" ' • * • ' ' " \ 1 1 * 1 * , ^ . * - ' * -O " , , v v* ' ,^v r * : * v < J ^ ' %; ka&ikt 28M98ff KeCullom Haltt' WITH Eve Levesque /£ Something in the Wind \fiim The plans for restoration of * the lake are going ahead. At .?'-j|i special meeting of the board of directors of the McCullom i Lake Sportsmen's club, held Tuesday, Aug. 19 at Bernice arid Whitey's, the board: voted fo . allocate $1,500 for having the lake treated and re-stocked ^rjith game fish. -The members ptre s e n t included. President Ifjjbyd JFrye; Ken Boyce, treasurer; Jim Lbnghway, secretary; and Directors Vic Adams, John Krettler, Nick Miller and Nick Tabor; .vpnly.one signature is lacking lor complete permission. , It is hoped that this can be obtained before the deadline of Sept. 15 set by the Illinois Conservation department, or the job will have to wait until next year. When the job is completed, plenty of manpower and boats will be needed to remove the stunted fish which will come to the surface. Anyone interested in this project may contact Nick Tabor, who is chairman of the lake committee, at-3165. broken tight wrist which required a cast which will probably be a part of him for six to eight weeks. Also just before the start of school! Our kids play rough!! t gtill Bedded V ; Personality kid Ethel Myers has,really had Jk siege of it this time. She has been laid up for weeks with the virus flu. According to the last report,, she vyas finally making, strides toward recovery. No doubt the presence of^her two daughters, who. have been spelling each other, have contributed a great deal toward this goal. Mrs. Edith Mauch of., Norwood Park stayed for awhile, until the. other daughter, Mrs. Ethel' Fox, and daughters, Alberta and Robert, arrived from California to assist. Surely do hope this is the end to Ethel's period of illness. Co-operated by being so nicp j and warm! .'$* Bake Sale at Lottie & Gene's Grocery, Saturday, Aug. SO The bake sale, given by the Ladies of the Lake will begin at 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 30, St Lottie and Gene's grocery store. Donations of bakery goods should be brought to the store by 9 a in. For anyone who needs transportation for her "tasty pastry", please call 3293-J or 2171 and your merchandise will be picked up and delivered to the store. v Any--and all kinds of pies, Qgkes, cookies, bread, rolls, etc., will be welcome. And we'll need plenty of all of it, judging from the amount of people who ate expected as customers. The more money we make, the more can be used for civic improvement, especially the beach. Can we count on you? More Flu Victims Seems as though the ol' bug ha& really been making the rounds. Latest victims include little Berenice Bjorg, who has been down for almost two weeks, and Mrs. Emma Pyritz, who had a touch of j£. With these cool mornings, hot (?) afternoons, it makes everyone susceptibile. Welcome Aboard To Mr. and Mrs. Earl Murray who purchased the Wetje home on Maple Hill Drive some months ago and finally joined the growing number of folks who are making the village their permanent place of residence. The Murrays had to postpone moving out until they sold their home in the city. Has all been accomplished--and we welcome them and their young ones with open arms. Earl is the brother of Larry Murray, our chief-of-police. * ^ Company Whing-Ding .Fred Mathesius treated his family, employees, their, families and invited guests to share in having fun at a sum- - raer outing Wednesday, Aug. 20 -"at Zion park on Lake Michigan. . The turn-out included Anne Mathesius and three youngun, s Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brennan with Sandy and Billy, Dorothy and John Cunningham and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fredricks and son, Scotty, of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Len Mager and their brood, Fritz Mager and invited-guests who included Clarence Mager, Mardy Lorch and three, ana the Dave Hansen youngsters, Mark, Janet and Guy. • To the delight of everyone, ifreddie had thoughtfully provided plenty of fried chicken and tall the trimmings, with seda pop for all small fry, and of course, "cold drinks" for the adults! The crowded indulged in the outdoor games of horseshoes and softball. Things were going "great guns" until the rains came about 7 p.m., when everyone ducked for the shelter of their homes. Back In Harness Bob Fernandez is back on the job again after a pleasant vacation with his wife, Clemencia, and three adorable daughters. Tne family purchased a new vehicle and then toured to Texas for the "breaking in" job. Their destination was the lower Rio Grande Valley, where the couple has relatives. Nice break in the routine for all of them. Cullom-Knoll Hie letters have gone out from the Cullom-Knoll association and the response has been very good. If you haven't returned your answer as yet, please do so. The club neetts your cooperation so they may know how to proceed. A rpeeting is scheduled for Sept. 7. At this time, a nominating committee will be selected to name candidates for an election to be held in October. 'Nuther reminder next week. Young Casualties The local emegency room was kept busy last week, mending the broken bones of two of our small fry. On Wednesday, last, Miss Joanne Reid took a tumble from her bike and broke her tight arm, dented her chin so badly it required three stitches, and received lacerations on her elbow, thigh shoulder: Lucky for the young ngiss that she is left-handed. Last year, just before school opened, it was her knee that was badly damaged and she vtfas laid up for sometime. According to mother Jean, she is going to keep Joanne under lock and key all of next August! ^Friday, noon time, six year old Guy Hansen went exploring for apples. Having gathered some of the precious loot, hg made a stab for greener pastures. He climbed a fence and tried to reach for one of the upper branches when he lost his balance and fell. Result-- Fever Victim How sorry we are to report the news that little Mike Oberhuber has been stricken with rheumatic fever and is bedded for the duration. According to his mother, the doctor has informed them it may take weeks or months to effect a complete recovery. There was considerable damage to the heart and, of course, the accompanying pain. The little fellow is only 4 years old and just can't understand what has happened tq him! . To say his mother, Errna; has her hands full is putting it mildly. She also has the care of her two-year-old twin daughters, who need their share of attention. Wouldn't it be nice to give those old comic books, coloring bookg and crayons to Mike to help him pass the time? Even though he can't read as yet, he would appreciate pretty greeting cards. How about a "sunshine shower" for the little guy? The address is 705 Maple Hill drive, McCullom Lake. Dlsa V fcata • Mrs. Nada Costa hied herself to see a spectacular production recently in, ^Chicago. At this time may we wish a belated birthday greeting to the gal whose natal day was Aug. 1(X? „ Mr. and Mrs. Helge Davidsen and their friends, the MuV< lens, enjoyed a dinner an gab first together a short while ago. Mr. ah Mrs. Gedrgfe O'Flaherty were the guests of Mickey and Bill O'Flahcrty for a week. 'Twas their annual summer vacation. -~ Anniversary Trip Anne and Frank Passaiaqua of Spring road returned on Sunday after spending a delightful week on a second honeymoon sort of thing, to commemorate their, sixteenth wedding anniversary. Their trip took thein to Missouri and points south. Frank combined business with plea^ui^» for the trip was ih connection with his job. puring their absence, the beauty of their yard was enhanced with the work done by Anne's mother, who came out from the. k city to stay with Linda and Sandy. Glad to see our good neighbors back-home again. Silver Anniversary Sunday, Aug. 24, marked the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary for Ruth and Bob Smith of Orchard Drive. Haven't heard of any special celebrating that they might have done. Their plans are for a mighty fine trip next month. News by Friday Night. Because of the Labor Day weekend, all deadlines will be moved up* and ours included- Sure would appreciate having your gossip gleanings and special events no later than Friday night . Your reporter's copy must be in the hands of the Plaindealer early Saturday morning. Your cooperation is earnestly enlisted. The number is 2171. Thanks so much!! Return of an Old Timer How wonderful to greet. Mrs. Martha Struck, who used to reside in the village. She has been spending some weeks with her daughter^ and family in Chicago. Naturally, she had to visit the lake and greet all her old friends. Unfortunately, time ran out and Martha still hadn't said "hi" to all those whom she.. had •fe'xpeSrted to see. She w&ig scheduled to return to her home in California early this week. We've never seen Martha look so well! Natal Days and Matrimonial Milestones v Yesterday, Wednesday, Aug. 27, marked the seventy-first birthday for Helge Davidsen and next Wednesday, Sept. 3, he and his lovely Marge will celebrate thirty-one years in double harness." Big week for "Dave!" Today, Thursday, Aug. 28, Uliss Karen Parkhurst is 15! Hew time fljes! Mrs. Ragnhiid Nelson of Eastwood Drive has a birthday next Wednesday, Sept. 3. Greetings to everyone celebrating a special occasion this week. The McCullom Lake all-stars will play the Wonder Lake .allstars at the beach at 1 p.m Labpr Day. The kids need our support so plan to attend the game. Pre-Teen Party Miss Theresa Mullen was the honored guest for her twelfth birthday anniversary^ party last Saturday. Her actual nat&l day was Wednesday, Aug. 20. The young ladies who came to help her mark the occasion were Diane Bjork, Nancy Purjg, Chryssie Levesque, s i s t e r s Mary Jo, Rose and Toni and cousin, Maragaret Mullen. The little gals were treated to their fill of hot dogs, .soda pop, cake 'n' ice cream. After the refreshments, they played games for prizes. The weather A CHAT WITH US Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out for yourself. % £rake, Service 411 Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE 816 front -St; <' •> * McHenry, m. Phone ill --- Residence 91-R \ Don't forget that early dead line and puh-lease, take it easy over the holiday. See you next week. Automobile manufacturers most aggressive in adopting automation had the highest employment in history in the first quarter of 1955. Rugs t upholstery cleaned In imt win Horn y • NO messy foekingl • NO harsh ^scrubbing! and NO harmful soapsl Award winning Duracleqir REVIVES COLORS! RESTORES LUSTRE! RAISES PILE! EVERYTHING READY TO USE SAME DAYi for Flit estimate till immmi SERVICE By FALK:L McHenry 3418 5 ;v '|$r , SOT A&P SUPER QUALITY lb.\ Size Sunnybrook Large - Dozen • Tender, juicy, flevor-rich • iMTT HALF I . . .A&P't Super-Right CClc I smoked hams are eiit to ,b# aoMiT OKP«< P-OfffC | give you maximum value WHOLE HAM I (no center slices rej moved from half-hams). |b MILD & MELLOW Pan Ready, SHANK HALF Whole m ! Fnth Fryws 33. 37 YEAR AGO M 3 b"' ^ | Canned Ham I Rdtisserie Roast/Boneless, Rump or ! Sirlnin Tin lb. • KiS" 3 S $2" Cooked Nam' ScSfcf 121* 20 lbs. Half, lb, YEAR AGO $2.3i • Canned Nam £22 6 1* *4" Cooked Hani VtI i 1 II am Hormel nam 9 to 11 ib. s;z* 25° • Canned Aam TyNet Brand Flavorftil -Right Shank 12 lb.. Half, lb. fc.75# Semi-Bonelau Ham « Sup#r.RI(jhl 4to&lM. I. Broadcast Hash Heinz Ketehep Rtd.Tangy. Flavorful . . . : | v ; Labor Day featur®, h Plain or e< si Almond 0,84 Fresh Potato Chips Worthmore Lollipops Plain Preserves Charcoal Polish. a ifr-oi. $1001 Canned Picnic 3 Iwi Sntokod Butts lonalaw tb. 0 tin* I " • ^ •' •; • - • \ ARE CHEAPER AT A«P Wisconsin Wliite Russtts ir lidi 25a69> o Less Than 9c « lb. •S" Jan* Parker Twin Paieli Whit* ||it«ts or Reds 10 - 39. O' _ 1 Hand-Selected, Year Aao 3 lbs. 29e I 9 ej4» . . M i Ann Irand Briquatat 10-lb, Fait Lighting ,; ..bag Paga A lb. AAq 1 •nd m 09 | i" t", 99° I MONDAY Thru SATURDAY 9 aim. to 6 p;m. - 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. O Kraft's Miracle Whip I Sunnyfield, 93 Score it-Sh i J lb. cyn. in quarters Zion Fig Bars l-L 39° Lunch Bo* Spacial 39* J ®.W. Pare, Suptar-Right Liiiieheon Meat Quality JANE BARKER 8" 1 Pure Vegetable PACiPie Prices Effective Through August 30th