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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jul 1958, p. 11

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r. Jul* 1 1S58 "SET. THE McfflSlfiSY PLAINDEAtfiH f*I«iakee Mx^ykiitis! -A;5i 1 2895-J : 64044 > fy Ctrl* Bales* Basel Morley 1 There will be a 'teen club, iheeting July 7. At this meeting grammar school graduates, frudy Rogde, Janet Peloquin, Mary Mueller and;Linda Klatt wiU become members. Anyone $9 interested in joining the 'teen club call BaS*> Schlick, 644-R-2. Parents should forgive their 'teens for that fantastic story t h e y t o l d T u e s d a y e v e n i n g when they were all late in getting home! . What sort of surprise have the 'teen-agers for the adujts at the picnic? .^When his date forgot her l&x what fellow had to Crawl ih the kitchen window to get his date^in her house??? .,. /jjrt Fair The AM Fair., will be held t h e w $ | k e n d 0 f J u l y 12 f o r adults |b!y. Anyone who paints --draw&^scirips--contact Mrs: Loretta Wilhelm, 128-M, right away for your application ahd cake wetfe served. Many thanks to Myrtle Bentz, Anna Cbhrs,.Eleanor Brill knd Jane Malek for the delicious calces. H^ppy Birthday Belated greetings to Jack BJrfcin. A happy birthday to Arih S2yplebaum who celebrated on June 19. Vi Johnson was hostess for a birthday celebrat i o n f o r L o n n i e F e r g a n a n d her dad, Paul, Wednesday afternoon. A hot canasta - game was " t h e b i g e v e n t o f t h e afternoon with Myrtle Bentz, Gerry Vrbik, Harriet Wilson, Gerry Moore, Toots Spankuch and Dorothy Freund of Mc- Henry, battling it out. As to the lowers, wdl, Myrtle and Harriet Just didn't have a good day* ; iwk yoofunr" application blank and exhibit Work. Congratulations! It's a boy for Bunny and Vern Thelen! Peter was born Saturday evening, June 21. Showers! Tuearay evening Pearl Smolinski was one 6| four hostesses a t £ a m i s c e l l a n e o u s b r i d a l s h o w e r f o r G h e s ' s s i s t e r , Sophie. The shower was held in Evanston. Katherine Reilly and Virginia Thoren had a surprise baby shower on Sylvia Murray Tuesday evening. They served sandwich loaf, jello molds,, and a beautiful cake. The girls all had a ball playing Swedish bunco. Warriet Wilson, her four sist e r s , a n d h e r m o t h e r w e r e hostesses at a shower held in Chicago Sunday. The shower was for Harriet's brother, Ted Wroblewski and his bride-tobe Eleanor Bernatte. They recieved many beautiful gifts. A Warm Welcome to Gerry and Marv Moore aijfc their son, Lee, 10 years olcr They are rtWV" living af 221 Highland drive. They have already joined the association and are busy en joying the social functions. (Joins Marines Al Richter, who just graduated from high school, leaves July 8, for his training in San Diego, Calif. His ^mother is kind of sad, 'cause, she liates to see him leave, and also on the eighth, Mr. Richter is to have .an operation in Chicago. But Al^will be stationed near his sister, Mrs. Cherie Warner of San Fernando Valley, 50 when he gets homesick, he can visit her. Lots of luck, Al! Women's Clflb At their June meeting Wed- Here and There The executive meeting was held at Marcia Dowd's home Tuesday evening. On hand were George VanZevern, Wally Misavice, Ruth Lemons, Skip W i l s o n , F l o y d J o h n s o n a n d Blanche HaefHger. Mrs. Scott and h£r son, Bud, again visited the Schlicks, this time to pick up their dog. Skip Wilson dropped a 100 lb. jig on his toe, so if you see him limping at the danCe Saturday, you'll know why. The Bales enjoyed a barbec u e T h u r s d a y w i t h s o m e friends of theirs from Racine, Wis., Bob and Jeanette Richter and their three children. David Heir and Linda Ullo a r e now o v e r t h e G e r m a n measles and busy playing with their friends again. Kevin Lammert has been having trouble with tonsillitis.' The Lammert family spent Sunday in Chicago with Marilyn's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Delaroy and also George's folks. They had a cteiicious barbecued ham. Mr. and Mrs. Healy's daughter and her family of Michigan spent the weekend here. Their grandson Pat is staying this week. Mr. R&thnow, Chuck Murgatroyd's dad, is now at h o m e recuperating. Mr. and "Mrs. Bentz spent Saturday visiting their daughter and her family in Milwaukee Mr. and Mrs. Pechous talked with their son, Jack, who is stationed with the Navy in Hawaii. He reports the weanesday ewrang, a short busi- h „ he „ bund. ness meetmg was held. We hi.ti set, and beings to WDL have » cake booth at the E , , c|ub Sounds like, he is keeping himself busy. Gene Teir is on vacatibh. He" p u t i n a c e m e n t C u r b i n g around the flower bed and made a P$ft&Jn the back yard. Dolie an^pMhjng? Jahice Jailqaart's sister, atid Husband,/ Ellen and Ernie Straubhaar, iiftd their three children, Ernte,* Curt and Robin, will be visiting here in ihe highlands for a few days. They are also bringing back Cheri and Jeanne who have been "vacationing with them, and plan to take Renee back for a visit. Wow! can you figure this out? Our congratulations to Gene Sarver for raising that cne lonesome little tomato on his plants. The boys have removed the b a s e b a l l b a c k s t o p f r o m t h e C o m m u n i t y C e n t e r t o s o m e empty lots in Unit 5'. A lot of, work still has to be done to make the field playable. The water has to be drained off, and they need some fill. Arty volunteers? Dolly and Ray Novotny and Vi and Floyd Johnson enjoyed an afternoon of golf Monday at Richmond. The girls were shooting in the low 60's (for the first nine holes, that is). Jo Shivley's brother darid his wife will be visitors here in the Highlatids for abcKit a week in the early part of July. Marcia and Eddie Dowd, and Carla and Jim Bale's enjoyed an touting at Elkhart Lake, Wis., Saturday. Friday, is horseshoe night again. Skip Wilson and Floyd Johnson will have another try at the champs, Steve Vrbik and Ray Novotny. Steve Vrbik will be host for the Evening. Jim and Ann M<tlnerne\ were happy last week to see some Old school friends of Jim's. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Calvin drove in from Chicago and e n j o y e d a d a y c h a t t i n g o v e r days gone by. Happy birthday to Pink y Fellows who turned 12 years old. Jerry Kolb is Lack to work after spending a three week vacation. Kay and Wally Sielisch were pleasantly surprised last Saturday when their sister-in-law, Millie Sielisch and children, Judy and Pat, and Grandma Sielisch of Downers Grove paid them a vi&it.. Mr. and Mrs. Norman L$h|libj!rger of River Forest drtt|^M|fn otif. . Bud KrumwiMHm^ family from DesPlaines^lfpetft Sunday wtfth Frank and Judy Krumwiede. They enjojfceil barbecuing in tiie yard. Jim Mclnerney went to a golf outing given by his employer and he won two beauti- "ul half slips which ot course he took home and gave to Ann. Ruth Lemmons was happy; to have her mother spend a d^y with her last week. Mike Contra is enjoying his new nanny goat. They make Cheese and sell the milk which she is producing,, almost a gallon a day. Jack McNutly paid Jim Mclnerney a visit last weekbringing along his children s^d his mother. Jack is an.-i old friend of Jim's. Kay and Wally Sielisch visited Dotty and Waldo Rose last Thursday evening atc Plstakee Bay. Dotty stopped in to see Kay Tuesday and visiteo for a few hours. Jim Lemmon^ was. home from work a couple of days with a severe cold, we are hap oy to report he is feeling much better now. Betty and Milt Sandelin moved into their home or ^••oPf^vav last Saturdav, .Tune 21 and are very happy to be In their nice new home. Last Friday Adam Rczechula supplied nearly all of Meadow Lane with Mexican firebush ..lams, so watcn tor a biaze of r£d bushes this fall on Mea dow Lane. Adam's son, Howie, built a dog house for their pet log Prince and a huge trellis for their climbing roses. Frank Krumwiede'.s vacation is over. He managed in between painting and working around to take the family tc Deerhaven and a few other places. Last Sunday Steve and Geri Vrbik and the Bob Hurckes went to Milwaukee to watch the Braves play. They enjoyad dinner and supper while they were there. Lorraine was unable to go along with Bob because 'she had to attend the fifty-fifth wedding anniversary party for her grandparents, Mr. ^ind Mrs. Paul Schulz of Johnsburg. ! FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOlt COME TO h a i S * S • WILLIKOENEMANN coraromr MADE SAUSAGES DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 • Just East of Route 12 - Volo, I1L Phone McHenry 667-W-l pianc. More ladies joined the c l u b W e d n e s d a y : A f t e r t h e meeting the gals .'played cards and bunco. The prizes were cute plants in vases. Coffee "Nothing Costs So Much As What ;ls Given Us" $ • Author's Name Below All the world loves a bargain, but everyone kn^ws that one always getb .Jio more than they paj? for. Often when we thi|k we are getting something for less than its proper price we usually find out that we ave paid more than its eal value. Therefore, iye never state? that our prescription prices are low priced bargains. We do promise that our charges will always b£ as low as careful compounding will permit.; . YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHENRY 26 WHEN YOU NEED i A MEDICINE Pick up your prescription if shopping near us, or let usi deliver promptly ^yithout extra change. A *great many people entrust us with the responsibility" of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? :i- • NYE DfeUGS PHONE 26 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, ID. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS WE DELIVER •Quotation by tfiomas F^iftter C dL608-i^J) YOUR SECURITY STARTS GROWING JULY THAT'S THE DAY a new earnings petiod begins! If your savings are "posted here" on or before July 10th, you'll earn a full six months' return at year-end.' ON JUNK 30th, Oxm SAVERS EARNED $132,000. FOR THE PAST SIX MONTHS See how saving by July 10th pays off in profit Have your sav* ings "in on time!' If you can't stop sure to mail us your check or money Order (no cash please), your name and address. We'll send you your passport to profit, your credited savings account book, by return mail. Feel more secure for sure! Open or add to your savings account heoe now! perdnnum ' current rata savings Insured »o$l 0,000 ^ Dick and Hazel Morley enjoyed the company pf some old ffiends last Saturday night. .Claire and -Carl ZumMallen, \vally and Gladys Haas, Shirley ahd Bob Wicinski and Jim and Sue Barrett helped Haze ahd Dick break in their basement for thieir first "get together" down there. .They had a good time talking over old t i m e s a n d c o n s u m i n g s o m e food and beverage. Jiist about all the chicken >ox has left the vicinity of M e a d o w L a n e . M i c h a e l a n d j a r y M o r l e y , a n d G e o r g i e VanZevern are out playing a g a i n . Now l e t ' s h o p e t h e Weather stays nice for awhile. Those ^who turned odt for the "short dance" hafi themselves a good time. Although thene wasn't any entertainment, theytill had' a good time .dancingV and eating up ill tire delicious barbecues. Just the day\ that your reporter Carla is busy writing the column and expecting com- *»Sany for supper, that's the day that Janice Janquart ahd Lois Mason decide to drop in for i visit. You girls will just have to phone "for an appointment. ever ybur plai holiday let safet in tttefh kll. weelkt are for the be included you next Sprihg Grove Careful Please With the Fourth of July holiday upon us we would like to donate this short <>pace to remind you all to please be careful over the coming week- GIVEN AWARDS AT DINNER by Mrs. Charles Freand Members of the Holy Name bowling league and their wives enjoyed a roast beef dinner on Sunday night at St. Peter's -parish hall. Prizes were awarded to those with high games and series. The winners of first, prize were Donald May's t e a m . J e r o m e M i l l e r was toast-master and Called on several members for after dinner speeches. Father Daleiden gave an interesting talk on the wonderful spirit shown in a l l c h u r c h a c t i v i t i e s . C a r d s were also played and prizes went to Mrs, Clarence Miller, Mrs. Charles Freund, Mrs. W a l t e r B r o w n , M r s . A n t o n Meyer and Mrs. Ray May. (hub The birthday club met at t h e home o f t M r s . L i z z i e Freund in Johnsburg on Tues hundred were played and prizes went to Mrs. Hattie Harms, Slrsi; Alice Wagner, Mrs. Mame Tinney, Mrs. Christina Britz. A delicious lunch was served after cards. Attend Retreat Mrs. Frances McNally and Mrs. Eva Freund attended' a day of recollection at Our Lady of Perpetual Help church in Glenview on Tuesday. It was given by Father Dussman to t h e m e m b e r s o f t h e L i t t l e Flower Circle. Ushers Meet Rev. John Daleiden and the ushers met at the home of Ben May on Tuesday night. Plans were discussed about the 20. After the meeting thVr e were Cards and lunch. • i - .<p" - "' ' 'V ' ^ a...... Iowa Visitors • Air. and Mrs. Roy Wegemiui; . of Stacyville were visitors .-i»r 'the home of Mr. and Mrs.; Walter Brown on Thursday^ Attend Theatre f ' Mrs. George W. May, Mrs. John McGoven, Mrs. Earl Olson, Mrs. Charles Freund and Miss Lorraine Mitchell enjoyed' dinner and attended the snmf-. mer theatre at Sha'dy Lanfe Marengo, on Thursday nigh#;' The auto is such a strong instrument of self-expression that it has replaced house,, home and motherhood as it coming carnival July 19 and gauge of security and success. " £nd and dri\>p. carefully. "What- day afternoon. Games of five DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOipETBIST At 136 S. Oreen SireeVMcHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 P.M. y ~ EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT " PHONE McHENRY 452 iillll mm-u*. TDcioifiir lifti t&cfacfoi USTS BEAUTIFIES PROTECTS COSTS LESS COMPLETELY SATISFIES HOLDS WATER PRESSURE LASTING PAINT for MASONRY BEST BY TEST • 100% USABLE SPACE • EASY TO ERECl • STRENGTH OF A BRIDGE • ECONOMICALLY PRICED I CALL US TODAY Phone 1424 MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 102' North State Street * JOrdan 8-7258 MAKINOOr I I L I N O I t TOTAL ASSETS OVER $9,000,000.00 The * "walk-in" feature avoids the need of "stepping over" the seat 'fKlpifort braCket. v , Cannot tip over. The ski-type legs permit easy moving when cutting the lawn. Ruild it yourself -- we'll cut the lumber for you, or -- we'll build the table complete. Easily disassembled for storage. We Now Feature The Quality CROWN STORM DOOR . 1V»" Thick AU Aluminum Remember WISCO STORM WINDOWS Our Store Will Be Open Friday Eve's 'til 9 p.m. This may be a more convenient time for you to see our many displays of materials for the home. Bring your family and browse around. Trained personnel are available at all times to help you develop your ideas and offer suggestions. Our lumber sheds will not be open Friday evenings. Orders may be placed for Saturday 'morning delivery. Ait***' OUR NfeW LOCATION IS lAlt *6 PIM0 OUR COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH ANY BUILDING PROBLEM ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 -- South of Main Street -- McHenry, INiiieif PHONE 1424 "ALWAYS FIRST ... SERVICE TO O0R CUSTOMERS

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