•e Highlands ^ yt"l 1^Tf "s^w®'•Tf *7^^" t ^ r-r| j,/ •wH^rfnp" ^n^T^frs|f; M v : +HE McHENRY PLAINDEAL;ER lA HWPRESBEHT WW'&ty Clara Bales--2895-J Hazel Morley--640-J-l ;.'^S,V--'"""• interested this speaker will be at the next association meeting in October! It was suggested that the lot owners be supplied with more news about the various projects of the association. Th§ meeting was then adjourned. & The highlight of the evening- #as the election of officers, j&ur hearty congratulations to iur, new president, Floyd John-1 j|bn; vice president, Ray Novotky. financial secretary, Archie Fletcher; secretary, Blanche jjaefliger; treasurer, Skip Wilton; trustees: Jo Ullo, Bob JanZevern, and Gene Heir; tfid sergeant - at - arms, Art ffczyplebaum. Also many thanks 18*"a job well done to our outgoing officers, George VanZe- U&rn, Ed Thoren, Ruth Lemgnons, Marcia Dowd, and trusses Floyd Johnson, Skip' Wil- |pn and Wally Misavice. ^The Sea Scouts are cleaning MP fiie upper part of the Com- Ifiunity center for basketball, ^hey are also going to wire this part. Anyone having electrical Jgquipment they don't want, get in contact with the Sea Scouts. ® The Cub Scouts attended a Jjjjaseball game Saturday. Anytime interested in becoming a fen mother, get in touch with See Conway. The Boy Scouts resume meetings Tuesday, with |j' camp-out planned for the weekend. They are also working on a £P9m in the upper part of the tenter. '& Our Girl Scouts started their Meetings Tuesday at the cen- Jjbr. On Oct. 12, the parents •rill be invited to the McHenry gion Hall for the Girl Scout 'air, where the girls will ex- ISbit the projects they have f$orked on. Floyd Johnson re- >rts that there is $60 in the tertainment fund. Don't forto pay your second half of e mosquito abatement pledge, e light at route 12 is now up •lid shining for everyone to j^e at no cost to you. ® We were informed that we §rould have a polling place fpmetime in November. m The association has purchased a gas furnace to heat J^ir center this winter. * The winners of the fishing j|>htest held during August are •dult division Cletus Stewart |frho snagged a 3% lb. catfish, and the junior division, Ronnie with a 1 lb. 9 oz. cat- Women's Club The Women's club now has sixty-three members. They will hold a, bazaar on Saturday, Dec. 6, from 2 p.m. 'till 7 p.m. There will be a snack bar -and the 'teen-agers also will have a booth. The following are the ,various committees for the iazaar. Mrs. Lorraine Erdmann, chairman; Hazel Morley and Carla Bales, publicity; printing committee, Mary Lou Sabieling, Barbara Sisk, Kay Reilly and Lorraine Ullo; snack bar, Marcia Dowd; bakery and candy, Betty Sandelin; white elephant, Blanche Haefliger; balloons and toy both, Jane Malek; apron and fancy goods. Mrs. Bob VanZevern; Christmas assortment, Lorraine Erdmann. The Women's club will also have a social night "Saturday, Nov. 1 from 7 pm. 'till??? Happy Birthday to Vi Johnson who celebrates Sept. 12 and also to Janet Wilson who will be 12 years on Sept. 14. She will have many friends and relatives helping her celebrate. Councilmen Here are the names of the new councilmen available at this writing: Ann Szyplebaum, Eric Drochner, Betty Croasdale, Mrs. Brott, Mary Maddock, Mrs. Froney, Lorraine Erdman, Mr. Rapp, Betty Baker, and Betty Sandelin. Congratulations to yQU and happy working hours! teenth birthday Sept. 9. Bob Messel' who will* be 18 on? Sept. 15, Jim Peloquin will be' 19 on Sept. 17 and Barb Schlick who also will be sweet sixteen on the sixteenth. At the dance Saturday Bob Messel won the jitterbug contest. Congratulations! Everyone is back tb school but there is no griping yet! Sunday the 'teens beat the men 9 to 6, but on Labor !£>ay the men got their revenge and beat the 'teens. Ron Spankuch is now busy working in Chicago. We also hear that we have a new 'teen BOY SITTER in the Highlands! Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zenner and their five children. They are now moved into their new home on Oak street. Teen Club Quite a few of our 'teens are just starting high school. From all reports Linda Klatt, Hewie Nelson, Bob Fletcher, Ginger Cinami, Ricky Hawk, Trudy Rodge, Marian Mueller and Janet Peloquin were a sorry looking lot after their freshmen initiation. As you know Jim Peloquin is home on leave and he is just having a ball fishing. Happy birthday to Judy Jensen who celebrates her six- $ between thirty and thirty- . five folding chairs have been Ainated to the association through Jerry Vrbik. Many franks! } £ A short talk by Mr. Shaw, of She Illinois Council of Churchwas given to explain that af Protestant church will be ! formed in the Highlands sometime this year. 11 I "the twenty-seventh of September has been designated as ttie night of the party held for fne outgoing and incoming officers. Bob Heilgeist suggested a speaker to inform the people on the forthcoming "Blue • Fallot" vote. As everyone was Here and There We're sorry to hear' that Mr. DuPont fell and broke two ribs. Mrs. Haddock had a surprise party for the neighborhood children before they went back to school. One day she entertained the girls, the next day the boys. The kids all reported having a good time listening to story records and enjoying ice cream and pop. Jim Bales is at Fort Eustis, Va. for two weeks training. Wednesday the Bentzes entertained company from Deerfield and Milwaukee. Also seen at the Rescue Squad dance were the Mclnerneys. Bill Johnsons, the Hayners, Verne Thelens, Ray Thelens, Reillys, Floyd Johnsons, Sk'p Wilsons, Reinharts and Jacksons. Marcia and Eddie Dowd attended the wedding and reception of one of their railroad friends Saturday in Chicago. Mr. Pechous burned his legs when fumes ignited while he was burning garbage. Mrs. Greiner had some friends and neighbors in for a little going away party held for her mother who will return home to Germany on Sept. 14. If you see a ragamuffin heading for the lake, it's only Bobby Schlick going fishing, so please return him! Our congratulations to Bob Heilgeist who was promoted to Major effective Aug. 13. He is in civil affairs and military government. Marcia Dowd and Carla Bales enjoyed a day of window shopping and a pleasant luncheon at Old Orchard Thursday. P.T.A. News The executive meeting of the Johnsburg P.T.A. was held Sept. 2 at the home of the P.T.A. secretary, Dorothy Erbin. At this meeting it was decided that the first meeting "f" DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street. McHenry . (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 P.M. „ EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 * FREE! Win A Year's Supply* of "RECORD BREAKING" PURE SUPER PREMIUM GASOLINE ( 700 Gallons) NOTHING TO BUY ™ NO OBLIGATION PICK UP YOUR OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK AT \ Pure Oil Service Station RT. 120 8c FOX ST. McHENRY. ILL. GEO. HAINES. Manager PHONE 1340 GET YOUR MEADOWDALE RACE INFORMATION FOLDER HERE would be held on Tuesday, Sept. 23 at 8 p.m. at the school. The theme of the meeting will be, "Getting To Know Ydi*." The teachers will be introduced at the meeting and afterwards ybu will have an opportunity to get acquainted with your child's teacher. The first hot lunch will be served on Oct. 1. This will be discussed in further detail at the meeting. . Mr. Dority had asked that all mothers of kindergarten children who, -have not already turned in their physical blanks, please do so in the near future. These applications are very important if you want your child to start kindergarten. The list of the room mothers are as follows; kindergarten, a.m. Mrs. Marge Petersoji fs$>m Johnsburg; k'ndergarten^ j£m Mrs. Marcia Dowd from FjSjjta* kee Highlands; first, Mrs. liois Mason, Pistakee Highlands: second, Mrs. Grace Vydijjria, Sunnyside; third, Mrfi. fcOrefta Mikkelsen, Sunnyside; fourth, Mrs. Helen Kolb, Pistakee Highlands; fifth, Mrs. Viblet Johnson, Pistakee Highlands; sixth, Mrs. Henrietta Rau, Sunnyside; seventh, Mrs^ Betty Christensen, Johnsburg; eigth, Mrs. Harriett Marshall, Johnsburg* These women will be doing a tremendous job this scoolyear and any added help will be appreciated. ' :"$!gp:. Congratulations to Betty ajhd Milt Sandelin who celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary last Saturday. They went to Chicago and bought a gift for their, home and spent the night with Betty's mother. Aug. 30. Kay and Wally ^ielisch celebrated their second' year of residence in the Highlands. In two years they have made many friends. escorted 'Kfiy Sieliseh aind Kay's Jiie6#'l.,Gathy Daley, to the depot tb put Cathy on the train' for Michigan- It was Kenny's fi^st train ride and he hasn't sto{p$d talking about it yet. •; ' We have, heard that some of the neighborhood boys are tearing up the farmer's corn field and taking corn and throwing it all around. A lot of work went into planting and raising of this man's land and it is a shame to see it damaged by children. ,, Kay and, Wally Sielisch were pleasantly surprised last Sunday when their „ next door neighbors from Oak Park paid them a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Sch'aubel filled them in on the news from the neighbors. , J' Mrs. i&bwn was happy to receive her. first letter from her son. Eddie,.'whb is stationed in Missouri. Happy anniversary to Jerry and Janice Janquart who celebrated their twelfth wedding anniversary last Sunday, Sept. 7. They also went up to Milwaukee. Mrs. Healy has her little granddaughter v i s i t i n g , he* from Michigan. Little Colleen is having a grand time visiting grandmother. Happy birthday to George Lammert who was over 21 ofy the first of Sept. George is also enjoying a tfvo weeks' vacation just laying Around taking life easy. ; < • Now that the children have returned to their classrooms we would like to ask all motorists to please watch out for the children when they are on their way hqme from school. They dart and dash from no where, we just have to be one jump ahead of their move. PLEASE BE , CAREFUL. Thank you. REGISTRATION NOTICE Voters who have moved, changed their names or have become 21 years of age must be properly registered to vote before Oct.. 6. Voters in Pistakeie Highlands can. register" with Mrs. Marilyn J. VanZevern. ISSUED CHARTER Secretary, of St&te Charles £. "Carp'entier has issued a charter to the Chapel Hill Golf club, Milton L. Smith, Myrtle L. Smith and Rose Schneider, for the operation and maintenance of a golf course and country club, hotel, .inn, tavern, cafe arid the giving and conducting of entertainment for hire and profit* also to deal in real and personal property. SHOP IN McHENRY ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiu¥iinmiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiik l yiLLA NURSING HOME -$N PISTAKEJ^ BAY NEAR McHENRY ... tr Home for the Aged ,:43EN.II<E BED PttbttE McHENRY 461 Judy and Kenny Krumwi&le ?||||||||||||||||||irii|||||irillllllllllllinilllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHIIIIIIIIIItl)Hlllllllllllli MOOSE LODGE ' . ' Women o f t j i e M o o s e The Sept. 2 meeting of the Women of the Moose was called to order by the senior regent, Mable Thomas, with all officers present. There were' only six children and .five escorts present and it certainly looked bad in view of the fact that we had visitors from Crystal Lake. NOTE -- Chairmen and Escorts please make an effort to attend initiation night. It is onlV once a month and . that should not be too much to ask of yqu. Linqa Low, the. daughter of one^of our co-Workers Doris Low, entertained us with two very cute readings. Thp two nev* members who were initiated were Phyllis Bond, sponsored by 'Patricia Tomasello, and Shirley X,ossmann, sponsored by Marilyn Biggs. Alice Kowal, Academy of Friendship Mayfield with .her Academy oi Friendship' ring. Our Ciyst Lake visitors were Jearni^ Kling'and Louise Willey. |j - Sept. 25 at 8 p.m. is our giftdj| gadgets and toy party andeyeryone is invited come anc| get your early start on Christ^ mast shopping and have sotf^ fun too. Our birthday girls for';* September a^e Ethel Hagberg| Lillian Cox and Ayne Rodenf kirch. Publicity committee had charge > of the entertainment and refreshments. : ( v O l g a J o h n s o n , . Publicity Chairman. chairman presented Madeliene Publi^Works and Building! ROAD BIDS The Illinois Division of ways last week announced pr jects on which it will receiv bids Sept. 12 in the seventh o& eight regularly scheduled bi® lettings in connection with Govt William G. Stratton's 195^ roa4 * program. Estimated value^of the projects on which bids wil| be received was placed at $25,4 000,00b, by Director E. A. Ros|v enstone- of the Department ' « ' DON'T HESITATE MAY MONEY INVESTIGATE INSURlED FREE THENNES OIL CO. PHONE 32 PATIENTS Front McHenry, 9 10 DAYS ONLY ancl on 4 at Dk e *J4ou4e ^furniture finest hardrock maptle at introductory prices CHOOSE FROM 125 PIECES IN OPEN STOCK save 2C)% on any of these 249.95 groups INDIVIDUAL PIECES SPECIALLY PRICED. TOO m l\ 42x71" dropleaf / extension tabl% ' 3 Windsor side chairs and arm chair $199 Buffet & hutch also sale priced Double dresser base, vanity-desk, spindle bed and wing chair $199 ^ :....... s KNITTING BOWL & STAND Af t collector's iItIeAmM iInN lIi!mH«Sit4eAd#I quantity ... so act now! Solid maple. Detachable bowl ^nay be, used for salads. Cash & carry.' #1A One to a customer. Save $6.00 #10 V8IU6 Mirror & night table Wing chair incited also at sale pricei Sola or sofa-bed, chair or rocker, coffee table. 2 step tables $199 Sofa-bed sleeps two rovincetown by DEARBORN Now enjoy the luxury of America's finest maple at the regular price of ordinary maple furniture 125 different pieces for bedroom living room, dining room, • The very best solid northern hardrock maple . . . wears like marble • The only quality guaranteed for • lifetime of casual, carefree living • Rich, glowing hand-rubbed finish • Act now at these special prices • Buy on long convenient terms u A e oi i r nit u r e PHONE RICHMOND 3461 HILLVIEW SHOPPING CENTER (WE DELIVER) RICHMOND. ILLINOIS Store Hours: Daily 8:30 A.M. to 5:30 PJML -- Monday 8c Friday to 9:00 P.M. k 1-, 'l.V