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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jul 1958, p. 13

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' Thursday. July gy 1958 fonder Lib . • .,, USE LraiHi SHKIEDMKS *Tfs' v by Jane Dncey -- VlA A petite blonde has been selected again this year by the judges to bear the title of Miss •IVonder Lake in the Indian |tidge beauty contest held Saturday night.. Miss Bebe Liedtke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. jyilliam Liedtke, qf. Deep ^Spring Woods won first place out of a group of thirteen love- , ly young ladies. \ Sixteen year old Bebe will be • a junior at McHenry high ' school this fall. She has blonde hair, blue eyes and fair complexion. Bebe has been going to a leading finishing school in Chicago two days a week this Jammer. TTiis beauty also has brains and has been an honor roll student since " her first semester in high school. She plans to go to college and study to be a school teacher. . For recreation she plays the piano and organ and hler favorite sport is water skiing. She has been taking part in 4-H work at the Lake for the last #ree years. Runners up in the judging Saturday were Barbara Monajghan -of Wonder Woods and «?ayne Rishling of Wonder Center. The beauty contest was Jhe high point of the picnic according to Guy Henderson ^nairman, with about 400 people witnessing the outcome of the contest. Judges were Mrs. Helen Kudolla of Casper. Wyo. | Jtobert Stueben of McHenry and Laurence Murray of Mi Cullom Lake. \ The Luther league will travel there Sunday afternoon also leaving the church at 2. Christ the King "j Kibhurch News' The annual weiner roast sponsored by the Altar and Rosary sodality will be held at the home of the Robert Smiths of Lockout Point No. 1 on back bay road near Seneca drive. AH the hi embers are urged to attend and bring a guest. The ladies of the parish are all invited to come and enjoy an evening together. The regular meeting will be held prior to the picnic which will begin at 8 p.m. Wonder Lake , Bible Church News The annual Sunday school picnic will be held Saturday, July 26. at Wilmot, Wis. "the bus will leave the church at 10:45 atn. for those' without oUier transportation. E a oh family is ,asked to bring one dish to pass as it will be a family pot luck picnic. For more information call Wonder Lake-2862 or 6393. The Young * People will be going on a two hour boat ride on Lake Geneva Monday, Aug. 4. Any girls between the ages of 9 and 12 who would like to belong to the Pioneer Girls' Club are asked to contact Miss "Ruth Oesterlund. This is a good club to join, girls, as you learn more about the Bible and the Lord Jesus Christ, as well as having the fun of belonging to a club of girls your own age. Page Thirteen of. the American Legion, held at the Wonder Lake Post home Lois Weeks was elected to the office of junior vice commander of the council. , 1959 Legion dues are now payable and it is the aim of the W. L. Post to have their 100 percent membership by Aug. 1. Gardeners' Note A leading library of books on gardening is being started by Mrs. Leo Hartog. These books wi'l be availahle to Garden club members free of charge. Bake Sale The Ringwood Round Up club is holding a bake sale Friday. -July 25. at the • Muzzy •building jri Ringwood, starting at 10:30 a.m. Anyone wishing to rriake donations or ask questions, call Althea Walkington W. L. 3632. Hofne Bureau Meeting The next regular meeting of the Ringwood unit of Home Bureau will be held at the home of Mr$. Anne Nagel at 1:30 p.m. Aug 20. A pot luck supper will be served and the incoming officers will be stalled at this meeting. withe > Loshboughs Home On Furlough The congregation of Wonder Lake Bible church extends a royal "welcome home" to their missionaries to the Belgian Congo, who are home QB a furlough for one year. -• Jack and Flora LoshbQugh arid their three children, Janet, Sharon and Brian will spend the year with his parents, the Linn Loshboughs, on their farm in rural Woodstock. Before taking up residence in Africa four years ago with his wife and daughter Janet, Jack .attended the University of Illinois, where he majored in agrij^ kire: • ' •• He is interested in the agricultural development of the area as well as the spiritual development of its people, and lyill take the opportunity while •m the States «to instruct Churches on the needs of the Congo in this overall program. The Loshboughs. who were ihembers of the Wonder Lake ble church congregation here going to the Congo, will return to the same area"at the ijnd of the year. In addition to the annual •'Jack and Flora Night" scheduled for September, Jack will donduct rthe services Sunday evening at 7:30 Aug. 3, when the entire family will join in an informal evening showing ie high-lights of the past four iars. $ V Nativity Lutheran ,t Church News / Everyone is welcome to the Jfce cream social to be given by the women of the church on Saturday evening, July 26, yHth serving beginning at 7. It will be held on the church Jawn and all are invited to gfcjoy the fellowship and the j^me-made cake and pie, and iqt? crearri. .['Two outings will be held at Cedar Park next weekend by ihe two youth organizations of the church. Friday, the junior choir will go for the afternoon leaving the church at 2 p.m. / • Baseball The practice games have been proving their worth. The Little Leaguers have been playing**st>me mighty fine ball. The Indians still maintain their first place and. credit is due to the good teamwork of these lads. In their game with the Red Sox it was 0-0 'til the sixth inning and the battle was on 'til the Indians scored and beat the oppos'tion 3-0. The White Sox won their second game of the regular league season from the Yankees last Wednesday evening by a score of 6 to 2. Top batter of the evening for the Sox was Jim Kusch who scored two runs and produced three timely singles for a perfect night at bat. The Pony League game srheduled for last week and canceled < because of the will be played Thursday night at Woodstock City Park at 6 pjn. Law Office TO Open The resident professional group at Wonder Lake will be expanded shortly when Francis Q. Higgins opens his law offices in the T. P. Mathews building Aug. 1. Mr. Higgins attended Loyola University Law school and John Marshall law school, from which he graduated. With his wife, Joanne, and their three children,' Frank Patrick, and Denise, he resides in Wonder Center, having moved to the Lake about two and a half years ago. New Legion Officers Wilbur Haak was elected commander of Legion Post li69 at the regular -meeting Monday evening, July 14, at the Legion Home in Wonder Lake. Other officers for the year 1958-59 are Richard elley, senior vice-commander; eorge Weeks, junior vice commander; Lois Weeks, adjutant; Albert Franz, finance officer; Robert Cavins, chaplain; and Roy Pressley, sergeant-atarms. Also elected Monday night were two new members to the executive committe, Marcio De Mores and Roy Afeiswinkel. At the June 26 meeting of the McHenry County Council . 8 WAYS To Make Money with Pkrindealer Want Ads • Pkrindealer Want Ads talk Jo a lot of people each week! Phone ' 170 And let us help you) write your ad. The\ cost is very little. * SeB Clothing thai yoi have discarded. * Get Cash for Furniture m ' longer in use. * Rent your spare room. * Rent your garage durinf the winter months. * Sell the old Radio yea an not using. * Sporting goods have • great many buyers. * SeO Produce, Poultfry. Livestock. * Sell your services with s Want Aa. News Briefs Sp. 3 Charles A. Kopp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kopp, is home on a twenty-five day furlough from Camp Ft. Sam Houston. Texas, where he is stationed in the finance department. Happiness prevails in Wooded Shores with the arrival of Kimberly Marie Nielsen. - The new baby daughter of Bill and Gert Nielsen was born Saturday, July 19, at Memorial hospital for McHenry County. Her two proud brothers are Bobby and Randy, and her maternal grandfather is Ed Duckfield, who «is staying with the Nielsens now. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Nels Larsen, formerly of Woodstock and now living in Florida. - Taking a well deserved rest from her duties at the post office, Helen Reuter of Wonder Center is in Chicago going places and seeing * people 'til the end of July. Friends and neighbors of Ed Regelin of Hickory Falls wish him a speedy recovery and hope fo see him home soon from Resurrection hospital in Chicago. The youngsters of Deep Spring Woods are • entranced with the pet skunk of Bobbie nnd Herb Howorka. Juniper is ^^ffbfeted^ iartd v Soel&lTy acceptable, but he's not always available to visitors. He sleeps most of the day or hides from a crowd. There's some more cun watching Pamela Schwegel's pet duck "Quacky." He waddles after her all day and is quite pleased with his life in Shore Hills. Mrs. James Flannery of Lone Tree - Drive, Wonder Woods has been enjoying a visit with her mother, Mrs. Myrtle Cook of St. Louis, who arrived the fourth of July weekend to spend a month at the Lake. Mr. apd Mrs. Leon Switzer and grandchildren, Johnny atid Jacqui Burr, returned last Monday from a two week vacation at Glenn Lake, Leelanau county, Michigan. The Switzers had a summer , home in this beauty spot in the Grand Traverse Bay region" for twentyfive years, and the children became acquainted with the sites "mother knew as a child." They climbed Sleeping Bear sand dune, which is four miles long and one mile wide, visited Peesfiawbee town, ah Indian village, and attended the National Cherry Festival. , t MOOSE L01 WOMEN OF TBE MOOSE by Mary Einspar The meeting 'df' the women of the Moose was K$d Tuesday July 15. The meeting was called to order by the senior regent, Mable Thorhas, with all of the officers present. Most of the. chairmen and escorts were present. We 'would like to see all chairfhen and escorts '"t our next meeting, August 5. A favorable ballot was held f o r f o u r new c a n d i d a t e s , who will be initiated at our next meeting, August 5.. Most of the committees have decided on their projects for the year. ' Projects that ate not listed will be, at a ljtitur£ date with more information. Here i& a list of chairmen dnd their projects: Mooseheaft alumni, Kay Mahoney, chairman; publicity, Olga Johnson;' chafrman; sale of special products; 'Mooseheart, Mary Meyers, chairman; library. Bertha Jager, chairman, bake sale at Riverside bake shop, November 9; social service, Phyllis Schmidt, c h a i r m a n ; c h i l d c a r e , E t h e l Bruce, chairman, sale of candy; ritual, Imogene Grist, chair-4 man, a dinner, May 24; Moosehaven, Hazel Bowman, chairman, sale of cedar cubes; home k( making, Marilyn Biggs, chairman; hospital, June Banker, chairman. These two chairmen will go together and have a rummage sale October 17 and 18;c membership, Helen Wagener, chairman. ' The International Conference of the Women of the"i Moose will be held in Chicago, fend the Morrison hotel, August 17T [through 22. 4 The twenty-ninth of S will be a joint open meeting' which will be a pot luck;" • \ The picnic was a huge sucv* cess with the officers cbhifmflP* tee in charge of the food. We h a d t w o v i s i t o r s f r o m t h e Crystal Lake chapter, Louise Willey and Imogene RucSestul. The officers were in charge o£> the entertainment and refreshments. v The winner Of-: the annual payers award was Ethel H&gberg, Olga Johrtson Publicity Chairman Mrs. Lauretta Homo, president of Unit 491, American Legion auxiliary announced that the thirty-eighth annual convention of the American Legion auxiliary. Department of Illinois, will be held at the Palmer Hou'se, in Chicago July 31, Aug. 1 and., 2. Approximately, 1800 delegates and alternates will be in attendance. The state president, Mrs. Norman J. Biebel of' Belleville, will officiate at all conventions sessions. The convention p: gram will include reports o: officers and committees, electing officers for the ensuing year and delegates to the nar tional convention. Mrs. Michael J. Healy of Chicago is the general chairman for the department convention. She has served this past year as state second vic£- president and Americanism chairman. The first session will open with a processional of colors at 9:30 a.m. Thursday and will continue throughout the day. The afternoon session will include greetings from Richard J. Daley, mayor of Chicago. The Past Presidents' parley dinner will be held Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m. at the Palmer House. On Friday morning, Anthony Badamo, department commander of the American Legion, -will bring greetings. The afternoon schedule will include the annual election of officers and delegates to the national convention to be held in Chicago Sept. 1 to 4. Mrs. Willard Peterson of Victoria. 111., is the only announced candidate\ for the office of state president. She has been a member of the American Legion auxiliary since 1945, serving- this .year as first vice-president and rehabilitation chairman.;: The Department .music contest will also be held Friday afternoon. On Friday evening beginning at 7:15 p.m., the rehabilitation service forum, joint session the American Legion will be held at Orchestra hall, 216 S. Michigan Ave., where there will be entertainment by the patients "from Downey VA hospital. Mrs. Lowell C- Allen of Chicago, director of hospital services, will be in charge. The main address will be given by Mr. T. O. Krasbel of Washington, national director of rehabilitation for the American Legion. The principal speaker on Aug. 2 will be the national president of the American Legion uxiliary, Mrs. J. Pat Kelly of /^lanta, Ga. rs. Lauretta Homo, president, also stated that the unit dinner will be held at the Palmer,, House on Saturday evening. On Sunday morning at 11 a.m., the Gold Star brunch will be held at the Congress hotel. The following members of McHenry unit 491, American Legion auxiliary, have been elected delegates and alternates to the thirtv-eighth annual state convention: Delegates. Lauretta Homo, Dorothy D'edrich, Ruth Mrachek. Pearl Pietsch, Marie Howe and Eleanor R e i d ; alternates, Frances Matchen, Sue Wirfs, Pearl Nerstadt, Loretta Meyer and Henrietta Vybital. KANE FAIR More than four and a half acres of tents will soon be going up on the Kane county fairgrounds on Randall road, between North avenue and Roosevelt road, in preparation for the opening of the fair on July 30. Smart .men find that the secret to success is to keep their own. Careful children have more fun in the long run. These days a man needs at least five bucks to buy his way out of ev4n a difni store. SHOP IN McHENRY SAVE MONEY! AVOID WASTE! READY-MIX CONCRETE RADIO DISPATCHED McHenry Ready Mix Co., Inc. LEASE FAIR SPACE Leasing of exhibit space fbr the 1958 Illinois State Fair is more than 90 per cent completed. J. Ralph Peak, general manager of the fair, said some 732 exhibitors have already been signed for the Aug. 8 to 17 exposition. Concessions for refreshments in the grandstand and the coliseum have again been leased to the American Business club, which donates its profits to aid projects for crippled children. This year some of the unique exhibits will include the largest cu&t^K1) clock in the world an antique steam powered threshing machine, and a five-story high soft drink bottle. Peak said that nearly $800,000 in oremiums will be offered this year with deadline for entries in all competition on July 15. GRANT CHARTER ;| A charter has been granted r a new not-for-profit corpora- 1 tion, the Village Property Owners association, 63 N. Bayview, ^ Sunnyside, "to encourage good fellowship and x foster social activities for residents Sun- ^ nyside." 00T MftES n MIUKMtt 1)1 Business & Service Directory of w Wonder Lake' CRISTY and STENDEiACH General Contractor# NEW HOMES A .•v. 5432 RAMMMVMr GOODAEAI 60th ANNIVERSARY HI? We're celebrating with NEW I0W PRICES! Our Three best sellers in the most popular size! We've sharply reduced prices on these three outstanding Goodyear Tires for our 60th Anniversary Sale! Stop today and scat with safety! 606 Front St. PHONE 020 McHenry, Illinois WE WISH TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO SAY YOU Cushion Sue** ^DELUXE Super-Cushion ftattSMiJ . . . t o t h e m a n y f i , 0 £ p e o p l e w h o t o o k t i m e t o a t t e n d our gala grand dpening and made it such' a sparkling success. Be assured of our continuing efforts to bring you the finest products and service,in the years ahead. THE FINEST IN ' MARINE PRODUCTS H0RTH f ' tVS ^ THE FINEST IN MARINE SERVICE MARINE ANN STREET SERdfeftCE COMPANY ' PHONE McHENBY 7 McHENRY. ILL. SHYIOII DeLuxe Super-Cushion lowest Price Ever &»*13MKfc MwwrtihUn, Check our .Low Prices on other sizes, too! SPECIAL OFFER iT=\ DOUBLE KING KORN STAMPS GIVEN THIS SALE ONLY! IfeWORT'S SINCLAIR SERVICE Jet. 120 & 31 McHenry* HI* Phono 9856

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