I' " "h-T.-' - st the McHranrir piAitfDpAiJair Spring Grove 1 CONVENTION AT ROCKFOTOHa# FOR CATHOLICS fcy Mrs. Charles Freimd p;--. . Visit;, te" RocMtord ; Mr. and Mrs. William Shotliff and Mrs. Alice Wagner visited Mr. and Mrs. A1 Harrison in Rpckfoird on Sunday;;>5 tie Christian Family move- X>^nt of the Rockford diocese will hold its first convention at St,! Patrick's school in Bockford on-Sunday, May 4. Registration at 11:30 a jh„ convention opens at , 12:30 p.m. and closes at 6 pan. Principal speaker will be Monsignor William * J. Quinn, diocesan cl*^]ain of . CFM of Chicago. Air Catholic couples who are not members of CFM are also welcome to attend this convention. The theme of the convention is "We need to talk, to'listen and to pray. We need to - share our troubles and our hopes". Anyone desiring more information about the convention may contact Mr. and Mrs. Robert Amore of Solon Mills. P4pie Richmond 4164. Visitors K Guests in the Fred May home on Sunday were Miss Marie Dbinlein of Chicago, Peter May of Peru, Ind. and his fiancee, Miss Janan Miller of Pell Lake, Wis , Frank Anderson of Cicero and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Diebold and daughter, Marilyn Of Grayslake. Eastwood Manor SKEHYflN. " is HTHNiir SIMHttWG I if- ' IW. Happy Birthday to little Betty May who was three on April 15. Four little girls came to her home to help celebrate and to enjoy cake and ice Cream, they were Cathy Sanders, Mary Ellen Miller, Debbie Jessie and Mary Lynn Freulid. • Shower Mrs. Fred May and Mrs. Deinlein attended a shower for Miss Janan Miller in Pell Lake on Tuesday. Miss Miller Will become the bride of. Peter May oh May 10. |y F«nr Garrelts Mary Elizabeth Sheehy was bitten by a dog last w e ek while on an errand at lunch time for her mother. She was on Richmond road near the stop light and Rt. 120 when the strange dog from Cooney Heights bit her. Mary Elisabeth was taken to the McHenry hospital foe- a tetanus shot and treatment of the wounds. A rdog was picked up and could not be identified by tfie child. If the dog is found and proves rabid, she will have to urtHergo many painful shots, which we all hope is not the case. "THERE OUGHT TO BE A LAW." • Frank May Dies Our heartfelt sympathy is expended to the bereaved family of Frank May who passed away on "April 12 after an illness of four years. The deceased- was born at Johnsburg Sept. 2, 1886 and spent his entire lifetime in this area. For thirty ye®«? he was a member of the HJcHenry County Board of Supervisors representing Burton township. He served as trustee ojv the Spring Grove tillage board for many years. Surviving are the wife, Mathilda; three sons, Arnold and Frjank of Richmond and Eugene of Spring Grove; a daughter Lorraine Freund of Johnsbiur; one sister, Mrs. Emma Hergott of East Troy, Wis. and teA grandchildren. Funeral services were held at. St. Peter's chufch on Wednesday morning at ten. Pall bearers were Gerald Hergott, Donald Kattner, Anton Meyer, Gerald S ch m i t t, Stanley Schmitt and William Kattner. Interment was in St. Peter's* cemetery. Christian Mother Meeting Members of the Christian Mother sodality met at St. Peter's parish hall, on Thursday night. There was an announcement that there would be a NCCW meeting^at Crystal Lake on Wednesday night, April 23. Arrangements were made for a pot luck Supper to beheld at the May meeting. Election" of officers was held and new officers are Mrs. Agnes May as vice-president and Mrs. Dolores May as treasurer. After the meeting cards and bunco were played and there was also a game of ping pong. Prizes went to Mrs. Donald Wagner, Mrs. Paul Kabot in bunco, Mrs. Charles Freund, Mrs. Ben May and Mrs. Albert Warper in five nundred and Mrs. Walter Wrubleski in ping pong. Refreshments were served. Birthday Celebration Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Parfrey entertained at a buffet supper near Volo, where they are now living, on Thursday night. The party was in honor of their birthdays. Mr. Parfrey's being on April 16 and Mrs. Parfrey's on April 17. Guests were Dr. and Mrs. Earf Young, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Aelbling, Mr. and Mrs. John Edmonds, Mr., and Mrs. William Shotliff, Mrs. Alice Wagner, Miss Ellen Baker, Miss Joanne Rulein and Mrs. Phil Parfiiey. Owners Mfclt The regular, monthly meeting of the Eastwood Manor Property Owners association was held last Friday, but due to my* early deadline the results of that meeting will be in next week's issue. Thank You Brownie Troop 51$ of Spring Grove recently received an American flag from Richmond A m e r i c a n L e g i o n P o s t f o r which they wish to extend their sincere thanks. The troop has eighteen girls and was formed last September. Coolde Sale , The Girl Scouts and Brownies are selling cookies and will be for two more weeks. They will appreciate your purchases as it helps their fund. Ushers Meet v Father Daleiden • and the ushers of St. Peter's met at the home of Gregory Kattner on Tuesday night. Arrangements were made for a banquet which will be held sometime in the near future. There was also cards and refreshments. It's A Girl On April 12 at 9:40 p.m. little Miss Debra Lynn Olson put in her appearance at Woodstock Memorial hospital. She weighed in at 7 lbs. 9^4 oz. Needless to say mother Toni, Daddy Jim, and two sisters, Mary Ann and Nancy were very glad to meet the new member of their family. The girls greeted Toni and baby on their arrival nome and the two sisters have invited all the kids in the neigh- Otto Buenzli* Mr. and Mrs. Gene Miller, Lisa and Philip of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. James .Jamrock, Linda and Mary and Mrs. Mary Anderson and Miss Penny Anderson of Chicago. borhood to see Jheir new ba Congratulations^ jto' .the Q1 family. .>• \" This and That The Len Lawrences and the Bob Kelloges spent the-past weekend in Rockford^ just to get away from it all. Bill Moore has been on two weeks' vacation and has spent the time beautifying his yard and home. The Davis family moved from. Manor Lane last Friday. Janet and Kathy have'gone to Memphis, Tenn., while Jim will further his college education. Jim is in Chicago Until June. The Fred Mullers have rented the Davis home and they moved in last week. Welcome to Eastwood Manor, folks. John and Carol Ha^es had company dropping in all day last Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Wresch and Mr. and Mrs. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Letwenko all from Chicago spent the day at the Hayes' home. The Tom Birminghams attended the wedding of , Tom's niece last Saturday in Chicago. Betty Radner 'had lunch wjth an old school chum of hers in Chicago last Tuesday. The Stuarts, Olsons, and McAllisters all' sprouted big tall Chinese Elms over night last week. They really look nice and I guess we all know where to gather when the hot sunny days come along. ^ Three of the girls, Winnie Hansen, Delcfres Lawrence and Betty Radner gathered at Pat, Kellogge's to celebrate Pat's birthday with cake and coffee last Wednesday. ^ Tim McCormack' celdbfated his fifteenth birthday 'on the fifteenth. Also Timmy Carey was 4 years old on the,twelfth. Belated greetings fellows. • » Brian Hansen will be 1 year old on April 29. Happy'^birthday young man. ... 36, a year ago. They came from Dalton, Georgia, thr$e years ago. Lonnie is an operator adjustor in Melrose Park and drives in to work every day. They enjoy bowling and doing things with the children- Sick Hit Margaret Pickett , and daughter, Debbie, have been in all week with a left oyer flu and cold germ. Rita Sitjipson is at home and doing just fine, since her operation. Walt Garrelts had a slight eye injury last week but the bloodshot look is fast getting better. We hope everyone will be in the blown df health to get out. real soon to enjoy our beautiful weather. Phone the news to 2101. Remember registration for kindergarten classes in Mo- Hpnry is May 2. A Let's Get Acquainted with the Campbell family, Lonpie and Lena live at 102 Country Lane • with their two daughters, Shirley 5 years and Pamela 2 years old. They moved to Eastwood Manor April Christening Hie infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Benzli was christened Robert George at St Patrick's church- on Sunday, April 131 Sponsors for the baby were Ronald May and Miriam Miller. The baby was christened in the dress worn by his grandmother over fifty years ago. A dinner was held at the home of the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George A. May near Ringwood. Guests were the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. ^ i ^ w •» v ^ 1 * s SAVE MONEY! AVOID WASTE! READY-MIX CONCRETE RADIO DISPATCHED' McHenry Beady Mix Co., Inc. 906 Front St. , I&HONE 920 McHenry, Illinois i.' v* New colors to take your breath away! New styling as fresh as Spring itself. New interiors that set the fashion! If you're; looking for a real lift, Bee the new Spring Swept-Wing today. You have never seen, felt, owned anything li|ce it. LIST DAYS TO RECEIVE AID | BY ASSESSOR f > Personal property schedules have been sent to residents of McHenry township by the assessor, Lester R. Bacon, and should be filed with .him before June 1. ' ' Mr. Bacon's office is located at 203 John street and will be open each day, Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m.'to 4 p.m. during the month of April and May, for the purpose of assisting taxpayers from the township with their schedules. He will be at the Wonder Lake firehouse • from 1 to 4:30 p.m. on May 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 and at the Johnsburg public school from 1 to 4:30 p.m. on May 12, 13, 14, 15 and ,16. If the time and places listed above are not convenient,, or if there are questions, Mr. Bacon will be happy to assist if he is called at his home. The assessor informs us that the most important items on individual personal property schedules are the following: No. "1, automobiles; No. 2, trucks, busses and trailers; N6^ 7, household furniture and furnishings; No. 15, boats or airplanes. TRAFFIC FATALITIES Traffic fatalities on Illinois streets and highways decreased 19 per cent in the first quarter of this year under the comparable period in 1957. A Totals for the three-month period, based on reports from the Division of Highways and Division of Traffic Safety, are 390 for 1958 and 484 for 1957. The reduction in fatalities began with the month of July 1957 when Gov. William G. Stratton's safety program be^ came effective. - 1 ,* ' "c • , > DISEASE IN CATTLE • Union became the 53rd Illinois county to join the war on bovine brucellosis in cattle. The state Department of Agriculture announced it has certified Uijion county to put into use ' the compulsory test and ^ slaughter plan for eradicating the disease. FREE PUBLIC LECTURE "Hbw CHRISTIAN SCIENCE BRINGS SECURITY AND PEACE" By J. HAMILTON LEWIS, C.S., of CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE. Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in'Boston, Massachusetts. WOODSTOCK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corner Calhoun & Tryon Streets 1 , Woodstock, 111. SUNDAY AFTERNOON. APRIL 27lh at 3:00(d.s.t.) o'clock Sponsored -by v . F|rst Church of Christ, Scientist, Woodstock Hi. ALL ARE WELCOME NEV^SPRED SATIN I with all th« advantages that mad* SPRID SATIN famoui • So Mty I* apply • Mm hi SO mlnvtof • N* wnplMMiilWw • TmcK-um 4«ii1 alnw • N* bmhmarkt • II* Hilnnart H bwy • with water • Mtil tolort nvw la «M Mi • WMhrtaiirft wMhlng, 'icrubblna PLUS thasa 3 naw advantage* • Lovely low-thom flnUh o for woodwork o Porfoct for kHckont. f AVI ON $|79 QUARTS, TOO In my MWjL mmhshtt^eohs fatMoocfawk -PURPOSE ALKYD ENAMEL NSW easy way to select colon WMk 04M4m'i m "ArowU Mm Clodi wNk Color" book yoo •hooM do--rolor color tdnmos Nw way yow telMmo. Takol Km Mystery awl af coordinating colon, hWci, floor covaringt. your SMtiD Satin dials* wiu lmnd it rot HOMf (ISI. A COMPLETE LINE OF Painting Supplies CHOOSE FROM A NEW COMPLETE LINE OF GAY Springtime C^oiord /• •M MW LOCATION IS «AfY TO S01 E. PEARL ST. A. S. 9LAKE MOTOR PHONE 16$ OUR COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH ANY BUILDING PROBLEM ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ALEXANDER LUMBER (0. * "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 -- South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois * PHONE 1424 • •% "ALWAYS FIRST ... SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS" * « tljL. JS,: .-.I:.'...... • V. L