LUymooc YOUTH .Y HURT 'CLE CRASH Willians, Jr. of Lilyinvolved in a two jrcycle accident on Wed- April 30. Norm was taken to the McHenry hospital Jtl serious condition. He was later moVed to the Evanston hospital where he underwent surgery. After days on the critical list, he is improving now. Breaks Arm ' Miss. Marleiie Karmel fell her front porch railing Sunday, May 4. The seriousness of the ' fall was not Discovered until two days later when she visited, the doctor to have her eyes examined. The fall was mentioned to the d o c t o r a n d h e t o o k X - r a y s which showed her left arm( broken below the shoulder. The break was such that the cast had to be on from her neck down to her waist. We know this vivacious little six year Old will recover rapidly. Happy Birthday Greetings to Brian, the third son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Root Who celebrated his first birthday on May/6. Ronald Shebeck didn't have, to blow hard on his eight candles on Monday, May 12. In fact, he would have been happier with eight of those little things he caught last week.1 The object of his intense hunting these days is no other than (you'll never guess, unless vov know eight year olds)--snakes. He had a baby one about 5" long, 1,2" diameter last time he passed this way. ' We missed a Monday birthd a y o f M r s . J o B a r t e l t w h o really meant it to be that way iut just to let her know we ind out these little things we Will only quickly say that we hope she has many more to <iome. Otto Witzke had his birthday on the first ot May. It is doubtful that he engaged in a May pole dance but instead j)ut up many a pole in his garden for the assortment of vegetables he grows. Maybe I jjou do nqt know this bachelor! by name, but if you were informed that he is the man with the lovely garden on the h i l l a c r o s s t h e r o a d f r o m Landls, now the residence of *Jie Segermark family, you rould say at once, "oh, yes 1 know nbw." A big one for Master Robert Fuller, Jr. on tomorrow, May 16. He is the son of Bob and Diane' Fuhler who live on the 1 ake just south of Route 120. Also blowing out candles, tomorrow, will be Judy Fantus <yho will be 7 years old then. As if that were rot enough cake baking for Friday, Mrs. Joe Nokes will have to decide whether she should make one cake with six candles on it, or make two cakes with six on each or would one cake with twelve candles on it serve the purpose* This problem all arises because; the twin boys will celebrate their sixth birthday on May 16. We Will sing happy birthday, Bob dnd Duke, and hope the twins find this acceptable? Diane Steinsdoerfer, daughter of George and Jeannine Steinsdoerfer of Hillcrest Road celebrated her sixth birthday on Tuesday, April 22. Brothers, Ronald and David; Karen, Mike, Vincent, Jr. and Johnny Schivone, Vallerie Donna and Donald, Jr. Schiavone; Susie Johnson, Denise Madison, Mary and Marcia Scherf of Lakemoor, helped celebrate her birthday. Everyone had a grand time playing games and eating ice cfream and cake. Wedding Anniversaries Mr. and Mrs. Fr£d Karmel hold May 14 as their impox-tant day. Miss Isabelle Marks of Chicago became the bride of Mr. Fred Karmel of the same city in May 1941. They made their first home in the city arid in 1950 they bought a resort home in Lilymoor. They e n j o y e d t h e i r s u m m e r p l a c e and decided to move to South Avenue with their four year old son, Dennis, for their year 'round home. Congratulations. Happy anniversary to Sally and Charles Rogers who were married on May 8, 1954. When seen together all dressed up to celebrate the occasion it was clear by the smiles on their faces that there are happy years ahead for this couple. Also sharing the same day were Mr. and Mrs. Earel Belford who were married May 8, 1951 in St. Paul's Methodist church, Orangeburg, S. C. The couple moved to Lilymoor in the fall of 1954. Mr. and Mrs. Garrison Latimer celebrated their marriage date on May 4. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Massheimer celebrated their wedding day which took place on May 18, 1957. The bride of a year was Miss Thelma Neff. Wedding bells were ringing 4iere.,ior Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carl Mertins on Saturday, May. 11, 1957. May they still ring this year too, on your "paper" anniversary. The present Mrs. Mertins was Frances Weiler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fran- Weiler of Lilyjnoor, L.G.C. The regular monthly meeting of the Lilymoor Garden club was held at the home of Mrs. Donald Leske on May 5 at 1 p.m. after refreshments of coffee and cake. The ladies visited the hostess' garden and her greenhouse, j er~~aUended then did likewise at Her neighbor's, Mrs. .Maurice Haines. Mrs: Haines could have served tomato sandwiches from her lovely plant under glass had the group come a* few days later. Before adjournment, other member's gardens were visited and each show great promise for. beautiful blooms to come all summer long and lasting long into the fall. Shower Mrs. Shirlee Milinac was honored at a stork shower given by Mrs. Andrea Johnston and Mrs. Marcella Gross of Lakemoor at Club Lilymoor. The room was lavishly decorated in pink and blue with a mixed bouquet of flowers in the center of the serving table. The honored guest received many lovely and useful gifts. Coffee, cake and cookies were served to about thirty-five guests present. Attend Benefit Show Mrs. Steve Wijas, Arlene Wijas and Mrs. Fred Karmel attended the smorgasbord and fashion show held at the Wing and Fin op Thursday, May 8 for the benefit of the McHenry hospital auxiliary. President Lauretta Homo, Dorothy Diedrich, Ruth Mrachek, Mary Einspar, Henrietta Vycital, Pearl Pietsch, Pearl Nerstad, Loretta Meyer, Maria Guettler and Myrna. Strohmaicounty meeting in Crystal Lake, May * 2. A very impressive ceremony was conducted honoring all the deceased auxiliary members In the county. Among those deceased members were Vera Shales, and Apolonia Matchen of McHenry Unit 491. In honor of musical appreciation month, our quartet, Henrietta Vycital, Lorreta Meyer, Pear* Nerstad, and Pearl Pietsch, accompanied by Maria Guettler,"sang "In the Garden" and "The Old Rugged Cross", hymns for the month of April. One member from each unit present formed a chorus to sing the hymn for MtfjT""Beyorid the Sunset." Nomination of officers for the county took place and the election will be Held at the county meeting in Hebron on June 6. Poppy Day will be observed here on May 24 and Mrs. Elea- Demonstration Held Mrs. Robert Fuhler held a demonstration at her home pn May 7 at eight p.nj^he hostess served coffee and cake. cago. Miss Gerdes was Mrs. W i j a s ' s u p e r v i s o r w h e n s h e was employed in Chicago about five years ago. Mrs. Mae A. Svoboda from Elkhart, Ind., has been a recent guest in the home of her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Svoboda of Lilymoor. Returns To Maryland Mrs. Ann Erisman, who has been at the home of her dauehter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Leske, has re- ten(j turned to her home town of Ealtimore, Md. Association Meeting The Lilymoor association has set its date for the next rpee.ting on Tuesday, May 20, at 8 o'clock at Lilymoor school. Plans for a party and rbads will be discussed. Plan to atnor Reid is poppy chairman pf McHenry.- Unit 491. Practically all American Legion auxiliary members,,<jvho are able to serve, have volunteered. We are hoping:,.for help of other young women's and girl's organizations, as has been generously j gi ven in past years. Those wishing to volunteer their services for Poppy I?ay may contact Mrs. Reid, poppy chairman, at McHenry 2576. Memorial poppies which will be worn here in. McHenr^, in honor of America's war dead, have been made by disabled veterans in Illinois hospitals from three wars, the two World Wars and the Korean conflict. The poppies are made of red cloth and paper wrapped stems in replica of the w;ild flowers that bloorned "between the crosses, row on irow" in Flanders Fields. This toccupatibn is instrumental in bringing back health and pride to the disabled /Veteran, because it provided an enjoyable experience during their long hours of confinement and they are. able to earn money once more for themselves and their faniilies. •'To them a poppy has a deep personal meaning, because it honors the memory of comrades who didn't come home." Wearing a poppy means that we remember and are grateful to those who have given their lives in defense of America and that we have contributed to the welfare of those wno came home disabled and of the children of veterans in need of hejjx * The contributions received on Poppy Day will be used entirely to support the American Legion and the American Legion auxiliary activities for the disabled veterans and needy children of veterans, "WEAR A POPPY -- HONOR THE DEAD AND AID THE DISABLED." of diphtheria, with two deaths, have been reported in Illinois during'the past month, according to Dr,< Roland R. Cross, state director Of public health. Two of the cases occurred in dook county; one in DuPage. Two adults and the third was 15 years of age. In contrast, not a single case of. diphtheria was reported in the state during the first 3% months of 1957, and only three cases were reported during the entire year. The state Department of' Publ i c H e a l t h r e c o m m e n d s t h a t e v e r y c h i l d b e i m m u n i z e d against diphtheria at the age of six months. To maintain immunity throughout life, booster doses of vaccine should be given at the time of entrance into school and every five years thereafter. ; L: fr- A simple-minded person whp has not been reproved by scornful children often speaks a superior grade of. English. To know nothing about grammar k perhaps better than to knQfcr just a little, especially if most of what you "know" fe wrdjjjfc SHOP IN £ A CHAT WITH US * Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us tbday and find out for yourself. , L, Brake Service :' \. - Complete Motor Overhauling ' fa BUTCH S ,R ^ 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE '. ler: ffifcFront St. Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R 'V When you pass a casual and friendly remark, you expect a casual and good-natured reply --not an argument. Visit Visiting the Steve Wijas family on Friday, May 2, were friends. Miss Jackie Gerdes and Mrs. Signe Salup from Chi- "Nothing Costs So Much As What Is Given Us" '(Author's Name Below) All the world loves a bargain, but everyone knows that one always gets no more than they pay for. Often when we think we are getting something for less than its proper price we usually find out that we have paid more than its real value. Therefore, we never state that our prescription prices are low priced bargains. We do promise that our charges will always be as low as careful compounding will permit. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHENRY 26 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE Pick up your prescription if shopping near us, pr let us deliver promptly yvithout extra charge. A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? NYE DRUGS PHONE 26 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS WE DELIVER •Quotation -by Thomas Fuller (1608-1662) FOB THE FINEST IN A CATERING SERVICE • WEDDINGS • PARTIES • LUNCHEONS • INDUSTRIAL • PICNICS • BANQUETS ALL TYPES OF CATERING Norman Graham John Graham HorA em ^(iinold C^aterim 119 SO. MAIN ST. -- ALGONQUIN, ILL. Phone OLiver 8-7021 SAVE MONEY! AVOID WASTE! READY-MIX ^CONCRETE RADIO DISPATCHED McHenry Ready Mix Co., Inc. 606 Front St. PHONE 920 McHenry, Illinois 100% Financed WE OFFER THE FINEST IN ... •PLUMBING • ELECTRICAL WORK • PAINTING BEFORE YOU BUY OR FLAN TO HAVE WORK DONE SEE US / BE PLEASANTLY SURPRISED ALL 100% FINANCED UP TO 7 YEARS TO PAY STRAIGHT BANK INTEREST No Service Charge BEE LINE BUILDING CORP. Phone Crystal Lake 918 WE SPECIALIZE IN GARAGES & FLOOR COVERINGS CUSTOM BUILDING & REMODELING NO JOB TOO BIO OR TOO SMALL 81 W. Mary Lane Crystal Lake* X1L TAKES HOLD AND PUUSi eFam~ous ?ire$ione CHAMPION GROUND GRIP No other tractjpr tire ^)ive? a djeeper center bite . . . . . No other tractor tire gives so much for so low « price Now Only Size 9-24 4-PLY ON ALL omed.. CUSTOM or PACKAGE BUILT ON YOUR LOT finest . . . MATERIALS WORKMANSHIP DOUBLE WALL FIRST LINE PASSENGER TIRES 25% OFF ON ALL TRUCK TIRES WE ARE SPECIALISTS • IN TRACTOR TIRE REPAIR CHECK THAT BJATTERY NOW! FIRESTONE'S FAMOUS DRY CHARGE as low as t AS HIGH AS $6.00 TRADE-IN FOR YOUR QLD BATTERY --! -- . „ , You Auto Buy NOW! McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREUND, Prop. 526 W. Main i St. PHONE 294 McHenry, 111.