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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 May 1958, p. 12

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J>»ge Twelte * sifill i*lil@'iiiiSSI / SUPPLEMENT TO THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER m mmm r: .i'.V'- 'r iivsddy Wonder Lake X-RAY MOBILE MONDAY, MAY 5 by Jane Ducey -- 2731 E'^The Chest X-ray mobile unit :'WJ coming to Wonder Lake Monday, May 5. It will be stationed at Paul's Hardware and Variety store and will be in operation from 10 a.m. tc l p.m. and again from 2 p.m. to. 5 p.m. ' Mrs. Isabelle Swanson, chairman of the Wonder Lake unit, Mrs. Betty Gabel and Mrs. Do rothy Michels will be at the s t o r e a l l d a y t o r e g i s t e r t h e . r e s i d e n t s o f t h e a r e a . O t h e r workers are Alice Murdock, Evelyn Gustafson, Inez Schimke and Iona Hood, who will be on duty from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; and Harriett McCall, Joan Gergitz and Greta Weisenberger who will work from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. school was highlighted by a talk on Arbor Day given by M r s . A l i c e C o n d r e n , c i v i c chairman of the club after which each student was presented with a tree and an Arbor Day button. The trees had 4>een previously packaged in a plastic bag with peat moss and planting instructions by the members of the cllib. M e m b e r s w h o d i s t r i b u t e d t h e trees were Mrs. W i 11 i a m Thompson, Mrs. Arthur Hoppe, president, Mrs. LeRoy McCall and Mrs. Ben Redman. Students from the role of Mrs. Gibbs in Thornton Wilder's "Our Town," a three act play to be presented by the Woodstock senior class Thursday, May 8, and Saturday, May 10. Girl Scout Camp-Out Twenty-nine Girl Scouts of the fifth and sixth grade troops took part in the camp-out at Hawthorne Hill, located two miles south of Elgin, over the weekend. Adult scouts who chaperoned the group were the Mesdames Mary Ruggero, Melother i <-ina Knackstedt, Pat Wrede, schools arrived at Harrison^ on Greta Weisenberger, Jane Setz- Christ the King Church News 'The Altar arid Rosary sodali t y w i l l s p o n s o r a F a s h i o n Show Sunday afternoon, May 4, at Mathews Hall in Wonder Center. A dessert lunch will be served at 2 p.m. followed by the Spring and Summer ^preview of many lovely clothes for women and children. Mrs. Ethel Vankanegon will be the guest commentator. The annual pot luck dinner will take place at the May 1 meeting of the sodality at the Ray Mendyk home in Indian Ridge. Bring your favorite dish and share in the dinner with •all the members. The pot luck Will be at 7:30 p.m. followed by the business meeting at 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Alice Condren iwill highlight the evening with 'a book review on the hilarious " K i d s S a y t h e D a r n d e s t Things" by Art Linkletter. All 4 h e . l a d i e s a r e i n v i t e d a n d guests are always welcome. Nativity Evangelical Lutheran Church News Sunday, May 4, the sermon topic will be, "Great Things to Come." All are welcome to the. worship services which are held at 8 and 10:45 a.m. A n u r s e r y i s p r o v i d e d a t t h e 1 0 : 4 5 s e r v i c e f o r t h e s m a l l children. Sunday School is held at 9:15 a.m. • At 3 p.m. the same day the "Women of the Church" will have a Mother and Daughter Tea to which all mothers and daughters are invited. A fine their way home in th^ir school busses and were presented with their trees. The club will conduct a tour of inspection in the spring to see the results of the planting. Executive Board Meeting The PTA executive board will meet Monday, May 5, for the last time of the year. All chairmen ai;e asked to be present to turn in the literature to pass on the next year's chairman. Also all chairmen are asked to present any bills for expense incurred at this meeting. The board will meet at 3:15 p.m. in the library at Harrison school. Wonder Lake Bible Church News May 4 will be Communion Sunnday at the Bible church and a welcome is extended to the community to attend. The Ladies Missionary Guild will meet Thursday. May 8, in the basement of the church. This will be an important meeting for in addition to election of officers the ladies will discuss the plan to abandon the evening meeting of the Guijd, except for special meetings called in the evening to complete the business at hand. Hostess for the May 8 meeting will be Mrs. Linn Loshbough, and Mrs. Richard Wright will lead the devotions. Sunday, April 27, the congregation was pleased to have as guests Mr. and Mrs. Alton Cothron, missionaries from Nonaoi, Brazil. The Cothrons, who are Mrs. Wright's Sister and brother - in - law, showed slides and gave an interesting summary of their work among the Indians in Brazil. ler and Velma Sinclair. program has been arranged for the entertainment of all. Also at this time the "Mother of the Year'* will be honored. Monday, May 5, the "Women of the Church" will go to Woodstock as guests ol the Grace Circle of Grace Lutheran church, to hear Dr. and Mrs. Nelson tell about their trip to the Holy Land and to see the slides they took of their trip. All ladies who would like to attend this meeting are to meet at Nativity at 7:30 p.m. The teachers and officers of ther Sunday School will meet Tuesday evening, May 6, at 7:30. This will be a special meeting to make plans for the 1958 vacation church school to begin June 9. All teachers and helpers who will serve on the staff are urged to attend this meeting. The Evangelism committee of the church will meet Wednesday evening, May 7, at 8. Legion Auxiliary News Wednesday. April 23, the Wonder Lake unit took its turn in providing entertainment for the residents of Elgin State hospital. The auxiliary wishes to eJrpress its special thanks--to--Roland---Hoffman^ son of Mrs. Jeanette Hoffman, who played six selections on his accordion. The ladies report that the Veterans really enjoyed Ronald's music. I.C.T.P. Golden Jubilee Scholarship Mrs. Roy E. Swanson of Wonder Center, who is assistant director of District No 26 of the Illinois Congress of P a r e n t s a n d T e a c h e r s announces Judith Ann Newton a senior of Zion-Benton Town s h i p h i g h s c h o o l , h a s b e e n named winner of the 1958 Golden^ Jubilee Scholarship of District ?6, of the I.C.P.T. New Briefs f)orothea Moore celebrated her birthday April 30 at the Vacula building, sorting and pricing items for the rummage sale to be conducted by the Wonder Woods Women's association Friday and Saturday, May 2 and 3. (A sneaky way to get in the commercial). The ladies will gladly accept any household items and good jused clothing for the sale. Wedding anniversaries are the order of the day. The Walter Deans celebrated . their twenty-first Saturday with daughter Donna by going out to dinner and a show. The show? "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." The Robert Parkers celebrated their nineteenth anniversary Tuesday with dinner and a show in the city. Fisherman Clay Kolar, son of the Kolars, pulled a -9 lb. catfish out of the lake in front of his house in Wonder Woods recently. Four budding ballerinas made their debut in a recital Sunday at the McHenry high school. They were Nancy Van- Kanegon, Francine Marke, Mary Ellen Smith and Karen Ann Pickrum. George Burns and JoAnn Feyerer, t>oth age 8, won fifth place in the Easter coloring contest for their age group, conducted by a Chicago newspaper out of 35,000 contestants. What a j|b of judging that must be! Dell Tallman sends greetings from Atlantic City where she attended the convention of the League of Women Voters as a delegate of the Ft. Worth, Texas unit of which she is president. She reports that Jack is still at Texas A & M and Sue has slimmed down to a beautiful girl. The sequal to the Redman fish story was brought about to the chapel and also a cryroom, wash rooms, secretary's room, and beginners Sunday School clasSrodm on the hiain floor. There is also a stairway leading to the second floor on which is the pastor's study and two accessable Sunday School classrooms., There are front and rear stairways leading to the lower floor on which is located three Sunday School primary classrooms, the Fellowship HaU and the kitchen. Remodeling of the building started Oct. 20, 1957. Facilities in the old church building were crowded with morning worship service conducted in the living room and Sunday School classes held in the bedrdoms, kitchen and basement, including the furnace room. The history of the church began in 1945 when tl]e home of Mr. and Mrs. Ness was opened to an interested group of persons to start Sunday School Bible instruction. At that time there was no other church in Wonder Lake. The venture was rather slow to grow but is was not too long before the Rev. F. W. Anderson was contacted to sierve the community at the Gospel center, as it was then called. After residing at /the Lake and serving the community and church for seven years, Rev. Anderson was forced to retire as pastor because of a very urgent eye operation. At this time, July 1, 1955, Rev.. Richard N. Wright was called to be the pastor. The crowded condition of the church building was very evident and on many occasions it was necessary to rent larger accommodations to conduct special services. Since Rev. Wright has been serving the church the attendance has continued to grow until remodeling of the building was demanding. Action started with the purchase of a parsonage in April, 1957. The Nelson home on Mohawk Drive, Indian Ridge, was dedicated as a parsonage in ceremonies conducted July 7, 1957. A total attendance of 600 persons took part in the dedication services of the church held Sunday, March 23. Village of Sunnyside ... TO BE ERECTED IN VILLAGE by Lillian Niemlec McHenry 2778 Culligan Water Softner has received the appointment to condition all water jjrfc; the American pavilion at the BrU|- oyerthe^eekendwhen^Ben^lseis^woridFairHt-waslearned Wonder Lake Girls In The News Lynn Wilkinson, daughter of the Howard Wilkinsons, has been chosen by the Legion auxiliary to attend Girls State to be held at MacMurray college, Jacksonville, this year. Lynn is a Junior at McHenry high school. In this mythical state created by the Legion auxiliary, the girls learn the structure of government and formation of political parties, up to the state level. Jane Ann Wrede, daughter of the Gail Wredes, was elected to the G.A.A. board of the Woodstock Community high school Monday night. She will serve as social chairman of the G.A.A. for the coming year. J'ann was also awarded her "W" at the banquet, which means she has participated in twelve sports. She is a sophomore at Woodstock high. Judy Odeen, daughter of the Bernard Odeens, will play the brother,Mr. and Mrs. Marion Redman of Chicago, wefe guests of the B. R. Redmans for a fish dinner. A welcome is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon O'Connor who are moving from Chicago to become permanent residents of the Lake in their Deep Spring Woods home. Remodeled Bible Church Landscaping, exterior painting and car parking facilities are the next projects on the agenda of the Wonder Lake Bible church to further enhance the building which has the distinction of being the first church at the Lake to lave a steeple. Converted from a private dwelling, the present structure has an entrance hall leading RUPTURE-EASER r.M. B.», U.S. r*l. Oft. <A FImt Brie* Tmnl Arbor Day The Wonder Lake Garden club sponsored an Arbor Day program for the grade school students of the Lake Friday, April 25. The ladies distributed 500 pine trees to the students of Harrison, Greenwood, Westwood, St. Mary's in McHenry -and St. Mary's in Woodstock schools Friday afternoon. The program at Harrison k Jtroog, DOrt tor ti. big adjustable. m DenbU..4MI SJ95 •f Requlr foro-fltttaa -washable raplUtlble inguinal hernia. Back . Jatable. Snapa up in front. Adjustable lea strap. Bolt, flat groin pad. No steel or leather bands. For nen, women, children. HaU orders tin •easnre aronnd lowest part of wiir •en. state right, left side, doable. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Phone 40 McHenry for better homes for lowest prices SEE US HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS this week. Perry Sheneman of lOT'Peall street has joined Richardson Publications as associate? editor. The firm publishes the Dundee Review, Algonquin Township Life and the ^Cai1^ Grove News. Business & Service Directory of Wonder Lake Week-ends are the most dangerous time to be on U.S. highways. In 1957, more than 55 percent of all fatalities occurred on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. RELIEF FOR TIRED FEET ANB WEAK ARCH PAIN CRISTY and V STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES Phone Wonder Lake 5432 We have received a1 donation of six street posts from Claris ence "Mike" Gath of Mineral Springs "and six posts frorh Kurt Mauritz of Woodstock. Thd street .signs are now being painted by Mr. Valeski and will soon be ready , to be put up in our village. All this has been accomplished through the efforts of Mr. Kasperski and Mr. Tomsa, Social Club Our social club has planned to have its next meeting outdoors. It will be held at the park grounds next to the Kasperskis, the weather being permissable. We will have a barbecue and will also hav6 outdoor dancing. Fishing Derby There will be a fishing derby for the youngsters in a week or two There will be hot dogs and soda for the boys and girts, so watch for the date, arid get your poles ready/ and let s see who will catch the ^biggest crop of fish. ^ Dog and Car Tags^-^ Our village clerk, I/e%h Frite, reports that only, twenty- two dog licenses and fiftyeight vehicle tags have been purchased by pur villagers. That is a small percentage. Anyone who has a vehicle tag of 1957-58 which is only good 'till June can now get a new vehicle sticker at half price. Also Mrs. Fritz would appreciate it fa any newcomers to our village would register with her. ROTH SHOES 118 S. Green St. New Trustee Harvey Murray has been elected by the vUl3j£e,.3btjjai:dj as a 'trustee.' / Birthdays ; • Happy birthday to Judy Cios who will be 4 years old May 1. Also to Bernadette Schneider who- have a birthday May 3. "' ' V " Anniversaries Anniversary greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Casimer Kasperski, who celebrate their sixth wedding anniversary April 19, and a l s o t o t h e F r e d r i c k s w h o were married ten years April 24. May you celebrate many mOTg^ars together. ,L * S4*. ----*= : . r ;V<Ctoi Well Wishes * »' £ I near the measle liug is still busy. This time the victim was Richard Fredericks. Glad to.Jiear you ai-e i again. ' ws' «1 News Items . I would appreciate the ; cooperation of the people from Sunnyside for any n e w.s. Please phone me, Mrs. Niemiec, McHenry 2778 or Mrs. Qbstfelder, McHenry 1471-J. Claire Beauty Shoppe m 200 S. Green St. McHenry 10 Spring ~J*lou&e deanina? Come In and Relax with A Steam Bath and Massage 4 WE FEATURE • Patricia Stevens Cosmetics J D-Scho/fs FLEX-FOAM ARCH An extremety lightweight Qm* thsn 1 oz.) supportthat comfortably moldt to the contours of your foot Genit» ine leather top with pillow soft Latex Foam Cushlonsthat relieve tired feet, pain and callouses at ball of fool> Worn invisibly. Men's and £ n r women's sizes... PAIR •••Vlf-tf BOLGER'S Drug Store 10S S. Green St. McHenry PHONE 40 ROBERT HAY CONSTRUCTION Co. F.H.A. & V.A. FINANCING t Masonery 1#07 BUS. 1879 Home * Concrete IBONK: • Carpentry 805 E. Elm St. McHenry t• SAVE MONEY! AVOID WASTE! READY-MIX CONCRETE RADIO DISPATCHED McHenry Ready Mix Co., Inc. 606 Front St. PHONE 920 McHenry, Illinois THERE ARE MANY KINDS OF IU 1$ it _ |WINDQWS OQO on DOORS vCnaronte^d bv^s Good Hoaxekecp Patent -No*. 2864264 2564265 Other Patent* Pending. Wieco Aluminum Corporation WISCO Product* Are Belter .gives LIFETIME ALUMINUM CONTROLLED VENTILATION "ALL-POSITION" AUTOMATIC STOPS FINGER-TIP OPERATION "DRAFT-FREE PROTECTION THE ORIGINAL SELF-STORING TRIPLE TRACK EASE OF CLEANING EXPERT INSTALLATION F R E E s c 0 HOME DEMONSTRATION AND E S T I M A T E S McHENRY Call... 1424 NOW SASY PAYMENT TIRMS YOU BUY! ) tlCMMONft CiwIwHy es A COMPLETE LINE OF Painting Suppli CHOOSE FROM A NEW COMPLETE LINE OF GAY .Springtime Colors LOCATION I* IASV TO COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH ANY BUILDING PROBLEM ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31-- South of Main Street - McHenry, Illinois PHONE 1424 "ALWAYS FIHST • • • SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS" C V

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