T'j-i •* i 3mM McHENBY PLAINDEALER Grove WOMAN'S CLUB PARTY ON OF FARM by Mrs. Charles Freund / rrtife North Shore Woman's club will hold their first philanthrophy lawn party at Mrs. Arthur Helbling's Rail Fence farm on Thursday, June 26, 1958. Luncheon will be served . and cards will be played as • the afternoon's entertainment. ! f'lMrs. William Britz enter- ' tained members of her club on Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded for high scores In five hundred to Mrs. Ben May,, Mrs. Frank Tinney. Mrs. Frank Sanders. Mrs. Frank May and Mrs. Peter May. A lovely lunch was served. PEARL PEARSON. HARRY C. SHALES HEAD NEW SHRINE Hospitalized Little Miss Catherine Class is in a Chicago hospital due to an injury received - last week when she was kicked by a horse. Mrs. A. O. Hansen underwent surgery and is in Sherman hospital, Elign. Visits Mrs. Nell Hawkins of Phoenix, Ariz., visited Mrs. Alice Wagner on Wednesday of this week. Mrs. Edna Olson and son. Johnny, spent Wednesday in chairman, and other members. Chicago visiting relatives. Miss Charlotte Freund returned home from Cleveland ©H_!Chursday after spending a week with a girl friend, Miss Charlotte Keifer. Recently the Guiding Star Shrine, U.D. was instituted at McHenry high school. The order is founded upon the birth of Christ. Its teachings are scriptural and intended to illustrate and impress on the mind the humble but glorious birth and life of Christ. Its mission is to uphold religion and further His gospel of "Peace and Good Will upon the Earth." Ora Burnell, P.W.H.P., served as supreme worthy scribe and read the names of the petitioners, with Pearl Pearson being inducted into the office of worthy high priestess and Harry C. Shales as watchman of shepherd^. Other officers were named in a recent issue. The flag was presented by Josepn^Bfryle, P.S.W.O.S., and the pledge of allegiance was given. As Mrs. Pearson was conducted to her station, Robert E. Schlau, supreme soloist, sang "The Lord's Prayer," and as Mr. Shales was conducted to his station sang "The Twenty- third Psalm.r A dinner was served at 6 p.m. by McHenry chapter, O.E.S. to 210 members of the White Shrine. The refreshment committee in charge consisted of Lillian Bossier, chairman: Genevieve Hayward. co- RAY LOOZE WINS HIS DEGREE FROM CARLETON COLLEGE At Carleton college's eightyfourth commencement exercises, 190 seniors received the future citizens have the opportunity to participate in healthy outdoor activities, character building1 and physical fitness programs. The efforts of the adult volunteer make this powerful program possible. To meet the ever increasing desire of the boy to become a Boy Scout, we must not only continue, but increase our efforts to meet this challenge." RICHARD SMITH r AT AGRICULTURAL TEACHERS' MEET degree of bachelor or arts, among them Ray Lamberson Looze, son of Mr. and. Mrs. John E. Looze, 331 Regner road, McHenry. Mr. Looze, a government and international relations major. has been a member of the choir, of the Carleton football squad, and has been active in dramatics. Trips Mr. and Mrs. Del Smith are enjoying a vacation in Florida. Miss Marion Smith and Miss Dolores Smith are taking a trip to Yellowstone Park and other interesting points out west. Wedding Mrs. William Britz attended the wedding of her granddaughter, Miss Joan Britz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Britz in Moline, on Saturday. ' Tour of Farm t Mrs. James Brown and children and Mrs. John McGovern and son, Richie, enjoyed a visit to Hawthorne Melody Farm on Wednesday afternoon. Sodality Meeting . Members of the Christian Mothers of St. Peter's met at the parish hall on Thursday, evening for a regular meeting. Plans were discussed for the coming carnival in July 19 and 20. An announcement was made that there would be a luncheon &nd card party on July 1. A deanery meeting of the NCCW is to be) held at St. Mary's in McHenry on June 30. After the meeting cards and bunco were played and prizes went to Mrjs. Tillie May, Mrs. Luella May, Mrs. Julia May, Mrs. Christina Britz, Mrs. Frances Freund and Mrs. Pat Rinda. A lunch was served by the committee. McHENRY MAN PRESIDES OVER Edward Hayward, Betty and J SCOUT EVENT George Krickl. Olga Lishamer | and Erica Olson and Harriet ] Installation of the adminis- Dodd was in charge of tickets trative officers of the Kishwauand Job's Daughters, Bethel kee district, Boy Scouts of America, took place recently at the district assembly which was held in the Westwood school in Woodstock. In attendance, besides the members of the Kishwaukee district executive committee, were institut i o n a l r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s a n d members-at-large of the district. Presiding over the installation ceremonies was R. G. Ullrich of McHenry, district advancement chairman. The men who took their oath of office for the remainder of 1958 and the year of 1959 were Laurie Larson, Jr., of Belvidere, who is the new district chairman; Walter Massey, Lake-in-the- Hills, who is the district vicechairman; Ben G. Phelps of Woodstock, district commissioner. Pat Ullrich gave a brief scouting challenge to the officers- elect, tffter which he led the group in the scout oath. The ceremonies were completed by a few words from the newly elected district chairman, Laurie Larson, Jr. Mr. Larson said, "Through the program of scouting, America's 98. assisted in serving. At 8 p.m., the ceremony of initiation was conferred on twenty-three more candidates, with Mildred Bleck, P.W.H.P. of Aurora, serving as W.H.P. and Clark Pierson, of DeKalb as W.O.S. Other offices were filled by past and present officers from DeKalb. Park Ridge, Evanston, Chicago, Rockford, Maywood, La Grange and Mendota of Illinois and Gary and Hammond of Indiana. Many beautiful selections were rendered by the organist, Eleanor Kjellgren, and soloist, Evelyn Fawcett, of Rockford and DeKalb. Harry Butcher, special deputy W.W.O.S., was master of ceremonies and Gertrude Butcher, P.W.H.P. of DeKalb, as guests of honor. There were over 350 members present. Many guests were escorted and introduced. A p p r o p r i a t e r e m a r k s w e r e made by Eugene Black, Mildred Bleck, Clark Pierson, Harry Butcher, Joseph. Boyle, Pearl Pearson, Harry Shales and Gertrude Butcher. Many gifts were presented to Pearl Pearson for the new shrine, which she accepted most graciously. The next regular meeting will be held, July 2 at 8 p.m. at McHenry Masonic temple. Golf is a lot like taxes -- you drive hard to get to the green and then you wind up in the hole. Save More by Shopping at Home Richard M. Smith, vocatjpnal agriculture teacher of McHenry Community high school, is in Urbana this week attending the annual state conference for vocational agriculture teachers. The conference got under Way on Monday with cimnfottee meetings and will close with an address by H. R. Damisch ori Thursday afternoon. Paul Mechling of Lancaster, Ohio, who is vice-president of the National Vocational Agriculture Teachers association, will also address 'the closing session of the conference Other features. of the conference are a tour of the University of Illinois experimental farms, a meeting of the Illinois Association of Vocational Agriculture Teachers, an a banquet honoring men who have taught in Illinois for ten, twenty or thirty years. Ten and twenty-year men will be awarded emblems by the state association. Teachers who have taught for thirty years will be awarded a gold watch by the Sears Roebuck foundation and a desk pen set by the state association. TB X-RAY RESULTS Announcement was made this past week that the mobile unit x-ray survey of McHenry county has been completed, with a total of 8,770 chest xrays having been made. Woodstock had the greatest number with 1,076, followed by McHenry with 817. There were 190 at Wonder Lake, one of the twelve'locations where the unit stopped. Several hundreds were taken at the variop^. industrial establishment^; |^jrthe county. * BONDS IF YOU NEED . . . LAWN or GARDEN SUPPLIES • SEED • FERTILIZERS • MOWERS • TILLERS ADAMS REPAIR SHOP PHONE McHENRY 434 JOHNSBURO and PISTAKEE ROAD IT'S HERE LAKELAND PARK'S BIG 2nd ANNUAL CARNIVAL 4-BIG NITES-4 Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday JUNE 26-27-28-29 Matinees Saturday & Sunday IfW HIDES - ROLLER COASTER - GAMES FUN - FUN - fUH FOR EVERYONE COME ONE - COME ALL LAKELAND. PARK Route 120 1 Mile West of McHenry REAL AT AUCTION William H> Russell, Auctioneer The undersigned will sell the following , described Real Estate at Public Auction on the premises situated in Section 21, Greenwood Township, and known as the Joseph J. Schalz Brick and Sand Plant, consisting of 16 acres, More or less, on: SUNDAY JUNE 29, 1958 Commencing at 1:30 P.M. LEGAL Parcel 1: The North half of Southeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter (excepting and reserving therefrom the West 225 feet thereof); also Parcel 2: The South 50 feet of 'the West 225 feet of the North half of the Southeast Q u a r t e r , o f t h e N o r t h w e s t Quarter; all in Section 21, Township 45 North, Range 7 East of the Third Principal M e r i d i a n , M c H e n r y C o u n t y Illinois. Also: Scale and large gasoline reserve tank. A PORTION OF THE ABOVE REAL ESTATE, INCLUDING BUILDING, IS ZONED 1-1. (LIGHT INDUSTRY). TERMS OF SALE: Twentyfive percent Cash on day of Sale. Balance as soon as Title is ready and Sale approved by Court. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK AND FRANK 1 J. GREEN, Administrators of the Estate of Joseph J. Schalz. Graduates DENNIS PUNCHES tjerinis Punches was one of 14!? to receive degrees at comm^ iibemerit exercises £eld at Carroll college earlier -this mohtfi. H6 completed his academic work in February but received the bachelor of scierice degree June 8. moor ? im * •, si ,-.ir * Thursday,June 26, 1958 f>" * ,v*V y,' SPONSORS CARD PARTY JULY 12 •L:S ' by ShLttey Schuerr 2645-W Ori Saturday, July 12, the Lilymoor association is going to hold a card party at Club L i l y m o o r . T i c k e t s f o r t h e party will be mailed to the ^ happy birthday to all of you of JUrte, JTuly, arid August. Let's' have our garbage cans out on Tuesday evenings so the garbage men can empty them every Wednesday. Birtaoay » 'birthday greetings go tjJ Mrs. Huckstaedt who celebrat'- ed 4 her birthday Sunday June 22. Edward Kronke celebrated his birthday oh June 23. John Dalton celebrates his birthday today, June 26, also Louis Stramaglio who will celebrate his birthday tomorrow, June 27. members of thp association, and additional tickets will be available at, the card party. Come one, come all and have a good time at the party. More On The Fog Machine Another meeting on tne fog machine was held at Earel Belford"s home June 17. At the meeting it was decided to send out letters explaining the cost of the fog machine and insecticide. to the people of Lilymoor. Also included in the letter will be a pledge card. Any and all donations toward the fog machine and insecticide will help greatly. Let's get the mosquitos and insects out of Lilymoor. Association Meeting The next Lilymoor association meeting will be held July 8 at 8 p.m. at the little white school house. Please try to attend the meeting. Garbage Fick-Up Another reminder that the garbage is picked up every Wednesday during the months Big Week This week has been a big week in the Kronke home. On June 23 Edward, son of Elmer and Ruth Kronke, celebrated his twenty-ninth birthday. On June 25, Elmer and Ruth had their big day. On this day thirty-one years ago Elmer and R u t h b e c a m e h u s b a n d a n d wife. Our congratulations go to Elmer,. Ruth and son, ward. July Reporters Our July reporters will be Mrs. Frances Counley and her oldest daughter, Sharon of Prairie avenue in Lilymo0. Your news will be received by calling 596-M-2. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Counley lived in Chicago before they moved to Lilymoor, June 28,1952. They made their home on Hillcrest road, three and a half years, when they bought their present ranch style house on Prairie avenue. Sharon will be a junior at McHenry high school. She is the oldest in tflfe family of four brothers, Tommy, Robert, Terry and David, and two sisters, Sandra and Roberta. Remember, call 596-M-2 for your showers, parties, birthdays, anniversaries, summer guests and what other news you have for the column. Claire Beauty Shoppe 200 S. Green St. McHenry 10 Are You Tired, Nervous? Call Us For An Appointment For a Relaxing Swedish Massage COME IN FOR TJIE NEW CHEMISE LOOK IN HAIRSTYLES WE FEATURE Patricia Stevens Cosmetics Call Us For An Appointment f ax a While we take care of ALL your building requirements. • Planning 8c Estimating • Proper Selection of Materials • The Right Contractor for x ' Your Particular Job • Financing -- Both New Home' and Remodeling McHENRY LUMBER CO. 611 Main Street McHenry* 111$ PHONE McHENRY 46 • Jim Conway. WBBM-TV's Television Star of "In Town Tonight", meets Mrs. Harper Richards of Chicago, Illinois "Our kitchen stays so much cleaner... and really, nothing looks as modern as an electric range f" says Mrs. Richards I J < Modern automatic electric ranges mean leu time wasted on kitchen drudgery. Mrs. Richards, partner in Harper Richards Associates, devotes much of the time and energy she saves to Interior Designing. JIM CONWAY: I imagine a modern kitchen M important to the woman of the house. But do you run into this trend to electric cooking often in your work as an interior designer? MRS. RICHARDS:%Yes I do, Jim. And I have noticed a decided increase in the number of women who want not only an electric range ... but an all-electric kitchen. Of course, it seems to me a modern electric range is really the first step toward modern electric living. JIM CONWAY: Well, what do you consider to be the big advantages of electric cooking? MRS. RICHARDS: My pwn experience tells me electric cooking is much cleaner. And cooler, too. Our oven doesn't heat up the kitchen. There are also many automatic features with the modern electric range that give a woman greater versatility as a cook. She can roast, broil, boll, deep-fat fry, grill, bake and barbecue-- all automatically. JIM CONWAY: And very economically. As you probably' know, the average-size family can cook electrically for about % a day. MRS. RICHARDS: Yes, and the woman of the house will spend a good deal less time in the kitchen in the bargain, Jim. Every day, more modern women COpk the modem electric Way SEE YOUR ELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEALER |P Commonwealth Edison Company Public Service Company tefc. a.