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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jul 1958, p. 2

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Family Gathering At Miller Home The Joseph J. Millers enter' tained at a family gathering last Thursday evening at their home on Waukegan road. The get-together also proved a belated wedding anniversary celebration for the couple. Present were Mrs. Clarice Purvey and son,. John, Judy.' Green and Mr. and Mrs. Donald ChuVch of Crystal Lake; Mr. and Mrs. William Morgan of Elkhomi, Wis. ; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Becker of McHenry. Shower Honors Mrs. Ray Deskis-^ Mrs. Ray Deskis wais honored guest at a pink and blue shower held at the Walter Wollak home at Lilymoor Sunday afternoon, with Dolores Wollak of McHenry and Mrs. Edna Walters of Chicago as hostesses. • Guests attended from Chicago, McHenry and McCullom Lake to enjoy a social afternoon which was concluded with the serving of lunch featuring a cake decorated with a miniature stork and booties. Mrs. Deskis received many gifts. Surprised On 70th Birthday Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson was surprised Saturday evening by members of her family, honoririg her seventieth birthday anniversary. A social evening was eh joyed, with the serving of lunch which included four birthday cakes. She received many beautiful gifts. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson of Kansasville, Wis., the George Thompson family of Ringwood, the Marion Messman family of Woodstock, Mrs. Nick Adams, the Jim Thompson family. Charles Thompson and Kate Worts. Wed in Michigan THE HARRY GRAFFS Esther Smith of McHenry and Harry Graff of Kalamazoo, Mich., exchanged nuptial vows at Kingdom hall. Kalamazoo on June 21. They are living in the Michigan city. NEWLYWEDS SOON TO RESIDE AT HOLIDAY HILLS Dessert Card Party At Church July SO The annual card party and dessert luncheon sponsored by the Altar & Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church will be he\ji ?t 1 o'clock on Wednes^ day, fJuly- 3Q, on the church lawn.- * The public is invited to attend . this eVent, which is one of the highlights of the year for the sodality. In a pretty candlelight servce at Nativity Lutheran church in Wonder Lake, Miss Dorothy Mai Kopp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kopp, was united in iparriage with Joseph Wilkinson, son of' Mrs. Lillian Wilkinson, also of Wonder Lake. The Rev. Burton Schroeder performed the double ring ceremony at 4 p.m., July 6. The bride's attendant was Mrs. Florence Burbridge, a cousin, who was matron of honor. The best man was Charles A. Kopp, the bride's brother. Otto Wilkinson, the Troom's brother, served as usher. A reception was held at Martinetti's in Crystal Lake following the service for about fifty relatives and close friends of the couple. The bride and groqpj Left for a Florida honeymoon. ^They are building a homes an Holiday Hills which will be ready for occupancy shortly after they return. Board Held Training Class The McHenry County Home Bureau executive board and extension c o.u n c i 1 members held an all-day training class on July 16 at Woodstock. Instructions were given by Miss Gertrude Kaiser, home economics specialist fipm the University of Illinois. Attending classes were Mesdames George Ryder, Edward Van Der Veen of Harvard, Gladys Hafer of Crystal Lake, Roy Jacobson of Richmond, Elmer Dorn Of Cary, John Dawson of Marengo, Arthur Tobiason of Cary, Henry Knell of Woodstock, Ruth Fenwick of Huntley and Charles Kopp of Wonder Lake. Married July 12 Elaine Turner Shower GUest The Misses Adele Schmitt, Dorothy Hiller and Ella Jean Buss were hostesses at a bridal shower held Sunday afternoon in honor of Miss Elaine Turner. Twenty-two guests gathered at the Edward Buss home to enjoy a social afternoon and present Miss Turner with a variety of gifts for her home. She will become the bride of Harold Schmitt at St. Mary's Catholic church in McHenry on Aug. 2. Wor\yick Studio Photo THE WAYNE RYCHLYS Wayne Rychly of Spring Grove claimed a MqHenry girl, Loismae Brefeld, as his bride in a pretty nuptial rite solemnized at St. Mary's Catholic church, McHenry, on July 12. CHILDREN'S HOME EXTENDS THANKS TO T.A.M. GIRLS The T.A.M;s, 'teen-age dub whose chieff purpose is to assist needy organizations, is irt receipt of an interesting and appreciative letter thanking them for "the recent donation o/ canned goods sent to th? Lake Bluff Children's home. "Please express our sincere Rppreciation to the members of T.A.M.sf for their gift of canned goods to the children 6f Lake Bluff Children's home. The need for care in institutions increases each year aud it would be impossible for us to provide this care without the help of people like your group. "At this time of year, with school out, everyone at the home is busy and happy. We have a staff of summer workers to take our children on tours to places of interest in this area and on short camping trips. All of these activities mean so very much to our children. "Thank you for helping us to help others. "Robert I. Beers, "Executive Director "Lake Bluff Children's Home" Bridal Coupler? Named Mr. and Mrs. Martin Klapperich are the parents of a son weighing 7 lb$. 1 oz., born at Memorial hospital on July 21. They have one other child, a girl. Mrs. Klapperich is the former Shirley Conway. Mr. and Mrs. Horst Abt are the parents of a son,'born July 21 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. A daughter was born July 17 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krickl of Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George Leone of McHenry are the parents of a son born July 17 at Memorial hospital. A girl was born July 20 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kennebeck. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Aim of Crystal Lake welcomed a son at Memorial hospital on July 20. Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson are the parents of a girl, born July 20 at Memorial hospital. ^ . A daughter, was born July 16 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jensen. A daughter was born July 16 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Fremont Backhus. A son was born July 14 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Tom McAuliff. CHURCH SERVICES A congregation of the Church of Christ will begin services at the Labor Temple 117 Main street in Crystal Lake, Sunday, Aug. 3. The schedule for the services is as follows: Sunday, 10 a.m., Bible Study; 11 a.m., worship and preaching; 7:30 p.m., worship and preaching; Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. midweek Bible Study. MARRIED JULY 19 Miss Marilyn Arends and Dennis McCall of Waukegan exchanged yows in a lovely wedding service performed at the Community Methodist church in McHenry at 7 o'clock last Saturday evening, July . 19. Rev. George W. Martin officiated at the ceremony. t * • * PERSONALS Bak fStudio Photo THE ARNOLD WIRTZES This lovely bride is the former Sharoh Hertel of Round Lake. She was married to Arnold Wirtz of Pistakee Bay in St. Mary's Catholic church, Fremont, Center, tyn June 28. DISPLAY 4-H ACHIEVEMENT AT SPECIAL PROGRAM The Ringwood unit of the Home feureau was hostess to $ie 4-H clubs of Wonder Lake, and Ringwood at the Harrison school recently. The occasion was local achievement night For the Wonder Workers, Ring-, wood Sunshine Girls and Hapoy Clovers. In addition to their displays, the girls gave demonstrations in cooking and modeled the clothing they had made. Over sixty girls ' and their parents were present to review the year's accomplishments followed by the .serving of refreshments by the Home Bureau ladies. Two Wonder Lake gfc*ls gave food demonstrations Cheryl Vacula prepared an angel food cake and Mickey Hansen a fruit salad: Displays of baked goods included Pam Carlson's nut bread, Mickey Hansen's foundation cake, Kathy Thompson's butterscotch brownies; <*nd butterscotch bars ihade jby Kathy Ahrens, Jackie Hansen, Tulie Thompson Patty Hansen, Ruth Wilson, Parti Parker, Ttenee Sommers. Norma Sweaifin- ?en, Lorrel Vacula and Leaiina Sellek. jf Unable to be present at fjthe style' show was Susan WatMns, whosp dress took a blue ribbon at- )the county judging in Marengo. Other dresses * \fcere made by Mickey Hansen,"" Kathy Thompson and Cheryl Vacula. The garments made by the girls- for a first and g£cpha year project were skirts. Jackie Hansen's was a second'"1 yea? project. Leanna Sellek, Rareh; Weeks, Julie Thompson, Ann Pliner, Judy Jurgensohn andL Betty Hansen were first year projects. In the handicraft exhibit, many home-made candles were on display. Cast in several different molds, some were decorated with real flowers which had been dipped in wax and arranged around the candle. Wonder Workers exhibiting were Cheryl Vacula, Kathy Thompson, Kathryn Ahrens and Jackie Hansen. Mrs. Jay Hansen is the leader of the Wonder Workers. VILLA NURSING HOME ( ON PISTAKEE BAY NEAR McHENRY I Home for the Aged | Mrs. Mae Coleman is visiting her niece, Mrs. Raymond Powers, this week. BEBE LIEDTKE Pretty, blonde Bebe Liedtke, daughter of Mr-and Mrs. William Liedtke\of Deep Spring. Woods, Wonder Lake, was selected Miss Wonder Lake in the Indian Ridge beauty contest held Saturday evening. There were thirteen candidates for the title. OSRITAL ital •- Patients §tj7McfJenry hospital during t|ip, pristi.we'ek; were Evelyn Marunde, Kathryh Worts, Billy Barbour, Joseph Holly, Auralie Dvorak, Tommy Frost, BrucgJ^oot, Eleanor O'- Hara, - Roberta- Audino, Chester Kordecki, Lijida Pope, Marion Barrows 1 a,nd Robert De- Vore of ^McHenry; . Karen Christens^5 Marjoriie Zancher, Theodore Roels, Ralph Leonard and William Boetsch of Crystal Lake; Frapk Parkhurst of McCullom Lake; James Finn of Mundelein; William Jones of Ingleside; Geraldine Plucinski of Chicago; Mary/ Mullen of Ringwood. Memorial Hospital Patients at Memorial Hospital for McHenry County during the past week were Vin-' cent Tonyan of Ringwood; ^mes Sim and Stanley Samp of Woijder Lake; James Carroll and Susan Hiller of Johrisburg. OBITUARY Timothy L Kimball f An pl^d time McHenry resideifttf' Tijnothj* L. Kimball, recently of Harvard, died July it. ""'Services were held Saturday in Harvard, with burial in \^ogdlanc| cemetery, McHenry. . Mr; Kimball was an engineer wjit'h feowraan fiairy company jtyr sisrty y$ara 1 Survivors are a sister, Mrs. Evelyn Vosburg, of Harvard and a brother, Warthen Kimball, of Miami, Fla. WATCH REPAIRING AT ITS FINEST By McHenry's I Oldest, Most Reliable Dealer STEFFAN'S ,. JEWELRY STORE 514 W. Main McHenry Phone 123-J SENILE BED PATIENTS PHONE McHENRY 461 | cMIIIIIHIIIHIimilllllHIIHIIIIHHinHIIMnHMMHMIHHIIIMIMHIlHmiMMIMMmiHIIimmimiWIIHIHmitlS "J Me Jl ANt WE SINCERELY BELIEVE YOU'LL ENJOY THE FIN^ SERVICE AND FASCINATING HAIRSTYLES AVAILABLE TO YOU. If You're Not Becoming To Him . . . • • You Had Better "Be-Coming" To Us SJ\.iversiJe • ^J*Cairslyling of^h^dio 126 N. Riverside Drive Phone 147 McHenry, I1L 7AA. 1 Toddler has a high-fashion air in her flaring trapeze, prettily pleated front and back. Fuller's fine crease-resistant Legacy dip 'n dry broadcloth, red or blue with shadow stripes. .Sizes 3-6X, $5*95 „ Editorially f«atur«d MADEMOISELLE, July 109 Elm Street Mrs; Herman .Berkley, daughter Sandra, Mrs. Julius Roeder, Mrs. Fred Bienapfl,: Bobby Dixon, Mrs. Richard Ahrens and daughter, Dorothy, attended a Lutheran Child Welfare auxiliary picnic at Island Lake-Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gq^so, son, Johnnie, accompanied, by Miss Margo Kinsala of Chicago' left Milwaukee, Tuesday morning oil the Milwaukee Clipper for Muskegon,. Mich. From there they plan to go to Mackinac Island and other points of interest in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tonvan, son John and Jack Walsh spent several days at Park Falls, Wis. ' • Mrs. Mae Baur, daughter,- Mrs. Thomas Raeside, son Bobby, of .^Keokuk, Iowa, are guests iti thfe home of Mrs. Eleanor Nye where the former will remain for a few weeks visit. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Klautt of Menno, S. D. were recent guests in the John Neuharth home. They had just returned from a seven weeks visit with their son, who is stationed with the army"in France. Mrs. Eleanore Nye and Arthur 1 Martin visited in * $he George Strandel home in-^Aurora" Saturday evpning. j ' f Among the Woodstock folks who visited McHenry on Fiesta Day were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lineback .and children, Miss Mercedes Bolger, Erin Green, Mrs. Helen Zoia, daughter, Mary Frances and Mafry Beth Conway. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buenzli of New York have been visiting his parents, Mr., and Mrs. Otto Buenzli and other relatives here. - Mr. and Mrs. William Sutton and son and Mrs. Laura Minteer of Maywood visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Rosa Hughes spent the past week with her cousin, Carol Dumaski, in "Wauconda. Mrs. J. Murphy of Phillips, Wis., was a Sunday guest in the home of Mrs. Joseph1 Muska. Cathy Johnson of Chicagcf is spending the week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scholtz. Mr. and Mrs. Josie Smith spent a few days at Buda, 111. where they were joined by Mr. and Mrs* Howard Henkins on a trip to Springfield where they visited their- niece, Miss J$ahette Frasier. Miss Margaret Hall of Chicago was a weekend guest of Miss Clara Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bolger and children, Chris and Pam, of Galesburg are spending the week as guests of Robert Sutton and daughter, Gertrude^ at their cottage in Emerald Park. Mr. and Mrs. G. Walinder accompanied J>y the former's brother, Burt Walinder and wife of Chicago, dfrent a few Mays, this- week in " the hcang of another brother. Edward Walinder and family, in Holland, Mich. Mr, and Mrs. Bernard Carlin, Bernard, Jr. and Apliss Ann were weekend guesxs in the home of her aunt, Mrs: G. Walinder. 2 The Lloyd Whiting family of Elgin called on McHenry relatives Sunday. _ AMONG THE SICK George Lindsay is recovering from surgery which he underwent at Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan, recently. ' *»ly U ; ; TJ5 W.G.O.F. Meeting --. 8 pj| World War I Veterans' Mbct-;: ing--Legion Home--8 . put r. July 23 >"«• Bake Sale -- Sponsored barn* Round-up Club of Ringwood* -» ; July 29 tirj:: McHenry Garden Club *p-tu Mrsr. J. J. Gruenfeld home. *'><-« > August 5 . • •. ^ Annual outing of Fox Riv#: c Valley £amp--Delavan, WisP'" Aug. 7 % Riverview Camp R. N. A: Card Party -- Legion Home ~ " 1 p.m. Luck runs out, tout safety is good for life., ^ ?$W>i "CULTURE: DEVELOPMENT through education and training." Just a few decades ago, the word culture evoked in the popular mind only ,,',i an "image of Mrs. Upstage, peering disdainfully through her lorgnette. Today, more and more Americans are deciding that culture is not a mere glace frosting on the otherwise plain cake of life, ^ but something that enriches all experience. Across our land, adults long out of school are again crowding into classrooms, to absorb more of this magic that gives deeper, fuller meaning to living. ACROSS OUR LAND, BANKS FINANCE THE COSTS OF EDUCATION: SEE US ABOUT YOUR PLAN?! McHENRY STATE BANK* Established Since 1906 Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 Phone McHenry 746 Once You Try Our New Sanitone Dry Cleaning Featuring Soft-Set®•_ VdW A* Now, something wonderfully new has been added to the already fartious soil-rfcmoving powers of Sanitone Dry Cleaning. It's Soft- Set® ... a NEW retexturizing finish. It maintains in woolens and wool-and-synthetic fabrics, the richness of color and luxurious feel and drape they had when new. Call oil us for service today, You'll be amazed at the way newness springs back to life in all your clothes. SAME DAY SERVICE AVAILABLE SAVE 10% Cash 'n Carry. RAINBOW CLEANERS PHONE 927 Around Corner North of National Tea N. FRONT ST*! ' McHENRY, " t. Opett Dally 8 A.M. To 6 P.M. ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING AT RAINBOWS DRIVE IN

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