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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Nov 1958, p. 8

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--* L THE McHENRY; pLAINDEALER Thutnlay. Rwaite 6. 1958? Before the JSonlng Board of Appeals of MeHenry County, Illinois. ' In the matter of the petition of Lake Building Material Company, an Illinois corporation, for a zoning' reclassificaflon or . in the alternative a variation under the Zoning Ordinance of MeHenry County, Illinois. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' that LAKE BUILDING MATERIAL COMPANY, an grees, 30 minutes East, 390' be 'obtained either directly feet to a point which is 815 from the Company or by adtffeet East from the West line dressing the Secretary of the of said Northeast Fractional Illinois Commerce Commission Quarter of Section 19; in Springfield, Illinois. thence North parallel to said A copy of the proposed West line of the Northeast changes may be inspected by Fractional Quarter of Sec- any interested party in any tion 19; 985 feet, more or business office of the Comless, to a poipt which is 1000 feet South from the North line of said Northeast Fractional Quarter of Section 19; thence East, 840 feet, more1 or less, to the place of beginning, all in Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in MeHenry County, Illinois. The above premises being lo- Illinois corporation, has filed CQ*e<* one-half mile West of its petition with the Zoning j t*ie Pistakee Golf Course. Board of Appeals of MeHenry County, Illinois, requesting a reclassification from Farming F District to Light Industrial District 1-1, or in ^he alternative a variation of the applica- NOTICE IS FURTHER GICOMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY H. H. Nexon Director of Rates (Pub. Oct-30-Nov. 6, 1958) NOTICE w In the matter of the application of James Bures and Lillian Bures for • an amendment and variation of the MeHenry County Zoning Ordinance. Notice is hereby given in VEN that a public hearing will «>mpliance with the MeHenry be held before the * Zoning County Zomng Ordinance, that Board of Appeals at 3:45 P.M., November 25, 1958, at the City Hall in MeHenry, Illinois, at tion of the provisions of the ;w c^ ^me an<^ place any insaid Zoning Ordinance, of the j Crested person may appear, following described premises: j s/GEORGE F. JEDLICKA That part of Fractional Sec- j Secretary tion 19.'Township 45 North. 1 Attorney for petitioner Range 9 East of the Third j ^mes "• Cooney Principal Meridian, described i e as follows: Beginning at; the j Woodstock, Illinois Northwest Comer of the TelePn°ne: 34 Northeast Fractional QQar- ' ter of said Section 19; thence South, 89 degrees and 52 minutes East along the North line thereof. 897 feet; thence South 55 degrees, 31 minutes East, 537 feet; PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Proposed Changes in Schedules Commonwealth Edison Company and its Public Service Company Division hereby gives thence North, 89 degrees, 55 | notice to the public that they minutes East, 269.4^ feet; j ^ave with the Illinois thence South no degrees, 31 I Commerce Commission on Ocminutes East. 698.5 feet to !tober 24- 1958- proposed minor \ the Northeast Corner a n d | revisi0ns in their electric scheplace of beginning of this : ^utes. description, said point of be- ! "a^e 14, Residential Service ginning being 1000 feet I ~ Space Heating Customers, South frorm the North line '1S rev'se^ to provide for of said Nprrheast Fractipnal Quarter of "Section 19; thence South no degrees, 31 minutes East, 271.4 feet; thence South, 15 degrees, 38 minutes East. 485.3 feet; thence South 47 edgrees, 22 minutes East 276 feet; thence South; 29 degrees, 47 minutes East, 518.6 feet; thence South, 62 degrees, 6 minutes East," 269.2 feet, more or less, to a point on the center of the bridge which is recorded as' being North. 59 degrees, 39 minutes West, 242.- 85 feet from the Southeast Corner of said Northeast Frytional Quarter of Section 19; thence South, 1 degree. B9 minutes East, 750.- 46 feet; thence South 45 degrees, 33 minutes East. 70.33 feet; thence South, 62 degrees, 17 minutes East, 55.63 feet; thence South, 79 degrees, 1 minute East. 87 75 feet to a point on the East line of the Southeast Fractional Quarter of said Section 19, which is 718.75 feet South from the Northeast corner thereof; thence South along the East line of said Sfection 19, 1921.25 feet to the Southeast Corner thereof: thence West along the South line of said Section 19. 2654.8 feet to the Southwest corner of the Southeast Fractional Quarter of said Section 19; thence North along the West line of said Southeast Fractional Quarter of Section 19, 2641.8 feet to the Southwest Corner of said Northeast Fractional Quarter of Section 19; thence East along the South line of said Northeast Fractional Quarter of Section 19, 207 ' feet; thence North, 31 degrees, 30 minutes East, 300 feet; thence North, 32 degrees, 10 minutes East, 225 feet; thence North, 56 de- Sav the things YOU want to say with monthly budget-payment plan, to remove the requirement that water heating must be done electrically where the rate is desired for building service requirements in apartment buildings, and to revise the gross minimum charge. Other proposed revisions are a clarification of the application of Rider 8, Allowance for a public hearing will be had ' b e f o r e t h e M e H e n r y C o u n t y Zoning Board of Appeals in | connection with the above entitled application for an amend- 'ment and variation of the MeHenry County Zoning Ordinance of the following describ-" ed property: Lot 12, Block 3, Unit 2 of Pistakee Highlands Subdivision, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third P r i n c i p a l M e r i d i a n , S o u t h East M Section 5 of Township of MeHenry,. MeHenry County, Illinois. Said premises are located in Pistakee Highlands Subdivision, Township of MeHenry, MeHenry County, Illinois and this application is made for . the purpose of having a variation granted to permit the sale of packaged goods on said premises. Such hearing will be held on Tuesday, November 25, 1958, a i at 3:45 o'clock P.M. in the City Hall in the City of MeHenry, MeHenry County, Illinois, at which' time and- place any person or persons desiring to object may be heard. Dated this 5th day of November, A.D. 1958. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Customer-Owned Transformers, • ... by John, F. Lo..o.z. e, chairman with respect to multiple lines, Attorney for Petitioners: and a modification of Terms, . and Conditions in the rate' East Elm Street schedules to extend the net • McHenry, Illinois payment period to 60 days for, ^ephone^McHejiry^MO private schools served under Rate 22. Further information with respect to these revisions may 11 (Pub. November 6, 1958) SHOP AT HOME 'Next time order flying A' Heating Oil!* f State of Illinois ) : -*• County of MeHenry ) ss | In the Circuit Court for MeHenry County: .> Notice of Application ^ For Change of Ndtmear ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on November 2i8, 1958, the undersigned will file in the Circuit Court of McHenry County, at Woodstock, Illinois, his petition to change his name as follows: , • WILBERT VOSS to WILBERT HECHT WILBERT VOSS v Petitioner R. A. STUEBEN Attorney for Petitioner 332 Main Street ^ McHenry, Illinois Telephone McHenry 268 (Pub. Oct. 23-30, Nov. 6, 1958) Bomb Scare Interrupts School Routine (Continued from page 1) Firemen Battle Three Blazes In One Night (Continued from Page J) No damage was reported. Building Bums While firemen were extinguishing the blaze, a sheriffs car patrolling the area saw flames, in the area of Lakemoor. Although no report of it had been received, firemen hurried to the scene to find a one-story building so completely enveloped in flames that it was impossible to save any of it. The building, owned by Mr. Fritzsche, was being used only for storage. O.E.S. ELECTION The regular meeting of the McHenry O.E.S. chapter will be held Nov. 11 at 8 p.m. Election of officers will take place. Join the McHenry State Bank Xmas Savings Club Now. Adv.--27-tf boy was able tc supply her last name from her description and the information that two other girls waited in a black car as she made-the call. Upon being informed that a Fox Lake girl was. responsible, authorities in that city were notified and began at once in their search for the girl. Upon being brought before police there, she was confronted fay Chief Grobel and confessed having made the call. She told of a" similar bomb scare which occurred* about 8:10 that morning at the Fox Lake school, resulting in students being given the day off. She and two friends drove to McHenry, v i si t e d between classes with gifts friends at the local school who. She said, dared her to make a call which might provide a. free day here also. The local girls denied their part in the incident. Chief Grobel, assisted by other officers, had cleared up the case by 1:45 Friday afternoon. He recommended to Supt. Carl Buckner that charges against the girl be dropped. However, she will be placed on probation for the remainder of the school year. In addition Fox Lake authorities have taken their own method of punishment. Musin' & Meanderin' tH^T AT COUNTRY CLUB The Chapel Hill Country club was broken into sometime Monday night or early Tuesday morning and $287.09 taken from a bank bag in a dumb waiter. Entrance to the building was gained by breaking a window on the south side. THfc WANT ADS! Peter Wj. usten & Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED SERVICE Phone McHenry @3 (Continued from Page 1) Hallowe'en and those who took the time to do so should know that their efforts were not unnoticed. We, drove through, the city and a number of subdivisions, and were glad to see how many folks take special pride in the appearance of their homes and yards at holiday time. We are in receipt of a very fine college paper,, The Rosarian, published at Rosary college, and were most pleased to see that a local girl, Kathleen Anglese, is co-editor. She is a junior at the school. K. A. F. SHOP IN McHENKY TB Tax Wins Through Support Of Voters (Continued tram page 1) ANTIFREEZE This Year ... building bond issue and the Blue Ballot were undecided in the early hours- of Wednesday afternoon, but it appeared that the latter was losing. The Korean Service bill was reported as a sure loser at the time. In McHenry county, the TB vote resulted in 9,134 in favor and 5,149 against. A total vote of 4,082 was listed for McHenry township's nine precincts, of which 1,910 were straight Republican and? 974 w;ere straight* Democratic.* In the various precincts, the* vote was as follows: Precinct* 1, 163 (R), 83 CD); 2, 314 (R>* 121 (D); 3, 213 (R). 95 (D); 4,* 360 (R), 201 (D); 5, 223 (1^* 159 (D); 6, 124 (R), 83 (D);™ 251 (R), 135 (D); 8, 148 (RP 33 (D); 9, 114 <R), 64 (D). j The total votes > cakt in the1 county amounted to 19,413/ and of this number, 6,000 tfail-j ed to vote on the Blue Ballot. Join the McHenry State' Bank .Xmas Savings Club Now,' Adv.--27- •..without first having your radiator cleaned and repaired I Anti-frecze in * leaky or clogged radiator is money wasted. Our modern Factory Method cleaning and repairing -- checked by our In- Hand FLO-TEST Machitne -- costs little -- protects your ^ inti-freeze! ft C-14-T We greatly appreciate the fine attendance at the recent grand opening of our remodelled and enlarged establishment. We deeply regret the fact that Bill Butietta, our guest bowler, did not appear, due to circumstances beyond our control. He will definitely appear at a later date. A substitute match was held between AMF representatives and leading bowlers from leagues bowling at Tomasello's. Results were as follows: AMF Bowlers J. Wagner 152-138-137-427 M. Helko 116-163-166-445 H. Fox 151-180-161-492 A. Schneider 145-128-183-456 E. Tannery 192-199-220-611 Gala Grand Opening Sparkling Succe^' TOMASELLO'S Bowlers J. Janota 181-126-179-477 C. Neiss 180-179-140-499 B. "Litwin 191-214-195-600 H. Loertscher167-148-155-470 A. McMillan 182-174-142-498 pros. fiapair Service PHONE 783 800 EAST ELM ST. Located in rear of Stillin* Phillips 66 Station Total 2431 Total 25JJ Compensation prizes were given due to the ^absence of Bill Bunetta. Winners were Art Stilling, bowling ball; Don Manning, bowling ball; Nancy Porep, bowling bag: Ross Courterrtash, bowling bag; Robert Vogt, Jr., bowling shoes; Norman Danko, bowling sho^ Other prize winners were Ben Freund, fine blanket; Phil Dion, bowling ball; Alfred Hyland, bowling bag and E. Wehrman, bowling shoes, Coming Events At Tomasello's Joe and June Kristof, famous bowlers, will make a personal appearance Saturday, &ov. 15. Both teenagers and adulter ... _ .. . . . JI_* C _ . N UITEKAWF^ QFLFL suiicu oaiuruay, ^uv, will have the opportunity to watch this famous husband and wife team and profit by the tips giveh by them. Times designated for Joe and June to perform will be as "ollows: 2 to 4 p.m. for youngsters and teenagers; 8 to 10 p.m. for adults. (Paid Advertisement) llfol 0 ORDER "FLYING A" HEATING OIL CASH DISCOUNTS PLCS KING KORN STAMPS Thanksgivi Cards el! Y C FARMERS COVis WAUKEGAN RD. PHONE 729 McHENRY Jos. & SONS Sonicetosend- §0 nice to receive BUILDERS Estab. 1926 COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Located on Hwy. 120 Vi mile east of Fox River ••> CIAL ATTRACTION! PROUDLY PRESENT... BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Phone 40 McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry New homes available for immediate occupancy oe an une B0WUNG and TV FAME SATURDAY NOV. 15th 2 to 4 P.M. and 8 to 10 P.M. Plan now to attend this gala event and enjoy the performance of these great bowling stars in the pleasant atmosphere of our newly remodelled alleys. •2 to 4 P.M. The Kristofs will conduct a bowling clinic for youngsters and teen agers after which they will take on the best bowlers in attendance. •8 to 10 P.M. Joe and Jjin® will conduct a bowling clinic with instructions to all adults attesidmg. After the instructional period the top male and female bowlers will be chosen to bowl against the Kristofs. pi AMF AUTOMATieiANiS » OPEN BOWLING ? DAYS and MSTiS A WEEK 11 A.M. TO CLOSING \ aLook to TOMASELLO'S as your entertainment center TAM ACCI I >b BROS., (Formerly THE JOHNSBURG BOWLING RESORT) IE MeHINHY 1475 JOHNSBURG, ILLINOIS inc.

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