Thursday* ^McCullom "Lake ^ r ^ + tT?& { ? , Ti^";' * ytry vf(T; ^ ^ ^v,'s1 M Hta. :'•: 1 HVC,'J® ASSN TO BKT MEW OFFICBtS by Eve Levesque The Cullom - Knoll association, which is responsible for beach maintenance, will hold its annual election of officers? Sunday, Aug. 3 at 2:30 p.m. in the beachhouse. Since no meeting was held in July, a nomi- Sating committee was unable I be appointed. According to •ihe last report, nominations ^vill be taken from the floor. The response to the club has -not been forthcom'ng. but it is hoped that members will answer, the appeal and be oh hand for this most important meting. Another reminder next week.. A Hospital Patient 'Flown Home Mrs. Ingeborg Olsen was taken directly from her hos pital bed at the Griggs County Memorial hospital, Cooperstown, N. p., to 1he airfield outside of town for her return trip. The plane was piloted by son-in-law, Jack Levesque and ably assisted by Willard Schultz. Your reporter was 4ft>ng to administer to Mam" if help was required. During our absence from Tuesday until Thursday night. Theresa Schultz held down the fort .if home "rnrte herd" on the four "Indians," thereby making our trip possible. The excellent care t^t ' received, plus tlie additional blood which w?s administered Kved a life-saver, and Mrs. en is in pretty fine shape, we are happv to report! It was a thrill for me to p:et back to the old "stamping grounds." It had been 18 years since I last set foot on North Dakota soil. Many friendships to renew and relatives to see The Olsens and we were welcomed with open arms »nd hospitality extended from Mrs. JQsa Ueland and Mr. and Mrs I .ester Ericksen . and family. Manv thanks. Pa Olsen and nephew, Ludwig Heskie, had no reasdn to rush home and planned to fish along the way. They planned to return sometime yesterday, -Wednesday. Too bad we could not celebrat^ - Pa's seventyfifth birthday o~n Sunday. That •\^1 keep untU. return- Council Notes At the last meeting of the village board, Ordinance 33 dealing with the tax anticipation warrant, was ready by chairman of finance, Bill Creutz and approved by the trustees. John Boyle, building commissiQner, reported that thir- ^fouV building permits had been issued to date, which •sounds quite progressive! A letter from the Ladies of "OBEY THAT IMPULSE" Author's Name Below All of rus have the impulse to live as long as possible. Each year the opportunity of granting this desire is increasing. Modern physicians have greater knowledge of the cause and treatm e n t o f d i s e a s e . M a n y recently perfected horm o n e s , v i t a m i n s a n d other medicines help the Jbody to resist old age. Obey that "impulse to live longer by regularly consulting your physician about what you can do t o h e l p y o u r b o d y . Should any medication be needed, we welcome the privilege of supplying it." YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHENRY 26 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE Pick up your prescription if shopping near us, let us deliver promptly ithout extra charge. A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? NYE DRUGS PHONE 26 129 NT. Riverside Dr. McHenry, I1L PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS WE DELIVER •Quotation by Thomas L. Masson (1866-1934) the Lake requesting -permission to .assist in maintaining our street and gate signs was read. The officers were in agreement that the proferrpd help would be a boon. The next meeting will be held Monday, July 28 at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. It was encouraging to see the large group of spectators present. Their presence was a welcome addition. Room for many more. Air Force Family Returns Home Capt. Ted Olsen and four young ones, Ingrid, Nancy, Debbie, and young Ted departed our shores on Sunday night by -train. Convalescent wife ^and mother, Doris, remained here until • Tuesday afternoon when she boarded a plane for her trip to the west coasts The "extended visit was necessitated by Dorie's unexpected illnesis and resultant surgery. Ted was most anxious to get home in order to report to his field at Travis Air Force Base, San Francisco in the face of the Middle East situation and growing world tension. Long Awaited Illumination Here.! The Public Service company has been prominent in the community this week, laying out the proposed gate lights. By this reading, the actual work is under way. Won't it be nice to be all "lit up" like the proverbial Christmas tree? • Cherry Fiesta During the height of the cherry season, good neighbor, Mrs. Marie Hagel tossed a party for the neighborhood youngsters so they could enjoy their "fill" of the delicious fruit. This was her sweet way of thanking the small fry for not disturbing their yard and causing any mischief. It was strictly a "hands off" policy in Regard to their beautiful lawn, flowers, and fruit trees. The young ones included Dominic* and Danita Tomasello JoAnne Reid; Nancy Burg; Bill Ronnie and David Hyatt; Andrea, Gail, Ronnie and Alana Parks; Bonnie Burg; Janie Frost and Nancy and Tommy Morris. Mrs. Hagel received valuable assistance from Mrs. George Haines, Mi's. Wanda Dyko, Ethel (Petey) Schmidt, and Mrs. Lance , Parks. Goodies included big bowls erf cherries, cheery punch, .'cotfkies and cafce,- . Everyone was sorry Mrs. Hagel's . daughter and family were late, but they arrived in, time to provide rock 'n roll" music for some of the avid dancers. Mucho good time! -Lad Suffers Concussion Young Tommy Frost, 4 year old. son of Lorraine and Gene Frfcst of Spring Road, ran into a bit of bad luck last Friday night at tjie Johnsburg school. It seems .as though the family was on hand for a ball ganle between our little league "Cubs" and the Johnsburg team. "Seeking his own anpusement during the game, Tom turned to the slides and promptly toppled off! An ambulance was summoned and the lad was on his way to McHenry hospital where it was discovered that he had incurred a brain concussion. \ All's well that ends well, and Tommy was brought-, home Sunday afternoon. Hie is under observation but appears to be. recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hyatt, "Skeets" Morris and Bud Harrison assisted in their time of need. day and-Sunday, Aug, 16 and Johnsblira 17 from 2 'til 9 p.m. at the ' Harrison school. All classes will be open except the . tables which will be by invitation only. The theme of the show this year is "Through thi? Garden 9ate." Programs are available at the Cottage Garden shop, Wonder Lake. For further information, please contact chairman Mrs. Ralph White--W.L. 2831 or Mrs. Arthur Hoppe of McHenry. Residents of our community are cordially invited to participate or. just "spectate!" Covering Miles Gene Piotrowski, daughter, Phyllis, and friend, Dennis Straumann dashed off Friday at noon and were in Minneapolis in record time. The purpose of their journey was to visit Dennis' family. They returned late Sunday night, having put considerable mileage on the car! During her family's absence. I ottie- enjoyed the companionship of her sister, Mrs. Genevieve Sulkowski of Chicago, Belated But Well Meant . 1 Greetings to Mr. Berry of Park View West who celebrated his natal day on Saturday, July 19. Mr. Berry just retired from attive employment and plans to really "live it up" with his leisure time. M|ss -Sandy Senter is marking her first birthday in her/ new home. Actually, she is a lively eight--today, Thursday, Ju\v 24. Sweet Miss Berenice Bjork is having her chums in for a pajpma party tomorrow night, Friday. July 25 for her tenth birthday. Genial gentleman, Bill Myers %f Maple Hill Drive is looking forward to Sunday. July 27 when he will be 78 years young! Wee Gloria Fernandez will who has been visiting for the be two on Monday, July 28. past two weeks. The two sis- [Kisses will be received from ters were thrilled on Satur day with an unexpected visit from their mother, Mrs. Mary Walsh. She was concerned about Gene who had suffered an accident at work which could have been his "undoing." He--and a loaded jeep--fell several feet together and he was pinned under. Evidently his guardian angel was with him because he suffered only pulled muscles and other injuries which did not require hospitalization. Glad to say, he was able to return tqjjwork on Monday-- a bit the worse for wear! Annual Garden Show Wonder Lake will be holding its annual garden show, Saturher two sisters, and mom and dad, of course! Things MUST be bade to normal for us, by this time! See yoij next week--with "no excitement, we hope! Bye, bye. LINCOLN STOVE Gov. Stratton said that the original Lincolp stove will soon occupy its proper position in the Lincoln home in Springfield. He had asked in a letter to the Lincoln Museum in Washington that the stove be returned to Illinois. Gov. Stratton said that a letter in reply from the museum reads in part, "You may be assured that steps are now being taken to work out this transfer of the Lincoln stove." COMPLETE OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE FURNITURE ert ^J^rauAe 808 E._Elm St. PHONE 878-J on McHenry, ID. CHER TEAtf VICTORIOUS M< STATE TOURNEY by Betty Hettermanii A large crowd of "Johnsb u r g i t e s " t r a v e l l e d t o E l g i n last Friday evening to see the first game in the state tournament -- and what a game they saw! It was nip and tuck right down to the last inning with the Timers cbming out on top of an 8 to 6 score. They w»U endeavor to make it two in a row when they return to Elgin next Thursday evening, July 24. Game time is 6 p.m. Be sure to attend this thriller and give the boy^ some moral support. The Tigers won over Mc- Ttenry last Sunday on our diamond by a scores of 16 to 3. There is just no holding these boys down anymore. Johnsburg will play host to Mandy's of Elgin on our diamond next Sunday at 2 p.m. Undergoes Surgery Mrs. Bill HiUer underwent surgery at the^Woodstock hospital last Wednesday. If everything goes well, Susie is expected to return home this week. I'm sure her recuperation period will be shortened Considerably if she hears from her many friends. A get well 6ard means so much when a person is confined. Recuperation List Mi's. Marie Oefflin^ has had (juite a siege of it with her knee. From some unknown cause, Marie developed an inf e c t i o n o n f y e r k n e e w h i c h caused quite a bit of pain and frequent trips to the doctor. She is now able to get up and around pretty good so we all loin in wishing her a very speedy get well. Little Charlie O'Connor ret u r n e d t o h i s h o m e a f t e r spending several/days in a Chicago hospital where he underwent lip surgery. Charlie's b^ the Sterling Blythe family, weekend visiting relatives , oi parents and his brother, Pat Frank and Agnes F r e u n d the river. ^ 3f>d sister, Mary, £^e ever so have beien entertaining quite i Sandy and Kathy Hette happy because the operation a few out of town guests with-1 mann and Diane Stilling an was such a success!. We cer- in. the past few weeks. Recent- j spending twelve days attti tainly hope that is the end of ly Mr. and Mrs. A r t h u r j Girl Scout camp of Camp hospitals for a long, long time Schmitt of Battle Creek, Mich., I tary McQueen in Kirkland, I for young Charlie. ^Celebrates Birthday Eleven young ladies arrived at Joy Hettermann's home last Monday afternqon dressed in their pretty party frocks and ready for an afternoon of fun. G a m e s w e r e e n j o y e d b e f o r e and after the refreshments. Joy was presented with many lovely gifts in honor of her seventh birthday. Present for the party doings "were Mary Catherine Frederick, Dorothy Kupstis, Judy Schaefer, Carol J e a n H i l l e r , M a u r e e n C r i s t , D i a n e S c h l u e t e r , C a r o l A n n Stilling, Jean Hgttermann, Judy Herdrich, Jorifene Freund and Joy's sister, Karen. ^ New Residents We dust off our much used welcome mat once again to welcome some new residents. This time we extend a friendly w e l c o m e t o M r . a n d M $ s . George Letzter and their 5 year old daughter. The Letzt e r s m o v e d i n t o t h e i r n o w home in Jak-Ana Heights last Wednesday, They formerly resided in Villa Park. were their visitors. Mrs. Anna j Bill and Dolly Schmitt spent Schmitt of North St. Paul, j the past weekend visiting hiS. S Minn., has been spending a few parents, the John Schmitts. y<; weeks in the Freund home. I Yours truly arid daughters/ ' Last Sunday Frafik and Agnes are taking a short jaunt in enjoyed the company of Mr. the "big city" for a few days but wiif be home later this week ready and willing to accept your news items.' Hop to hear from you all. and Mrs. Nick Heins and Mr. and Mrs. Tony.-Heins, of Aurora and Mary K. Schmitt of M c H e n r y a s t h e i r d i n n e r guests. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hettermann and family of College Park, Georgia, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hettermajin and sons o.f Arlington. Va., \will be guests at the Joe E. Freund home for a few daysX the Hettermanns are h they will be spending 4-H NEWS The meeting of the Rinp wood Sunshine Girls was held ' July 15. at 7:30, at the Ringr hile | wood Methodist church. As\,.; e r e , I our president was absent our i some j vice-president, Ida Mae Walktime visiting other relatives j ington. took over. Our meet-- and friends. j ing was called to ordier with.'* The names of Mrs. Jack Kee- t^he 4-H Plledge. The sei nan, Betty Lou, and Tom \#re j tary called roll and read thi omitted fron'l the guest list of Carol Ann Stilling's birthday party. The Walter Durrenbergs are real happy to have their niece's daughter, Nancy, spending a vacation with them. Frances Michels of Chicago is minutes. Karen Schmelzer gave a tallt 6n handicraft. We then voted.. ^ for king and queen of the fair. We wish everyone in this con- „ te<=t good luck. The girls who ? will work in the" Federation * Stand at the fair, Aug. 2, werfc^ Around The Town Mr. and Mrs Willard MrtTulla, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Green and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freund attended the Mahoney- McCulla wedding in Hinsdale recently. Cindy and Nancy Smeltzer o f R o c k f b r d h a v e s p e n t t h e past two weeks visiting at" the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smrth. Their grandmother returned with them to spend a few days visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Smith drove to Roekford on Sunday to join the groun in celebrating Cindy's ninth birthday. Jane Mann is real happy to have her husband. G e o r g e , 1 home after completing his two year hitrh in Uncle Sam's service. The Manns have taken tin residenre ;n the house on North avenue recently vacated here spending her two picked at this meeting. Oft weeks vacation visiting at the j Aug. 1, we Will model our garhomes of Mr. find Mrs. Charles j ments in front of the grand- ^ Michels and Mrs. Helen Pitzen' stand at the fair. Our meetand other relativ es. | ing was then adjourned. Wl . Mrs. Agnes Crowley and'played a game and went ftome'" Mary Elizabeth spent last Leslie Decker, reporter ' -- -- ; 516 Front St. A CHAT WITH US Regular check-ups and maintenance> by our experts, means lower car costs ,to. you! Call us today and find out fo* t yourself. *i•{ r-- Brake Service ^ f| All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE McHenry, 111. Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R VALUE AND irs BY H0TP0INT UPRIGHT FREEZER MODEL 8FM12 * HOLDS 417 LBS. • 12 CU. FT. CAPACITY •2 ADJUSTABLE SHELVES • SUPER SPEED FREEZING •INTERIOR LIGHT RETAIL PRICE $349.95 0t)R SAVE NOW!"" PRICE 9 LEE & RAY 516 MAIN ST. ELECTRIC PHONE 882 McHENRY JS-xS; l«it 5 V^ ^ S S i f " " WiiiKiii;-:::! Wis * ^ Satisfaction One Cadillac owner put it this way-- "I know," he said, "of no other investment a man can make that returns finer dividends than the purchase of a new Cadillac." _ * Consider, first of all, what a comparatively modest expenditure requires to own and drive and enjoy the "car of cars" today. A Cadillac is surprisingly reasonable in original cost --remarkably economical to maintain--and without rival in its resale value. t And then envision, if you will, the personal re- \xjond its (Jost! wards that accompany this extraordinary practicality. IIow wonderful it is to sit in command of a motor car that is so magnificent in performance. IIow satisfying it is to be surrounded by its marvelous Fleetwood luxury. And how inspiring it is to reflcet on the car's matchless reputation among the world's motorists. > So if you see a new Cadillac in your future--we urge you to visit your dealer today. He'll be Jjalppy to give you details on all the Cadillacs--including the Eldorado Brougham. S T A N D A R D OF THE WORLD FOR MORE T H A N H A L F A C E N T U R Y Every Window of Every Cadillac is Safety Plate Glass OVERTON CADILLAC - PONTIAC C 400 Ffont St. Phone 17