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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Sep 1958, p. 2

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Taaiihy' uvii rs>day, ; the teerith enjoyed an evening of games and Keenan-Dow« k{> Vows Exchangocl Miss' of .Henry and a lovely bride turday, Mrs. kenneth Diedrich, the former Marie Steffan, was honoredat a' miscellaneous shower given by her bridesmaids, Nancy O'Brien, Barbara Jacobsferi and Carol Diedrich and. the groom's aunt, Mrs. Gussie Diedrich, at the V.F.W. clubhouse recently. Eighty guests were present for a social hour and watched the bride-to-be open her many gifts. Later, a buffet luncheon was served from an attractively decorated table. Mrs. John Kozumplik and Mrs.* George Gray, aunts of Miss Steftan, were hostesses at a kitchen, and bathroom shower held in. Elgin recently, with twenty guests in attendance. Lynne Bradley Is Shower Guest A- miscellaneous shower for Lyiine Irene Bradley, a bride of the near future, was held at the home of Mrs. Henry Kemp and Mrs. Steve Martin in Chicago on Sept. 7, with Mrs. Anton E Noel, Jr., of Lakeland Park, as hostess. Guests included Mesdames Fred Steimer, Elsie Heide, Al. Breska, Gary Heide, Barbara Frank, Margaret Frank, John Kautzi, Anton Popp, Bryant E. Bradley, Sr. Margaret Dean, Miss Carl Heide and Miss Diana Blake,. all of Chicago; Mrs. Marion Olson of Niles; Mrs. Shirley Pbpp of Park Ridge; Mrs. Garfield Swanson and Barbara of Glen Ellyn; Mrs. Alfred Chumley of Palatine; Mrs. Or K. Sent of Morton Grove; Jacqueline Noel, Mrs. William H. Branley, the brideto- be's mother, Mrs. Anton Noel; Sr., her grandmother, all Of Lakeland Park. Miss Bradley will be married Oct. II to Glen N. Montgomery.-. Christen Wohnrade Infant On Sunday The. infant son of Mr. and Mrs.- Robert Wohnrade was Christened Stephen Joseph at baptismal rites which took place at. St. Patrick's Caltholic church Sunday, Sept. 14. .Rev. Fr. CpUins officiated at' the 1:30 -o'clock service. Sponsors were Mrs. Nadine Larkin, aynt of the baby, and Jerome Sheahan, a friend from Chicago. Following the ceremony, dinner was served at the home of the fcab?'s maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schaefer, for the sponsors and the paternal grandparents^ the Harold WohnradeS; also the James Larkin family and Miss Geraldihe Martinus of Chicago. Girl 1*b Wed David Ahlgrim Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Di» ane Millard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Forest £. Millard of Chicago, anjj' David '.Ahlgrim; son of Mr. and Mrs.'Albert C. Ahlgrim of McHenry, formerly of Park Ridge. The wedding is planned for next June. r Both |tliss Millard and'* her fiance are seniors at the University of Colorado in Bouldier. cwpod was judged the best in the forfeit A lunch consisting of barbecues and chips, soft drinks, a decorated birthday Gake and ice creatn was served. ... r, • Christine Doherty Christened Sunday The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Doherty was christened Christine -jilary in a baptismal service conducted a t S t . P a t r i c k ' s C a t h o l i c church Sunday, Sept. 14. Rev. Fr. Collins officiated at the 1:30 rite. v Sponsors for the baby were Christian Newkirk of McHenry and Mary Barbara Bolger of Elgin, cousins of the baby. Present at a reception at the Doherty home later in the day were the sponsors and the baby's sisters and brother; also Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Bolger and Johnnie of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newkirk, Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Doherty, Mr. and M r s . J o s e p h W i l l i a m s , M r s . Clarence Anglese and Miss Nellie Doherty of McHenry. Mercedes Bolger of Woodstock and Jim Green of Dubuque, Iowa, called earlier in the day. Tell Engagement Of Carolyn Gray Mr. and Mrs. Louis Miller of Richmond announce the engagement , of her daughter, Carolyn Gray, to John Stevens," son of Mrs. Clara Stevens, of Moline. Miss Gray is assistant home adviser for Henry county at Cambridge, 111. Her fiance is associated with the Henry County Marketing association. A February wedding is planned. \-- Worwick Studio Photo THE JOHN JUSTENS A This happy bridal pair exchanged vows at St. Mary's Cathoirc church on Saturday, Sept. 6. They are John J. Justen and the former Miss Beverly IBlish of McHenry, who will make their home in Johnsburg; ,-j SOCIAL TEA HONORS NEW GRADE FACULTY Party Honors Joan Adams Miss Joan Lynn Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Adams, 117 1st avenue, was guest of honor at a party on Thursday evening, Sept A social tea . was held at the home of Miss Mary Ann Bolger Monday afternoon from 3 to 5 p.m., honoring" new members of the faculty at Edge"brook and Junior high and welcoming former members. The table was beautifully decorated with fall flowers. Mrs. Carl Buckner of the kindergarten and Miss Barbara Hurt presided. The tea was sponsored by the Classroom Teachers' association of District 15. Miss Bolger is chairman-of the welfare committee. About forty members were present tp enjoy the get-acquainted party. A cynic is a person who ' knows everything ,and believes 11, \ nothing. 8" O [OBOl IOC 13, when she , excha with Mr. DOnald E. Dow<* at St. John's Catholic church, Johnsburg. Rev. Fr. J. M. Blitsch officiated \at the 11 o'clock ceremony, ,•. Miss 'Keenan is. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keenanfof Pompano, Fla., andjthe groom is the soh of Mr. an6 Mrs. H^nn^n Dowe of I$ch» motid road, McHenry. bouquets of white glads decorated the altars of the chureh. . Miss Keenan was radiant in a white, chantiliy lace, intermission length gown, with long sieves and bateau neckline, the latter edgedJn. Venice type lace, embroidered in s£ed pea?ls and sequins. Her pearl crown held in 'place a fingertip veil and she carried a bouquet of white popf poms and stephitnotis. . y/' ' S:- Attending the bride was Miss Donna Dowe, the groom's sister, as maid of honor; Bridesmaids were Betty Hettermann of Johnsburg and Betty Hull of Pompano Beach. Diane Stilling of Johnsburg was junior bridesmaid. . The attendants were' attired similarly in nylon chiffon dresses, with balloon, > ballerina skirts and fitted bodices. Miss Dowe, was in yellow anji the others wore blue, all carrying bouquets of broi^e pom poms. v • Tom Ksenan of Pompano served the groom as best man and groomsmen were Bob Hettermann of John3burg and Dick Collins of McHenry. Bob Dowe of McHenry was' junior groomsman. Ushers were Herb " Fetiske* and Gerry Stilling. ' Mrs. Keenan chose a beige shantung silk dress with trapeze back, brown accessories and a corsage of cymbidiums. Mrs. Dowe had a Dior blue lace dress with black accessories and a cordage of cymbidiums. Thirty guesls gathered jit the James Hettermann htifne at noon for dinner, and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, 175 guests enjoyed a reception at ,the Legpon home in McHenry. The beautiful wedding cake was made and decorated vby the groom's mother. In charge of the guest book was his sister, Sharon. ^ ..£? triP- the School of school and dentand % Mi al has just, the Air Force, in which served foiur years, three <pf which were in IS MARRlfiB TO GRAYSLAKE MAN i Miss Mary Ellen Schneider, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schneider of Sunnyside, became the bride of Mr. Edward H. .Wickman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wickman of Grayslake, exchanged nuptial at St. John's* Catholic chursh, Johnsburg*. at 10 o'clock Saturday,. Sept ,^3. vyith<£ev. Fr. Blitsch officiating. i' Bouquets of white glads, white munis and pofti .pdiriis decorated the altai^s. Miss Schneider was charming in a white, lace dress with over - skirt of taffeta, floor length, styled with long sleeves, , Worwick Studio Photo THE RAYMOND JENSENS Before her marriage, this prottg|pHtf&f' Miss. Donna Bar^e^df iMih4»al Springs. She and Raymond,, Jensen of Sunnyside Estates exchanged vows in a candlelight, ceremony at the Community e t ho d i s t church- on.' Sunday evening, .Sept. ?. • " HOME BUREAU DRIVE The McHenry County Home Bureau is conducting its annual membership drive. Since this is the only professional h o m e m a k e r s ' g r o u p in t h e county, women who can spare one afternoon a month to help make themselves better qualified for t.heir work as honqgmakers are urged to join. More information may be received by calling Mrs. Swanson, 2426. MARRIAGE LICENSES Vernon Tillman and Patricia Garland )6f Island Lake. Richard M. Rad, McHenry, and Nancy J. Colburn, Wildwood. Edward Hickman, Graiyslake,1 and Mary 'Ellen Schneider, McHenry. v Donald E. Dowe and Betty Lou keenan, both of McHenry. Bruno H. Kelch, McHenry, and Mattie M. Diedrick, Woodtock. "Medicine To Produce Health, Has To Examine \> Disease" Author's Name Below Modern practice of medicine differs greatly from ancient methods. A arch team of scientistk pharmaceutical chemist^ and physicians are continuously studying the causes \of the different diseases/ Once they are known, it is only a matter of time before cures are discovered. Physicians now have better methods of diagnosis and treatment. Medicines are formulated to attack the > cause. Sometimes, if we have no known chemical thaHwill help, our chemists invent one by synthesis. Trkt is1 why the medicines your physician now prescribes can help yoU more than ever before. • YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHENRY 26 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE Pick up your prescription if shopping near us, or let us deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with the responsifa^ ty. of filling their pr«^ptfons. May we comjpduhd yours? Wfi DRUGS Aftey" ....^•IHlONB 26. 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, III. CHEMISTS W|DELIVEB "Quotation by Plutarch (46rl25 A.EI) ONLY A BANK.. CAM GIVE YOU BANK service and protection BE SUBE YOU KNOW WHY! \ \ Only a BANK accepts your money as a When you deposit your money in a bank, it dwes you the money--you have only placed it wititf the Bank as a deposit, and you are a creditor. - Some associations and Organizations accept money and list it in a pass book, but actually it represents shares you have purchased in the business--and you are not a creditor. You become a part owner; the organization does not owe you the money and is not required to return ypur money on demand. Unless you want to purchase shares, be careful to put your accumulated savilhgs in a Bank. Be sure. v M. scalloped bodice aiti} layers of tulle tapering in the back. A fingertip veil fell from a small cap with sequins. Miss Sharon p'Malley of McHenry acted A maid of honor and bridesmaids were Katherine Egoelston of JRound Lake and Ruth Ann Wickman of Grayslake. . t Miss O'Malley was attired in a pale pink chiffon dress with pink crown type veil.' The other attendants wore blue * chiffon dresses with blue CTOWM ^type;i«ils.4r'v Philip Schneider of Sunnyside ; served a|s / best man and groomsmen wene Arthur Egoelston of Round Lake and Jaihds Busch of Chicago. Mrs. Schneider w(>re a beige hylon lace dress and gold accessories, while the; groan's mother was attired in an ash rose dress ahd^jrrayy accessories. •, Dinne? " was served at. the Johnsburg community tiall at 12:30 for eighteen giiests, with a reception later, also Mid there. After* a trip into Wisconsin, the couple will reside in Grayslake. • , The bride attended McHeitty high sdtool and the jptoom received his education at Grays* lake, f" CHICKEN SUPPER y ; A chicken and biscuit suraf)* will be served, family siPie, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Ringwood Metnodist church sponsored by the W.S.C.S. * ESTABLISHED SINCC 1906 -- RESOURCES OF $15,000,000.00 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPQSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 4- Phone 1040 i OlSOl m After a summer of fun in the sun your hair needs special attention. Make an appointment now! Give us the. opportunity to restore your "hair to its natural loveliness. If You're Not Becoming To Him . . . ... You Had Better "Be-Coming" To Us Don'i Forget Kiwanis Kids' Day Friday# Sept* 26ih to 126 N. Riverside Drive Pbone 147 McHenry, HI Open TIMS., Thura., Ind Fri. Evenings m » DAY SEPT. 26-27 I # » • §••••••••••••## NOW YOUR CLEANING WILL ,OOK BETTER THAN EVER . ^ * * • • • • • • • • • # # « « ,1 « • • » • • • * ** * NEW SANITONE DISCOVERY Cleans better than ever Restores like-new body and texture to all woolens and wool blends Whether you choose the luxury of pure woolen garments, or the practical advantages of the wool-and-synthetic biends, now you can be sure that softness and draping Qualities of the new garment will be restored through dry cleaning after dry cleaning. That's because our Sanitone Dry Cleaning now features an interesting, new discovery--Soft Set,|" Now you'll get the best in dry cleaning-- superior spot removal, amazing new color brightness, PLUS a like-new feel which resists wear wrinkling, all a part of our Sanitone service, the best dry cleaning in town. Why not call on us^or service today and see for yourself? IN 0RY CLEANING / APPROVED SERVICE Service SAVE 10% Cash 'n Carry Around Corner North of National Tea ' 100 N. FRONT STREFf -- McHENRY PHONE 927 for Pickup Service Always Plenty of Free Parking at Rainbow's Drive-In OPEN DAILY --, 8 A^M. to 6 P.M. -- Fridays to 6 P.M. \; HELP KIWANIS HELP THE BUY PEANUTS - ON" ;•••• KIWANIS KIDS1 DAY, 2^6tK; ; ^fli^ 0 X!

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