PHYLLIS SCHMITT BECOMES BRIDE OF LAKEMOOR MAN §t. Mary's Cathdlic church .setting for a last Saturday, Aug. 23, whieh united Miss Phyllis Schmitt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton J. Schmitt of McHenry, and Mr. Richard White, was the fs< nuptial rite 23. ** . krnest I'liin Open House Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Freund are planning for open house Sunday, Aug. 31, at their home at 210 Park street at 8. p.m., the occasion being their twenty- fifth wedding anniversary. Bride-to-bfe Guest? At Parties Miss Beverly Blish, who Will be a bride of early "September, was. honored at two recent showers. Mr', and Mrs. Burton D. Stephens and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ekholm entertained at a cocktail .party Sunday evening, Aug. 17, at the Stephens home "in Woodstock in honor of Miss Blish and her fiance. John J. JuSteh," who will be married Sept. 6. On Aug. 19, Miss Blish was guest Of honor at a bridal shpwer held at the home o£ Mr.i. Lucina Thelen at Johnsburg, with Mrs. Louis Kick as co-hostess. Miss Sue Stinespring entertained twenty-five young ladies at a personal shower on Aug. 20 at her home at Pistakee Bay in horior of the bride-to-be. Miss Barger and Raymond Jensen will exchange nqptial vows in a service to be performed Sunday, Sept. 7. MAURICE FOLEY CLAIMS BRIDE AT McHENRY CHURCH Entertains At Birthday Party Miss Barbara Ann Skrentny, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Krumwiede of Ringwood, entertained a group of friends at a party in honor of her sixteenth birthday anniversary last weekend. After enjoying games and visiting, a buffet luncheon was served. Barbara received many lovely gifts from her friends. R.N^L €amp Meets At Peterson Home Fox River Valley Camp, R.- N.A4 will hold its next meeting at the home of Frances Peterson at 704 Center street Tuesday, Sept. 2. ment aild approaching marr i a g e o f h e r d a u g h t e r , J o a n Claire Wenzig, of McHenry, to John S. Sanson, son of Mrs. Anttk ; Hanson and the late John -P. Hanson of Crystal Lak&. •• Mils Wenzig and her fiance have ^chosen Oct. 25 as the date^cSff^fifeir marriage'at St. Mail's chUrch, McHenry. Tell Engagement Of Joan. Wenzig Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wurtzinger announce the engage-.: & Mrs. Thompson chose a light Mr. Maurice Vincent Foley of McHenry claimed as his b r i d e i V l i s s G e r a l d i n e A g n e s Thompson in a lonely wedding solemnized in St. Patrick's Catholic church at 11 o'clock last Saturday "morning, Aug. 23. The 11 o'clock ceremony united the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo C. Thompson' of 406 Park avenue and the son of Mrs. Albert D. Foley of 111 Richmond road, McHenry. The church was decorteed with bouquets of white glads and pink snapdragons on the main altars and white carnations at the Altar of the Blessed Virgin. Earl Conway was soloist. I The bride, given in marriage by her father, was radiant in a floor length gown of white embroidered nylon over taffeta. -She was attended by Mrs. LeRoy Fitzgerald of Huntley as matron of honor and MTS. Lowell Anderson, Miss Susan T h o m p s o n o f M c H e n r y a n d Mrs. Maurice Wade of Crystal Lake as bridesmaids. All were attired similarly in blue taffeta dresses with white frosted nylon over-skirts, ballerina length. Their flowers were pink carnations. ' Martin Foley served his brother as best man and Robert Luedtke of Woodstock and Maurice Wade of Crystal Lake were groomsmen. 4' ..'-v - •' THE McHENRY PLAIND Surprised At Bridal Shdwer • , . A' 'surprise miscellaneous shower honoring Alyce Joyce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mitblue linen dress, white accessories and a red rosebud corsage. Mrs. Foley wore a blue silk dress with chiffon overskirt, matching accessories and a pink rosebud corsage. About 200 guests gathered at the Legion home between 1 and 5r o'clock for a reception, 1 after wftlcH thif Cdtiple left oh a ten«day trip through the West. They \vill reside in the Town Club. The bride graduated in 1954 from McHenry high school and is employed as a clerk for Northern Illinois Gas company chell Bykowski, was given Sun- in Crystal Lake. The brideday afternoon at Club Lily moor, by her aunt, Mrs. Ann Kuczkowski, Miss Marya Bousser, IVliss Arlene Wijas and Miss Janet Glosson, who will be attendants at her wedding. * Decorations consisted of an umbrella, a, miniature bride and groom and a wishing well containing numerous envelopes containing cash gifjts. Colors were carried obt-ial-green and white; Many lovely gifts were received from the seventy-five guests who attended. Out ,of town guests were from Chicago, Berwyn, Park Ridge, Oak Park, Wilmette, Lake Villa, Algonquin, Carpentersvflle Wonder Lake, Johnsbug, Lakemoor, Lilymoor and McHenry. groom is a 1949 graduate of the local school and is a lineman for Illinois Bell Telephone in Elgin. SUMMER STOMP The seniors of the local high school invite their friends to attend a 'teen-age summer stomp at the Legion home on Friday, Aug. 29, from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. It is the only dance of the season sponsored by the young folks. THE GERALD GIBBS Gerald Gibbs, son of Mrs. Russell tribbs of Woodstock, formerly of McHenry, exchanged nuptial vows Aug. 9 in St. Mary's Catholic church in Woodstock. She is the former Miss Bykowski will become j Mari Lee Sabo of that city. the bride of John Shay, son of Mrs. Margaret Shay of Johnsburg, on Oct. 4 at St. Mary's .cliurch. Shower* Honor Donna Barger Miss - Donna Barger was pleasantly surprised at two recent shovters, prior to her wedding frztrly next month. on Aug. 8, twenty-seven S gathered at the home of Mrs. Clyde Bailey in Orchard Beach to enjoy a miscellaneous shower, with Mrs. as hostess. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles White of Lakemoor. Rev. Fr. Harold Nilges officiated at the wedding "service at 10 o'clock, with the children's choir offering the masic. The church was beautifully decofattd with bouquets of yellow and white carnations. The charming bride chose art embroidered organza dress over taffeta skirt,1 featuring three tiers, styled with short sleeves and sabrina neckline. Attending the bride were Miss Nancy Justen, a friend, and Miss Joyce Schmitt, her sister, both of McHenry, Miss Barbara White, sister of the groom, of Lakemoor, Mrs. Jean Vogel, the bride's sister, of R i c h m o n d , a r i d M i s s . J e a n Blake, a friend, of McHenry, as bridesmaids. They chose blue embroider© organza dresses, b a 11 e r i n length, with short sleeves, and carried bouquets of , white glads. Ponald Manning of McHenry served as best man and grooms men were James Duggan of Cary, a friend, -Robert Wagner of Woodstock, brother-in-law of the bride, Gordon Schmitt of McHfrjfry. brother of the bride, £nd Ed. Schumacher of Woodstock, a .friend. , Mrs. Schmitt was attired in a pink lace dress with matching accessories and a white orchid corsage. Mrs. White wore a felife embrSicfered satin dress with matching accessories and a white orchid corsage. Breakfast was served at the V.F.W. clubhouse to forty guests, and in the evening, 300 friends %»nd relatives gathered there for a reception. Mrs. Betty Wagner and Mrs. V i r g i n i a S c h m i t t s e r v e d t h e Wedding cake and Miss Jane Blake was in charge of the guest book. The couple will make their home at 320 Grand avenue, McHenry. The bride is a 1956 graduate of the McHenry high school and is employed at the McHenry State bank. The groom attended^the McHenry schools, served three years in the Marine corps and is now employed in Crystal Lake. PERSONALS Mrs. Ray McGee and Mrs. Charles Gibbs spent a few days the past week with the latter's relatives in Macomb; 111. v /Mts. Walt Johnson of Minneapolis, Minn, was a guest of Mrs Lillian Huck the gast week. .- ".V -v Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wirtz have returned from Fort Smith, Ark.; where they spent a few d&ys with their Son. Pfc. John Wirtz, and wife. 5 ; Ntrs. Ada HOfelscher of felgin spent the past week with 'her sister, Mrs. R. I. Overton. Mrs. Clinton BeckenBaugh and children, Canaille, Mik£, Ron, Lynn and Scott, of Clinton, Iowa, are spending-several days with her parents, Mr., and Mrs. Louis Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Butler of Chicago were McHenry visitors. over the weekend* Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bremejr of Chicago spent a few days last \tfeek ih the^William Lingenfelter home. **• Mrs. Ella Walkup of Greenwood was a weekend gu,est in the Raymond Powers home. Mrs. Elmer Winkelman accompanied Mrs. Bertha Merchant of Woodstock to .Elgin Thursday, where they attended the Illinois Bell Telephone operators' annual picnic at Tyler Crfeek forest preserves. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams of Kansas City, Mo. were guests of her aunt, Mrs. Kathtyn Schreiner, the "past week. Mrs.' William F. Doherty spent the weekend in. the hohie of her daughter, Mrs. Peter Weingart, in Arlington Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Courier of Marengo were lofcal visitors Sunday. Jackie and Brian Altrtian of Normal have been vacationing with their sister, Mrs.1 Jerome Stilling. Sister Mary St. Hilda, B.V.M. and Sister M. Arcadia, B.V.M. of Lincoln, Nebr. spent a few days last week in the home of the former's brother, Robert Conway. Other guests in the Conway home during the past week included Mrs. (pari Blanner, and son, Vernon^ of ijtockford, the Clarence Conway family of Janesville, Wis.; and Mr. and Mrs. George Adams and grandchildren. Patsy and Cathy Whalen of Elgin. Mrs. Anna Diedrich and daughter, Van, were visitors in the Michael Thill home in Aurora Sunday. David Thill, wj}0 had been a guest j^4J*i?ir home, returned to Aurora with them. The Phillip Doherty family and Mrs. William T. Doherty and son, Stevie, vacationed at Lauderdale Lake. Wis. last week. Paul Steffan has returned from Plato Center, where he spent the summer in the home of his aunt. Mrs. Rayj ^rag. { Mr. and Mrs. Leo Conway, their guests, Sister M. St. Hilda and Sister , Arcada, Miss LaurayofX^^^way and Miss Joyce MlgiiPSited Leo Conway in Soutp^hicago hospital, where he isPConfined with back injuries sustained at the lumber company where he is em- His address is Room South Chicago hospital, 2320 E. 93rd Street, Chicago. Mr. and Mt-s. A1 Kruse, Mr. and Mrs. M. JCazmeirski and Casrrier Kazftieirslci of Chicago were Sqnday guests of Mrb. John S m it h of McHenry Shores. /•; ; - r-W- .Mrs. Arth'a iBarrwV of Milwaukee, a former teacher in the local schools, was a week end guest in the Ray McGee hqnip JEltid attehded the Thomp- 'soh-'jfoJey todddrng Saturday. Mr. and |Mr£' Leo Blake, Ja'riies, Gerald, Tom and Claire the Bernard (Jung family and Mr. and Mrs.Vjohn R. Freund attended the /wedding of the former's daughter, Mrs.^ Elaine Horstman, and Louis Girding, which took mace at Fort Jennings, Ohio, Saturday. Miss Ilene Bassett returned to her teaching duties at Lakewood high school, Lakewood, Colo., Sunday, after spending the past month with her parentsj $lr. and Mrs. Lisle Bas- (Y rs". ' H. M. Engdahl is leaving Moday for Grand Rapids, Minn/K,where she will spend ten days with her daughter and husband, the F. J, Pep|)ings, a n d b e c o m e a c q u a i n t e d w i t h her, new grandson! Mrs. EttajReed. of California has been spending several days with her sister, Mrs. George Lindsay. Mesdames Daisy Smith, Genevieve Bradley, Kay Stilling, Mildred Miller, Dorothy Reinboldt, Irene Stoller and Carol Page of the VFW auxiliary were Downey visitors Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Martin of Sterling and Mrs. Grace Thompson and son, Freddy, of Waukegan . were weekend guests of Miss Rita Martin. Mrs. Margaret Rasmussen returned to Chicago Tuesday after a few days' visit in the home of Miss Genevieve Kijpx. 0r. and Mrs. Bart Yegge and son, Jack, spent a few days in DeWitt, Iowa, where they attended the celebration of the golden wedding anniversary of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. H. C. Yegge, on Sunday. . ' • ,G«ne WilheJm of Denver. Colo, spent the past week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. LiSle Bassett. Miss Georgianna Donohue of Huntley was a visitor in the home of Miss Genevieve Knox Thursday. Gary Meehan, who for six years made his home in McHenry, is now residing with McHenrv Hospital Patients at McHenry hospital this past week included Hilda Biehl. Kate Thennes, Helen Creamer, Janice Johnson, Delia pizik, Guy Hanson, Williqfti Lindgren, Rinaldo Roll o , C h a r l e s H u e c k s t a e d t a n d Raymond Franklin of McHenry, Victor Glinka of Chicago; Gladys Cook and, John Kaye of Crystal Lake; Minerva Wisner of Ingleside; Greta Weissenberg^. of Wonder Lake and Mary Mullen of Ringwood. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Patifents at Memorial hospital, Wo°^stocH» this ' past week included Juihe i5i6dra^h of McHenry and. Donald Weirich of Wonder Lake. 1 CARD OF THANKS The Little League Ball club of McCullom Lake would like to take this' means of thanking everyone who donated so generously to equip the boys this year. We would especially like to thank the" following: Nelsen Electric, McDonald's Tavern, McCullOm K n o 1 r**s Assh., F. M. Television, McHenry T.V., Lakeland Construe tion, Ace Hardware, Whitey & Bernice's Tavern, Levesque Construction. Ra^ Stlljiing' and Brennan Mjlk §eArifce,' Richmond. We sincerely appreciate your assistance.' 17 Little League of , McCullom ,Lake Bill Hyatt, pres: Bill Bjrennen, Treas. CARD OF THANKS I wbuld like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who "remembered me during my recent stay in the hospital. I sincerely appreciated the masses, praters, cards, flowers and gifts. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. 17 A1 Adams Route 5, Box 131 McHenry, Illinois CARD OF THANKS We would like to express our sincere thanks to the many friends who remembered us with floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, cards, letters and. in so many pther ways at the time of pur bereavement. We are most appreciative. Shelley, Powers and 17 DeLlre Families Mrs Hazel Benson; idaugh* hfe sister in Jacksonville, Fla. MARRIAGE LICENSES Ray Jensen and Donna R. Barger, both of McHenry. Parking meters in the city are in effect Friday evenings until 9 p.m. ters, Jean and Marilyn^ and son; John of Barrington Wefre Sunday guests in the Alex Adanns home. Mr. and Mrs. William Carr Sr.; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carr, Jr. daughter, Barbara, Miss Edna Foley, Mrs. Emma Sibila, Mrs. Carol Sibila, daughter, Lynn, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sterwold of Cleveland, Ohio, spent the weekend .with relatives here, where they attended the Thompson--Foley wedding on Saturday. \ NOTICE PINE TREE TOWER Will Be Closed on Wednesdays - Starting Sept. 3 UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE • 0 to flatter uou Yes, we put the accent on you . . . distinctively style your hair to flatter your features, bring out your! You'll love our fashion-right coiffures ... so right for fall's "big moments"! If You're Not Becoming To Him . . . ... You Had Better "Be-Coming" To Us S*" ThoM- £AiversiJe {sffairsljiiiq efluJio Jl^r tad FH. Evenings HI 9 airstyling 126 N. Riverside 4>rlve £hone 117 McHenry, 111 :T: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yanda e vacationing this Week in oquette, Big Lake and Winnebago, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Einar Olsen spent several days visiting friends in Menominee, Mich. Mrs. Annabel Aicher and Mrs. Gerald Carey this weejc entertained friends they met on their recent trip to Hawaii. They included Mrs. Forrest Matheson, Mrs. B. C. Spransy and Mrs. George Johnson tf Oconomowoc, Wis. Clarence Whiting of Elgin called on McHenry relatives Sunday. Mrs. Robert Brugger, Robert and Barbara, of Kenosha, Wis.; and Mrs. Richard Sedar, Ricky and Tommy of Waukegan were guests in the Fred Bienapfl home Thursday. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllinillllllllllllllinillllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|lllllllllllllt» VILLA NURSING HOME ON PISTAkEE BAT NEAR McHENRY Home foir the Aged SENILE BED PATIENTS PHONE McHENRY 461 WARREN WEGENER, BARRINGTOft GI WED SATURDA" St. Anne's Catholic church in Barrington was the scene of a lovely wedding last Saturday, Aug. 23, uniting in marriage Miss Marjorie Jurs of 116 McHenry avenue, Crystal Lake, and Mr. Warren Wegener of Pearl street, .McHenry. The bride, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin R. Jurs and th6 groom- .is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wegener. Fr. Riley officiated at the 4 o'clock ceremony. Mrs. James Wegener of Ringwood, sister-in-law of the groom, , was soloist tor the wedding. Thp' pretty bride chose a pure white crystal taffeta dress styled on princess lines, a softly scooped neckline ; putlined "\#ith medallions of Belgium lace and three-quarter length sleeves. *Two bands of lace were carried the full length of the back of the gown,, terminating in a chapel train. , A pearl, queen crOWn held her fingertip veil of imported silk illusion and she carried a white orchid and stephanotis. Miss Bonnie Jurs acted as maid of hqinor for her sister and bridesmaids were Miss Mary Nye of McHenry, a college roommate and sorority sister; Mrs. Virgene Pokorny of Crystal Lake, a friend and Mrs. Joan Miller o£ .Richmond, sister of the groom, Miss Karen Mollenkamp of Barrington was the little flower girl. The attendants were attired similarly in amber - colored dresses of summer taffeta and bands of brown leaves on their heads. They carried cascade arrangements of bronze baby mums. Gerald Wegenep of McHenry served his brother as best man and Dick Hiller <ff Johnsburg, a college roommate, Dwight Dowell and John McGee of McHenry, friends, as groomsmen. James Wegener of Ringwood, brother of the groom, and Stanley Aim of Crystal Lake, a friend, were ushers. Mike Philpot of Crystal Lake was ring bearer. Mrs. Jurs selected an allspice colored dress with which she wore a brown feather hat and an orange rose coinage. Mrs. Wegener wore a -Dioinbitie silk organza dress, white feather hat and pink rose A' dinner and reception -at the Legion home, Crystal Lake, followed the wedding, with about 300 guests in attendance. Mrs. Shirley Karls, sister of the groom, and Mrs. G«$rfd Wegner, sister-in-law, cut the cake and Mrs. John Kfleullen, sorority sister, was in charge of the guest book. The couple has been enjoying a short* wedding; trip In Wisconsin and Will reside Ui East Lansing, Mich. The bride graduated frbm Crystal Lake high school in 1954 and from Northern Illinois university ih 195& Ohe will teach sixth grade at Lansing this fall. The groom is a graduate -of the McHenry high school and is now a senior, at Michigan State university. He. served four years in the U. S. Navy* PREPARATIONS COMPLETED FOR M STYLE REVUE r At a meeting of the County • Democratic Women's club, held at thfe home of Mrs. LeRoy Smith this week, final plans were made for the style revue to be held this (Thursday) evening Aug. 28, at 7 :'30 p.m. at the Legion home. Arthur Mueller of I s land Lake will act as maste£ of ceremonies for the show and Misso Mary Ann Bolger will provide background music on the piano. Tickets may be purchased at Julie's shop, at the Merle Norman studio or at the door. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. 'Wayne Smith are the parents of a daughter, born Aug. 23 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. A son was born Aug. 23 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pulnam. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Blake became the parents of a son at Memorial hospital on Aufl^l8. Mr. and Mrs. John Manlm* der are the parents of a »o/i, born Aug. 25 at Memorial ho«> pitai, Woodstock. A daughter was bprn Aug. 25 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haymes. ANNOUNCEMENT YOUR BAKE SHOP 111 RIVERSIDE DBIVE McHENRY. ILL. WILL BE FROM SEPTEMBER 1st SEPTEMBER 9th WATCH REPAIRING AT ITS FINEST By McHenry's Oldest, Most Reliable Dealer STEFFAN'S JEWELRY STORE 514 W. Main McHenry Phone 123-J AUGUST 29-30-31 Pony Rides - Games - Food - Refreshment* Free Rides for Tots on Merry-Go-Round Kiwanis Trout Qerby on Grounds of New Church Roast Beef Dinner Suit., Aug. 31 From 12 NOON to 4:00 P.M. • $1.50 for Adults and 75c for Children under 12 Come and See the New Church, School and Rectory Christ The King Church* Wonder Lake, Illinois Really FRESH... FROZEN FRKSH the day they're made I NOW AT s DRUGSTORE McHENRY ' PHONE 40 •)