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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jul 1958, p. 7

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_ . . v > . « . . \ - , . J.*!' - ' . . . • < ' . , . . r r % ^ . . \ . 0 ^ I - * 4k t •* J , • - . , J , , , I' ' ;:.M: is '-* -v v "• , " ^ 'yuuroiMLm ••';-• V' " \ " P u t o B--' •s* •HELP WANTED HARPER'S BAZAAR has 5 immediate openings for -young ladies, age 18 to 23, for travel entire U.S.A. with all g i r l c h a p e r o n e g r o u p . New York, Florida and California included in assignment. Attractive air stewardess type uniforms furnished. No experi e i V a n e c e s s a r y , b u t h i g h school education required. 0 Attractive salary plus all travel expenses. Phone Mrs. J. F. Goens, McHehry 207-J for interview appointment. Parent welcome at interview. - 11-2 NATIONALLY KNOWN Co. has openipg"fo^ one on their full tim^ sales staff. Average e a r n i n g s $ 3 . 7 5 p e r h r . p l u s m(Mthly bonus to those who qualify. Write c/o Milton J. Voight, Rt. 2, Wonder Lake, 111., giving age, resutae of past experience and phone number. A personal interview will be arranged. - 12 RIVER-RITE- SITE for ranch home. Elmkk"k Park. $950 and up. McHenry one mile. "Phone McHenry 169. 10-4 SALES MAN or woman to take over established route. Full and part time opportunity Phone Wonder Lake 7043 afW- 7 jp.m. or" before 8:30 *12 EXPERIENCED TAPER. Call McHehry 3510 after 5 p.m. 12 DISHWASHER wanted. Apply Art' & Lee's, 204 Riverside Drive. 12 EJSPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted. Full br part time. I Lamplighter Grill, 314 E. Elm St. Phone McHenry 2729. 12 7 REAL ESTATE Fox River Front New 3 bdrm contemporary. Fldor to ceiling windows overlooking beautiful river view. Fioffilace, 2 baths, 2 car attached garage, gas hot water Priced low 30's. Griswold Lake 4 bedrooms, full bath, wood panelled activity room overlooking lake, fireplace, large wooded waterfront location. ^istakee Bay Wonderful year 'round home for a family. 4 bedrooms, 1 % baths, basement, oil forced air heat, spacious living room with fireplace, Anderson windows on ' porch overlooking lake, 2 car garage. Fox River Front ^ bedroom brick, 2 years olcQratt&ched garage, fireplace. Remarkable beauty, construction and location. Priced in the 20's. * Reduced Clean 2 bedroom brick, attached garage, walking distance to town, river rights. Low 'teens: * Good Trade Deals House in McHenry -- will take small home in' trade for almost new 5 bedroom home. 2 Full baths, gas hot water heat, attached garage on % acre. Walking distance to town. Priced in low twenties. # -- Will trade 2 high wooded lots (100 x 150) in Fox Lake as down payment on. small house. Open House Sajt. & Sun. -- 1:30 to 5:30 Fox River *Water Front New 3 bedroom brick contemporary ranch. Oversized 2 car garage with special boat access door at water front. 2 full baths, massive fireplace, gas hot water heat. Dramatic view of the river through floor tq ceiling thermopane windows. Eollow signs just north of Jorarsburg bridge into Dutch Creek Woodlands. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT JUNE or HOWARD MCDOWELL McHENRY 1169-M Representatives fer H. D. OLSON REALTORS Waukegan, 111. # 12 REAL ESTATE ONLY REMAINING h i-g h basement lot overlooking Mc- Cullom Lake. Owner must sacrifice due to transfer. Contract or auto in trade. Write or call Chas. E. Bennet^, 31f Birch St., Crown Point, Jnd Phone Crown Point 2483. •52-tf FOR SALE -- residential lot, zoned duplex. (56'xl32' in town with city water and sewer. 1% blocks from shopping and 2% blocks fiWi depot. Will sacrifice for $1,800.00. Phone 2458. 8-tf McHENRY and LAKE AREA^ Year 'Rpund Homes. Seasonal homes, farms,' vacant. Home sites. Income properties., JACOB FRITZ REALTORS In Johnsburg, Ph. McHenry 37 Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois 10-tf LILYMOOR HOME for sale nwner transferred, must sac- Hfire, 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, new forced air oil heater, elect r i c s t o v e , 80 g a l . e l e c t r i c water heater, newly decorated. Phone McHenry 742. f 52-tf 3% ROOM MODERN year 'round house. 2 fully landscaped lots, breezeway, garage, laundry room, gas heat, Venetian blinds, storm windows . and "Screens, TV antenna, stove and refrigerator. $6,900. Phone Wonder Lake 2862. 12 HIGH, DRY LOT on Home and Highland Ave., Lakeland Park No. 2. Make offer. MAjestic 3-1302, or Box 384 c/o Plaindealer. 12-2 3 ROOM MODERN house. Twin Lakes. Immediate occupancy. Will take trades. Ph. McHenry 1614-R or VAnderbilt 4-9108. *12 HERE IS THE BUY OF A LIFETIME 3 bedrpom ranch with fi^ll basement, low taxes. Owner transferred from state. House is worth $15,500, will sacrifice for $12,800 on fast sale. Terms on down payment. EDGEBROOK SUBDIVISION One block from school. Natural gas heat, full basement, screens and storm windows, attached garage, 6 rooms with 3 bedrooms, paved streets, 2 years old. $5,000 cash will handle. FOR SALE - HOMES - FARMS CHOICE LOTS - BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 406 Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 421-J 42-tf BUSINESS LOT 25x132 for $3,500.00. Business lot, 50'xl32' for $6,500.00. McHenry Realty, 532 Main St., phone McHenry 268. 9-tf McCULLOM LAKEFRONT. 3 bedroom waterfront home near Lakeland Park. Inside plumbing, attic and basement. Large evergreens, fruit trees and shade trees. Needs a .little interior finishing. Liveable now. $9,850 total. Phone 169. 10-4 NEW YEAR 'ROUND COTTAGE WONDER LAKE • ON THE WATER Insulated, 2 rooms? full bath, fireplace, rubber tile floor. Gas heat and electric furnished. Suitable for couple. Unfurnished. $80 pier month. Call McHenry 890 TWO BEAUTIFUL, heavily wooded lots, Wonder Woods, Wonder Lake. Directly across frojn private beach. Sacrifice at -$750 each. Call McHenry 2414-R. 12-tf *HOUSE FOR SALE, Gape Cod stylfe, brfcK exteHor. A bari. 812 Grove St., Cooney •ia 12 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE BUYING or SELLING Chain-O-Lakes Homes Vacant and F&raw McHenry Surrounding Territory ON FOX RIVER Year 'Round Homes Remodeled 2 bedroom, IV. bath home on 165 ft. frbntage. Heated porch. Full basement. Mahogany pegged Oak floors. Electric kitchen. Only $26,500. ON FbX RIVER Year 'round 3 bedroom, 2 bath substantial home OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION by appointment only. Full basement. Paneled den wi|h fire place. $27,500. FOR ACTION ^ Call Gallagher McHenry 1629 12 Home Sites Business Locations S. Green St. Ph. 1126 LAKE FRONTAGE| . o n , Mc- Cullom Lake. 4 room Kouse, full basement, attached garage. By owner. $11,200. Phone McHenry 3270-J. 12 PERSONALS 3 BEDROOM HOME for sale. Living'room with fireplace. Alf large rooms. Attached garage, gas heat. Also 4 room furnished apt. attached, provides a dit'onal income. Call Wonder LAKe 5654. 44-d BARGAIN -- CORNER lot 90x150 on top of hill overlooking Griswold Lake. For infTmation call 104-M after 6:30 p.m. call 817-R. 5-tf 2% YR. OLD Lakeland Park home. 2 bedrooms, utility room, e n c l o s e d 9x12 c o m b i n a t i o n porch, fenced yard, attached garage, cement drive, gas heat, combination storms* tile bath, corner lot. One block from beach, 5 minutes to depot and shopping. Includes wall to wall carpeting, gas stove, GE refrigerator, 'washing machine. Fully / landscaped. Leaving s t a t e , p r i c e d to s e l l . C a l l McHenry 1918-J. 12 COUNTRY CLUB SUBDIVISION 3 bedroom home, colored bathroom with ceramic tile. Screens and storm windows, attached garage, large lot. Full price $18,500. 2 blocks east of new bridge AIRSPUN REAL ESTATE on Route 120 Phone McHenry 430 HOUSE FOR SALE on Island Lake, 3 bedrooms, attached 2 c a r g a r a g e . C o m b i n a t i o n storms and screens. Phone JAckson 6-6967. 12 LAKE IN THE HILLS -- 100* lake frontage x 186K, beautifully landscaped. Water and all utilities. Black top road. Call Chicago LA 3-0525 or McHenry 1087 after 8 p.m. *12-2 WAUCONDA -- Hubbard Woods, 323 Brown St. Builder's sacrifice: new 3 b^droo^ brick ranch; forced air oil heat; full basement; natural fireplace; many extras. Priced reasonable. Terms. Open Sunday, 12 to 5 p.m. Phone McHenry 2551. 12 For Sale U room house on 100 ft. lot. Not new but beautifully remodeled. All large rooms. Basement. All furniture, carpeting, rapes and blinds included. River and pier rights. Close in. CALL MR. HEINEN McHENRY 2527 BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 12 IN EASTWOOD MANOR, 3 bedroom home, on lot with 100 ft. front. $600 down. Qualified veteran could tafcg over 4%% GI loan. Phone 650-J-2. 12 Never Before Such Savings MODEL HOMES ON SALE AT Holiday Hills on FOX RIVER and GRISWOLD LAKE in McHenry Countryside Because we're relocating our model home display, we re otfering present models at tremendous savings. Each house loaded with "extras", all on 83 x 150 landscaped lots. All houses offered on "first come, first served" basis. Unusually easy terms available. Split Level "Heidi" 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, carport, breakfast nook, 100 plijs wiring, carpeted throughout, finished recreation room, oil heat, complete With storms and screens. Only $18,250.00. Ranch style "Hansel and Gretel" 3-bedroom home with Westinghouse range, refrigerator, washer and dryer, island kitchen cabinet with stainless steel double Ssink, hardwood floors, modern tile bath. Only $15,800 with lot. planch style "Cinderella" 3 bedroom home with wood kitchen cabinets, roomy sliding door closets, hardwood floorg, modern tile bath. Only $14,800 with lot. All models available * on Name Your Own Down Payment Plan to qualified buyers with up to 24 years to pay. Act now if you want to own a fine home at big savings! These will not last^. Holiday Hills on the Fox River and Griswold Lake in McHenrf Countryside Phone McHenry 1934 RIVERFRONT 8 room summer home with large screened porch, fireplace and garage. Grape arbor, seawall, large w e e p i n g w i l l o w s and o t h e r -shade trees. McHenry 1 mile. $10,000 cash. Phone 169 for key. 10-4 RETIREMENT HOME. Year 'round, insulated. "All conveniences, basement, automatic heat. Located on black top road. McCullom Lake. $7,900. Phone McHenry 3297-M. 11-3 LOTS, 90'xl40' in Lakeland Park Sub., 1 mile west of McHenry. Cost $1850. Priced for immediate sale. $1600 by owner. Tel. Buckingham 1- 9026 or write J. Ellner, 1429 Till Ave., Chicago. 9-3 SITUATION WANTED PAINTING AND light carpenter work by hour or contract. Call McHenry 797-R. 6-8 WILL BABY. SIT in my home while mother works or shops during day. Call McHenry 1966- J. 12 CARPENTER WORK wanted, remodeling, additions, garages, kitchen cabinets, roofing and cement. Free estimates. Phone Wonder Lake 3931. 12-tf CARPENTER AND cement work. From small repairs to farm and residential construction. Cabinet work a specialty. Financing available, reasonable rates. Sandvick, Wonder Lake 3934. 12-tf WANTED Mr. and Mrs. Earl McAndrews and Miss Mary Kinney •left last week for a visit with relatives in Minneapolis and other places in Minnesota. Miss Kinney will spend sometime there before resuming her teaching duties in. this city., Mrs. Sarah Harris Iras returned to her home in Rock Island after spending a week with her cousin, Mrs. William Spencer. Mrs. Clinton Martin and daughter, Mrs. Henry Tonnilson, were in Chicago, Thursday evening, where they saw the Shriners parade at Soldiers Field. Mr. and Mrs. Tom* Bower and sons of Richmond called on McHenry friends Sunday. The Donald Hayes family of Chicago were Sunday guests of his mother, Mrs. Edith Hayes. Miss Rita Martin accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Grace Thompson of Waykegan. spent a few days last week in the William Martin home in Sterling. Mr. and Mrs. Martin had just Returned from a visi^ in the Robert Martin home in California. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ivacho and children and Mrs. Carolyn Ivacho of Iron Mountain, Mich, were visitors in the Raymond Powers home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fedoro and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Federo and daughter, Debbie of Chicago were Sunday callers in the home of Misses Lena and Clara Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Martin have returned from a three weeks vacation. They attended the wedding of their nephew Richard Martin in Philadelphia where they joined his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Martin of Jacksonville. Fla. for a tour of the New England States and Canada where they visited many places of interest. Mrs. Max Gilmeister, children, Maxirie, Joann ,and Bobby and Mrs. John Trebatoski and daughter, Elaine of Stevens Point, Wis. were guests in •the James McAndrews and Gail Shannon homes the past week. Miss Delia Beckwith spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Wynne JoHtz in Elgin. Mesdames Daisy Smith, Mae Angelo, Lola Mears, Anna Marie Scarbrough, Dorothy Reinholdt, Elizabeth Thompson and Miss Judy Diedrich of the' VFW' auxiliary, entertained the boys at Downey Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Powers of Pekin were guests of his parents, the Raymond Powes of Center street, Satuday. Their son Scott who spent the past week with his grandparents, returned home with them. tor. and Mr^ Duke\Adams attended afpre-historic invitational- shoot given by the ^Vaukegan Bowmen at Wadsworth Sunday and later visited in the Ray Walsh home at Fox Lake. The Robert Brugger family and Richard Maksen of£ Kenosha, Wis., the Richard Sedar family of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Benes of Wonder Lake, Gary Rapp of Rockford and the Dale Dixon family were guests in the Fred Bienapfl home Sunday where they celebrated Barbara Brugger's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Engdahl entertained members of the Southern Ports Foreign Freights Committee, of which he is chairman, and some of their wives at a picnic at their home, FairWood Farm, south of this .city, Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Antonson and sons and Mrs. Robert Winkel attended the wake of Philip McDevitt at .Lake Geneva, Wis., Tuesday of last week and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winkel and Mrs. Joseph^Musk were in attendance at his funeral there on Wednesday. Mrs. EcK Wright and Mrs. Rudy Jensen'and son of Chicago, were visitors in the Dale Dixon home Wednesday. Mrs. Floyd Stotts and sons, John and Craig of Carmi, 111., are spending two weeks in the Herbert Engdahl home. Mr. and Mrs. William Glosson spent .the weekend in Kalamazoo, Mich., where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cushman and sons, Allan and Francis Immekus. Mrs. Velma Douglas and Tom travelled to Greenup, 111. last weekend to visit Dr. and Mrs. Joe Miranti. Richard Miranti returned to spend a week with his grandmother. His mother expects/to arrive here Thursday to spend a vacation with Mrs. Douglas, during which time they will visit in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Glosson and son. Randy, spent Sunday visiting relatives in Janesville and Avalon, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johannsen of New York City were weekend guests in the Robert Thompson home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Saelens and children of St. Charles and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Conway and daughter, Virginia, of Wauconda were dinner guests of Genevieve Knox Saturday evening. Miss Patricia Ann Tucker of Sunnyside. daughter of Mrs. Eugenie Tucker, left with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Skinner, and son, Gerald, for Shidler, Ok'a., to attend the wedding of Mr. Skinner's niece. After the wedding, they will go to Oklahoma City and Maysville, Okla., to visit other members of the family. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bennett and children returned recently from a visit with their son, Lt. Ralph W. Bennett, ay member o fthe Army signal corps, stationed at Fort Monmouth, N. J. They also visited at College Park, Md., Niagara Falls, New York City, and other points of interest. Mrs. A. L. Kosinski and son, David, of College Park, Md., is spending six weeks with her sisters. RoVena Marshall, and Mrs. Ralph Bennett, and other relative in this vicinity. Mr. and ftjrs. Ted Kaelin of Aurora spent the weekend TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock -- 1610-M-2. „ 43-tf WANTED TO BUY Claremont Hill SUBDIVISION with friends in McHenry. Jerry Justen, son of JDr. and Mrs. Jerome Justeijxof Glendale, , Calif., is•'visiting his grandparents, the Ben Justens, and other relatives. The past few days he Jrisited in the home of Terry Smale in Crystal Lake. Friday he will leave on a fishing trip to Kenora, Ontario, Canada, with his uncle Dr. Paul Justen, and family of Glenview. ASK DEMOCRATS FOR MORE INTEREST IN '58 ELECTIONS X559 ______ The McHenry county Democratic central committee held a special meeting Monday night in the courthouse at Woodstock. County chairman John C^olomer of Johnsburg precid^d.^- James Ronan, chairman of the state Democratic committee was special guest. Mr. Ronan spoke and made 'a plea for a more active interest in elections. He emphasized the fact that all citizens should take advantage of the sacred right to vote. The Democratic party in Illinois will make an effort to register every eligible voter. "We will ask them to vote as they please, but please vote," Mr. Ronan stated. "Only by greater participation of all our people in oiir free elections can we build a greater America." Michael Howlett, former Democratic candidate for state auditor, also spoke. Rocco Roti of Wonder Lake gave a very informative talk on what the Democratic party means to him and suggested ways of getting out the vote. The chairman of the ways and means committee announced plans for a dinner and rally to be held Sept. 30 at the American Legion home in McHenry. Joseph Lohmann, Democratic nominee for state treasurer, will speak. FOX LAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT TO HOLD CELEBRATION The Fox Lake Volunteer fire department is planning a big golden anniversary celebration. To start the celebration, July 26, a gigantic parade is planned. The parade will start at Grant Community high school at 2 p.m. Fire Departments from all parts of northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin have already signed up to display all types of equipment and many organizations and places of business are planning to enter floats. Several bands will, also take part. At 7:30 p.m. boys and girls, ages 7 through 14, will compete for trophies for the best decorated bicycles at the carnival grounds. Aftej: the bicycle parade a carnival will be held by the fire department. There will be seven rides or more plus the usual carnival attractions. The carnival extends through July 31. v LEGAL NOTICE . Notice is hereby given that/; the partnership lately existing' between Peter M. Lieser and Ernest W. Harth under the firm name of L & H Television & Radio, of MCHenry, Illinois, was dissolved on the 17th day of July, 1958, by sale of the : interest of Ernest W. Harth to Peter M. Lieser. All debts; due and owing to the partnership are to be received by-; Peter M. Lieser and all de- ; mands on the partnership are to be presented to him for. payment. PETER M. LIESER: ERNEST W. HARTH (Pub. July 24-31 - Aug. 7) OBSERVE FARM SAFETY WEEK JULY 20 TO 26 ' si >«L Constant efforts are lieihi.-• made to get farm folk to worte and live safely. This week, July 20 to 26*. " another major nation-wide <xh' operative drive will focus at- \ tention on the lurking dangers* 1 that surround farm residents.^ As usual it is spearheaded b$t th^ farm division of the na-( tional safety council and the'; ~ U.S. Department of Agriculture, along with state safety^ councils and thousands of lo4 ; cal workers on this vital pro* ' ject. • : V*:/; Laws and 'regulations helji' to scfrne extent, but the mairf responsibility for preventing: serious farm accidents must be placed on the individual^, says O. L. Hogsett, extension safety specialist of the College of Agriculture at the Urii*f versity of Illinois. Farmers now work with* > equipment that approaches/* Aladdin's lamp in efficiency^ 1 It involves use of ' machines, > electricity and chemicals, Hog-- sett says. Don't get so fam-' iliar with these modern helpers , that you grow careless about" o p e r a t i n g and u s i n g t h e m1 safely. 1 COUNTY FARMERS WIN TOP HONORS IN HOLSTEIN SHOW ' Clanyard Farms of Huntley were awarded top honors for a purebred Holstein at the Uli- . nois Black and White show held Saturday, July 19, at Meoseheart. The entry was named Clanyard Anthony Jana : a third prize Junior yearling^ heifer in a strong class of nine-?*"" teen animals in the Senior division. Junior jnembers com- . peted wth the. veteran breed-. ers but were also recognized as junior exhibitors. Also winning hdnors Wit William Bingham of, Huntlajri;.;. with the third prize senior hef-! fer calf in a class of twenty-^ three. In the Junior division,- Mory Grotz, Harvard, showed; the third prize senior bull calfand William Cornue, Hebron, showed the second prize seniorheifer calf. SHOP IN McHENRY FARM OR VACANT acreage in McHenry county or vicinity of Twin Lakes. Write Box 390 c/o Plaindealer. 12 WANT TO BUY small home in or near McHenry. Will pay $5,000. Phone McHenry 2591- M. 12 WANT TO BUY boys 26" bicycle. Must be in good condition. Phone Wonder Lake 2691 or McHenry 170. 12 LOST AND FOUND BOY SCOUT TROOP 131 lost their large American flag from their float in the Fiesta Day Parade on Sunday. This w^s a gift from the American Legion and they are very anxious to find it. Please call McHenry 2756 with any information. 12 TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY -- 2 part German shepherd puppies (female) 8 weeks old. Call McHenry 2287. 12 ROBERT MONTGOMERY who has recently taken over The 120 Club in Lakemoor cordially invites you to be his guest this Friday, July 25 for a fresh "CORN ON THE COB FEAST" served with dairy butter Serving from 5:30 p.m. on For Exclusive Country Living 3 BEDROOM HOMES Including Garage on Vz Acre Lot i FULL BASEMENT • CERAMIC TILE BATH • COMPLETELY DECORATED 2 Model Homes Open For Inspection- GOOD FINANCING -- ALSO -- Large Homesites for Sale $250.00 Down Only 2 V* miles north of McHenry on Route SI Entrance from Johnsburg road and Route 31 PETER HAMLIN PHONE: McHENRY 802 £ aSe ^sne HAVE A ow (Cushion o/ C^adli SAVE REGULARLY NO*W AND PROTECT YOURSELF FROM . . . Financial Emergencies PLUMP UP YOUR CASH CUSHION ' WITH OUR PROFITABLE EARNINGS REMEMBER . . • We Pay DIVIDENDS FROM' $1.00 and UP 111! SAVE BY MAIL WE PAY POSTAGE BOTH WAYS skiyiej SAFETY SAVINGS UKIYK 206 W. ELM McHENBY, IUL. - PHONE McHENRY t «.V

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