they're DOING something about them. Every week, they check into this bank with their savings. Every depbsit a fhilestofie on the road that wiU-t&e them where they want to go, get them what th^y \^^nt' to have. If you too have BIG plans, why not join this line? •rats McHENRY mrnm STATE BANK Interest Paid On Saving Deposits PHONE 1040 MEMBER .... FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM -- FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. ^

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