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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jul 1958, p. 14

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w° Tf sjIFj- § rawtew THE McHENRY PLAINDEJiXEE Spring Grove &'S KAGAN SOYS EUROPE J*1'" ."rVl-f4, v Mrs. Charles Frennd Leigh and Pat Kagan were amon** those who joined in the Rockford golden jubilee diocesan pilgrimage on a tour of France, Italy and Switzerland. They will visit Paris and LoUrdes in France; Rome and Venice in Italy and Lucerne, Switzerland. They sailed from New York on the S. S. He De France on July 12 and will re-, turn on August 20. JSirth Mr. and Mrs. David Smith of McHenry are the happy parentis of a 6 lb. 6% oz. son born at Memorial hospital, Woodstock on Tuesday^ July 15. The baby has been named David Lee. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Olson and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith of Richmond. their regular meeting at ^he home of Mrs. Williaim Shot lif£ on Wednesday, July 23'. Picnic At Benet Lake Mrs. Thomas McNally and Mrs. Charles Freund joined members of the Little Flower Circle at a picnic at Benedictine Abbey. Antioch on Wednesday. Mass was attended at 10:30 am. and an enjoyable day was spent touring the grounds and visiting Holy Name conveht. A most impressive sight was the outdoor rosary made of bowling balls centered with masses of rose bushes. This is on the convent grounds at the edge o'f their flower garden. Attend Funeral Mr. and Mrl Walter Monhardt attended the funeral on Tuesday, July 8 of their sonin- law, George Barth, who passed away on July 4 after an illness of long duration at the age of 38. He leaves his wife, Alfrieda and two sons ages six and eleven. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Class also attended the funeral. Onttaig at Turner Lake After church services on Sunday, July 20, members of (he Methodist church enjoyed a pot luck dinner and picnic at Turner Lake. Vacation Mr> and Mrs. Ben Smith returned home Sunday after en- 1--faying a vacation at Wisconsin Dells. CMP Picnic Members of the Christian Family Movement of St. Thomas parish, Crystal Lake and of Christ thek King parish of Wonder Lake were entertained by the section and action groups of the CFM of St. Peter's parish on vthe parish grounds on Sunday, July 13. The chaplains of each group were also present, namely Father Beddoes of Crystal Lake, Father Vanderpool of Wonder Lake and Father Plesa of Spring Grove. The CFM regional contact couple of McHenry Deanery, Bob and Mary Amore were chairman of the picnic and committee members included Norbert and Mary Lou Jacob, Howard iand Rose Mary Polnow of Crystal Lake; Jack and Ruth Russell, Tony and Bernadine Misiak of Wonder Lake; Chuck and Christine Gerbig, Ray and Phyliss Westphal. A1 and Bernice Wipper of Spring Grove. At,, this time, too, Bob and Mary Amore were re-elected as CFM regional contact couple for the coming year. A most enjoyable afternoon was arranged by the committee. There wqs plenty of food, a ball game and games for the kiddies. Prize winners were I. Montezon, Pam Thornton, Bill Halter, Barbara Polnow, Mike nd Kathy Westphal, Sharon Gallagher, Terry Amore, Bill Hirn, Dick and Randy Russell, Ray and Phyllis Westphal. Ringwood Club Entertained At Berg Home Ruby Shepard The -women's 500 club was entertained in th£ home of Mrs. Oscar Berg Wednesday. A one o'clock dessert,luncheon was served. High score went to Mrs. Viola Low and low to Mrs. Lester Carr. Sewing Circle -«*- The W.S.C.S. Sewing circle met at the home of Lena Peet Thursday. A pot-luck dinner was served at noon. Church Picnic The Greenwood and Ringwood .churches held a joint s e r v i c e a t t h e R i n g w o o d church' Sunday at 11 a.m. and i picnic on the church lawn followed. ' Mourn ..Death This community was saddened by the death of Ruth Oonk who passed, away Wednesday, morning. She taught the lower grades in our school the past year. Funeral services were held at the Methodist church in Ringwoo^ Friday afternoon with the Rev. Jambs Reid of Chicago, a former pastor, and Rev. Eddy, the present pastor. Gordon Fossum sang "There were Ninety and Nine." The body was taken to Holland, Mich, for burial. Victors Leave 1 Mr. and Mrs. Russel Franzen and children of California left for Columbus, Ohio on Wednesday where he will be employed They had been visiting his aunt, Mrs. Alice Wagner. Mrs. Franzen and children will return to California the latter part of August. LEGALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given by the Board of Education of S c h o o l D i s t r i c t 156 i n t h e County of McHenry, State of Illinois, that a tentative budget for said school district for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1958, will be on file ahd conveniently available to public inspection at the Office of the Board of Education from and after 12:00 noon on the 24th day of July, 1958. Notice is further hereby given that a public hearing on said budget will be held at 8:30 o'clock P.M. on the 26th day of August, 1958, at the Office of the Superintendent, M c H e n r y C o m m u n i t y H i g h School, in this school district. Dated this 24th day of July, 1958. Board of Education of School "District No. 156, in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois. DONALD HOWARD Secretary (Pub. July 24, 1958) • Meetings Members of the birthday club met at the home of Mrs. Beulah Karls in Richmond on W e d n e s d a y a f t e r n o o n . F i v e hundred was played and prizes went to Mrs. Kgrls, Mrs. Tillie May, Mrs. Frances Shotliff, and Mrs. Susie Rudolph. A lovely lunch was served after cards. ' Mrs. Frank Tinney was hostess to the members of her club at her home on Thursday af-, ternoon. Prizes in games of five liundred went to Mrs. Frank Sanders, Mrs. Nora Miller-- Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mrs. jPeter May, Mrs. William Enge 1 s. Refreshments were served. The Spring Grove Methodist church Women's Society held NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of ELMER J. FREUND, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all Dersons that Monday, September 1st, 1958, is the claim date in the estate of ELMER J. FREUND, Deceased, pending in the, County Court of McH e n r y C o u n t y , I l l i n o i s , a n d that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. SYBIL A. FREUND Executor JOSLYN, PARKER & KELL Attorneys 116% Benton Street, Woodstock Illinois Telephone: Woodstock 1135 (Pub. July 24-31, August 7) Personals Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Nelson and family of Sterling spent the weekend in the Eugene Oxtoby home. Keith Jepson and Jimmie Brown are visiting with Jimmje Brown's grandmother, Mrs. Peterson at Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelson of Crystal Lake spent Thursday night at the home of their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Butler of Florida and Mr. and Mrs. A n d r e w B u t l e r o f C h i c a g o spent a few days the past week in the B. T. Butler home. Tommy Walkington is spending the week in the home of his aunt, Mrs. Vincent Moan and family at Woodstock. Mrs. Jennie Dillion of Waukegan and son, Arthur, of Woodstock, spent Monday afternoon in the Ben Walkington home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carr of Kalamazoo, Mich., spent Thursday f.until Monday afternoon in th^ Lester Carr home. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walkington and Mr. and Mrs. Ardin Frisbee are spending a vacation at the Frisbee's cottage in Canada. Mrs. Walter Low and children and Mrs. Viola Low- were visitors at Meadowdale Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon - Anderson and Margi are visiting in the John Smit^i • home at -Mattoon, 111. \ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson and family of Le Suerer, Minn, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson and family. ' . Mrs. Agneg Jencks returned home Tuesday evening from her trip to Wisconsin. Mrs. Sue Scheuer of Wauk e g a n s p e n t T h u r s d a y w i t h her mother, Mrs. Flora Harrison. Mrs. Tom Pettise and'daughter of Barrington spent Thursday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. Agnes Jencks. Mrs. Oscar Berg was a visitor at Woodstock Friday morning/ Mr. • and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family of - Hebron and Will Claxton of McHenry spent Sunday with Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mary* Ainger remained for a/ few days. Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Stevens of? Richmond, spent Thursday evening with. _ Mrs. Agnes Jencks. . Albert Oonk ana daughters Deanna and Trudy spent the weekend with relatives at Holland, Mich. Mrs. Fred Bowman and daughter Nancy spent Wednesday in Chicago. Mrs. John Skidmore, Mrs. John Ehlert and daughter 'Mabel, Mrs. Fred Bowman and Mrs. Tony Senkerikf1 attended a stork shower for Mrs. James Minnis at the home of Mrs. Russell Ehlert at Richmond Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison and son Loren and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Dowell were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison at Greenwood Saturday evening and celebrated the birthday of Mrs. Roy Harrison. Mrs. Ernest Reinwall, Sr., of Fernwood was a guest in the Louis Hawley home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen spent Saturday evening in the Harry Thomfordha home near Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rowe of Woodstock spent Sunday with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen. Mr. and Mrs. Lindquist of Chicago and Paul and Myron J i r o u s e k o f M e l r o s e P a r k were visitors in the Dr., William Hepburn home Sunday./ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen. entertained a group of friends at their home Thursday-evening in honor of the seventh" birthday of their daughter, Dorothy Kay. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gebrge of Oak Park spent Saturday in the Dr. Hepburn home. * Lakemoor MANY LOCAL GIRLS ATTEND SCOUT CAMP! by Majrion Sulok Phone: 592-R-l The following girls from Lakemoor attended day camp this past week: Bonnie Bonder, Susan Ehrhardt, Susan Steadman, Susan and Jackie Bitterman, Pamela Kibbe, Linda" Goss, Katharine Brzezinski, Patricia Morrison, Janice and Joyce Wall.' Ruth Schmitt and Lorraine Steadman. The girls enjoyed learning the many outdoor skills such as fire with grass and /the long hikes building, cooking, weaving that must have given. them a good appetite. This group of girls are iooking forward to next year for their week of something different. Mrs. Pat Morrison thanks Mrs. John Bonder and Janice Bonder who served as co-unit leaders for the entire week and also the aids, Mrs. Jim Wall, Gayle Bonder, Diane Kibbe, 'and Roseanne Brzezinski who all were such a great help. If it hadn't been for these folks helping out, otir girls wouldn't have been able to attend the camp. Again thanks to all of you. * j ? Ladies League On Wednesday evening the ladies held a social meeting and made the final arrangements for the card and bunco party that was held on Saturday evening. Cake and coffee were served after the games were played..: • gathered, at jthe Fire-Communiity house to enjoy themselves at the card and bunco, party held by the Ladies League. Very attractive table' prizes Personals Mr. and Mrs. Norman Morrison and children attended a picnic at Riverview Park oh . , • v Saturday to which the children were given to the, winners of had a for themselves. each table and also lovely door prizes were given to the lucky Winners. delicious cakes added a few inches onto all of us who could not say no to the sweet tooth. Of course our coffee man, Jim BuchWalter, added the final touch with his good hand at. the coffee urn. Over the weekend the Sen- The~assortment^*|ior Hen7 Hopperfs were the center of attraction at a party given in their honor by friends of many years. This alf took place in Elmhurst with friends from Lombard and Chicago attending. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wrightly is Mr. Arbogast's sister. Leaves Village ' ; > ; A. Skelley one ot^ou? oldest residents here has sold his home and will enjoy himself in {he sunny state of Florida. Mr. Sltelley will make his home there to be near his daughter. Lots of luck to you and here's hoping you won't forget about us. Drop us a line new and then. OK? Belated • Birthday Wish O. K., Jim, I'm sorry that I passed your birthday by, but I thought you said you Weren'tgoing to . have anymore. Folks, Jim Simmons had his sixtythird birthday on July '7. Here's' hoping you have many 'more. • Lots of Fun Saturday evening proved to be a success when friends from the surrounding community -- Welcome The residents of Lakemoor would like to welcome the* Eairburne family to our midst. This family has bought the home of Mr. Skelley and we hope to get to know you folks real soon. Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. James Colberg celebrated their first wedding anniversary on July 3, sorry we past this one by but we hope that this young coyple wjll enjoy many, many years of happines together. Home from Hospital Mrs. Alice Wade, who has been confined to thf hospital for some time, is home again and will be on the go again soon. So glad to have you on the mend. Edward Povidis has been released from the McHenry hospital after having surgery and is up and about but must take it a little easy for awhile yet. SHOP IN McHENRY MOTOR FUEL TAX Illinois counties have been allotted $2,909,600 as their share of motor fuel tax paid into the state treasury during June, Director Morton H. Hollingsworth of thp Illinois Department of Finance said. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST , Ai 136 S. Green Street/ McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and I TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:80 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 Vacation's End Mr. an^ Mrs. Ian Gustafson and daughter, Shirley, arrived home from a month's vacation in the west on Thursday afternoon. While out in the west they/ enjoyed themselves by camping out in the state parks along the way and visited all the interesting spots of which Ivan took many movies. While in California they visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anschultz and son and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Budil and son. Both of . these t families were former residents . ^ of Lakemoor so both v very nice visit with each otheif^.., Mr. and Mrs. John Kr^ual^,/ who have been in Rushfordj" N. Y. for the past two weeks, have returned home after visiting with friends out there, iD V ROAD PROJECTS / The Illinois 'Divisiioh of • " Highways announced award of;;.', contracts totalling $1,715,85$ * for construction projects oft, Gov. William G. Stratton'^t > 1958 road program. Projects^ ; listed forV construction were in Mrtdison, Bureau, DeWitt and. Woodford 'counties;. £ , RAINFALL VARIANCE If you think your neighbor down the road gets more rairi than you do, you may be right, William C. .Ackermann, chief of the Illinois State Water Survey, told a meeting of th*» Board" of4 Natural Resources, and Conservation that rainf can vary considerably withi a few miles. Annual rainfall on. a 400-square mile network in east-central . Illinois was found to vary from 34 to 46 inches within five miles, or 12 inches for the year 1957. The; average for the entire network; was 39.7 inches, twa inches above normal for the area. 3* REASONS To SAVE New Home? . New ear? > College for your children? Retirement? Save where it's SAFE and CONVENIENT--where your dollars earn healthy dividends Current Dividend Rate 3V2% Marengo Federal aCa/ivviiMng#ise AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS ^ IQ2 N. Simla SL Phone JOrdan 8-72SV TOTAL ASSETS OVER $9,000,000.00 URnrof SAVMSS |1 I , AUCTION The undersigned has purchased a resort at Spooner, Wis., and is discontinuing the farn? implement business. He will offer the following personal property for sale at public auction at the place of business located 2 miles Southeast of Lake Zurich Bl., on Route 12, on * SATURDAY -- JULY 26th Commencing at 10:80 A.M. Sharp NEW MACHINERY -- NI No. 18 Spreader; NI No. 45 Rake; AC No. 3 7 ft. Mower; Brillion 14 ft. 3-sec. Roller; JD No. 44 H Plow on rubber; 2-sec. Rotary Hoe for Ferguson; Little ' Giant 40 ft. Elevator; Mayrath 40 ft. Elevator- . Century 6-row Sprayer with cart; NI No. 500 Loader for WD AC Tractor; 2^elec. wheel unloading jacks; 4 NH false end gate attachments; Sioux 1,000-bu. cap. corn crib. fRUCKS -- 1957 GMC V-8 V2 ton pick-up; 1957 GMC V-8 1 ton; 1957 Dodge % ton pick-up; 1953 Ford V4 ton picktip; 1948 KB-6 Int. with 174 inch wheel base; 1954 Chev rolet tractor with gas tanks and 5th wheel. TRACTORS -- MH 44-6 tractor; MM RTU tractor; Case SC tractor with cultivator; 1954 AC B tractor; 1954 Ferguson 30 tractor; 2 Ford traictors with loaders COMBINES, PICKERS & BALERS -- MM 7 ft. combine with motor; JD PTO 6 ft. combine; 2 AC 60 combines- McC-D 12 ft. self-propelled combine; 1956 MH 2-row self-propelled picker; NI No. 6 2-row picker; McC-D 2M mounted Dicker- NH super 77 PTO baler; JD PTO baler. , OTHER FARM MACHINERY -- 2 Kewaunee 8 & 9 ft. wheel disc; McC-D 8 ft. disc; AC 7 ft. disc; Gehl blower; McC-D 3/14. plow on rubber; JD ,3/16 plow on rubber; AC 2/16 mounted plow; Ferguson 2/16 mounted plow; AC 2/14 Snap-coupler plow; 2 NI No. 12 spreaders; Liridsey 4-sec drag; 2-sep. soil surgeon; Ferguson 6 ft. tiller-cultivator; Ford highway mower; tank, pump to mount on truck for liquid fertilizer sprayer; McC hammermill{ 2 snow plows and many other items. TRAILERS -- Pual wheel tilt-top implement trailer; 34 ft flat top trailer with grain Sides; 33 ft. semi hay trailer. ItOJIERT VOLZ IMPLEMENT COMPANY STADE & STADE, Auctioneers WISCONSIN' SALES CORPORATION, Clerk Union Grove, Wis. Phone 195 tune-up for top car performance Let us tune up your motor. You'll be delighted with the difference it makes in engine performance. Our skilled technicians' precision adjustments will increase your car's operating., economy. You'll., get., renewed power and pick-up too. Drive in soon for top-notch service at low cost. ^ THANKS To the many people who stopped in to get acquainted during our gala grand opening. Rest assured you'll always receive the best in products and service at Kitty and Joe's. AND JOE'S $ D-X SERVICE Highway 120 Lakeland Park PHONE 9779 FAIR J at WOODSTOCK July 31 - Thursday! Friday, Saturday, Sunday -- DAY AND NIGHT! PARADES • GIRL SCOUTS * QUEEN LIVESTOCK CONTEST • * CARNIVAL o * HARNESS RACES <i • HORSE POLLING CONTEST

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