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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jul 1958, p. 13

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, ** j 'i, % r v<vr ^V *£-y?- f > ,~j \<£^ ^ * ' " ' ^ lt ^ ^ '5 >'*""7, ^v ^ %li» ;K"< a ^ ,"- f" j V *J, yf-p*" * ; \>.??• pr^ $•-<«**:- *7 McCuUomLake ify* Eve Leyesque LYour reporter and family are king a few days for a vacation. Consequently, all news potes and copy should be in fhe hands of Mrs. Elma NeljBon, no later than Sunday afternoon, July 6. 1 jphp readers of this column liaye always been so cooperative, and I knovy you won't fail this one more time. ! tyost of you are familiar With the easy-going and chatty |tyi$e of Column that Elma puts jout -- and a change will be a Welcome relief for all of you. a our reporter has put out fcolumns at times that, 'were hard to write. Especially when y&:oncerne<L the death or sad .V»<?ws. of orje of our beloved Residents. But the writing, I iiave always enjoyed. I expect 10 come back to my typewriter with renewed energy and zeal. *®fcg. better to, serve you - the Importers of Your column. See ygu Week after next. 1 ;Village Board Notes Jj?hd president and trustees t Monday, June 23 in the jfeachbduse for their regularly ^techfl^d meeting. At this tjaev Ejjt^Jgarenti, road comigpgtonei^ Reported that sand ^rrtfe-'fbrf^iext winter's snow $rid jcp^have been obtained and will ,.|)e% {>^^ed and stenciled. *hey ,wjll|pfe placed at strate- $jUl, inteofi Actions to keep our roads through the v^st weathfer. Jfiit^nce chairman, Bill Cre- Jread resolution No. 12, Mfrig with the tax levy jjch was approved by the addition to our speed is, village limit signs will installed at the east and t end limits of the comrijtfnity. long awaited gate entcpnce lights will be installed bi the immediate future. What a boon to the entire community. #pie npxt meeting will be help Monday, July 14 at 8 p.m. As- most of you are aware, these m&etings are open to the public and spectators cordially hinted. Dances Every Saturday Evening Sorry we couldn't give them the proper publicity for their first dance which the 'Teensters started last Saturday night, but our deadline conflicted with their meeting which was held Tuesday, June 24. At this time, the new organization was formed with the following officers elected. Don Hayes will serve in the capacity'. of president, with "Butch" Stacknick as his able vice-president. Donna DeMar was elected to the office of secretary-treasurer. Jerry Corsan was appointed chairman in charge of pop with Jack Osterby assisting. Ticket sales will be handled by Melinda Scarbrough and Cindy Tomasello, and chaperones o b t a i n e d through Judy Murray and Roberta Houck. The little ones will be allowed on the floor for dancing from 7-9 p.m., while the period from 9-11 p.m., will be Strictly for 'teensters! This rule was put _in force because too many young children were allowed free rein, and so monopolized the dancing area to the exclusion of those for whom these affairs were intended. Here's to a summer of fun for our young people. The meeting was supervised by chairman of teensters, Mrs. Elma Nelson and assistants, Mrs. Betty Murray and your reporter. The kids conducted themselves in an admirable manner, and proved that they have the quality of leadership from hence will come the future guardians of our progressive village. They will meet the second Tuesday of every month. All youngsters cordially invited. On^Eastwood Drive •Work has been progressing f#*the surfacing of Eastwood d&ve and may even be completed (by this writing. Here's fofeing that villagers and all clivers Will adhere strictly to a safe driving speed. Remember -« we all wish to preserve the IftRs of all our children and nwhy wee ones traverse this tJK*oughfare. • Wow! Thrill For The Kids Work has begun on the beautiful, sturdy pier which will be installed in our waters very soon. Jack Schlofner was given the contract to construct a platform four feet wide by twenty feet in length with a T on the end which will meafifteen feet long by six feet wide. This should make for plenty of jumping and diving room. The gift to the community is being made by the Ladies of the Lake. The project was unanimously approved at the meeting held Thursday, June 26 in the beachhouse. Mr. Schlofner has promised its installation at the earliest possibly date. How's that for good nm/s? • This was the last business meeting of the summer season. Regular activities will resume in the fall. But for the enjoyment of summer visitors and our local population, the women are planning on holding public games Qvery second and fourth Thursdays through July and August. Your able reporter, E^araa Nelson will have more nm on this, in the next column. Hospital Auxiliary Art Fair In order to make this affair the most successful, the women of the McHenry hospital auxiliary are soliciting all paintings, sculpture, or any other type of original art work from all communities. If you have any material in this category, please contact Mrs. Loretta Wilhelm at 128-M. The Art Fair will be held July 12-13 Saturday and Sunday, in the Junior high school. Wouldn't it be nice to have some entries from the village? Accident Victim Mrs. Lillian McCarthy has been confined to McHenry hospital for quite some time as a result of the accident which occurred near Lake Zurich when her car skidded on wet pavement. She sustained broken bones and bruises and was badly shaken up. According to latest reports, her recovery is coming along as well as can be expected. How about a "sunshine shower of cheery greetings to speed her along the way and to let her know that we are praying for her recovery? 21. His parents, Beverly and Frank Rourke of Edgebrook subdivision drove to Peoria and returned with the wee one. In this past week, the entire family has hbd to make adjustments, but "Kevin & worth it. It's one thing to have a baby and return from the hospital immediately. It's, quite another matter to have your new born taken from your arms and delivered elsewhere for safekeeping. Kevin has Deen receiving the foest of care at St. Francis's hospital but its not like mommy's arms. He was born April 15 and spent more than two months in an incubator. We couldn't be happier for mom and dad -- And big sister, Cynthia, and brother, John. Congratulations to this grand family. THEMcHENRY PLAINDEALER s Couldn't Wait Mrs. Torsten Bjork >nd lovely young daughters, Diane and Berenice returned from their western jaunt o^--Wednesday evening, thereby cutting short their intended stay. They had planned to be gone four or five weeks but loneliness overpowered them. The trio "had a 'wonderful time and covered all the ground they wanted! We give Berenice all the credit in the world for even attempting the journey. 'Twas much driving for her to tackle alone. Mighty nice to have them home again. The old place just wasn't the same without them. birthday Greetings To Mrs. Rosalie Josserand who is celebrating her natal day, Saturday, July 5. Emergency Surgery Capt. and Mrs. Ted Olsen and children who were due to return to California on Tuesday were forced to change their plans. After suffering through a few days of poor health, Dorie was taken to McHenry hospital Sunday evening for an emergency knife job. There may be a more serious operation in the near future. Blood transfusions were also indicated. More details next week. Lilymoor ASSOCIATION MEETS JULY 8 AT by Shirley Schuerr 2645-W Tuesday, July 8, the Lilymoor association will meet at the little schoolhouse at 8 p. m. Anyone interested in joining are invited. New summer residents are also urged to at- 'tend these meetings. . Lilymoor Association Card, Party The Lilymoor association card party will take place on S a t u r d a y , J u l y 12 a t C l u b Lilymoor. The tickets are 75 cents. It will start, at approximately 8 p.m. and there will be prizes at each table. Members will receive two tickets in the mail. . Garbage Pickup This is put in' here to remind you that your garbage will be picked up every Wednesday in the months of July and August. Don't fail to put your garbage cans out in plain sight in front of your house so they won't be overlooked. I • Birthdays Little Joan Farr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Farr, reached the ripe old age of 7 on Monday, June 23. Helping her celebrate were her sister Susie, Mike. Tom, and Charles Schmidt, Fred and Charlene Thornton and Valerie White, all of Lilymoor. While at the party the children had a baseice her and clothes for her and enjoyed cake, pop, cream and candy with other little friends. Miss Kathleen Polinski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Polinski, became sweet sixteeii (and never been kissed) Tuesday, July 1. She celebrated her birthday with a barbecue in her back yard. Some of those who helped her celebrate were Barbara White, Laurel Hueckstaedt, Sharon Counley a n1 d Anita Hiland of Lilymoor and Judy Vacondia, Lana Maher and Barb Williams of Lakemoor. ^ Wilbur Counley celebrated his birthday with <> his family also on Tuesday, July 1. Ricki Colberg was 15 on Monday, June 23. Mrs. Alma Hueckstaedt was surprised by her family with a party on Saturday, June 21. Among the guests were Mrs. Frances Counley, Mrs. Bruno Karas, Mrs. Zahn and Mrs. Lois Schiavone. Cake and coffee were served by her daughter, Cheryl. A former resident of Lilymoor. Otis Browne, - became 17 on July 1, also. He is now living a mile out of. McHenry on the Woodstock side. Butch Colberg was sweet sixteen (and never been kissed) on Monday, June 30. ball game which Joan's team won 6-0. Joan received money' been together in six years. A Big Surprise The Wilbur Counley family of Prairie Avenue were surprised Sunday, June 22, when Mrs. Counley's brother, James Smith and his wife, Naomi, and her mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. W a i n o Thomas came in for a visit from San Angelo, Texas. Also h e r o t h e r b r o t h e r , W i l l i a m Smith and family from Lakemoor dropped in. It was the first time the family had all Take care over the "4th' so we can all meet again when the holiday is over. Send your news to Elma 'and we'll see you upon our return. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE ZEPHYR VENTILATED AWNINGS /III AUuniHum ADMIT LIGHT & AIR SHUT OUT HEAT & GLARE ROLL UP AWNINGS -- DOOR HOODS EAGLE PICHER ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS and DOORS Summer Resident: The Leonard Dal tons of N o r t h w e s t e r n C h i c a g o , came out to visit in their summer home on June 21, but came out to stay for the summer on Sunday, June 2i9. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton have four children, Karen, 13, who is the oldest* Mary, 12, Johnny, who was 11 on June 26, and Peggy, who is 8. The children in the .neighborhood are always glad to see this family every summer. Hope you like it here! Miss Ava Pulliam, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pulliam, left for six weeks at cairip on June 13, 1958. She would very1 much like to hear from friends and neighbors while she is away. Five year olds awny from home get, very lonely. So folks, drop her a line often. Her address is as follows: Miss Ava Pulliam, c/o Summer Speech Center, Rockford College, Rockford, 111. Miss Pulliam also had a birthday on June 16, 1958. It siprris that there has been a series of"illness at the home of 'Mrs.' Eunice Tobey' of Prairie avenue. Her son David had a bout with near pneumonia, also their dog had a virus. Hope everyone is fine now, Mrs. Tobey. If anyone has any i n f o r m a t i o n on t h e t e a r i n g down of Mrs. Tobey's fence, kindly contact her. There is "venturesoxxie*t* enjoy the surprise flavor of St.Paulf o e r m An LIGHT BEER a small- reward offered the name of the cftlprit. 4-H NEWS Sunshine Girls The meeting of the Ringwood Sunshine Girls was held June 17 at 7:30 at the Ringwood church. The president, E v e l y n H a r r i s o n , c a l l e d t h e meeting to order with the 4-H pledge. Leslie Decker gave a demonstration on "Putting In A Zipper;" Karen Schmelzer gave a talk on "Safety On The Stairs;" Pat Grabovy gave a talk on "Safety" and a dem- HOLD HEARING . k REGARDING TWO > TRAILER PARKS - There will be a hearing b f o r e G e o r g e F . J e d l i c k a ^ county building officer, on Friday, July#18, at 2 p.m. in thfe supervisors' room of the court^ house annex, Woodstock. • This hearing pertains to the refusal of the building officer to issue a license for the year of 1958 to the Twinkling Star ; trailer court, located two and one-half- miles northwest of." the city of Woodstock on Rt. 14, and also, the Sunset View * 4.- , _ . „ i mobile park, located one-half ! mi'e south Of the city of Ha,- vard on Rt. 14. The hearing is being held for the reason that the applicants are reported not to have complied with the requirements of the McH e n r y c o u n t y t r a i l e r c o a c h and motel control law. v Judy Pope- gave a demonstration on "Making A Casing," and Sandy Josserand gave a talk on "Bites of Insects" and "Blisters." ', After the meeting, refreshments were furnished by Karen Schmelzer and Leslie Decker. We then worked on our garments. . Leslie Decker Many scientists have wondering how old the earth is and have begun pondering Reporter how much older it wjU. get. SAVE MONEY! AVOID WASTE! READY-MIX CONCRETE RADIO DISPATCHED McHenry Ready Mix Co* Inc. Convenient Terms Arthur Boqer PHONE 1180 S07 E. WAUKEGAN RD. Hospitalized Mrs. Edna Thorpe was taken to McHenry hospital last week in very serious condition. It is an old malady that returns to plague her. Fortunately she was placed in the same room with Mrs. McCarthy and the women are friends and neighbors. Why not drop her a cheery message also, and hasten her recovery? « Cullom-Knoll Ass'n. The Cullom-Knoll ass'n. will meet Sunday, July 6 at 2:30 p.m. The importance of this meeting cannot be over-emphasized. It is urgent that every member of the organization ipakca special effort to attend. Important matters to be1 discussed which cannot be postponed. You will be there, won't you? Kevin Peter Rourke Comes Home The little lad who was ushered into this world with the greatest obstacles against survival -- made the £rade and attained the lofty weight of five pounds on Saturday, June LOST > 1 Hundreds of dollars each week by people with used things to sell who do not use the Plaindealer Classified Ads. ^ "To Thee I The Keys of the Kingdom George Johnson didn't bate the Pope. Indeed, he held the head of the Catholic Church in high esteem as a leader in the spheres of morality, world peace and human rights. But nobody could Convince peorge Johnson that the Holy Father had any "special authority to speak officially for Christ. Where in the Bible, George wanted to know, is there any mention of such a person as a Vicar of Christ? Where in Holy Scripture does Our Lord delegate any of His authority to a single human being? It was not until he read, and read again, the words of Jesus to Peter (Matthew 16:18-19) thit George Johnson began to understand the Catholic claim of papal authority. "And I say unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" .. ."And, I will give unto thee die keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall' be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." The Catholic claim concerning the authority of the Pope does not depend solely, of course, upon this or other significant passages of Holy Scripture. For the Vicarship of the Pontiffs had been universally recognized throughout Christendom long before the books of the Bible had been gathered together, and several centuries before the Church had officially selected the writings which were to be regarded as inspired. But for the benefit of those who wish to weigh the Catholic claim in the light of the Bible, we respectfully suggest that they do as S U P R E M E George Johnson did-- read and read again Our Lord's words to Peter, "And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven..." For is it not a clear delegation of His authority when Christ tells Peter: ". . . whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven..."? For a long time George Johnson had believed Our Lord's reference to "this rock" meant Peter's faith and not Peter's person. But now he saw in the Savior's words a specific command to exercise specific powers of judgment, which had to be an act of Peter the man. Aliighly, interesting and authoritatiye story of the origin of the papacy... the reasons why Catholics Relieve as they do concerning die Pope... a brief but exciting histoid of the Popes since the time of .Peter, the first Pontiff--all these and many other interesting facts ate contained in a pamphlet which We will gladly send to you free on request. We will mail it in a plain wrapper and nobody will call on you. Mail coupon today. Ask for Pamphlet No. KC-11. I SUPREME COUNCIL I KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS I RELIGIOUS INFORMATION BUREAU I 4422 lindell Blvd., St. Louis 8, Missouri | Please send me w>ur Free Pamphlet enj titled: "A Short Story of The Popes" KC-II \ I I | ADDRESS I I CITY. C O U N C I L -STATE KVIIGHTS OF COLUniBUS RELIGIOUS INFORMATION BUREAU 1 4 2 2 LINDELL BLVD. ST. LOUIS 81 MISSOURI SPONSORED BY McHENRY COUNCIL NO. 1288 ON DRAFT SPORTSMAN'S INN McHENRY HETTERM ANN'S JOHNSBURG 606 Front St. PHONE 020 McHenry, Illinois Convenient Terms MoHENRY, ILL. I FIRESTONE SUPER CHAMPION |«|1 ilii 6.70-15 Black-Tubed tow REDUCED PRICES ON 9 Passenger Tires • Truck Tires * •Tractor Tires • Made with Firestone's exclusive Rubber-X ... to give you extra long mileage • Seven sturdy non-skid tread ribs • S/F Safety Fortified cord body for extra safety ... long life • Rugged shoulders and side walls ••iiiM--JiijjnasniB Check That Battery Now! FIRESTONE'S FAMOUS DRY CHARGE BATTERIES AS LOW AS As High As 00 TRADE-IN for your old BATTERY Wall Freund, Prop. 526 W. Main. Si. PHONE 294 McHenry, Dl. iMtl'

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