Si r~ i - w' u'..>t^; 4»AirfhA^; .**.; Twenty • t ii*j j i~S*li'*iii "i'r "Tfi -«IIL »^?- -1 ^ S*S>f•tf*tP.,,f_W • Thursday,. SfipisiDwr £«tk«moor TO LAKEMOOR . ,.&L by Marlon Sulok--592-R-l •ft pother Nature provided •the perfect setting for the « ,Miag presentation at the Fire- •Gommunity - building on Sunday afternoon. The program began with Roy Morrison of .Brownie News * The Brownies will hold their meetings on Tuesday evenings at t he Fire-Community-House from 6 to 7. Any further information can be obtained from Mrs. Phil Kibbe at 561-M-2 or Mrs. Frank Bitterman at 523-W-l. Hopes are that some of the ladies in the village will help out with the girls. A Diew Voice Heard On Sunday. Sept." 7. Mrs. James Colberg presented vher husband with a darling little daughter who tipped the scales at 5 lbs. 11 oz. The little miss has bpen named Jean Helen and is demanding lots pf attention in the Colberg home. Conthe V.F.W.-presenting the flag the building corporation president, William Gibson. The (llull _ Rising of the flag was done by j gratulations, Jim and Pat. the color guards, Ricky Foss, j - fcbnnie Opalka, Richard Wolf j Sick List 3mA Lawrence Schuerr, all | Friends and neighbors were ffcouts of the V.F.W. troop and ( sorry to hear that Mrs> Claude Ifte Girl Scouts pf Troops 309 ; yachet has been confined in fd 441 were also present at j the Hospjtai with a heart coni flag presentation. / I dj(i0n. We all hope that Beau- '^Clififord Todd, scout master i ]ah is soon on the mend. tiirith his assistants, Nathan | Mrs. Walter Beihl is con- |i<ubke, Walter Para and chair- , fined to her home with a conjjifen of the committee, Harold Foss were present to assist the jjjftys if needed. Mrs. Pat 'Morrison leader of the Girl Scouts lljelped make the afternon en- $Qyable with some entertainment from the girls. , « 4^A very impressive ceremony With the youngsters giving fiifeir best and to those who did not attend this affair, they inissed seeing our firemen and policemen in full dress all together, which made a person ffeel proud to belong to the C&nmunity. Monday evening from 7 to 8:30;£>oiina Jean. Congratulations Village Of SUBDyiddl at the FirerCommunity-house. j David, Jean and grandma Bur- Any, girls between the ages, of 40 to 14 and are interested in being a scout can obtain further information by attending a meeting or getting in touch with any of the leaders. Any of the leaders will be more than willing to help the girls in becoming a scout. ger. Surprise on Jean and Larry" Most anniversaries unless the twenty-fifth or fiftieth go by with just a small party, but for the "Larry Booster's twentieth anniversary what a surprise was pulled1 on them by close friends and relaties. On Saturday evening a couple of Larry's close friends from the village Cub Scout News Den 3 The pack in McHenry is hav ing its annual money raising J kept him in a heavy conversecampaign. It is starting the 11 ion until the cars started to 5 - bake sale, pUn up to thdir drive. Unaware of the goings on, Jean is knee deep in house cleaning Irma Gunther--1577-J dition that compels her to stay in the house so friends and campaign with a Sept. 26 and 27. There will be further notice as to where ,it will be held. ; The Cubs will alsp be selling Christmas cards. So be watching for them to come around. As most of you know Den 3 is the largest and so we will be expected to sell the most, we are hoping that you will support us and buy a lot. Remember that Christmas is only fourteen weeks away. Lorette and Sally Lubke, along* with Mr. Lubke, representing Troop 161, attended the round table held in Huntin irienas ana ley t'his past w--e-e-k-. -P l--an s were neighbors let's cheer her with a visit or a card or two. Takes a Holiday Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brossman took themselves a short trip to visit friends at Portage, salJy WU1 represent ao± in me Wis. -Herb is on vacation and handicraft sessidn. This months "" """"""" 0 pack meeting will be held at to be held at the YVoodstock h:gh school on the twentieth of th's month. There will be four sessions. Lorette will be representing Pack 361 in-gjames sessions and Sally will represent 361 in the is relaxing and enjoying fall days at home. Library Opens Following the flag presenta* fmmunily- , . i tion the opening of the LakegMany pictures were taken of 1 moor Library took place. Many the group' Of police and firemen together to make an everlasting memory for the photographers who are mostly all very civic minded, including tftree village trustees, Walter fftteppard, Roy Morrison and t%d Beahler. •>,. jv folks from surrounding communities attended and were shown through the library by Miss Diane Zundel who will be the librarian. Mrs. Alberta Brossman took care of the registering of the folks for their library cards. After a tour of the library the Girl Scouts put on a dance for those who atattended the opening. After L. I. A? On Wednesday evening the met ait the home of John j this the group was served an 55ok. with the president call-j assortment of cakes, cookies, the Methodist church Thurs day the eighteenth. There is still room for any boys who wish to join Cub scouting. The boys must be betw<*« ?i 'lie arcs of 8 and 10. Den 3 w.'-l be glad to have them If thi other dens are full for this senson. Grandma Again Mrs. Bertha Burger became grandma again on Aug. 24, when her daughter Jean (Mrs. David Jacobson) presented her husband with a lovely little bundle of love. This little miss will answer to ,the name of when all her friends and relaties piled into the house. Among the guests who arrived were Jean's hj^rther and family from DetFoit MiCh,, another brother^ froiwTProspect Heights, Larryjs aunt Grace Siekerman from Chicago and very close friends from Fox Lake, Palatine, McHenry and Lakemoor." • While the party was going on a letter was presented to Jean saying that her mother and father-in-law wouldn't be able to attend the celebrating but a short time later wty> should pull a big surprise on Larry and Jean but mom and dad Booster who arrived with another couple, Mr. and' Mrs. Floyd Graham, from their Cincinnati, Ohio home to make the party an overwhelming success. The guest provided all the food and refreshments for the celebration and also a lovely gift to help Jean and Larry remember this anniversary for a long, long time. The guests enjoyed themselves by having a community singing session and lots of conversation. Some of the guest? stayed overnite and on Sunday Jean's uncle and cousin from Chicago ajid another cousin, Jayne Wysch, from Chicago were guests to help make this a weekend the Boosters will want to talk about for years to come.' Con- William Linden has been api pointed acting president by the board of trustees to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of our president, Leonard Guge. Mr. Guge, as most of you know, has left our village and is now making his home in Ely, Minn. Mr. Linden will serve as president until the next regular ; election of trustees in April j 1959. Congratulations to you, Mr. Linden. With Mr. Linden becoming our new president there is a vacancy left on the village board of trustees. Anyone wanting to sferve in this capacity is. asked to get in touch with one of the remaining trustees and let them know. This applies tp both? men and women interested in this position. The ones to contact are Paul Cromer, John Ripley, Theodore Prell, August Tomsa or Harvey Murray. \Roads , We h#e accepted a bid for fixing; <*0? roads and work is scheduled to begin in a week to ten days. . promised tift installation of the lights we ordered within two weeks. Craft Day Monday, Sept. 29, at th| "c -i Guard for Our Children'; f 'Our, chief of police, Peter Heitz, is to see about getting a patrolman to help the children oh and off the bus in the morning and evening. The bus shelter will be moved from Channel Beach avenue to Sunny- Side Certified . store , for the children. We want to thank Joe Senoche for allowing us to put the shelter on his property. A big thank you to Carl, Prell for his offer to paint .the bus shelter. •\? Property Protection We have adopted an ordinance, io be , numbered 58-33,' set up by the Northern Illinais Gas Co.,. for protection of all underground facilities against damage during new construction or excavation. All builders contemplating building in the village are askeh to notify the gas company before beginning an excavation and they will'come out and stake out the gas lines so there will, be no damage to them. This is for our own protection and we are asking full co-operatipn from all contractors on this project. mah on RiVefr Driire.: I guess I'm not the only one who didn't know what a box social was., Pre^b ter/an chlirch ln Wood? It means that the women pre*' ' - ^ pare boxes with delicious foods of any kind and wrap them as beautiful gifts and the men bid on them. The owner of the box the man' chooses is his eating partner • for the evening. The money that will be made. will pay for the evening's expense. and the money left over, and there should be quite a bit, will -pay for a Halloween party next month for the children. * This is for a good cause sq let us make this a wonderful evening for all. .1 sure would like to be/there because it will be the first doings Bill and I will- miss, , he has to work and I'm taking my children into, the city to the big Boy Scout: jamboree. Lights The • Electric company has , gratulations on your twentieth anniversary, Jean, and Larry, [and "we all hope you enjoy Imany more. Wedding We are happy , to announce the marriage of Miss Ellen Schneider to. Mr. Edward H. Wickman which took place at 10 o'clock Saturday, Sept. 13 at St. John's church. Social We have a change of our meeting place for our box social, instead of being held at the Obstfelder home it will be at the home of George Schujje jijlg the meeting to order at ®:30. Plans for a get-together igf all the members of the club Was discussed and a smorgas- 'Bbrd was decided instead of the ljftual dinner. The date for the ^et-together was' set for Oct. All members make a note this and plan to have an eve- '^hg of enjoyment. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 with '||ames following, Marion was #ie hostess and served cake and coffee. candy and coffee, marking up a day that has been in the miuds of many hard working folks in the community for sometime. Girl Scouts Troop 441 will combine with troop 309, but will go under the number 309. Mrs. Jean Booster will be Scout leader with Mrs. Pat Morrison, Mrs. Anne Brzezinski, and Mrs. Marge Beahler as co-leaders, i Their meetings will be held on COMPLETE *, • OFFICE SUPPLIES »OFFICE FURNITURE ^$(bert J^raMAe & Si 808 E. Elm S£ PHONE 878-J on McHenry, 111. j Lakemoor Barber Shop ! RT. 120 -- LAKEMOOR • j Now Under New Ownership j HOURS: 9-7 Week Days 9-6 Saturday CLOSED MONDAYS | ARNOLD SCHULMEISTER -- Prop. Phone: McHenry, 593-M-2 «•t "• • • <•• • • • »• " • • • • • • • m m m m m m m m m m mt.m m «•• m m m m M m m •! . Birthdays , I only received one report of a birthday other than our house: Little Kathleen Pflug will be four years old on,Sept. 22. Relatives and friends will help celebrate at a party for her and for her sister, Cindy, whose birthday was earlier in the month. Our son,' Charles, had his twelfth birthday on the eleventh. stock on Calhoun and Tryosr* street,' will be Craft day. Thi£ program is open to all Hot#' Bureau ^rtragbers and to whb is; interested. You wi| learn all aboutXquickly mad?- gifts for every niember of the, household. ^ There Will be,-, A ' morning session starting at 10 a.m. with a work period fol?. lowing so that >ve may get tng measurements and patterns df each of the gifts. So bring along your scisgors, pencils, and paper for taking patterns during the work period.. Comp«* cated patterns may be had for 5 cents. So remember thie date Sept. 29, from 10 aiitt. t| S'p.m. -K'. " .-Cy. - Champ; •> tfdn g r a f u i ' a t i o n s to Rich Fredrick for being on Hetteiv mann*s championship softbaU. t e a m . ' ^ 4 : St. John's P.T.A. will hold Qs first meeting Sept. ?2. 8 p.m. in the Community club hall. Golf is a lot like taxes --- you drive hard to get to the green and then you wind tijp m the hole. NOW, DRIVE the economy car WITH A FULLY AUTOMATIC CLUTCH Saab brings you the height-of driving easa in a small cair at moderate additional cost. Completely automatic clutching without any ? pedal, and with an extra wide brake pedC for even greater convenience. S/V A B 405 W. Elm St. EUROPA MOTORS / PHONE McHENRY 2820 McHenry, I1L mey PHO TO BUY BUDGET "KEEP-FILL" SERVICE BULK RATES ARE LOWER FOR DOMESTIC, INDUSTRIAL AND 'COMMERCIAL USE DRI-GAS KEEPS YOUR TANK FILLED YOU ONLY PAY A MONTHLY PAYMENT •i ALTHOFF'S GAS SERVICE 400 Front Street McHenry, III. 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