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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1957, p. 10

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fy Jjlnuaryli, THE SENATOR SAYS l£r State McClory The principal legislative issue affecting our 52nd senatorial district of Lake, McHenry and Boone counties is'the issue of judicial redistricting.. This problem also involves Winnebago county, inasmuch as our 17th circuit court judicial district comprises Lake, McHenry, Boone and Winnebago counties. The combine^ populations of these Tour counties (the fastest growing area in the State) is estimated to exceed 500,000 persons. This increased population, as well as the extensive industrial growth in this area has meant more business for the courts, and has resulted in a backlog of pending cases, despite procedures adopted to speed up their disposition. MAGAZINE TOLD Publication of a new monthly magazine for 'teenagers t6 fee known as "Illinois History" has been announced by State Historian Clyde C. Walton. The new publication will contain articles, drawings, photographs, fnaps, quizzes and other features based on the history of the .state and aimed at an audience of more than a million young Illinoisans. ®Fo launch the magazine, 10,000 copies of the first issue are being sent to members of the Illinois State Historical society, newspaper editors, educators and librarians throughout the state with a request for their criticism and suggestions. The state historian said: "We hope to stimulate the interest of the young people of Illinois in the .story of their greatgreat- grandparents by giving them by the and other adult toriaiis as well as by the " ?8Each of the eight is&Ues pub-' lishid during the school year will have a central subject. The Jail* uary issue is the Black Hawk number and the articles are by Miss Underwood and Mrs. Ellen Whitney, of the Historical Library staff, a nationally recognized authority on the Black Hawk war. There are also contemporary eyewitness accounts of the war, excerpts from the autobiographies of Black Hawk and Illinois books about Black Hawk, plus articles by four young Illinoisans: Pat Danner, student at Abbott Junior High school, Elgin; Charles Flora, of Larsen Junior High school, also in Elgin; Judy Wilson, of Sterling Junior High school, and Paula Rowe, of Washington school, Dixon. ( The February issue will be the annual Abraham- Lincoln number and the student author of . the . . . a c o l o r f u l , m o d e r n m a g a z i n e t h a t , o utstanding Lincoln article will Since the judicial conventions j authoritative as well as enter- receive the Harry E. Pratt Mem- Cat which circuit court candidates | taining » ! orial Award of 4100; At the same are to he selected) must be .held Edit f th maeazine is i time, two John H. Hauberg Memta April. to be fonowed by th. o?! oriai award, of $25 each will be judicial election in June) it Is th/IUinois Junior Historian pro-i presented to the student and imperative that the Illinois legis- f the Illinois State His- teacher making the outstanding lature act with the utmost speed ?oricai library. u « being pub- contributions to the magazine if a judicial redisricting is . to be accomplished. v At present, there are four circuit judges in the 17th judicial district, which is the mS>dmum number of circuit court judges' permitted under rhe Illinois constitution. Accordingly, there is no way of securing relief except by redistricting. If, for instance the district should be divided into two separate districts, with three judges in each of the new districts, the total number of judges would be increased from four to six. The most natural division of the district is that which would establish Lake and McHenry counties as one judicial district, (with three judges) and Winnebago and Boone counties (also with three judges) as the other district. The Bar associations of the four affected counties should weigh the question at once, and the press and civic organizations - of this area should wield their influence for prompt and effective legislative action, if this is desired. Senator Robert Canfield of Rockford (Winnebago county) and the writer will handle any necessary legislation in the State, while Representatives A. B. Mc- Connell of Woodstock, W. J. Murphy of Antioch and Robert E. Coulson and Jack E. Bairstow of Waukegan will be relied upon to carry the ball in the House. The ancient adage "Justice delayed is justice denied," may be appropriately paraphrased "Legis- % lation delayed will mean justice denied." The question of whether to press for judicial redistricting is your state senator's main concern in Springfield today. •. lished for the Illinois State His- during the year torioal society by the Southern Illinois University Press of Carbondale. * "Illinois History" is the successor to the "Illinois Junior Historian" magazine which, under spon- j sorship of the State Historical so- j ciety, for the past ten years has! published material supplied entire- < ly by students of junior high I school age. The new publication is | completely different from its j predecessor. It is larger in size, has more illustrations, some in color, and the articles are written' * SHANK PORTION WHOLE HAM BUTT PORTION CENTER SLICES COM* 0P Wise rrt Fan Ready--'Whole or Gut lip € lb. 3 fa 4 lb.--Pan Ready--Frozen ib. -- -£ Perfect for Barbecuing Rock Cornish i i Hens 12-pi. Six# Porterhouse, T-Bone or 'Super-Right" Bone lit Fall Cw* "Super-Right" Blade Cut Boae In p At Nye's "Your Waigreen Agency Drug Store' Phone & Its No. Rlverslde Dr. •' McHenry, IIL \. GAS clothes dryers If, at the end of IN* 30 dftys, y6u etfeti't convinced that GAS does it better . . . for IESS . . . we'll take the dryer feMfck, and you'll be under no obligation! Ehone or visit our nearest store today! . Choose from those nationally ©ivertfseil brands: BEN0B& HAMILTON, ROftt arid UNfV£®$Ml . ONLY DOWN ASK m ABOUT OUR seetut iAtitt OAS DRYERS . > Arrou* Dt J.E S ' OR OUR NEAREST STORE PHONE McHENBY 2081 NORTHEPK I L L I N O I S Gas. COMPANY listen to the late evening NEWS with Morgan Beatty WNBQ/TV Channel S every Wednesday 10:10 MORE A&P MONEY SAVERS ?<J»v CANNED corn ymm Case of 24 (17-oz. Tins) SAVE 7e lONfl csm" CORN Case of 24 (16-oz. Tins) SAVE |le $2» mihett'euj IONA BRAND 29-ox. le tin 29" PICT RIPK FREESTONE) mmm •»* 4% 29-os. 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