4" « S. 4 *" * McHenry Shores1 wmmrmmm^ Thursday September 25, .by Louise Winters , ^.McHenry Shores was well tfBgiresented at the Republican Steer roast and picnic last Sunday* at Fox River Grove. ComrtQffeeman ' Granso was there <nth friends from Chicago, as ,S$jj$h committeewoman Daisy Smith and friends. The Cordfcgns, Lindwalls, and Wetzels aJljl, enjoyed the whole afternoon. P. S. The steer was de- Ilcl()US. '•'.yxtftu Vl • - Service Notes Another one of our boys in service is William R. Gagne. He is about to complete basic training in the army, at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. His parents are hoping for a lobk at his uniform when he comes home in October for a leave. Good luck, Bill. toremember chair. Quick Trip For a very enjoyables and scenic trip, the Winters can vouch for the celebrated "Trip around the Lake." Ours was mostly for business, but once we got as far as Traverse City, we douldn't resist going over the new Mackinac bridge. The bridge was fabulous, but „ be prepared for a fabulous toll. The trees are just beginning to turn, and the scenery* is reallybeautiful, but ntext time we'll take more than a weekend. Homebuilders * Lon and Laura Smith and Sam and Louise Winters attended the September meeting of the Homebuilders Group at t h e C o m m u n i t y M e t h o d i s t church. Carl Bucknfer, superintendent of schools, was present to answer all questions on the school system and any problems qoncerning our school age children. The meeting was a very enlightening one for all. As Ihfr. Buckner said, he learns as much as the parents do, from discussions such as these Cub Scouts A new year began last week for McHenry Shores Cub Scouts. Jerry Olbinski is the den mother, and does a splendid job. The meeting place is the Olbinski basement, and the time, every Wednesday evening at 7. The boys this year ark Corky Olbinski, Jimmy Lando, David Carlson, Sandy Winters and Michael Marchese. The current project is making musical /instruments to ,play atjhe next pack meeting.-' 3: Wedding . ^The wedding of Mary Ellen Schneider ' of Johnsburg and Edward Wiekman of Grayslake on Saturday, Sept. 13. was attended by John and Daisy Smith. Birthdays BoHt)by Schopp's birthday party was a roaring success last Sunday evening, if how exhausted the boys were by the time they got home in any indication. Ray Olszewski, Billy Lokay* Sandy Winters, James and Doc' Ambrose all had a wonderful time. .Oh, to be twelve again! . Mrs. Snively was pleased with a quiet dinner at the Country club for her birthday given to her by Mrs. John B. Smith. List Octobif Y Coming Events by Mrs. C|iarles Freubd yt . Social gatherings, receptions and so on are among the exciting coming events for the month of October. First of all there is the reception on Oct. 6 celebrating Father Daieiden's twenty-five years as pastor of St. Peter's parish. A solemn nfgh mass will be read on Oct. 3. More/ information will be given on this affair next week with a brief * history of Father's years as a priest. Delegates will travel to Rockford to attend the DCCW convention on Oct. 5. Oct. 14 is the date for a card party and luncheon at St. Peter's hall. Thfe nun's pantry shower is scheduled for Oct. 16. A Mission week will follow these, affairs. Thursday night. A report was given on the success of the bake sale in September and an announcement was made on a card party for October. • Father Kruk was present,and was introduced to' the ladies by Father Daleiden. After the meeting there were cards and lunch. Prize winners in cards and bunco were Mrs. Al Wipper, Mrs. L. L. Kagan, Mrs. Meisner, Mrs. Mullally; Mrs. Bychowski .and Mrs. Ben Smith. 1 Flower Show Those from here who attended the flower show of the Fox Lake Garden club on Wednesday afternoon were Mrs/Frank Tinney, Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mrs. Ben May, Mrs. William Britz and Mrs. Tom McNally. ICPT DISTRICT CONFERENCE IN WAUCONDA OCT. 15 . News and Views Wasn't that rain last week wonderful! Now if we could have that about every three days for the next several weeks, we'd all have golf course lawns. In case anyone is still wondering, that brilliant hued sailing kayak trying to sfay afloat belongs to Sam Winters, jmy crazy husband. If you'd like a ride, come on over, just make sure your insurance is paid. Thaliks for all the congrats we've received on the column, but don't stop calling. rYhe news is easy to report, getting hold of it is the problem. Phone number is still 2897. 4-H iws Beach Party .SThe beach was the location of another get-together on a recent Saturday evening. The Lisses, the A. Smiths, MacCallums, Corcorans, Lindwalls, and Simoneens enjoyed themselves, with perfect weather helping a lot. Not many more weekends like that left. « McHenry Shores Club . *«ftist a reminder of the next rtjeeting, Oct. 2, 1958. This will be the first meeting at the YJFW hall, let's have a good turnout. There are plenty of baby-sitters available, so there is* no excuse. You don't even Recently the all-delegate federation meeting was held. Karen Schmelzer, past president, presided. Election of officers for the corning year took place. The new officers are: president, Bruce Olbrich; vice president, Dorothy Olbrich; secretary, A1 Dorn; treasurer, Karen Seegers; reporter, Pat Hogan; recreation chairman. Bill Olbrich; fair board representatives, Eugene Boppart and Judy IJartman; 4-H Club town representatives, Marilyn Begun and Wayne Berghorn. Our guest speaker Was Mr. Islam Mia from Pakistan. He explained his country to us and also told us of his 4-H plub Which is called Star Crescent club. There were twenty-four mem bers present at the meeting. Dick- Wissell lead the group in group singing during the meeting. Pat Hogan, Reporter Farewell Party Approximately 200 people attended the farewell party on Sunday night, held for Father Plesa, who has been transferred to St. Joseph's parish in Elgin. Benediction preceded the social gathering held in the parish hall. A lunch was served and Father Plesa was presented with a Hi-Fi Console. Father Alfred Kruk has replaced Father Plesa as assistant pastor at St. Peter's.. Attend DCCW Meeting At Woodstock Mrs. Albert Wipper, Mrs. Tom McNally, Mrs. Frank Tinney, Mrs. Bob Amore, Mrs. Charles Freund, Mrs, George May and Mrs. Bernie May attended the meeting of the McHenry . Deanery of Diocesan Council of Catholic Women at St. Mary's hall in Woodstock on Monday night. Very interesting talks were given by Father Nilges, Father Petit, and Father Kreigsman. A program was arranged by Mrs. Wipper, rural life chairman. After the meeting a lovely lunch was served by members of the "Mariola club of St. Mary's. Home on Leave Sp-c Donald Reimer of Fort Leavenworth, Kan. was home on furlough last weekefid. Weekend Visit Tom Jessie, who attends University of Illinois spent the weekend at his home here. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Bowling Members of the Holy Name society of St. Peter's parish had their first night of bowling 4o open the season on Sunday night at Johnsburg alleys. Meeting -Members of the Christian Mothers had their regular meeting at St. Peter's hall on The annual i'all conference of District 26 of the Illinois Congress of Parent's and Teachers will be held Wednesday, Oct. 15,. at the Wauconda grade school in Wauconda. District 26 includes McHenry, Lake and Boone counties. This is an afternoon and evening conference and dinner will be served between sessions at the Wauconda high school cafeteria. Reservation date and details for the dinner will be announced soon. The conference was so arranged to accommodate the fathers, who could attend the evening session. Speakers for the convention include State School Education chairman, Ralph E. Clabaugh of Arlington Heights, who will speak on pertinent school education topics; Mrs. J. Earl Duckworth of Chicago, state council advisor, who will speak on the council. Topics Mrs. Duckworth will discuss are, "What Makes P. T. A. Tick." "Let's Get Council Conscious" and "We are in the P.T.A. Business." State High School Service Chairman Mrs. Royal McClelland of Champaign will include such subjects^as "High School P. T. A. the Modern Way," "High School P.TJ\Jlnfluences the Community", "Why the Trend to High Schobl P.T.A." an<J "Look Ahead,.lo High Schobl P.T.A." in "her talks. . The I.C.P.T. theme for this year is, "For All Children the Highest Advantages", and the theme of District 26 is, "Who/ What, Why--P.T.A." Everyone interested in education is welcome to the conference. •EH£) @sf MRES mmwn Shoes or Oxfords *8.95 EVINRUDE Tha suction-cup tread of the outsoIeS nrake^toe^ajfermanenfly slip-resistant Lightweight andibiiMicaly flexible, those soles insulate against heat or cold and^aive remarkably long service. Grain leather insolG and genuine slk upptn. Come in early for your pair. S s e for men PHONE 47 St. McHenry, D1 ^ Open Daily 8 am- to 6 p.m. - Fridays 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. MOTORS Fl TO 50 HP! Now's your chance to get the best buy of the year on the best motor of the year. We haVe to clear our inventory to make way for the -new 1959 Evinrude models soonjto come. Pick the motor you want while it's stiUaymlable. Bring your old motor in for appraisaftor the best trade-in deal you'll ever get. Sundays 9 a.m. 'til 12 Noon MOOSE LODGE Women of the Moose The Sept. 16 meeting was called to order by the senior regent Mable Thomas, with nine officers, • eight escorts and ten chairmen present. It certainly was nice to see so many chairmen and hope all will be present at our next meeting. A favorable ballot on three new members was held. Sept. 122 Will1 be college or rodents chapter night at the Cicero Chapter No. 747 and Reorder; All . who are going please wear formals. Sept. "25 is our gadget and toy party and is open to the public. It will be held at the Moose Lodge at 8, so come aind do your Christmas shopping early. Doris Low will be in ch&rge. ' Oct. 14 is Crystal Lake's Mooseheart chapter night for C h r i s t m a s i n O c t o b e r f & f vMooseheart and Moosehaven. Our chairman, Mary Meyer, is to be guest for that evening, this is to be an open meeting. Mary Meyer, Mooseheart chairman, is, in charge of ouj^CJjristmas .in October and anyone n e e d i n g m 8 r e i n f o r m a t i o n Ann Rodenkircfy is to be guest please contact her at 1615-M. chairman, this- is also an open meeting and all who wish to attend rntyy dp; so, the address is 2348 Sbf^ljj^Laramie avenue, Cicero. Star recorder day' is Sept. 28 and will be' held at the Crystal Lake chapter and we are invited to help assist the Crystal Lake chapter as hostess chapter and fill in where needed. Our senior regent, Mable Thomas has been invited to give the response to the address of welcome and Marge Ferristroitr will give a talk on home chapter. Imogene Ruckstuhl is Crystal Lake's star Oct. 17 and 18 will be a rummage sale, it will.be held on Main street one door east of John, the. .tailor. Marilyn Biggs, home making chairman a n d J u n e B a n k e r , h o s p i t a l chairman, are in charge. Contact Marilyn Biggs lat' 1405 if you have anything you would like to donate. Bertha Ja'gerf ^tbrary chairman, will have a tjake sale Nov. 9 at the Riverside Bajte shop. Anyone wanting to get on a mixed bowling team pleafce contact Nancy Bowman as she needs volunteers to make up a team. ZEPHYR VENTILATED AIL Ahtmuiutm ADMIT LIGHT & A IR SHUT OUt HEAT & GLARE ROLL UP AWNINGS -- DOOR HOODS EAGLE PICHER ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS and' DOORS Terms AArrtthhuurr Boger Co^"t -- PHONE 1180 -- 307 E. WAtTKEGAN RD. McHENRY, ILL. Sept. 30 is a fifth Tuesday, meeting which is a joint and open meeting. It will also be a pot luck. Don't forget ritual practice Sept. 22. Our Oct. 7 meeting is initiation night and "now that summer is over we will be wearing formals. We will also start at 8 sharp, don't forget be on time and those who should wear formals please do so. Olga Johnson Publicity Chairman To acquire friends you must inevitably acquire enemies because even the ,girl who knew ypu "when" won't like you after you marry her roommate. PARK COLLECTIONS Collection of admission at 31 IUiilois state ,par^ wa|^ discontinued for the 1&58 seal!* son at closing time Sunday,. Sept. 14, it was announced bk^ Director - Glen D.- Palmer ojD' the Department of Conserva^ tion. "Sale of season stickers _ was discontinued two weeks ago," Director Palmer said. "We have now collected over $188,000 through the end of August, and OUP' final report should be close to -the $200,-.,.. 000 mark. The collections will provide a 'good start toward some of the much needed iny.< proverhents . in "the varioulparks,", the director added. "I wouldn't have to get warm this way if you'd remember that 'Flying A' Heating Oil is hotter-burning!" ri ORDER "FLYING A" HEATING OIL CASH DISCOUNTS ' PLCS KING KORN STAMPS McHENRY COUNTY ^FARMERS CO-OP 528 WAUKEGAN Rli. McHENRY PHONE 729 d> McHENRY PLAINDEALER marters % v ^ * or ince 1875 \ CREED CAHILL With over 40 years' experience in job printing .gives each order prompt, careful attention. .TICKETS .FOLDERS PAMPHLETS . POSTERS ' # ENVELOPES . LETTERHEADS , BUSINESS CARDS . BUSINESS FORMS , WEDDING INVITATIONS . BOOKLETS (EAST OF OLD BRIDGE) Ann Street P.O. Box 126 McHenry# Illinois ' PHONE 7 or 3360 ITHS TO EFilLL ALL YOUR PRINTING N ^ or Qya^u aUicu and £conomu 102lNort;h4 Grei'7 McHENRY, ILL! IE MeHENRY 170 or 171 7