Twtlvi 6 FEATURE Of EVENT Ruby Shepard .^tie ftirigwood church will Sponsor its annual dinner on Saturday, Aug. 30. This will tie a roast beef dinner and will '"'tjie served from 5 to 7 p.m. The M.Y.F. will have a refreshment stand on the church iawn and there will also be a cbuntry store. Picnic' , . *> Sunday evening the Ring- $ood baseball team and their parents and families enjoyed it picnic in the Genoa City park.r TfeundsyvAugtist 28, 195§^ ft ^ 500 Club ** Mrs. Stanley Jepsen enter- {gined the women's five hund- *ed club at her home Wednes- 4Jiy. A 1 o'clock dessert luncheon was served. High score #ent to Mrs. Oscar Berg and flfrs. Ruby Shepard. Sewing Circle r The W.S.C.S. sewing circle met at the home of Mrs. Lena Peet Thursday. A potluck dinner was'served at noon. The women sewed in the afternoon. Happy Clover 4-H Club , The Ringwood Happy Clover 4-H club took a tour of the A and P store in McHenry. ' Reunion < A Smith family reunion was fyeld at the home of Mr. and M r s . B. T. B u t l e r S u n d a y . Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith of Pistakee Bay, Mr. and Mrs. William W u r t z i n g e r and d a u g h t e r , Mary, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Helma and son of Woodstock, Sir. and Mrs. Wilbur Benoy and family of Elkhorn, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Tonyan a n d " f a m i l y , Mr. and M r s . Frank Smith of Lake Geneva, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and family of Huntley, Mr. and Bffrs. Ralph Smith and son, Dick, of Rice Lake, Wis., Billy Smith of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. tyle Hopper of Chicago, Mr» and Mrs. Souran Tavitian of Skokie, Lynn Hanford of Round Lake, Johq Smith, Mr. and M r s . W i l l i a m H o f f m a n and djmghter, Sandra, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stanek and famity of Elkhorn, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Benoy and family of McHenry and Mr. and Mts. Kenneth Swan and family of Crystal Lake. ' 4-H News ^rhe Happy Clover 4-H club a cook-out at the home o£ Karen and Donna Schmelzer Wednesday evening. Pat, DOnna and Linda Low made c£ui and served it over the otttside fire. Leslie Decker njj^de apple salad, Donna Holc e m b , d e v i l e d e g g s , S a n d r a JjjjSserand demonstrated and niade chocolate drop cookies, Ida Mae Walkington brought wjjite cookies and gave a demonstration on how your cookies s^puld look. Pat Hog a,n baought extras, such as crackeffc, etc, Sharon and Donna Sehmelzer had charge of the beverage. J\fter the meeting was over, they had a special meeting on njj$king out record books. The n«t meeting will be a cookotift at the hqme of Leslie Ejgcker. Special guests will be the mothers and the assistant hfne advisor. w ----.--, Personals 3*r. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Farnfjhi and son spent Tuesday in the Ted "Mikito home at Elmhtfffrpst . *Mrs. Charles Anderson and daughter of Twin Lakes spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. R\A>y Shepard. "Mrs. Agnes Jencks visited fiends in Elgin Friday. ^JMiss Martha Schroeder of Roselle and Mr. and ftjrs. Hen rjr Hinge of Crystal Lake were cugner guests of Mrs. Lena Peet and daughter, , Alice Thursday evening. • Mrs. Ella Walkup of Greenwood and Mrs. Ruby Shepard spent Thursday evening in the Raymond Powers home in McHenry. Mrs. Anna Aechels of Silver Lake, Wis., Mrs. Mary Mc- Farlene and Mr. and Mrs Clifford Jacobson of Chicago and Mrs. Rose Jacobson of Scarsdale, New York,"were visitors in the Louis Hawley home Monday Mr. and Mrs. John Freberg and son, Bob, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan and Kenneth Rudolph attended the Milwaukee Fair Saturday. Mrs. Ruby Shepard spent Sunday in ~ the home of her brother, Will Claxton at McHenry. Robert Grebe and three children of Kenosha spent Friday evening in the Dr. Hepburn home. Jay Walkington, Roger Hunt, Mike and Pat Hogan, Pat and Dqjina Low, Sandra Kosserand and Leslie Decker attended a M.Y.F. retreat near St. Charles with the M.Y.F. of Greenwood and Rev. McChesney over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard and family of Lake Geneva were Sunday supper guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Mr. and Mrs.' Leonard Carlson, Mrs. Tena Carlson and Mrs. Maud Weffenbaugh of Chicago spent Friday in the Louis Hawley home. Sunday visitors in the Dr. Hepburn home were Mrs. Des- Moine, Mrs. George Caddock and Mr. and Mrs Rus.sel Soddy of Kenosha. Georgia Mary Saunders of Sycamore spent the week with h e r g r a n d p a r e n t s w h i l e h e r mother was in Waukegan caring for her sister, Mrs. Louis Winn. Mrs. Tohy Appelt and dau-' ghter, Kathy, of Waukegan, spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Robert Brennan. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schultz of Johnsburg were callers in the* Louis Hawley home Thursday afternoon. Linda Low §pent Sunday through Wednesday with her aunt at Riverside. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fillweber of Antioch spent Thursday a f t e r n o o n in t h e F r e d Wiedrich home. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Schmitt and family of McHenry were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brennan. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Banks and family spent last week with relatives at Johnson City, Tenn. Mrs. Grace Mackey of Darien accompanied them, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley spent rFriday evening in the William ReinvVall, Jr., home at Cooney Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and son, Robert,-of Waukegan were Monday evening callers at the Fred Wiedrich home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brennan. Patti and Bobby, Butchie Leonard and Fred Wiedrich spent Wednesday at the Milwaukee fair. Mr. and Mrs. Phelp Saunders and daughter, Georgia Mary of Sycamore, spent Monday evening in the Fred Wiedrich home- Lily Boyd, daughter of Mrs. Banks, spent a couple of weeks visiting Mrs. Mackey at Darien, Wis. Butchie Leonard and Robert Sewart of Waukegan attended the ball game in Chicago Saturday. " Mrs. Grace Mackey is visiting in the L. W. Banks home over the weekend. •Mrs. Georgia Saunders went to Waukegan Tuesday morning to care for her sister, Mrs. Louis Winn, who underwent surgery on that day. Harold Ackerman and father, Charles Ackerman, Sr., of Poplar Grove, went to Finland, Michigan, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman and family and his mother of Glenview, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. Mrs. Roy Harrison attended an, informal breakfast at the Greenwood church parsonage Saturday morning. Mr. ahd Mrs. Clarence Hopper of Crystal Laice spent Sunday evening in the Ben Walkington home. Mrs. E. E.,Whiting and Mrs. Florence Lowell of Richmond were callers in the Ben Walkington home Saturday. A Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ehler.t and Donna of Richmond spent Wednesday evening with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Eh lert. Saturday evening guests were Mr/ and Mrs. Lyle Ehlert and Rickie of Wilmot, Mr. and Mrs. Duane1 Ehlert and Jeff of Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. John* Skidmore and Mrs. Dick Malsch. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mazanis of Chicago spent Wednesday with Mr. and ^Irs. Pete Sebas tian. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and famiWo^ Matteson, 111., spent ther weekend with her parents,/Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas. / ' . Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and sons, Charles and Jtie, attended the Elkhorn fair Friday. Mr. and Mrs. James Glauser and daughter of Echo Lake spent Sunday afternoon in the Oscar Berg home. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Butler of Johnsburg and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nelson of McHenry spent Sunday in the Eugene Oxtoby home. Mr. and Mrs. George Feldkamp and family of Salem called on Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert Sunday afternoon. Supper guests were Mr. and Mrs. Tony Senkerik and family of Sunnyside Estates. Spring Grove Betty Leonard and children of Lake Geneva spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. • IMP'EAST IS REVEWED „ by - Mrs. Charles jfirfsiind Miss me last week? It's vacation time and my two sons, Mrs. John Jung had a heart ^attack and that Lillian Sanborn has been hospitalized. Good news was that Mr. and Mrs. Phil Rinda {the former Patty Busch) have a baby girl born Sunday, Aug. 17 at St. Therese hospital. Baby has been^jipmed Debbie Anne. ... .; v' Now for the News - of the Week The Kagan boys are back from their pilgrimage in France ? an(* an<*. "yours and Italy with many interesttruly were gallavantin*. 'Took j ing things to tell, such as praya trip to Lanham, Md. to be ing at the shrine at Lourdes, with my son, Father Nichcflas, the thrill of standing only a SDS, better known as Tom Freund. We were . only ten miles from Washington, D. C., so we toured that' t^ty^very day. Visited suclyinteresting places as the Capital building, witnessed the ^passing of the farm bill in the House, also/saw the Senate in session. It would take too long to go into detail about all the impressive sights, such as Iwo Jihia, changing of the guards at Unknown Soldier Tomb, Arlington Cemetery, F.B.I. Building, Art gallery, Smithsonian Institute and the National Shrine of Immaculate Conception, which is nearing completion. Many other amusements in our vacation but it's over and so back to work. Heard via the grapevine that the firemen's carnival was a success, the luncheon and card party held at St. Peter's was well attended, that Bob Klaus will be married in the Fall and ' shower was held for his fiancee, Jackie Pechaus, at the Norb Klaus home in Fox Lake. Billy Olson was a god father, few feet from his Holiness, Pope Pious, and receiving blessing, also many other things including riding in a gondola in Venice, etc. It will be a neverto- be forgotten trip. t Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hazel arid baby pf Bloomington spent Saturday and Sunday with his mother, Mrs. JVlary Hazel, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed . Panknin.. , Miss Judy Weber has returned from Girl Scout camp. She spent several weeks at Camp Mac Queen at Kirkland, 111. A class reunion of St. Peter's class of '57 was held at the home of Mary Kay Amore in Solon. About twenty merfibers^ of the class were present 'and eiu. joyed a lunch of grilled hamburgers and hot dogs. / their families of the -Antioch I.G.A.. store enjoyed a picnic fit the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Monhardt. , Gam^s and dancing were the entertainment. Tlje celebration was also in honor of the nineteenth birthday of Ridhard Monhardt. Guests- invited from the neighborhood were Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Mueller^ $lr. arid Mrs. Joseph Koberstine, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Gerber, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Class, Mrs. Alfred Barth and children and * - FfifSily Reunion A reunion of the Peter Jtay family was- held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John W-eber in Antiocih on Sunday. Approximately 100 members of three generations of tlie family were present "As important as it is, automation has received attention out of proportion to its significance in the advance of all technology ,on a broad front." Mr. and Mrs. Bernie May aAd! according to the Council for children; Ice {Dream Social On Saturday, Aug. 30, the Methodist church Women's society will hold an ice cream social at the firehouse. There will yalso be a bake sale. '-iAll are invited. Technological Advancement. SEPTEMBER A hearing will be held -oni Tuesday, Sept. 9, at 3 p.m. in/ the city hail in Crystal ^ake; At this time the petitioner; the Chicago Title and Trust company, trustee under Tnri|t No. 14553, is asking for £ change in zoning classification from "FY! farming to "B" community bysiness. The property fronts upon Grifcwold Lake road, between vStafe Route 176 and State Route, 120, and adjoins Holiday Hills subdivision to the south. Meeting The Methodist church women's society held a meeting at the home of Mrs. James Brown on Aug. 20. Plans were made for bake sales, socials and fall Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Mueller are spending; a two week vacation in northern Wisconsin. Visitors Mrs. Elfrieda Barth and children are spending two weeks at tfife home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Class. Mrg. Barth is Mrs. Class's sister. )Q CAKE 'N BAKE SALE GIVEN BY LADIES OF THE LAKE X • « ~ AT LOTTIE & GENE'S GROCERY ^ MeCULLOM LAKE BLACKTOP • i Saturday, Aug. 30 ~ 10:00 A.M. _ activities. Coffee and pie was He and Dorothy Anne Mitchell served by the hostess. were sponsors for a little cous- L Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods j in, Diana Jean Ostheim, in I Picnic of Genoa City, called on Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Clara Durlin was also a caller. LEGAL k NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Education of School District No. 12 in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, that a tentative budget for said School District for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1958, will be on file and conveniently available to public inspection at Johnsburg School from and after 12:00 Noon on the 28th day of August, 1958. Notice is further hereby given that a public hearing on Said budget will be held at 8:30 o'clock P.M., on the 28th day of September, 1958, at Johnsburg School in this School District 12. DatpH this 25th day of August, 195% ; Board of Education of School District No. 12 in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois. By ALBERT W. ALBRECHT Secretary (Pub. Aug. 28, 1958) Joliet. I was sorry to hear that' Last Sunday, employees and SHOP IN McHENRY •. • •M • ' .s J' "A. SAVE MONlY! AVOID WASTE! SEADY-MIX CONCRETE RADIO DISPATCHED McHenry Ready Mix Co., Inc. jBOfl Front St PHONE 920 McHenry, Illinois "All Delays Are Dangerous In War" Author's Name Below When an invading germ or virus attacks your body a war begins. If your body senses that it is losing, it asks for help. You may become unusually tired, have persistent pains or other troublesome symptoms. Any delay can make the battle hard to win. Home remedies, that only t r e a t s y m p t o m s , may mask the real cause and permit the illness to gain a strong hold. The best way tp win your war against sickness is to go to your physician at the first sign of trouble. Let him diagnose the cause and prescribe the proper treatment. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHENRY 26 WHEN YOU -NEED A MEDICINE • Pick tip your prescription if shopping near us, or let us deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? NYEDRUGS PHONE 26 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, I1L PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS WE DELIVER •Quotation by . John Dryden i C1631-1700) ; FOR THE FINEST IN CARPETING Linoleum - Tile - Window Shades Venetian Blinds NIESEN'S FLOORS 528 Atyin St. McHenry, 111. PHONE 38 m j d McHENRY Whil/ we take care of ALL your building requirements. * Planning & Estimating * Proper Selection of Materials 9 The Right Contractor for ^ Your Particular Job '• Financing -- Both New Home and Remodeling 611 Main Street McHenry, 111^ PHONE McHENRY 46 V* o PUENTY OF HOT WAI|| FOR SHOWERS PLENTY OF NOT WATER FOR AUTOMATIC WASHERS PUNTY OF HOT WATER FOR DOMQ MSNH Tip for nome owners: You'll be happier with a FAST 0> All the ho; era electrically-^ 24 hours a day ! Hiis is the kind Of electric water heater, lit is compact* economical to own land operate and is designed to deliver plenty of hot water fast. Enough for showers, shaves, big aufomatk Iwasfcerp, electric dishwashers and cooking needs. * 4 , Clean, foolproof, (fully automatic. Fast Electric Water floaters are clean as electric light. No fumes, no flues, no dirt. No pilot to light, or blow oiit. You can go on a trip without turning it off. So you have hot water at the turn of a tap when you return. Compact, easy to Install, economical! Because no flue is needed, a Fast Electric Water Heater fits easily in a closet, kitchen, utility room, bathroom-- wherever you want. Takes no more space than a dishwasher. Shorter pipe runs mean less heat wasted by water cooling in pipes. Most makes have a 10-year warranty, even longer life expectancy/ Modern builders everywhere are featuring new Fast Electric Water Heaters Public Service Company II |-|iy Vs. 0 o Ahwx &ootitm fail Bscfiic Wofar llfetorc bt loaMyptt «sd covntmtop O