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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Nov 1958, p. 2

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. . . . - i1' ^ 11^. Pag* Two \TtJr%i' • ' ^ - . ..• •: ' '. THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER Writers' Club To Meet In McHenry The Crystal Lake Writers' club will meet at the home of Mrs. Alfors Adams at 117 First avenue, McHenry on Thursday evening, Nov. 13, at 8 p.m. Guests are welcome to attend this meeting. Wonder Lake Couple Wed Twenty-Five Years Mr. and Mrs. Hilmer Anderson of Indian Ridge, Wonder Lake, observed their silver wedding anniversary on Saturday, Nov. 1. Woman's Club Meets At Legion Home Nov. 14 The November meeting of the McHenry Woman's club will be held at the American Legion home Friday, Nov. 14, at 1 p.m. Mrs. William Tammeus of Woodstock will speak on "India Today," showing colored' slides depicting all phases of life in India. The family lived in India several years, where Mr. Tammeus was agricultural advisor for the University of Illinois. The program promises to be interesting, as well as educational, and all members are urged to attend. Altar Ladies Sponsor Dance The Altar Ladies of St. John's church, Twin Lakes, Wis., will sponsor a square and modern dance at St. John's parish hall Sunday evening, Nov. 9, starting at 8 p.m. It is for the benefit of the building fund of th6 school. There will be old favorites for square dancing, with Harold Phannenstill calling. Anyone who wishes to learn to square dance is welcome, as instructions will be given for those in need of them. WILMA LOEWE IhQVELY BRIDJE OF CHICAGO MAN WONDER LAKE - GIRL BRIDE OF WOODSTOCK MAN Shower Honors Miss Jean Blake A miscellaneous bridal shower was given in honor of Miss Jean Blake at St. Mary's hall Sunday afternoon, hostesses being Phyllis White, Kathy and Marge .Thomas and Jane Blake. Sixty guests were present to enjoy the party aftd enjoyed a tasty lunch served from a decorated table. Miss Blake will be married Saturday, Nov. 8, at St. Mary's church to Thomas Thompson. WED IN CHAPEL THE JAMES BERRYMANS Miss Elaine Gustafson of Lakemoor became the bride of James John Berryman of Woodstock in a lovely ceremony performed at St. Patrick's. Sacred Heart chapel on Oct. 18. The newly dedicated Christ the King church at. Wonder. Lake was the scene of a lovely, autumn wedding Saturday, Nov. 1, uniting Miss Jean Selsdorf, daughter of the James: Selsdorfs of Wonder Lake, and Robert Sweetland of Woodstock, son of Mrs. Duane Rogers and Dr. Raymond Sweetland. The double ring ceremony was performed by Rev. James Vanderpool, pastor, assisted by Father Alfred Kruk of St. Peter's. Spring Grove, and Father James Murphy of St. Mary's, Woodstock. Soloists for the solemn High Mass were Adele Froehlich of McHenry and Ann Lundborg of Wonder Lake, accompanied at the organ by Mrs. Carl Weber of McHenry. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was radiant in a hoop skirted waltz-length gown of brocade, simply styled with a scalloped, round neckline 3find three-quarter length sleeves. Her blush veil was held by a pearl tiara and she carried a modified colonial bouquet of stephanotis surrounding a white orchid. % Maid of honor was Gloria Forte of Chicago, and Sandi Sells and Mrs. Robert Nolan were the bride's attendants. They were attired in matching waltz-lerigth dresses of emerald green, fashioned with a balloon over-skirt an^ cummerbund of. taffeta, over a velvet sheath. Their headpieces were green velvet bands with little blush veils. The attendants carried bouquets of yellow fuji and button mums and the maid of honor's bouquet was of bronze mums. William Sweetland of Decatur, brother of the groom, served as best man and Frank Repp of Crystal Lake and Lt. > Robert Roush were groomsmen. Ushers were Richard Selsdorf, brother of the bride, and Phil LaValle of Woodstock. The bride's mother wore a dress of dark green, with a metallic thread, and a white feather hat. • Her corsage was of white snowdrop mums. The mother of the groom wore a brown wool, dressmaker suit and matching hat. Bronze button mums-made up her corsage. A wedding breakfast for thirty guests was served at the Fiesta in Crystal Lake, and an open house attended by 100 friends and relatives was held at the home of the bride in the afternoon. Guests came from Elgin, Aurora, Chicago, Decatur and Evanston. The couple left for a twoweek honeymoon in New Mexico. They will reside in Wonder Lake when they return. The groom is employed in Chicago, where he is assistant art director with an advertising agency. He is a graduate of Woodstock high school and attended the American Academy of Art in Chicago for ihree years. A McHenry high graduate, Jean attended Marquette university for two years. The Zion Lutheran church was the scene of a beautiful wedding on Saturday, Nov. 1, at 5:30 o'clock when Miss Wilma Linda Loewe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Loewe of 81 Parkway, Lakeland Park, became the bride of Mr. Erwin J. Hinrichs, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hinrichs, Sr., of 5647 Austin avenue, Chicago. Rev. tarl A. Lobitz officiated at the nuptial rite. The church was decorated with bouquets of flowers and candles. Special music included the singing of "The Lord's Prayer" and "O Perfect Love." The bride was radiant in a full length dress of white lace and net, with a lace headpiece featuring > pearls. To it was attached a fingertip veil. The bride was attended by Judy Lofewe of Lakeland Park, Betty Plato, Margo Schaepel and Dale Rogers. They wore waltz length dresses of organza, styled with scoop necklines, in mint green, turquoise, pink and: pale yellow and had matching, pearl studded. picture hats. Joe P. Stein of Fox River Grove, • Edward LaFrenre of Maywood and Roger Wilson, Jr. of DesPlaines attended the groom. Mrs. Loewe wore a short-' sleeved Copen blue dress of nylon, with satin cummerbund and poudre blue accessories. Mrs. Hinrichs was attired in a dusty rose dress of lace, with pink accessories. A reception was held at 7 o'clock in the evening at the V.F.W. clubhouse in McHenry for about 150 guests. Following a trip to Miami Beach, Fla. the couple will reside at 601 Third street, McHenry. The bride is a graduate of ForemarjL high school in Chicago ancfTs now employed as a receptionist. The groom graduated from Lane Technical high school in Chicago andvis an office service supervisor. ] GARDEN CLUB mTSY PLANNING DECEMBER EVENT CARD OF THANKS We want to take this means of thanking all those who expressed their sympathy at the time of the death of our brother, William Grebing, of Mineral Springs Park on Oct. 6. Everything was appreciated so much. 27 Frank and Dorothy Grebing The McHenry Garden club held its October meeting at the lovely home of Mrs. Vaughn Jones on Oct .28. Mrs. Charles Goodell gave an interesting and informative talk on the use of dried materials fpr fall flower arrangements and mentioned also the names of several books on the subiect now obtainable at the public library of McHenry. Mrs. Marshall Leonard entertained the members with her fine collection of colored slides. No meeting is scheduled for November because of the Thanksgiving holiday, wji i c h comes in the same week that the meeting ordinarily would beheld. The"December meeting, however will be an important one. There will be'a pot-luck luncheon and members are urged to attend and help fill the Christmas stockings for the Hartland home and Shan-gra-la. The date for this meeting will be announced as soon as arrangements for it have been completed. The club received a red ribbon award for our entry at the Crystal Lake garden show last week, which was a Christinas tree in the modern style. Many scientists have quit wondering how old the earth is and have begun pondering how much older it will get. MARRIAGE LICENSE William A. Kopsell, McHenry, and Nancy Haldeman, Crystal Lake. John M. Stangerone and Leola T. Osborn, both of McHenry. To Be A Christian Be* Added To Christ's Church THERE IS ONLY - ONE - The CHURCH of CH11ST 117 Main St. Crystal Lake WED IN OCTOBER V :f;' Thursday* November6, 1958 Worwick Studio Photo THE GLEN MONTGOMERYS In a lovely nuptial rite solemnized at ,the Community Methodist church, Oct. 11, Miss Lynne Irene Bradley became the bride of Glen N. Montgomery of Woodstock.' / GENE DIETLE " NAMED OFFICER OF FRATERNITY Memorial Hospital Patients at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, this past week from, this area were Joseph M Gene Dietle, Regner road, Pistakee Bay, a sophomore at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., has t»een pledged by Sigma Alpha Epsilon, national social fraternity, and has been elected secretarytreasury of his pledge group. Gene is continuing his interest in radio broadcasting and is conducting "The Gene Dietle Show" at the University Radio Station WMBN. Carroll E. Dietle, who plans to attend the annual formal banquet of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine "Engineers at the Waldorf Astoria, New York City, Nov. 14, will fly to Ann Arbor to spend Father's Weekend, Nov. 15 .and 16, with his son, Gene. The festivities begin with a buffet luncheon on Saturday ,at the SAE chapter house, following which they will attend the Michigan-Indiana football game. Father and son will be guests at the SAE banquet at 6 p.m. and will conclude the day's activities by attending a 'Concert which will be presented by the Michigan and Indiana glee clubs. May saji^£!$es Schaefer. Harvard Hospital Carol Aalto of McHenry has be|h a- patient at Harvard hospital. ' McHenry Hospital Patients at the McHenry hospital this . prist 'week include Normal* Amundsen, and- Virginia Kleist of Fox Lake; Richard 'Mqrris pf McCullom Lake; Glen P&feV^bn bf CrystalXake; Bernice Malstrom, Gloria Van Oepen, Frank 'Klapperich, Elizabeth Hoch, George Haines, William Patterson, Irene Consago, Glen Stach and William Charles of McHenry; Kenneth Gragido of East Chicago. Ind.; Richard Wilson and Richard Racz of Hammond, Ind., John Grude of Ingleside; Marie Kalbo of Richmond; Raymond Homola of Fox River Grove; Herman Bragtung of Barrington; and Stanley Michalak of Cary. Paul '1*. Karls, Sr., has been confined . to Hines hospital. Friend#] may; write to him at Ward E,: Room 304, Hines Veterans Hospital, Hines, 111. HOLD PRE-CANA CONFERENCE AT CRYSTAL LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Still-, ing are the parents of a daughter, Arlene Marie, born Oct. 29 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. Mr. ^and Mrs. Robert Knox are the parents of a son, born Nov. 1 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. «§ A daughter was born Oct. 31 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Condon. A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Larkin at Menrforial hospital, Woodstock, on Oct. 28. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith are the parents of a daughter, born Oct. 29 at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hafer are the parents of a girl, born Oct. 29 at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hess are the parents of a boy, born Nov. 3 at Memorial hospital. A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ahrens of Wonder Lake at Memorial hospital. Engaged couples will have an opportunity4o attend a Pre- Cana conference at St. Thomas Catholic church, Crystal Lake, the opening session, to begin at 1 o'clock Sunday, Nov. 16. On Monday evening at 8 p.m., a married couple will discuss "Marriage in Practice". Two physicians will conduct the Wednesday evening sessions, discussing marriage from the Catholic point of view. The conference will close Friday evening with a talk by a priest on the "Catholic Ideal in Marriage". All week day sessions begin at 8 p.m. with a question period following the speaker's talk. * . The conference is open to all denominations. Reservations to attend may be made by calling Crystal Lake 3279 or 3173. NOTICE Vstejans of World War I Barracks, No. 1328, will meet at the Legion home in Harvard at the Ninth district meeting to be held at 2:30 o'clock Sunday, Nov. 9. All World War I veterans are welcome. FEATURED IN ARTICLE Local folks who read the (article may not have recognized tbename, but in the Nov. 3 issue of LIFE a local woman, Mrs. Shirley Mucci, of Fair Oaks subdivision is featured in a special article on-hypnosis. Numerous pictures of Mrs. Mucci appear," including one in which "She has just come out of a hypnotic trance to see her minutes old son. Miss Ann Lbretta Weber was home from Clarke college, Dubuque, Iowa, for a weekend visit with her parents,*Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Olhava of Chicago visited McHenry friends Thursday. Mrs. Henry Vogel of Reedsburg, Wis. spent a few days last week with relatives in McHenry and Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson visited relatives in Bfookfield, Western Springs and La- Grange Wednesday. Mr. and \tylrs. Louis McDonald of Woodstock visited McHenry relatives Thursday. evening. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Croak of Chicago visited her grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon, Saturday. John Thompson of Kansasville. Wis.; visited McHenry relatives Thursday. Visitors in the home of Mrs. Zena Bacon the past week were Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Mitchell of Waukegan - on Tuesday, Mrs. Harvey Damm of Kenosha, Wis. and Mrs. Harvey Rapp of Arlington Heights on Friday and Mrs. Carl Hiaftt of Waukegan, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rapp and sons, Stevie and Gary, of Rockford were Sunday visitors in the Fred Bienapfl home. The Richard Clark family has moved here from Omaha, Nebr.; and are making their home in the Barbian apartment on Riverside Drive! Mrs. Gertrude Heckenbach, Mr. and Mrs. William Varley and Mrs. Kenneth Quam, sons, Eddie and David, of Evanston, were guests in the Dale Dixon home Wednesday. Among the McHenry folks who paid their last respects to Mrs. Mae Kane Rohles at the O'Connor funeral home in Elgin, last week, or attended her funeral at St. Mary's church there on Friday were, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Kane, Thomas Kane, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox, Mrs. Eleanor Foley, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doherty, Gerald Carey, daughter Gerry, Mr. and Mrs. Thoma# Doherty, Thomas P. Bolger, Misses Florence and Evelyn Carey, Mrs. Edith Hayes and Larry Hedstrom. Mrs. Howard Lockwood and daughter Nancy, accompanied by th«* formers sisters, Miss Lillian Behrens of LaGrange and Miss Amanda Behrens of WATCH REPAIRING AT ITS FINEST By McHenry's Oldest,' Most Reliable Dealer STEFFAN'S JEWELRY STORE 514 W. Main McHenry Phone 123-J READ THE WANT ADS Join the McHenry State Bank Xmas Savings Club Now. Adv.--27-tf & ti &f4l •t. -*5» m ft" 6 TV.TON HAS H@MiS • With No Mohey Down To Qualified Buyers # FHA and Conventional Financing MODEL NEARLY-COMPLETE May Ba Raow RunHayo . A ^ ^ Open To Public Priced From $9,695 to $39,000 1 TILTON HOMES PHOty? for Information EE J. e@OHi¥ iieHfiiry 119-R 118 KICKMON© ROAD 3J( Sal of . . . • DRESSES . SKIRTS . JACKETS . SWEATERS Jriclay & Saturdi Nov. 8th & 9th aV COME EARLY AS WE ARE LIMITED TO STYLES & SIZES 'Tor Town & Country' &OURS: Daily: 9:30 - 6:00 -- Fri. 9:30 - 9 -- Closed Wednesdays 808 W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. THERE ARE STILL HORIZONS . . . s t i l l f r o n tiers, in countless fields of endeavor, for the rising feneration to rdU back when its time comes. Vision in the young is a thitag to encourage--along with practicality; for it fe a feifd fact Of life that hard cash' is often needed to help turn visions into realities. America's banks are proud to be leaders in encouraging thrift among tomorrow's leaders; in helping to shape the futures of the pioneers who will help to shape the future of the world. HEIP OUR BANK TO HELP YOUR YOUNGSTERS: JM** JRO ABLY WITU MC I. _ McHENRY STATE BANK Established Since 1906 Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit'Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 Woddstock, were Hebron visitors Sunday where they £ttendied services at St. John's Lutheran church comemmorating the fiftieth anniversary of the Ladies Aid ibciety of that church. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Miller were here from Woodstock, Thursday evening, to help her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wirtz, celebrate th'eir fifty-., seventh wedding anniversary. Mrs. Fred Bienapfl and Mrs, A. J. Grever were visitors in the Ed Grever home in Barrington Thursday. Mr. arid Mrs. Math B, Laures left recently fpr a visit with relatives in California, before going to Florida to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron to Skokie, Sunday, for a visit in the George E. Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steilen of Elmhurst were Wednesday visitors in the home of Mrs. Annabel Aicher. Miss Jane Blake, student nurse, was home from Downey for k weekend visit in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Blake. Carl Hoffman of Clinton, 111. and 'Ralph Hoffman of Riverside, were guests in the George H.. Johnson home Wednesday. Mrs. Dallas Davis and son, Dall, of Elgin, were recent guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lockwood. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klontz returned Sunday from a few days visit in the home of their daughter in Pearson, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Frieberg of Highland Park and her father, Jeppe Jepsen, of Johnsburg have returned from a trip to the Ozarks. While taking a ride in a boat on the lake, they met Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose S c H a e f e r o f - M c H e n r y , who were vacationing there. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Reihansperger and Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Evans spent the., weekend at Lansing, Mich., where they attended the Michigan State-Wisconsin football game. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thennes and sons were Sunday vjs,- itors in the Michael Thill home in Aurora. Misses Catherine, Rita and Ceal Esford, A1 Esford and friend of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Sullivan and children and Mrs. Jerry Sullivan and Qrthy of Wonder Lake Were visitors in the James Stilling home, Sunday, where they c e l e b r a t e d J i m m y ' s e i g h t h birthday anniversary. Sunday guests, in the AitoEdstrom home were Mr. and%ttrs. Kenneth Tallacksen, daughter, Linda, and Mrs. Shirley Seaholm, Pamala and Billy, of Chicago. Married In City m Langdon Studio Photo THE JOHN S. HANSONS Miss, Joan Wenzig oV Rt. 3, McHenry, became the bri£ of John S. Hanson of Crystal Lake in a pretty ceremony which took place Oct. 25 at St. Mary's Catholic church in this city. Join the McHenry State Bank Xmas Savings Club Now. Adv.--27-tf Fiestdets 1 Fall Saturday, NOT. 8 MeHemry • VFW Hall 7:30 to 11:30 75 c Per Person Tickets can be obtained from . any Fiestdet member or at door Imagine smart dressers like these wearing last winter's coats! OUR SAN1TQNE SOFT-SET DRY CLEANING keeps »hem looking and new' Depend upon the cleansing magic of S a n i t o n e S o f t - S e t Dry C l e a n i n g to keep your coats feeling like new . . . looking like new! Our complete Sanitone Service featuring Soft-Set gets out ALL the dirt and restores the original "body" of the cloth thus renewing the garment's original drape and fit. Try it now and see how superior Sanitone Dry Cleaning really is. Call on us today! SAME DAY SERVICE AVAILABLE SAVE 10% Cash 'n Carry t B©W CLEANER Around Corner North of National Tea N. FRONT ST. McHENRY, n.T. Open Daily 8 A.M. To 6 P.M. -- Fridays 'Ml 9 P.M. - r • ^ I ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING AT RAINBOW'S DRIVE IN 1

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