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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 May 1958, p. 16

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' * f^{ "Vf ? v ** )V«Cl $ -» * i(-m^|W mfiffi'WHifflr ^ fr' y**K tHE McHENHY PLAINDEJUiR llmr*fay,Miy t.- ll&K' Highlands ' NKHT ORB BY • by £arla Bates And 'Hazel Morley • !v -c •V&fc'Y-:"-" - 2895-J - 640-J1 |! Tuesday night at the Com- ^munity , center was parents' •; ;liight. , Mr. Kirk, the guest • ||peakerl> showed colored 'slides ||nd spoke/- of the boy scout Jtroop world • jamboree. Floyd " f&qhnson received the charter and presented it to Scout Leader Joe Murray. Happy Birthday . to Ardith Szypelbaum who was 7 years old Saturday. She had a birthday party with seven girls and one boy as guests. Also to George Stewart who was 6 years old Monday. He also had a party with Kirk arid Mark VanZevern; Linda. Missy, Donna and Debbie Dobecki, Guy, Janice and Carol Erbini; Reed and Kevin Bales. Hie itiothers had a very good time, too. Jeff Novotny celebrated" his fourth birthday T*riday, the twenty-fifth with a party in, the afternoon. His friends Jimmy Hurckes, Cristy Peterson. Beck Zetterburg, Bobby Heilgeist. Peggy Emmerich and Reed Bales were on hand to help him celebrate. Dolly will entertain the mothers as well. hospital in California. Her daughter Linda, has been busy making and sending get well cards. • Just recuperating from"' the measles i^ Susie, Thelen and Erna Rockel.' Cletus and fiamey 'Stewart took their friends Ed and Carol Bright to the Hard Times PartM. Grflce Rl|einhart's mother, father, and brother are visiting in the Highlands. Everybody was pretty excited about the big grass fire that was burning the hill in back of their house. All their neighbors helped them put the fire out. Joyce Heir took six children to the local myovie. Those who enjoyed the trip and th^ movie were Sandra. Wayne, and Warren Heir, Linda Ullo, Dawn Misavice, and Ardith Szypel-' bmim. Reed Bales is now sporting a brand new two wheeler bicycle which we're sure will get plenty of use this summer. We're happy to hear that Mr. Schlick is home once again and is feeling fine. He is going to the doctor this Saturday far a check-up. Janice Janquart had guests for luncheon today, Dolly Medine and hef daughter. Linnea. They also belatedly celebrated little Jerry's birthday. Bill Stouvenel and his recent bride, Kay, stopped by to visit with the Bales Saturday on their way to Evanston from Dubuque, Iowa. Here and There Bob and Jean Peterson have just bought the lot next to them and have already had p?rt of it roto-tilled and have planted a garden. You lucky people! Mr. and Mrs. John Pechous' niece, Jacky Pechous of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., is in town to complete arrangements for her September wedding to Bob Klaus of Fox ^ake. Irene Beamer has been home on vacation Tor a couple of weeks. She says she sure hates to go back to work. Eddie, Marcia Cheryl and Jeffry Dowd have been staying in Chicago for the past Week. Eddie is busy decorating Marcia's mother's house. Sorry to hear Jerry Janquart hurt his back again the other evening. ' Kay Smith has been nursing a badly sprained foot. Her husb^d, Dick, reports that she still managed to hobble around enough v to attend her girl friend's wedding in MadisOn, JVis. Carla Bales was sure pleased to see two> of her school chums last week. Monday Nancy Gaijeikis of Fox Lake stopped by tWisit and have some coffee and Tuesday Phyllis Bauer of Ringwood and her three children, whom Carla hadn't seen for four years paid her a visit. It's been just like old school week around here. We are sorry to hear that ^ainice Janquart's mother has been sick, but is feeling better now. Also heard that Wanda Dpbecki's brother is sick in the Vic Rockel is back to work and feeling much better after bfeing out of work a couple of days with a bad shoulder. The little league had its first meeting at the community hall in Johnsburg. It is open to all bovs from 8 years through eighth grade. Lloyd Freund is the head coach and when the teams are formed the boys will be notified. Here are the results of the sweeper games that took place last Monday night. Women-- Arlene Fick, first Lorraine Hurckes, second Betty Warczak, third; Dot Orlowski, fourth. Men--George Neesen, first; Ed Thoren, second; Jim M c l n e r n e y , t h i r d ; C h a r l i e Samson, fourth. Jim Mclnerney was awarded a prize for the ,bowler who raised his average the most in the last season. Marilyn VanZevern-, Chuck Murgatroud and Don and Del Monte (the first place team) each received their championship patches. Congratulations to all the winners." Wayne Haylor is pome on leave Tram ~ 'Fort tednard- Wood, Mo., and will return to camp on May 2. Bob and Rose Bagley are staying 4 permanently with JMrs. Bagley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rockel. Bob was recently discharged from' Fort Sheridan and will stay here until he* gets settled and their first child arrives this summer. Ann and Kathy Mclnerney ventured to Mt. Prospect for a wedding shower for Mrs. iMcInerney's niece. They are looking forward to the wedding in May. Mr. and Mrs. Fellows are eagerly waiting for the arrival of their son, Roger. He is expected home the fifteenth of May fijom. the Naval Air base in, Maryland for a fifteen day leave. Welcome home to. Tom and Mary Corcoran who , recently enjoyed a wonderful vacation in Hot Springs, Ark. Bill Nielsen's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schreuder are in Trbm Florida and will be around till September visiting relatives here and there and all around. It's a very happy birthday to Bobby Hurckes who was 17 years old on the twenty-ninth of this month. A party was held for the grandparents and a few aunts and uncles the twenty-sixth and a surprise party was given for Bobby's little friends. Mrs. Taylor's father Lawrence Widlek will receive His pension on May 3, and' a big party is in store. He will enjoy the summer jrelaxing in this nice country air. v It is a happy birthday to Mrs. Karwicki who had a birthday the twentieth of April; Her mother and father from Chicago and her sister and three nephews from Lombard helped to make it a pleasaint day. thinking1 about when he buttered his steak instead of Jus bre$d??? ^ " What teen-ager on Thelen Drive watches Mickey Mouse everyday???* Kirk Merley, Ronnie Spankuch, Barb Schlick and Trudy were in Peoria to attend the state high school contest which consists of solo sipging, • chorus and orchestra. They had lbads of fun. How's This For A Good Deal! ^ Jack Erbin is helping George Lammert, .paint his house "Miami .green", with brown trim, and when the fellows arie through there, they are both going over to'paint Jack's house Who could, ask for more? Association Meeting Don't forget to attend the monthly meetng at the community center next Wednesday, May 7. We should be hearing about the latest advancement of the mosquito abatement. i 'Teen Clnb News The skating party was a big success. More than a dozen members turned out. They were . outnumbered by their adult ehaperones; Tom and Lois Mason; George and Marilyn Lammert, Carla and Jim Bales, Dick and Lee Conway, Eddie and Marcia Dowd, Hazel ind Dick Morley, Bob and Marilyn VanZevern, Jo and Herb Shivley, Pat and Ron Jackson, Chuck and Diana Morgatroyd, and Vi and Floyd Johnson. 4 A 'teen club meeting was held Wednesday evening to discuss plans for the party and dar.ce be held Friday. May 30. The financial statement was read ar.d suggestions were offered for new money making projects. < Softball equipment was purchased recently, and a team is being g've the men a workout throughout the summer. What girl was Bobby Beamer Mosquito Abatement Bob Heiigeist called a meeting of the mosquito abatement assistants Wednesday, April 23. He pointed out his views on setting up an efficient organization. The sprayer- was ordered April 25 and should tie here by May 10. The total cost of the sprayer, connections, noaz'.es, etc. will be around $1250. The estimated cost for each spraying of the Entire sudivision will be arourid $100 for the 5 per cent DDT solution. The subdivision has been divided into eight sections con-j sisting of approximately 100 lots each.. A "volunteer" was selected1 from each, section, who Will bo responsible to line up his working team and see that his section is taken care of. , These eight men are Ron Jackson, Don Dpbecki, Tom? Warczark, Jim Bales, Ed Dowd, Bob Jenkens, Walter Karwak and Chuck Morgatroyd. A map of the subdivision will be posted in the Community center with each section marked off and the man responsible for that territory. Be sure to check this so you can call him wh^n you see Athe six legged invaders approaching. tEach section will need an additional three men to help with: the spraying Operation. It will; take approximately six hours'to do" an efficient job in each section. It is expected that the entire subdivision will have been sprayed for mosquitos by Memorial Day. Additional sprayings will be made as each area requires* In midsummer a spraying of 2-4-D is expected to kill the weeds or at least cramp their style for the remainder-or tl^e year and will eventually eliminate theml with one spra^rig (faff that solution each sumirfi Brbwnie News , The girls turned in money from their cookf ^Wir IllUllCjr 11U141 ^.^..S^le. The sale was a big success and more cookies than ever will be ordered for next year, -<jr, - =fz DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street. McHenry |p (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED "f, ' VISUAL TRAINING --- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS f HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 5 P.Mli FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:80 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 What ,Happened! v Who would ever think thkt this could happen in our community. Some pranksters pulled two four-feet wide carriage wheels from the foundations at the entrance, of .Dan Johnsons' home ( across from the store). This took place, on Saturday, April'19. Anyone having any helpful information or knowing the whereabouts of t he wheels, . please call . Mr. Johnson. Here's One That Didn't Get Away. i Last w£ek Cletus Stewart threw her5 briit into, the water ind to her surprise hooked a big one. After calling to the Dobeeki's for help, they finally landed the fish. liie fish weighed about 5 pounds, but nobody knew, what kind of fish it was. After much research, they finally found the answer in a science book. It was a fresh water fish, and very rare. Oh, yes, it's name-- the Bowfin! Julie VanZevern had her sttyppj$ rjemw#<l from her arm 'The doctor says she is^doing' fine: Julie is a brave little girl, she didn't shed a tea n through any of it. •'Charles Sielisch came out lakfc Stipday! to see how his sister-in-law Kay was coming along. Kay and Wally were happy tp see him. Mr& HeTehi Barry, (Kay Sielisch's mother) left Thursday afternoon to go back to Michigan. Kay was very reluctant to see tier leave. Dick Madock hurt his back at work throwing around some, cases of pop and had to have heai treatments. We heai* now that, he is better. v v ; . . Marilyn and Bob Vaii ZeVetti Were guests last Saturday night of George and Darlene Neesen. Seems there was a hot card ganie. * Dick Morley's sister Helen and her family vjsited Over the w e e k-e rid. Repairing some screens for her was the chore for the day. Dot Erbin had lunph at Hazel Morley's last -Thursday. Coffee and gabbin' Went along with the lunch. - Judy Krumwiede was up to see Kay Sielisch and brought -along a nice little lilac bush. More work for Wally. T EDDIE the EDUCATOR soys School diitrlct reorganization hoc usually resulted In hotter schools for tho children--bottor curricula, hottor prepared teachors, hotter working conditions, and hotter salaries. Illinois Education Auocialion SHOP IN McHENRY LEGAL J&PSCTS OF ASSESSMENTS . ^ iLUNpis;r - : Where Taxes Are Created Local government services are divided as to function, with each embracing a fixed geographical area. This combination of function and area is known a^ a "tax district." There are 3 separate "tax districts" in McHenry County divided by functions as follows: 4 county - 17 townships - 5 cfties - 14 villages - 41 school districts -11 fire protection districts - 3 park districts - 1 hospital district. „ Each "tax district" has certain designated Services to perform for the people within its area, and operates independently from all other tax districts. The- voters within a "tax district" elect individuals to 'serve as officers, (exception: Officers of Fire Protection and Hospital Districts are appointed by the County Court). , These officers conduct the business and provide the special services within the limitations as provided by Illinois Statutes. Annually they must certify to the County Clerk the number of dollars required to carry on their specific services for the coming fiscal year. This is knowti as the "tax levy." The total cost pf local government, as determined by the more than \ 500 elected or appointed officials of the 93 tax districts, is a direct result of the public demand for services and the sum of •dollars required to satisfy these de-< mands. Automatic Softener $6.39 month SEE or CALL JOE NIMSGERN PHONE McHfiNRY 231-M suddenly it's ... and yon can lightly turn his thoughts with SPRING FANCY fragrance by PRINCE MATCHABELLI Especially for you at Springtime...a fragrance bouquet of 17 Spring flowers. Each Cologne bottle is presented in a surprise box that bursts into a brightly colored bouquet when yon open it. . The TAX BIJ.I,, which must. be borne by the property er, CAN ONLY BE C#. TROLLED AT TH& "TiOfr DISTRICT" LEVEL. Jt is th£ obligation arid duty of everst voter to make certain that theelected or appointed offidgfc of the various "tax districts"Jit Which he is involved, represcad the ntajority interests of fro people and that they conduct their business in an efficient and conservative manned. " i STAMP SHOW &fl "Hie Crystal lake stamp cl^|; and their junior auxiiiaiy aiti. nounce their third annual stamp show and philatelic .ex-' hibition Saturday, May 3, frctin 10:30 agm. to 10 p.m. and s4|>? day, "May 4th from 10:30 a.m; to 6 p.m. The show is to Jield in the gymnasium of thft" Central school, 131 PaddOClj: street. Admission and refreshments are free. Be sure to read the Pla dealer Want Ads each week. CLA\ IDEAS OF .VALUE 4 oz. Cologne $150 ' nplltuics *taa x BOLGER'S DRUGS McHENRY, ILLINOIS IF YOU KNEW THAT YOU WOULD BECOME tJNlNSUft- | ABLE THIS AFTE^OpN. .. Would you be interested having a guarantee " that yolk for your son Or grandson^ ' would be able to add to your life insurance program in the future, regardless of: ' j 1. Future healtfi v,Jn 2. Any hazardous work you | may enter in the future^. (Military service, atomic ^ energy projects, expVments) cf, , 3. Where in the world yon may be at any time in. / the future. This unique {guarantee ci^V be included with a variety ^ol Bankers Life pfans for only pennies a day extra. It, Js, available to persons age 37 and under. ^ Let me give you the interesting facts about this brand* new life insurance idea. See -or c a l l . . . C. R. "Chuck" Peterson Route 1, Box 1910, McHenry, 111. • PHONE 873 Ms nem--, <ow* tlecoM omed... CUSTOM or PACKAGE BUILT ON YOUR LOT iinest ... • MATERIALS. • WORKMANSHIP NEW TOASTMASTER® QUICK HEAT ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS # ti I GARAGES DOUBLE WALL WE OFFER THE FINEST IN ... • PLUMBING • ELECTRICAL WORK • PAINTING BEFORE YOU BUY OR PLAN TO HAVE WORK DONE SEE US K . 1 BE PLEASANTLY SURPRISED ALL * 100% FINANCED UP TO 7 YEARS TO PAY STRAIGHT BANK INTEREST -. V,' u i ... No Service Charge BEE LI BUILDING CORP. Phone Crystal Lake 918 WE SPECIALIZE IN GARAGES & FLOOR COVERINGS CUSTOM BUILDING & REMODELING NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL (Also available in count^rtop ' and under-the-counter mpdela.) Xhese new water heaters solve your f hot water problems the fast, clean, -fmtomatic electric way. - 40>GALLON CAPACITY DURABLE--Famous Life-B$lt high-wattage electric element won't ^ . u/*ooAiJtv let lime or scale form inside tank. v HIGH SPEED --40-gallon models recover more than 400 gallons of hot water a day. Plenty for big-family needs. HANDSOME, FLEXIBLE-Tank-type a?d table-top styling. , No. flue needed. Install anywhere you want... closet, kitchen, titility room, bathroom, under counter, in basement. MEW LOW ELECTRIC RATE makes these new, fast water heaters economical tp operate. Long life means they cost you less to own. FIBERGLASS INSULATED--Keeps water hot, keeps costs low. ft ST. M." Ret. A proc cGrawEtUaoa Co. product W « Ic Service Company © Commonwfclth Edfator See the new TOASTMASTER Electric Water Heaters at these dealers: BUCH PLUMBING & HEATING. McHenry [ PAUL GERASC]» PLUMBING & HEATING, McHenry '.Hi, : •iur! " :h \ ' ' 81 W. Mary Lane -yr Crystal Lake# I1L »

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