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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 May 1958, p. 8

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BgMllI; THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER rnrsday, May 1, 19581 Richmond Community REV. R. NOYCE RESIGNS HE PASTORATE by Phyllis Carlson . Rev. Ralph B. Noyce, pastor of the Community church, has , presented his resignation as p a s t o r t o t h e c h u r c h . T h i s m o n t h c o m p l e t e s f i v e y e a r ? that Mr. Noyce has been in Richmond. Present, plans are t h a t t h e J o y c e s w i l l l e a v e Richmond about July 1 to retire. During Mr. Noyce's pastorate Sunday school enrollment has increased so largely that the. church is now well along in building a Christian Education addition. Couples Club. i: another, addition to the fellowship groups in the church AnXadditlunal _vvomen's group, now In its soconc^year, is thr Friendly Service" Group. The Noyces say they havr e n j o y e d r e s ; d e n c e h e r e , a n d of . Pastor Carlson. Pastor Carlson underwent surgery at Mayo's recently. The good wishes of the community are with him and his family. The Senior Youth Fellowship met on April 27. Dr. Bertha Shafer continued discussion of the topic "Dating, Courtship, and Engagement," which was begun at the last meeting. The Junior Youth Fellowship met at the Community church last week. Bob Brunswick showed pictures which le took while in Korea and Japan. The Christian Service G r o u p o f t h e C o m m u n i t y ?hurch met yesterday at the home of Mrs. Marshall Prouty. Hie Couples Club went on i bowling party last Saturday evening. The Club has decided 'o hold a Pancake Supper on May 1. The proceeds will be ^resented to the building fund. The Sunday School addition to the Richmond Communtiy church is now ready for plastering, and bids are being received for this work by the church board of trustees. don't relish leaving so many Now completely enclosed, the good friends. But however structure has progressed c9nlovely things are, in his words j siderably in recent weeks. Thr "You can't stop the calendar." I wiring is well on its way to ! . ! completion, and the cement School Board Elections T h o s e e l e c t e d t o a t h r e e year term on the high school board at the recent election were Owen Richardson. James \V. Brown and Lyle Mecklen burg. At its organization meeting Owen Richardson w a« elected president of the board, i DrJ J. F. Harris continues to ; serve as secretary. floor has been poured. The L O Y A L S, young idult grouD of Grace church met on April <25. Mr. and Mrs. DuWayne Sheldon were in ?harge of .the program and refreshments. Musin' & Meanderin' (Continued from page 1) he would be as good as new to resume his many activities. Otto obeyed orders, but his singing friends were mighty happy to have him "sit in" on one of their last rehearsals Monday night, offering a little criticism and a great amount of encouragement for their forthcoming program. Art Henschel walked into the office Monday, sporting the start of a beautiful beard. Our curiosity was satisfied when he explained it was all in the interest of Old Settlers' Day next summer, to be known more formally as Fiesta Day. He has even talked several of his friends into encouraging similar growths at the ehin- Hne. K.A.F. BOARD TO ACT ON WONDER LAKE RE-ZONING CASE (Continued from page 1) Rotary Carl Grant, president, was n charge of the program last Elected to the grade school j week. He gave an excellent board were Mrs. Marvin Arse-1 report ^concerning the recent nau and Jerry Brunswick Frank Zarnsdorff was elected president of the board. Home Bureau The Evening Home Bureau met at the" home of Mrs. Marshall Prouty. The assistant home, advisor, Mrs. Pliss, gavej the lesson on "Your Hat. Your Hair and Your Neckline." 4-H News Approximately thirty 4-H clubs participated in the annual share the fun competition last week at Woodstock. The Community Clovers of Richmond were one of the ten clubs chosen to go to the rally at Woodstock on April 26. At that time three clubs will br chosen to go to the district meeting. The theme of the Community Clovers skit was "A National 4-H Dream." All thirty club members participated. l'stric^ conference at Aurora. Those who represented Rich-1 mond at the conference were: j Claud Gordon, Frank Bergsma, i Frank Buchert, Pete Ehorn! and Carl Grant. The wives of j these men also attended and I particularly enjoyed the fash- j on show and tea. ! Ladies Night will be held j on May 3 at Nippewsink Man- j or. | Cub Scouts Monday, April 14, the Cub Scout Pack meeting was held at the high school. Seven of the Cubs, vho are leaving to join the Boy Scouts, were presented with Boy Scout handbooks. They were: Leo Blackman, Curtiss Borre, Kenny! Fiedler, Donnie Harris, Frank Hora, Leon VanEvery and Richard Winn. . Frank Hora was presented w i t h h i s W e b e l o s b a d g e , t h e highest award in Cubbing. He is the first boy in the troop to receive his Webelos badge. David Carlson received his Lion badge. Several of thr newest Cubs received their Wolf badges, | Den 5 had the opening, Den If had the closing and sang a farewell song to the Cubs leaving for the adventure into Boy Scouts. Den 3 served refreshments. Den 6 had a> skit ready, but had to postpone it unti' the May Pack meeting for there was not space available £pr it. Plans are underway for ;> Webelos den. In order to join the Webelos den a boy must have his Lion badge and b( fit least 10V? years of age. •{h Church News •'Alan Dale, active church )ftyman from Beloit, preached the sermon at Grace church oh April 27 in the absence Brrthdays Wanda Todd celebrated her birthday on April 15 and Frank Hoffman on April 19. T h e n i n e t e e n t h w a s a l s o t h e birthday of Richard Ahrens. D e n n i s L i n d a n d W e s l e y Smith both had a birthday in the twentieth. Happy birthday also to Mitch Adams on the twenty-first, Joe Popelka on the twenty-second and Sue Harsha and Jack Freund on the twenty-fourth. Maddens Move Mr. and Mrs. George Madden and daughter, Patty, have moved from their home in Richmond. They are now livng on the Northern Pump Farms where Mr. Madden is employed. Hospitalized John Pearce is confined in Sherman hospital at Elgin. We wish him a speedy recovery. New Residents Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bower md sons have mov»»d to Richmond recently. They will be living in their new home across from the Community church. The community welcomes you! Vacation Time Roy Todd is enjoying a little time off from his mail route. We hope he has a good rest, bet he is working in his garden. the petitioners, in addition to Widoff and Chester Howe, who sold the original farm land to Widoff, and who owns farm land across the blacktop road from the • Wonderview units. Howe said he had no objection to the re-zoning, as did two Wonderview residents, Clarence Wilhelm artd Dale Hargrove, who testified that business in Wonderview would be beneficial to them. Both witnesses said they had never spoken to Widoff or his attorney about the re-zoning. An attorney summed up for the petitioner that most of the Wonder Lake subdivisions had property zoned for business -•nd that the petition was for community business which was very limited, He asked for <the alternate east 4 lots in the south 4 blocks, if not all the lots fronting the blacktop. He said the properties adja- "ent to Wonderview No. 2 had no objection, thece being Howe and Adam Mo 11 a g e e. who bought the 10 acres of land from Howe a ,vear atro. This land is in a narrow strip run-, ning the length of the Wooded Shores - Wonderview abutment. C. P. Christiansen, former owner for the Shore Hills food shop from 1945 to X952, testified that he had ooerated his business at a profit. He also testified that he went out of "business because he found working from 7 am. to 7 pm «?ev»n days a week too much work. Witnesses Will'am T. Born, chairman of the Wooded Shores hoard and a twenty-year' resident, Dr. Edward Morin, eighteen years a resident of the same subdivision, and Mrs. Mice Wagner, also of Wooded Shores, were called, all testifying that in their opinion the rezoning would depress value of their property and increase the traffic hazard, and that there was plenty of business in Wonder Lake at the present. A recommendation will now be made to the county board, which will take action at the next meeting. FOURTH ANNUAL WCOF CONFERENCE BRINGS CROWD (Continued from page 1) nee Freund, Constance Catganzoro, Joan May, Ruth Ann Phannenstill, Roberta Francisco, Mary Kuna 'and Lorraine Hamil. Marie Oeffling of Johnsburg was elected president of tha association for 1959, succeeding l&rg. Buss. Hostess Courts Johnsburg and McHenry are to be hostess courts to the fifth annual conference in Johnsburg next spring. It was announced that the joint picnic of the diocese will be heid at Garfield Park in Aurora June 18, 1958. Juvenile Forester day will be in August, with pians tp be made by individual courts. j High Chief Ranger Mary Mc- ; Cullough presented a special | ribbon and gift to Darleme Schaefer as the 500th member j ftf St. Clara's court. No. 659, | McHenry. Officers then pre- •j sided over a question and ansj wer period at the close of the i conference. The purpose of the association is to promote Catholic ac- ! tion and 1 Forester principles and to bring about more social activities among the various courts. Wed In April Wives regard husbands as some kind of perpetual motion that takes care of everything. G Who Said Taxis Are A Luxury? Add the cost of cleaning this man's rain-soaked clothcs and you'll agree door-to-door taxi actually saves money. A cab can help in a hundred different ways. When you need one. Radio Dispatched McHENRY CAB PHONE 723 NEW STYLES IN S> SUN GLASSES Be smart in the "Stroller", one of our glamorous new Ray-Baa styles by Bausch 6t Lomb Ray-Ban lenses are optically perfect for your outdoor activities, ground-and-polished-to-curvc to give you cool vision hour after hour. Come and see them at BOLGER'S Worwick Studio Photo THE DAVID KENTS Misi Karen Olson of Mineral Springs became the bride of David Kent of McHenry in a ceremony. which took place in St. Mary's Catholic church April 19. ANNUAL KIWANIS MERIT AWARD DINNER MAY 3 (Continued from page 1) girl who, while attaining good grades on their own, have been helpful and consideratee in their relations with their classmates and who obviously are developing traits of character that will present for good citizens of the future. On the program will be the "Magical Wurtzels,' 'who also entertained last year, but will present a new and different act. They are billed as presenting "MAGIC IN THE MODERN MANNER." The Wurtzels have just returned after spending six weeks on the. West Coast and the Hawaiian Islands where they enjoyed a combination business and vacation, presenting some magical programs both on the coast and on the islands. May 3 is the deadline foi? registration for dinner tickets; Persons wishing to obtain tickets or reserve tickets, please contact the chairmen Liebnard Freund, of the Township club or Edward Guettler, - bf the McHenry club. . • FACES THEFT GHARGE A theft which occurred in 1957 was cleared up w^th th# arrest of- William Sejiwardt, 41, of Milwaukee, Wig;, by Police Chief Joseph Grobel. Schwardt is charged with taking $200 worth of personal property from Don Hoenes of McHenry. He is in the county jail under $200 bond on order of a police Magistrate. May 5 Ladies' 4 Night Banquet -- Community" Club -- 7:15 p.m. May 8 Style Show--Wing and Fin Lodge-^ Sponsored by Woman's j Auxiliary, McHenry Hospital. J May 9 Woman's Club Luncheon • Meeting--Legion Hoifie--1 p.m. j May 12 C. D. of A. Mother's Day i Banquet -- McHenry Country | Club. May 13 Woman's Auxiliary of McHenry Hospital Semi-Annual Meeting -- Community Methodist church. McHenry Hospital Auxiliary Board Meeting -- 10 a.m. •-- Community Methodist Church. May 14 "Missouri Traveler" Movie-- McHenry Theatre -- 8 p.m. -- Sponsored by Friendship Guild of Zion Lutheran Church. May 17-18 McHenry Choral Club Spring Program--High School Auditorium-- 8:15 p.m. JV May 18 Children's Style Show -- SporaWed by Wonder Lake Legion Auxiliary. May 20 , Riverview Camp, R. N. A., Card Party -- 8 p.m. ^-- K. of C. hall. R.N.A. Public Card Party-- K. o? C. Hall--8 p.m. Card Party -- Sponsored by RiyervieW Valley Gamp, R.N.A. --K. of C. Hall--8 p.m. >Iay 25 High School Music Festival --Boys' Gymnasium--8:15 p.m. MOTHERS HONORED Mothers of University of Illinois students will be honored this weekend, May 2, 3, and 4, according to Mrs. C. O'- Rourke, county chairman for the Mothers'.association in McHenry county. For better results shop In McHenry. GLADSTONE'S 103 S. Green St. DRUGS PHONE McHENRY 40 McHenry It's lightly padded to ac-cen-tu-ate the positive! CIRCLE-O-FORM by It's all yours... a delight of a figure with the curve-adding padding in this Cirde-O-Form. Four-section cups are circlestitched to round you.. .padded to add the proportions for a new you. The center elastic insert lett you breathe easy { .. gives you comforting freedom. Style 4472, pur* white broadcloth. A cup 32-36; B cup 32-38 $250 \ GLADSTONE'S DEPT. STORE PHON^! 182 203 8. Green St, McHenry, IU. DELEGATES ATTEND 24th CONVENTION- • OP C.D. OF A. f; Madeline Mavfield, grand regent, and Helen Smith, historian, of the local Catholic Daughters of America court, attended the twenty-fourth bienniel convention in Aurora April 25, 26 and 27. During the convention, new state officers were named as follows: Eleanor Quinn, regent; Polly Lenneart, vice-regent; Lucille Dooley, secretary; Catherine Weegman, treasurer; and Jerry Johnson, monitor, Mrs. Quinn, Mrs. Cecelia Fox, the present state regent and Loretta Lane, secretary, will be present at the Mother's Day banquet in McHenry J on May 12. : In addition to the state officers present at last weekend's convention, Mrs. Maher, supreme regent of the nation, was in Vttendance. Wed April 12 Bnoal Pair Worwick Studio Photo Worwick Studio ^Photo THE LARRY EKEROTHS Miss Agnes Land of Chicago became the bride of Mr. Larry Ekeroth of McHenry in a nuptial rite solemnized on the afternoon of April ^12 in the Methodist church of McHenry. CARD OF THANKS We want to take this way of thanking relatives and friends for the many acts of sympathy extended at the time of our bereavement. We are especially grateful for the sympathetic services of Rt. Rev. Msgr. Nix, Fr. Reuland and Fr. Miller. Mrs. Verne Harrison and son J. C. Pearson Family Kirk Harrjson Family *52 READ THE WANT ADS MYF New: i|, ,fii ifr 4,, Senior MYF On Sunday, April 20, and Mrs. Albert Roesch gave^ the MYF a treat. Thiey told? all about their recent trip to Hawaii. They told us how and! what they ate and the differ* en't places they saw. We en-" joyed it very mUch and we're; very grateful to them for telling us about their .trip. On Sunday, April 28r we had a picnic at Wilmot pack in. Wisconsin.. W? Anita Barger,* Publicity Chairmart Lift Wortfc Uviif M MEN;, WOME* AMOFIOK 'mkt-amm- » *B| BOLGER'S PHONE 40 THE PAUL DUMFROFFS = Paul Dumproff of Union ;l^imed, Miss Betty Jane Freund of McHenry as his bride in a wedding service which took place April 14! in Sacred Heart church, .Marengo. * •Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiittiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiii McHENRY CONOCO SERVICE Two Autos "Damaged During Collision Cars driven by Mike Dojutrek of Rt. 4, McHenry, and lack T. Russell of Wonder Lake collided last week when the former struck the rear of the Russell vehicle as the latter stopped for a school bus. Both cars were eastbound. Damage to the Russell car was set at $100 and to the Dojutrek vehicle at $350. 210 E. ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. -- Special -- FREE GREASE JOB s WITH OIL CHANGE & GAS PURCHASE BRING THIS AD PHONE McHENRY 9777 s- liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiniiiiiiinuitt 3 4 f ! f CLX i i While we take care of ALL your building requirements. „ • Planning & Estimating • Proper Selection of Materials 9 The Right Contractor for Your Particular Job • Financing -- Both New Home and Remodeling McHENRY LUMBER CO. 611 Main Street McHenry, 111 PHONE McHENRY 46 an J Xee 5 DINING ROOM Opening MAY 10th CHUCK WAGON SERVED THURSDAY From 5:00 to 10:00 P.M. SUNDAY From 3:00 to 10:00 P.M. $|50 PER PERSON DINNERS SERVED -- TUES. TO SAT. FOR RESERVATIONS SUNDAY 5 TO 10 F.M. OR SPECIAL FARTIES 1 TO 10 P.M. (CLOSED MONDAYS) PHONE 841 or 9862 A) f'f m

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