Tkursfay. Otfabtt Iff, 1358 Pisiakaa Highland! I OVEDET/UUD REPORT ON ASSUMBT Carta Bales 2895-J Hazel Morley 640-J-l JroyB sMvenzovn The niieeting was called to order by our new president Flpyd Johnson. After the roll call of officers and block captafas, Johnson introduced our speaker for the evening, John Roberts, who informed us about the blue ballot. This is an amendment to Article VI of the Constitution, and will be voted on Nov. 4. If this amend- _ merit is passed, it will provide us with a better judicial system, and court cases will be handled quicker. Bob Heilgeist reported that oiWy fifty-seven people have paid the full amount for mosquito abatement. Just because our mOsquitos are gone, don't forget the promise you made to pay the $7.50. Our center will be able to use natural gas for copking and the hot water, but not for heating. President Johnson reports t]gtt as soon as a solution to tne telephone situation is found he will be notified. The 'Teen club officers were Introduced. The following are our committees and their chairmen for the coming year: membership, Archie Fletchers; barn committee, Gene Heir; beach, Wally Szyplebaum; police and park cmamittee, Joe Ullo; welcoming' committee , Ray Novotny. His helpers will be Skip Wilson and Blanche Haefliger. Road committee, Steve Vrbik; water patrol, Elmer Martineau; community improvements, Mr. Rapp; adult activities, Jack Reilly. The next parly will b$ the Halloween dance on Saturday, Oct. 25. It will be a costume pfty, and prizes will be awarded the best dressed. In charge of coffee after the meetings is Joyce Heir. The Cub Scouts are in need of two more Den mothers. They need one for north of Hilltop and one for south. If you are interested, get in touch with Archie Fletcher or Bill Neilsen. Any boys interested in jouung, the induction ceremony wiff be the last Monday of the rrtorith. Ed Pfingsten and Joe Murray have worked out a new program for the Boy Scouts and the Sea Scouts. The'boys will stay in the Boy Scouts until they obtain the rank of first class Boy Scout, and then "they may join the Sea Scouts. This means that they must know the Morse code. d^ie Sea Scouts have turned the upstairs of the center into a gymn for their athletic program. All the clubs will be given a night to enjoy volley ball, badminton, tennis, and weight lifting. However they need more equipment, lighting supplies, and black tar paper. So if you have any of the above items and want to donate them, get in touch with Ed Pfingsten. Harriet Wilson reported that the Brownies are meeting at Mrs. Erbins' house, and the Intermediate Girl Scouts are / meeting at the center on Saturdays at 1. Everyone is invited to attend the Girl Scout Fair to be held Oct. 26 from 1 to 5, at the American Legion hall in McHenry. Hie Girls Scouts and Brownies will be displaying their arts. There is still a need for a publicity chairman for the association. Don Dobecki and Ed Pfingsten Volunteered to work out an ice carnival to be held this winter. The woman's club will handle all the 'children's parties, meaning Halloween, Christmas, and the Easter Egg hunt. These parties will be for ail subdiviision children. More volunteers are needed for the Halloween party. Call Barb Sisk. We tentatively hope to erect a bus stop on Fox Lake road and Nippersink drive. Mr. Stewart is in charge of this committee. Mr. Johnson informed us that the Church Federation awarded the Methodists' this area for a church. The date for the fall cleanup has been set for Saturday, Nov. 1. There was a lot of discussion about developing one beach instead of the two. A motion was made and seconded to raise our dues to $15. This motion passed, but because it. is necessary to change our by-lawsj it will be again voted on at our next association meeting. If you are for or against the $15 dues come out to the next association meeting and VOTE. The meeting was then adjourned. Women's Club Quite a few of the women have been having demonstrations and pooling their points for equipment for the center. They now have enough points for three aluminum folding tables. Vi Johnson and Gerry Moore are having a demonstration on Oct. 28 at 11. After the demonstration, a card game will follow, proceeds to be given to the Women's club. Lorraine Erdmann also is having a demonstration in the near future. Happy Anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wroblewski, who celebrated their forty-ninth anniversary on Sept. 29. Our congratulations and wishes for many, many more! Happy Birthday to Debbie Oziminski who iy|U be 5 years old. She is celebrating Saturday with her friends. She will have cake and all the trimmings, of course! Also to Ray Taylor, who celebrates Oct. 12. Teen Club ^ Birthday wishes go to Paf Johnson who will be swefet 16 on Oct. 13. On Saturday she will enjoy being taken out to dinner by her boyfriend, Marty, and her mom and dad. Also best wishes to Danny Litwin, who celebrates on Oct. 14. We hear he will be Shipped to a new station the middle of this month. The 'teens all had a good time bowling Saturday. We hear Ronnie Spankuch tried to follow the ball down the alley. Here are the newly elected 'teen officers: president, Judy Jensen, vice1 president, Delores Formella, secretary, Lola Du Pree, treasurer, Pat Johnson, and sergeant - at - arms, Bob Messel. Our congratulations. We Arrived My name is Donald Ray Jenkins and I arrived on Sept. 27 at St. Ann's hospital in Chicago- I weighed 6 lbs. 14 o%. My mother and father are Dorothy and Bob and they were happy to see me. I alBo have a brother and a sister. My name is Daniel Raymond Madock and I arrived on Sept. 29 at the Woodstock hospital. I weighed 9 lbs. 7 ozs. My mother and. father are Mary and Dick and were happy to see me. I have two brothers waiting for me at home. Belated Birthdays to Jimmy Mclnerney who vfas IN"T HESITATE IT MAY COST YOU MOOT INVESTI6ATE FREE MSURED , BUDGET PLAN 704 S. Front St. THENNiS OIL CO* PHONE 32 McHenry, 111. ANDIE Hthe they're made I NOW AT BOIGER'S 1 DRUG S¥@II < | McHEHRY PHGEJ1 40 Here and There The block captains met at the community center Wednesday evening. Wayne Taylor is now out of the service and is working in Chicago. Ray Novotny is now on vacation. Dolly and he just plan to take it easy. Marilyn Lammert's folks came out Thursday. They all went out to dinner to celebrate Marilyn's mother's birthday. Blanche Haefliger was hostess to some past matrons O.E.S. Thursday. They all enjoyed luncheon in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Estin Barker, Sr. of Lincolnwood, enjoyed the party at the community denter Saturday. They also visited Eddie and Marcia Dowd, had a coffee klutch Friday, she finally broke down and had coffee instead of tea. Enjoying it all were Lorraine Erdmann, Dottie Rodarmel, Mrs. Boyle, Delia Wesselink, and Sally Holmes. Mrs. Anna Cohrs is having a demonstration on Oct. 27. 9 years old oh Sept. 11; Margie Mclnerney who was14 years old On Sept. lis and td Johhny Mclnerney who was fcjufct 1 year old on Sept 29. They all celebrated by having parties with their friends. ' Ann and Jim Mclnerney attended a cocktail party in Oak Park on Sept. 28 in honor of Ann's nephew who. will soon be married. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fellows wined and dined Lorraine and Bob Hurckes. at a -very nice place in Crystal Lake aftjer which they made the rounds of a few more night spots. Marilyn VanZevern attended a Party in Wonder Lake last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Florence Hauri was hostess, We are sorry to report that Rocky Eide has been laid up with a very1 high feyer and_ a touch of the flu.. Sure hope you'll be better soon. >i Hazel Morley entertained her card club last night in her home. The girls getting together and enjoying pizfea and pie and coffee were; Carta Bale's, ^Marilyn VanZevern, Wanda Dobecki, Dot Erbin, Lois Mason, Dolly Novotny and Janice Janquart. Many laughs were heard and Dick got his fill of talking girls. ( A speedy recovery is wished "for Marge Moreth who is in St. Therese hospital recovering from an operation she underwent on Sept. 26, .Muriel Peterson, Hazel Rodge and Mrs. Schuble went to visit her last Thursday. Muriel Peterson is quite upset over the loss of her pet dog, Billy. If anyone knows the whereabouts of the dog, Muriel would sure appreciate getting him back. Billy was at family pet for 7 years. David Neesen passed his first birthday on Sept. 30. For his birthday Darlene and George gave a big party. The guests, include^/ the maternal and paternal grandparents, the god mother arid god father, Betty and Milt Sandelin apd a few aunts and uncles helped round out the party. A good time was had by all and little David received many gifts. Dogs are running loose again tearing up new lawns and just general destruction. The Rockels were delighted to receive a call from their Son, Don. laSt Saturday night. The Rockels are also the proud grandparents of a baby boy born at St. Therese hospital. The baby, weighing 7 lbs., was named Wando Shane. The baby's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Bagley. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brown celebrated their twenty-fourth wedding anniversary on Sept. 27; • • The Girl Scouts will hold their meetings from now on, on Saturdays at 1:30 in the afternoon in the coriimunity center. Yesterday Harriet Wilson and Marilyn VanZevern attended the monthly meeting of the girl scouts at the Legion hall in McHenry. Everyone had been talking about the car that ran into the lake while the owner was checking a bit on his fish hook. At last the mystery is solved. The car belonged ' to Adam Rzechula, and he was knocked down by the car as it went past him into the water: At the party given on Sept. 27 for the old and new administration the public was honored by a musical group called, 'The Sexy Four and Two'. These girls did a song and pantomine to the 'tune of Davy Crockett. The party goers enjoyed it very much. The sexy four were; Vi Johnson, Harriet Wilson, Marilyn . VanZevern "and Marcia Dowd, the two were Gerry Moore and Hazel Morley; The hula hoop contest was won by Don Dobecki and Barbara Sisk. Evereyone had a good time .and they are all looking forward to the Halloween party which will be held on Oct. 25. Due to some urtforseen error, Barbara Sisk's hame was ieft out of the list of names of the winners of the last ladies club meeting. At this time we would like to say that Barbara won a wastebasket. After all, give credit where credit is due. VSrtOP IN McHENRY FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route* 120 - Just East of Route 12 - Volo, IIL Phone McHenry 667-W-l TEST DRIVES RACER William "Woody" Stamer, 11, of Pistakee Bay made his TV debut recently on Channel 7 as one of several north and northwest side youngsters to test drive a new midget racer for youngsters 4 to 14 years of age. CLOSE TAVERN The Old Spot tavern at Pistakee Bay will be closed for twenty days by order of the McHenry County Liquor commission, following a hearing held in the c o u r t h o u s e . The closing order resulted from a charge of sale of liquor to minors. CUB SCOUT SALE Cub' Pack 361 appreciated the finer cooperation of the Cub Scout parents at the recent bake sale. The sale was a fine success and members know the customers were well satisfied with their purchases. LICENSES Secretary of Stfete Cliafjfe F. Carpentier announced the following'actions by the drive* ers' license division of his office, affecting residerits of McHenry county: Revocations: Walter H. Pelz, Cary, driving while intoxicated; suspensions! Jamers Jackson, Woodstock, Edwin Joyce and Ronald Modrich, both of C r y s t a l Lake, t h r e e , offenses. BUY YOTJR No Htmfim and Trespassing SIGNS at the McHENHY PLAINDEALER READY-MIX Vi McHenn 8 h mm MOT 8AD- 6 WE YOU *20 FOR IT HO-KAY HA1. SHE'S EASY! I MAKE WRONCt ENTRIES IN KAY LED6ER. HOW CAM VOL) STAY. IN BUSINESS DOING THAT? TAKE IT BUT 1 PAY *25 for rr WW6EL.F D 51VE YOURSELF THE _ SATISFACTION OF HAVilK THE BEST BY D6AUM6AI MmcmHE- NRY MIX i ^ ^ ^ READY MfX CO fNC MCHENRY 920 ^ + ANTIOCH • 7CH-L £'£?££ SE&V/CJ: <3HAY'S LAKE • 9200 MeHENRY N 0 <1 -t s„ • » Never befor* have trucks brought such ironclad assurance of reliability and economy to fo@uSitieg gobs. Cfaevy's '59 lino r®lls in wiffe ibgw ride high costs right out Ways to save in every weight class! You'll find a big variety of both Stepside and Fleetside pickups. You'll see spacious Step-Vans. Four-wheel drive models. Medium-duty jobs with a cab-to-axle dimension specially designed for trailer application. Series 50H and 60H middleweights outfitted to handle heavier loads at lower cost. And a whole lineup of heavy-duty haulers, including tougherthan- ever big-tonnage tandems! A new Thrift nil castor 6! Standard in all Series 30 and 40 models. Steps lively, on the job and delivers up to 10% greater gas economy! New V8 advances! Featuring Chevy's new Workinaster Special V8 for Series 70 and 80 heavyweights! It's teamed with either fully automatic Powermatic, or a new close-ratio 5-speed Synchro-Mesh transmission*. New muscle In models throughout Ike line! Bigger brakes for safer stops in all Series 31 and 32 light-duty models! New Positraction rear axle in the same Series as an extra-traction, extra-cost option! Greater structural durability has been built into all Chevrolet cabs. The best seders are better than ever! With tjew advances, new Task-Force advantages beneath that bold '59 design, Chevy trucks are surer than ever of saving on your job. See your Chevrolet dealer soon -- he's got a model that's bound fid fill your bill! •QptioMi at See your local authorized Chevtolet dealer sHrinicksi CLARK CHEVROLET SALES ft. Herat $r. McHENRY, ILL. McHENRY m