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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jul 1958, p. 12

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Pkiakee Highlands i£AMP 0UTW6 Carla Bales & Hazel Morley , 2895-J 640-J1 V' From all reports the girls "^bad the time of their lives. i They really enjoyed camping tents, cook-outs, and hikes, lany also engaged in craft * .work, modeling clay, weaving v and making different objects ; Out of plaster of paris. On fefYiday, the final day, the girls ^'presented a program for their linothers. Each unit either 14»ang, presented a skit or displayed their craft work. En- •v joying the program were Wan- <la Dobecki, Dot Erbin, Mrs. '. Slugga, Mrs. Haynor, iand Lois Blason. Many thanks to leaders Harriet Wilson, Vi John- ; son, and Mrs. Bob Van Ze- -Vern. Also many thanks to • Mrs. Ray Maddock, Mary Mad- , dock, Mrs. George VanZevern, and Toots Spankuch for volunteering their time. Sea Scouts the Sea Scouts, under the guidance of Bob VanZevern, • leave by bus to Chicago and rthen from Chicago by bus to Benton Harbor, Mich., to enjoy three days (Monday, Tues- 'day^and Wednesday) of cruising. 'Teen Club On Saturday evening a surprise party was held for De- Ipres Formella in her home. •SHie was 17 years old. And on Hjunday evening Linda Klatt fnew 'teen member) was surprised by a birthday party in her honor at the Schlick's home. One of Mrs. Schlick's -served. Lola DuPree returns from a vacation in Florida on Tuesday. luscious birthday cakes was Deepest Sympathy on the recent death of Mrs. Gala B. McDonald. She leaves Dorothy Orlowski and Ruth Rathnow, and a daughter and Spn in Chicago. Burial was in R i d g e w o o d c e m e t e r y i n C h i cago. Slow Down Many, <k>mplaints have reached your reporters about the speedsters . on the main road. As we have said before many, many times slow dowfy before a little child is hurt or crippled for life. Johnsburg Little League Here are the scores for the games held during July 14 through 18. The Yanks beat the Tigers 19 to 14. The Cards 5, Cubs 1. and the Orioles trimmed the Yanks 11 to 3. Treat yourself and go see a game. Here and Thtfre Lois and Tom Mason attended the wedding of a friend of Tom's in Chicago. '" Ray Taylor had two men from work spending the week-' end here in the Highlands On Saturday the Schlicks are planning a picnic. The Mc- Enaneys and the Svensons, and their boat, are going to toe spending the day here. We bet Barb will be doing some water skiing that day. Mrs. Mary Erbin, of Detroit, is visiting her son, Jack and his family, for a few weeks. She has really been having a time seeing the sights and meeting all of the popular Erbin family's friends. Mr. Woodlock (Harriet Taylor's father) is leaving Sunday with a friend for a two weeks vacation in New Orleans. While directing the train, Art Bentz1! was , hit by a car (luckily he jumped in time, or it would have been worse) at the signals in Fox Lake. He was struck in the leg and has a broken vessel. • Lois, Tom, Kathy, and Tommy enjoyed the circus at Soldier's Field Tuesday. The kids had a ball. Tom's sister, Marge and her daughter Joyce, will be visiting them for a few days and then Kathy will visit them. The Janquart family will help Linnea Medine celebrate her fourth birthday Thursday evening. Cletus and Barney Stewart enjoyed a weekend of boating with their friends the Pickerings. The whole Schlick family will enjoy a picnic in Grayslake on Sunday. They are looking forward to meeting many old friends at the Deichmann's house. Jim Bales is enjoying a two weeks vacation at reserve in Camp McCoy, Wis. We hear Mr. Merley is on vacation and that he and Mrs. Merley just returned from Indiana. On July 19 the Smolinski family attended the wedding of Ches's sister, Sophie Smolinski to Ted Ryczek. Ches was also an usher. The reception was held in Chicago. Tuesday, Mrs. Tavlor enjoyed dinner at a friend's home in Cicero. Sunday afternoon the Taylors and Schlicks will help Linda Klatt celebrate her birthday. It really happened! While Bob O'Malley was teaching his three year old son to play football, he accidentally rolled on the boy. Result: one broken leg! Irene Beamer's sister, Dorothy, her husband1, Bob, and their soh> Kenny, witl;:be enjoying our picnic Sunday. Marie Schlick, Toots Spankuch and Vi Johnson invited themselves over to Harriet Taylor's house. She supplied the coffee, they the sweets. Dot and Jack Erbin attended the wedding of Dot's cousin in Chicago. The kids -had a good time, Dot and Jack had a good time, and they danced till they had holes in their shoes. Sunday was a< busy picnic day for the Wilsons, Johnsons, Hurckes and Dobecki's. Not only did they enjoy our annual picnic, but the Moose picnic as well. : Mr. and Mrs. Healy's' daughter and ner family are visiting in the Highlands again. Ardith Syplebaum is enjoying. the company of her cousin, Robiert of Chicago, for a few days. Janice Janquart's brother, Duane.and his "wife, Easter, and their five children, Dicky, Steve, Kathy, Heidi, and Diane, will spend Sunday in the Highlands. If you're looking for Darlene and George Neesan Jfeaturday night, they will pe playing cards at Bob and Marilyn Van Zevern's Bill Schlick isn't feeling too well. He is now wearing a brace for his back. Carla Bales caught a few of the girls in their PJ's when she had a "come as you are" koffee klutch Thursday morning. Enjoying coffee, donuts, and blueberry muffins „were Dot Erbin, Mrs. Mary Erbin, Wanda Dobecki, Janiqe Janquart, Lois Mason. Mrs. Bob VanZevern, Pat Jackson, . Mrs. Haddock, Ginny Emmerich, Alice Burke, Jerry Cinami, Gisela Heilgeist, Mary Heilgeist, Audrey Zetterburg, Jean Peterson, Ann Mclnerney, Jane Peloquin, and Pearl Smolinski. Waldo and Dorothy Rose and daughter, Bunny, from Pistakee Bay and Bunny's fiancee, Eddie Stryell from Barrington, were Saturday dinner guests of Kay and Wally Sielisch. Thev all enjoyed the delicious dinner , Kay 'whipped' up. Judy and Frank Krumwiede entertained some old school friends of Judy's from Park Ridge last Thursday. Little Terry Franey is in St. Therese hospital. At this time the Doctors aren't quite sure what is wrong with the little fella, but we all hope he will be home playing with His little friends soon. Harold and Muriel Peterson and family have returned from their trip to California. They enjoyed three weeks seeing the sights of San Diega, .Mexico City and spent a few nights in the Grarjd Canyon, which Muriel says is just beautiful. On the wiiy back they left Sybil and Sharon ,with their grandparents in Iowa. They traveled about 8.000 miles. We all wish we could have joined them. The Sielischs^ were dinner guests of the Waldo Rose's last Wednesday evening at Pistakee Bay. - ' Tom#iiffe^k celebrated his ??? birthday Monday, July 21. Many happy returns of the day Tom, old boy. The Osbornes of jAnh street are getting settled in their ttew home, and enjoy the Highlands very much. 7 year old Matgie has already found tWo nice friends in Donna and Sheryl Tomao. Kay Sielisch spent Tuesday afternoon with Betty Warczak and since they both have stuck to their diets they let loose and enjoyed a BIG piece of butterscotch chiffon pie.. They really went to town on the forbidden fruit Too bad Dick Morley had to suffer an injured thumb on his last week home. Seems he was putting new spark plugs in the car and his hand slipped and lie ran a rod into his thumb. He sat for two days with hot packs on it. At last report his hand still hurts but he doesn't have to sit around anymore being waited on. Milton and Betty Sqpdelin had broiled steaks and all the trimmings Saturday night for Betty's stepmother and dad. They stayed overnight and Betty and Milton enjoyed a pleasant, weekend. A few of the patrol groups got together last we^k and had a meeting 'at Dick Moriey's. They didn't say just what they discussed > but those there discussing were; Wally Masavice, Bob Jenkins, Bob VanZevern, Jim Lemmons, George VanZevern and of course Dick Morley. Picnic Big Success Anyone who attendee! the picnic last Sunday 'Will* have to agree it was well planned and everyone had themselves a good time. There werfe games of alf sort to amuse the adults and the children. The ciakes and potato salad and other delicious pastries sold by the Pistakee Highlands Women's club were sold in short "order. The hot dogs and, beef were mouth-watering ?nd everyone seemed to be enjoying them. The day started off with the crowning of the queen of the picnic. The judges had a hard time de&dihg which of the pretty young girls would take the crown this year, but it was finally decided that little Cheryl Dowd was the queen with Glenda Jewel (last year's queen) and Carol •'I?rbin • run-. ners up. Cheryl was presented with a beautiful bride doll and Glenda and Carol each received a prize too. The races for the kiddies started at 1 p.m.. Wally Masavice with-the aid of his patrol supervised , the races. The, winners for the boys were: age 3 to 5 .George ,Van Zevern, Jr. age 6 to $ W£yne Heir; age 9 to 10 Billy, Hauck; 11 to 12, Tommy Hauck. Girls winners were; a^e,.3 . to 5 Gale Insminger; age 6 to 6 Janet Lee Thoren; age 9 to 10 Dawn Masavice;., £ge 11 to 12 Paulette GeierspaCli. ( Each child received, a prize according to their age^bracket and all the children that ran the races received a pin wheel. The mtichp talked about tug of war between the north and south came to a quick but funny end with, the south side winning the "first two out of three trys. . Congratulations to all you hefty southsiders.. But may we add th^t the baseball game was won by £he north, side by a score 13 tp. 3,0. All in all it was a very nice day for all the credit gofes to Jack Erbin, George Lammert, Artie Fletcher and countless numbers who donated their time and efforts. Later in. the evening many people returned to the community .center for a dance. Everyone had a good time and for better homes for lowest prices see us ROBERT H|Y CONSTRUCTION Co. yU. FINANCING • _.f Carpentry PHONE: 1907 Bos. 805 E. Elm St 1877 Home McHenry IPEPPING&SON! 1 CEMENT CONTRACTORS i j Phone 409 COMPLETE LINE OF CEMENT WORE | mBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiing 3w/ Sajjgfij tmi. A toy staple drugs, too, from Prescription Specialists • It is prudent to buy every drug item from the source to which you entrust your Doctor's prescriptions. Only a pharmacist is fully qualified to counsel you in the selection of household drugs. Let this simple maxim be your guide: If it belongs in your Medicine Cabinet, buy it from * DRUG Store. Of course, we hope it will be this one. Try us, next timtl % Picturesque... Practical I along Driveways Step Lighting Bolger S Drug Store 108 So. Green Phone 40 McHenrj YouTl delight in the soft-as-moonlight illumination of GAS Lights. They're the perfect companion for relaxed patio living . . . ideal for driveways, walks, swimming pools ... for keeping a light glowing on your premises all night-- in fact, anywhere outdoor lighting is needed. Whether your home is traditional of mtfiern, youll find GAS Lights bring bonus beautyand charm wherever installed. Be first with Ilia Nmriiijtl ^ ' See this brand new outdoor ligtitlAg on display at our nearest store; Leorrfiow easy it is to install. For more informaHMRr mail the coupon belowl rmNY FIAMI, NORTHMN IllMOIS OAS CO. Room 202,615 Eaatom Avonra N Softwood, Ofihofa Mom* tend m» man InfomaWoo about outdoor OAS U|Mt for yard and potto.'* WORTH CRN I L v ? N O I S G&£ 1 C OMPA NY Addroti City- ^••W**H3SS9aSSE2<aB?B2i'BS®SSSE2SBD®®522 *flb*E McHENHY .408! our thanks to the -weatl&r man for being on our side. • FLOOD AREA; Gov. Stratton ~ said he- has asked U. S. Secretary of Agriculture Ezrb Taft Benson to declare seven - counties in Illinois emergency areas as a result of Wabash river floods. The governor said that excessive rains and bajekwater from the river destroyed 70,000 acres of crops in ; Clark, Crawford, Lawrence,. Edwards,. Wabash, White and Gallatin counties. Under public law 38, farmers in this area would be eligible for emergency loans under the Farmers Hom^ Administration to those who qualify, should the counties be declared an emergency area. i i •i f> i • • :: • • • S • 5: • • • • « • • 'i# 10R THAT OLD FASHIONED FIAVOR ! COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED " HAMS LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES TRUi: GERMAN STYLE FLAVORSi Route 120 •Just East of Route 12 - Volo, I1L Phone McHenry 667-W-l €s SEE WALT NOW! for the finest tire values anywhere New Firestone Super Champions 6.70-15 Tube Type plus tax and recjoppable tire Size 6.06-16... .11.95* Size 7.10-15.... 14.85* Factory-Fresh Firestone De Luxe Super Champions 6.70-15 Tube Type *plus tax and recappable tire ALL SIZES ON SALE Firestone De Luxe Super Champion NYLONS 6.70-15 Tube Type FIRESTONE The Name in Tires Proven High 0*®* Low, Low Prices " •plus tax and recappable tire ALL SIZES ON SALE ; n - DON'T WAIT LIMITED OFFER Hurry - Don't Miss Out on These and Many Other Specials GET THESE EXCLUSIVE FIRESTONE FEATURES • Speedway Proved for highspeed safety ^ • Rubber-X for extra-long mileage • S/F Safety Fortified Cord Body for extra blowout protection • Original Bladed Tread Design for quicker starts and stops, safer turns, quiet running Check That Battery Now! FIRESTONE'S FAMOUS DRY CHARGE BATTERIES AS LOW AS As High As $6/00 TRADE-IN for your old BATTERY *16 00 MCHENRY TIRE MART 526 W. Main St. Walt Freund, Prop. PHONE 294 McHenzy, ill. -4k

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