u' y [ V v' 4l"^yi,sMay 15/ fttagwood ^ BfTHtTAINED BY rtRS. E. WHIDHG by Mrs. George Shepard The women's "500" club was entertained in the home of Mrs. E. E. Whiting at Richmond Wednesday. A one o'c l o c k d e s s e r t l u n c h e o n w a s served. Mrs. .Viola Low had Wgh score . and Mrs. Lester GBrr low. Home Circle ^The Home circle was entert a i n e d i n t h e h o m e o f M r s . Iipuis Hawley Thursday with Mrs. Anna Smith as co-hostess. Evncheon was served at 12:45 snd a program in charge of Mrs. Shadle which included bingo was enjoyed. * • Pinner There will be a baked ham and salmon loaf dinner in the church basement on Decoration Day, Friday, May 30. Serving to start at 11:30. Tickets may be bought at the door. Roundup Club The Round-Up club met at the church Saturday evening. 1^1 Sonnemaker showed • colored pictures which he took in India while he was an exchange student. Personals Louis Liisk of Volo was a caller in the Ben Walkington home Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake were callers t h e L o u i s H a w l e y h o m e esday. Irs. Agnes Jencks arrived home Wednesday after spending the winter in Florida. Mrs. Ray Wilcox and daught e r , M r s . V i n c e n t M o o n , a n d two sons and Mrs. Edwin Bendy of Woodstock were luncheon guests of Mrs. Paul Walkington Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington left Friday to visit in the itHand McCannon home at Bloomington and Sunday, Mother's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Dewey at Armstrong, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pettise and family, Mrs. Hattie Jencks and daughter, Nancy, and Nancy Mattison of Barrington spent Sunday with Mrs. Agnes Jencks. Mrs. George Shepard, Mrs. W i l l i a m j - H e p b u r n w i t h W i l l Claxton and John Dreymiller called on Mrs. George Garland at Antioch Thursday evening. George Garland (the former Hester Beebe's husband) pressed away Wednesday evening of a heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jepson and son spent Sunday at Volo with friends. Mrs. Curtis spent the weekend with relatives at Salem, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. William Cruikshank spent Sunday with their daughter and family, the C. E. Lovelettes, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs; Phelps Saunders and daughter of Sycamore spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. In the afternoon they with Mr. and Mrs. Wiedrich and Louis Winn visited Mrs. Louis Winn at the Lake county ( sanitorium. Mrs. George Shepard spent f r o m F r i d a y u n t i l S u n d a y evening with her daughter and family at Hebron. On Friday evening she was the guest of Mrs. Mildred Branhoff at a birthday party of the Alijen Methodist church at her table with each month of the year represented. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard and family of Lake Geneva, Mr. and Mrs. Roy DeChane and Charlotte of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan and family were supper g u e s t s S u n d a y i n t h e B o b Brennan home. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ehlert and sons of Kenosha, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Senkerik and family of Sunnyside Estates, Mr* and Mrs. Russel Ehlert and daughter of Twin Lakes and Mr. and Mrs. Job]? Skidmore and farfiily. Mrs. E. Brooke and Mrs. Lester Brooke and Frank Fay of Crystal Lake were callers irt the Dr. Hepburn home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Huemann and daughter of JohnsbUrg spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sonnemaker of Champaign spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Thompson of Green-i wood were Sunday dinner guests. Mrs. Flora Harrison was a dinner guest in the Ardin JTrisbee home at Greenwood Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and Margo spent Saturday afternoon in the Mrs. Raymond Rattray home at Algonquin. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy spent the weekend with her father at Waupaca and helped him celebrate his ninety-seventh birthday. Mrs. Betty Tretow and children of Woodstock spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Sowers. Mr./'tfrM Mrs. Mortenson of Rockrord and Mrs. Cummings tjf^Des Plaines were callers in the Dr. Hepburp' home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duff a n d s o n , o f D u n d e e , M a r i e Hitzeroth and mother of Elgin were callers in the Mrs. Lena Peet home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan a n d c h i l d r e n s p e n t S u n d a y evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmitt at Mc- Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowman and family spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Martha Bowman in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and son, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jackson of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock were Sunday dinner guests in the Beatty-Low home. Mr. and1 Mrs. Robert Low of McHenry were callers in the afternoon and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey of Richmond were visitors in the evening. MrAand Mrs. Raul Nordgren of Waukegan (spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wagner and children of Twin Lakes spent Sunday afternoon in the John Hogan home. Butch Leonard of Lake Geneva spent the weekend in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. The Sunshine 4-H girls and the Happy Clover 4-H girls attended church in a „ body Sunday morning as it was National 4-H Sunday., Mrs. Charles Ackerman of P o p l a r G r o v e i s s p e n d i n g some time in the John Hogan home while Mrs. Hogan is in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday in the Earl . Thomas home at Hinsdale. |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiinHiuiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiii| I PEPPING & SON I [ CEMENT CONTRACTORS j Phone 409 1 COMPLETE LINE OF CEMENT WORK I HiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiniiiiiiE DEALER SES 83rd ERSARY This past week the Plaindealer passed its eighty-third anniversary, closing in on a century during which it has been bringing news of the community to its readers. Through ifs first sixty years, only four owners had carried out a business which continued to grow with the city and surrounding area. The courage and vision necessary to launch a newspaper in a small community was possessed by the founder of the publication, J. Van Slyke. In spite of his great interest in the business and his feeling for his adopted community, he encountered the many difficulties ishich accompany such an undertaking until the paper attained a standing that brought pride to its owner. The Plaindealer, fourth paper in the county, was first published on Wednesday, an odd looking journal with the front page covered with advertisements and the news items in the center. Other papers then in existence were the Woodstock Sentinel, started in 1856 and where Van Slyke worked before coming to McHenry; the Harvard Independent, founded ift 1865; and the Marengo Republican in 1867. These early papers were started in a time when personjournalism was common. Editors quarreled with each other in the columns of their papers, and fortunately many of the things said at that time are no longer seen in the publice press. Nowhere more clearly than in a newspaper can a lifetime of a community be portrayed. Changes in a paper reflect changes in the time§ and their pages will long be read with interest by those who would get a clearer picture of the development of a given area. REVOKE LICENSE Announcement was made this week of the revocation of the license of Robert Walters, Fox street, McHenry, for driving while intoxicated,( ATTENDS GIRLS' STATE Miss Rita Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Miller Of Fox River Grove and a granddaughter of Mrs. Anna Miller of McHenry, has been selected to attend Girls' State as representative of the F.ox River Grove Legion auxiliary. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS Virgil R. Pollock attended a one-day Estate Planning conference at Purdue university last Friday, May 2. The Purdue Life Insurance Marketing Institute, under the direction of Hal Nutt, is said to be rated with Southern Methodist university as the two best life insurance schools in the country. Mr. Pollock is also enrolled in the C.L.U. (Chartered Life Underwriter) study program, and will sit in for the Part II examination on June 12. * •' - i» ATTENDS CONVENTION Signs of a" business up-turn wiil be increasingly evident as the year progresses, Jim Althoff said after he returned from the annual convention of ' tFfe national Liquefied Petrol- | eum Gas association in Chij* ^ cago. Mr. Althoff, who was one of approximately 4,000 Vv dealers and suppliers of LP* I ; Gas at the Chicago meeting, • said he heard Ernest T. Baugh^ J man, economist for the Chi-'51 cago Federal Reserve Bank, make this prediction. HONOR BOWMAN MEN A total of 640 members of the Bowman Dairy Old Timers club, all with service records of twenty-five years or more,., were honored at the organization's eighteenth annual meeting Monday evening, May 12. Among them are Adrian E. Thomas of McHenry, Joseph Wilbins of Rt. 1, Wonder Lake,, and , Stanley Stone of Wauconda. ZEPHYR VEHTILATED AWNINGS All Aluminum ADMIT LIGHT & AIR SHUT OUT HEAT & GLARE ROLL /UP AWNINGS -- DOOR HOODS T EAGLE PICHER ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS and DOORS Liberal Trade-Ins Arthur Roger -- PHONE 1180 -- Convenient Terms 807 E. WAUKEGAN RD. McHENRY, ILL. it Beats. as it Sweeps, as it Chenw-snddf**31 formerly REDUCED TO 95 limited^tIme only ? + " i Carey Electric Shop 119 S. Green St., McHenry PHONE 251 3h Give life a springtime lift...with handy phenes in celer! What better way to give your home a bright, new look than "with phones in color? And of course, life is easier when you have phones just where you need them. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE Where would you like your phones? What colors? Your Service Representative at our business office will be glad to help you decide. Or ask any installer-repairman you see. 136 N. Riverside Dr, M O D E R N H O M E S H A V E H A N D Y P H O N E S v mm VALUES PRICES LOW COST FINANCING OF ALL MAKES COMPARISONS WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON CAR FINANCING YOUR AUTO LOAN WILL GO THROUGH FAST DELAYS-NO REDTAPE LOOK INTO FINANCING COSTS AS CAREFULLY AS YOU LOOK INTO CAR VALUES =C0ME IN - GET OUR FACTS AND FIGURES - BE CONVINCED= McHENRY STATE BANK PHONE 1 040 Interest Paid On Savings Deposits -- Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation -- Member Federal Reserve System it