fi u&day. November 25, 1958 *r THE McHENfcY PLAINDEALER FlftAtm Village of Sunnytilde ' Home Bureau Invited io fed i ! Irma Guntner--1571-1 The new members of Home • Bureau were invited -to a tea in Woodstock on Tuesday evening and nine members of the Sunnyside division were among those present. I'm afraid this is going to ! be the smallest column that I 'have ever turned in. I've callled different people for some •Hp but they,were unable to help. Thanksgiving May I wish you all a very happy holiday and please don't ' forget to call me by noon on Friday and tell mfe how you ! spent the day. On Sunday the children and 1 joined the Mecko family from Pistakee Terrace for a ride to Joliet to visit thdir daughter, Carol, who is an aspirant at St. Joseph Prpi>.#_ Wgll, that's all so please hpw about some news next week so I can put someone else's name in beside ours. 4-H " Sunnyside sponsored 4-H feijp of 'teen-agers met at . Jean Stuart's on Wednesday 'evening and were enlightened i on how to dress properly, how , to apply cosmetics and care for their- young skin's and the different, exercises tc help their | bodies grow correctively. Demonstrations i De-De Kalmes had about ten ^men in for a demonstration ; last week and viewing the won- • derful items the women finish- |ed the evening with some won- ! derfUl bakery goods and cof- • fefe. • ! Birthday Greetings > t)avid • Monte celebrated • his second birthday and to help jhim were his grandmother and grandfather, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- 1Thelen, and his aunt and . uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thelen, and their daughter, | Sandra, plus his brothers and • sister. Sick List Well when this copy comes out Vickie Bogal will be home from the hospital and we are all very happy about it. Little Michael Muleski is still hold- Jflfe his own but is still a very sick little lad. Jimmy Cios had to miss school because of a bad cold. Newcomers lflay we welcome Mr. and Mrs. Heerman who have moved into the home formally occupied by the Leonard Guge family. Busy Weekend ^Ve had a busy weekend at our house. I went into the city early Saturday to visit one of my brothers who ted a very bad heart attack antF was in the hospital. Later I stopped in to visit our grandchild and to meet Bill there so that we could get together to a wedding at which our daughter, Barbara, was an attendant. - Here and There ® Bud and Marion" Pflug celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary, Nov. 14. Mr. Pflug has just returned from Hartford; Conn., where he attended an insurance course. On Saturday, Nov. 15, Jerry Ripley had the honor and pleasure of bowling with Joe Kristoff as his partner against -two McHenry men. Mr. Kristoff's score was 213 and Jerry's was 202. Our mail carrier, Paul Karls, is confined to Hines hospital and we think he would enjoy hearing from the villagers. Please send him a card to Ward 3, Room 304, Hines Hospital, Hines, 111. GIRL SCOOTS Troop 555 The senior troop met Tuesday, Nov. 18, at the McHenry high school. They planned for their visit to the Great Lakes Naval Training center on Saturday, Nov. 22, when they viewed the graduation exercises and were guests for luncheon. The seniors are working on first aid as part of their five-point program, with the help of Mrs. Nick Tabor and Mrs. Frank Gregory. Troop 555 meets every other Tuesday evening. Thdir secretary and scribe is Nancy Fischer; leaders are Mrs. Frank Gregory and Mrs. Frank Wimmer. Troop 89 The eighth grade intermediate troop ha«? had two cookouts recently, one at the Crescent Avenue beach and the other at the V.F.W. grounds. Usually they divide into patrols and each patrol decides on its own menu, cooking such delectable dishes as chili, hamburgers and "bags of gold." "Bags of Gold" are made by bringing tomato soup to a boil and dropping in baking powder biscuits topped with golden cheese. They had an election of officers and the new president of Troop 89 is Susan Gregory, vice-president and scribe, Patsy Hamil; secretary, Jane Nye; treasurer, Susan Prawl. Leaders of this troop are Mrs. A. J. 'Wirtz and Mrs. Robert Beck. Troop 211 Twice in the past month Troop 211 has been busy making tray favors to distribute at the McHenry hospital. They have been invited to go on a tour of the hospital and are making plans to do so soon. Leaders of this troop are Mrs. Robert Newkirk and Mrs. Robert Speokman. A CHAT OlIKl dflS Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out for yourself. ; ,v Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTeH°S 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE 516 Front St. . McHenry, 111. Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R Drii®s? ve @ wealth •< • ••to get yov well and guard year health I e Our large prescriptions volume permits as to maintain ample stocks, including many tare drugs and the newest specialties. Thus, we are prepared to compound all prescriptions promptly--aod precisely as directed. As a special precaution, we don* blc-check each compoundine^steD. Yet, you'll Ind our prices no higEer than else* wh@?G. Try us, next time. S Drug Store 108 So. Green Phone 40 McHenr Johnsburg GIRL SCOUTS. BROWNIES HAVE BUSY SCHEDULE b> rtetty Hettermanii Some of the newly elected officers' names of Girl Scout Troop 135 were omitted from last week's column. They were treasurer, Diane Smith, sergeant - at - arms, Donna Jean Frett, nominating committee-- Nadine Frett, Patty Voight and Cheryl Stahlman. At last week's meeting this troop continued to work on its various badges and practice the presentation of the flags which will take place at the next meeting. Troop 408 continued to work busily on the Christmas stockings while troop 295 started on its secret project for the forthcoming yuletide season. Cookies were served by Cheryl Patterson to this troop after which the girls enjoyed a few songs and games. Troop 378 completed its charitable project at its last meeting and began its secret project for the Christmas holiday. Carol Jean Hiller finished passing her cookies which were left from the last meeting. The girls rounded out the afternoon by playing a donkey game. Troops 295 and 378 made candy favors at their recent meetings. These favors are going to be delivered to the children's home in Woodstock and the Villa Rest home. ily style turkey dinner at Hettermann's last Tuesday evening. Mr. andMrs. "'Pete" Peterson were reaL happy to have Marge's folks from Berwyn spend a few d|$^'with them last week. The officers of St John's P.T.A. announced last week there will be no hot lunch for the school children in December. Be sure to give me a call next week folks* W^'ybu had any special company over Thanksr giving. Your items keep this column-going so pleg^e be sure to keep those phoifg'talis coming. ' V Lakemoor by Marion Sulok--592-R-l Ringwood Club Entertained At Local Home Ruby Shepard 500 Club Mrs. Louis Hawley entertained the women's 500 club at her home Wednesday. A one o'clock dessert luncheon was served. Higlt score went to Mrs. Viola Low and low score to Mrs. Lester Carr. Hospital Notes Good news this week is Joe Himpelmann is now recuperating at his home after spending. several days at the Woodstock hospital. After a few weeks rest. Joe should be "back in the groove" again. Young children have a way of their own of being very sick one day and full of "vim and vigor" the next. This is the case of little Karen Freund when she was hdspitalized in McHenry last wefek. All is well with her now after spending two days in the hospital. Gerald Hettermann was admitted to the McHenry hospital last Monday afternoon. At the time of this writing he is still a patient there. We have high hopes that by the time this comes into pirint, he will be convalescing at home. Nichalos Steffany was trans- Nicholas Steffany was transhospital to the Villa Rest home. Ladles League The ladies met at the firecommunity- house on Wednesday evening to enjoy themselves with a social meeting. Cards and bunco were the games played and after the ladies held their nickel social which proved to be profitable and lots of fun. The plans for the annual Christmas dinner and grab bag has been settled and the dinner will be served at one of the local restaurants. The Corbett twins had a cake in their honor for the birthday that the two celebrated on the seventeenth of this month. Mrs. Everett Paterson was the hostess for the evening. Notice Due to the Thanksgiving holiday the Lakemoor public library will be open on Wednesday evening of Thursday. Miss Zundel will be there to take care of all your needs. Around the Town Some thirty - seven persons including the members of the Johnsburg Tigers and their wives or guests enjoyed a fam- November Birthdays On the seventeenth of this month Miss Olive and Jessie Corbett celebrated another of their special days. Mrs. Iva Maxwell also celebrated her birthday on the eighteenth. Mrs. Jack Strasser marked up another year for herself on the tenth. Many happy returns to all of you. Reminder to all the folks who will be driving along oiij^ village streets, do be carefQl of thfe! small fry. They will be out-; side enjoying a i vacation from! school for the next fe\y days^ and let's make sure they have a good and safe time for themselves. #!? BEAUTIFUL NEW HASSOCK TV BENCH --WITH EUREKA MODEL 1 Ol .0 CLEAN 3 TIMES FASTER WITH NEW EXCLUSIVE CLEANING A€?0@N PLUS POWERFf ION ONLY SV4" Hie* ROUS EASY Can'! Tip !W IUREKA C^@®IEL 1©10 \wepsi f/ For the first HIM, powerful air-driven "Vibra-Beaterc" shake (he rug--loosen, dislodge embedded dirt. Cleans 3 rimes faster. SPECIAL THIS MEEK! Mo do I S60-A with Mfr's original $79.95 Detoxo 10-ploco sat cftarifng tools SMALL, DEPOSIT iKrra©@warouY THA0E-1N ALLOWANCE See live demonstration in our store at once or PHONE McHenry £82 FOR 10 DAY HOMt TRIAL WE CARRY DISPOSABLE BAGS FOR ALL TYP^ES OF CLEANERS Demonstration Party Mrs. James W. Ensminger entertained a group of- women at her home Thursday at a demonstration party. A luncheon was served. Community Club The Community Club met the school house Monday evening Nov. 24. A pot-luck supper was served. Sick List Mrs. John Hogan is a patient at the McHenry hospital. Paul Walkington cut two of his fingers in a power saw while at work Wednesday. Stitches were required to close the wound. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Louis Hawley were Elgin visitors Monday. Mrs. Ernest Reinwall, Jr^and son, Garry of Cooney Heights, were visitors in the Louis Hawley home Wednesday. Mr. and Mi's. William Cruickshank spent Tuesday in the Harry Ackerman home at Edellyn Farm near Waukegan. Gus Pearson and son, Clarence spent Wednesday morning in Elgin. Frank Stevens of Richmond was a caller in the Pete Sebastian home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Crystal Lake were callers in the Louis Hawley home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Emily Beatty and Mrs. Viola Low were visitors in the Walter Wilcox home near Woodstock Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Sebastian and family of Chicago spent Sunday in the Pete Sebastian home. Mrs. Roy Wiedrich of Burlington was a visitor in the Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr.,* home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian spent Monday evening with relatives in Genoa City. Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore and family returned home from Ft. Worth, Texas, where they attended the wedding of their daughter, Betty, and Jerry Williams. Miss Mae Wiedrich of Harvard spent Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr. Tuesday visitors of Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn were Mr, and Mrs. Louis Stephens of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ehlert of Richmond spent Tuesday evening with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen of Des Plaines were visitors in the Dr. Hepburn home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Stoffel and family of Burlington spent Sunday afternoon in the John Ehlert home. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ehlert and children of Kenosha were Sunday dinner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. -RWBUlymoor Association Meets Dec. 2 by Sharon Counley The L i 1 y m o o r association meeting will be on Dec. 2, thefirst Tuesday in December, rather than the second Tuesday as it usually is, because of ! the Christmas holidays. Again, [ to remind you, all new members are always welcome. ords and enjoyed pop, potato chips and cupcakes served by Miss Vacondio. Next week's meeting will be held at the home of Miss Laurel Hueekstaedt ' How About Clean Rui for the HOLIDAYS? PHONE McHenry 927 lor Pickup Service RAINBOW CLEANERS 100 N. Front St. McHenry muCHgjkPLUMER®, NTRUST us wrm >ft)UR HEATING, CALL OKI US < ANY DAY AND SOON YOUR HEATING ' PROBLEMS WILL QUICKLY FADEAWAY C LOCAL TRADEMARKS. I H.E.BUCH cu-cct SONS PLUMBING-HEATING®!?* AIR CONDITIONING M«-HENRY 48 ^ The December Reporter The Lilymoor reporter for December will be Mrs. Alma Hueckstaedt, who has written the Lilymoor column before and has done a good job on it. If any one has news during the month of December, call Mrs. Hueckstaedt at McHenry 578-R-l. ,P The Arc Angels' The Arc Angels held their weekly meeting at the home of Miss Judy Vacondio on Tuesday, Nov. 18. The meeting was called to order at 7:45 and the secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. . They talked more about their Thanksgiving dinner and their Christmas projects. Each girl brought something to work on. During the course of the evening the girls listened to rec- Thanksgiving Well, Thursday is Thanks^ giving day. Bet all you folks will get your fill of turjcey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, cranberries, white potatoes, pumpkin pie and all the other stuff that goes with Thanksgiving. M bet many of you newlyweds had dinner at your mothers' house for your mothers' good old cooking and probably many of you are having the whole gang of relatives at your house -for Thanksgiving dinner. Well, whatever the case may be, you have a special day reserved for you. Tummy-ache day to get rid of all your upset stomaches that you acquired from stuffing yourselves, but can't blame you, Thanksgiving only comes once a year. ^tTell anyway, happy Thanksgiving to all you happy folks 6? Unmoor. If you can't find & book worth reading, try to write one-worth writing. A husband is a man who knows that his wife's reasoning is largely sound. Jos. FRETT & SON BUILDER! Estab. 1926 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Located on Hwy. 120 VA mile east of Fox River Phone McHenry 976 New homes available for immediate occupancy ELECTRIC DRYER LOAD OF DOLLAR BILLS Get FREE Entry Blank at your dealer. Write name and address--nail it--that's all! - 516 MAIN ST. RAY , McHENRY, ILL. PHONE 882 * Steady, accurate controls protect ,i daintiest things. $30 to $60 less to buy 1st PI will receive *5000 a new automatic Electric Drier • 60 Electric Dryers as 2"d PRIZES! 10 given away each week • NOTHING TO BUY! Nothing to write but your name and address I \J Public Scwice Gmripuny ©Commonwealth Edison Co. if you buy a@ Electric mm This is not a national sweepstakes, therefore you have a for better chance to win. All entries including weekly winners are eligible for the First Prise. This sweepstakes subject to all federal, state and local laws and regulations. See your appliance dealer for Official Rules and Free Entry Blanks. FR HI These famous brands will be given away ?E»GEItAL 'AG • N@1@E • IGJ • H0TP0INT • KELVIN J0L • SPIED Q "N • ppiilill V\ HUrRYI ENTER THIS %VEEK Sweepstakes ends Dec. 15,1958 displaying Electric Dryers are fume fully aitoaic * Electric Dryers will do a whole load in 25 to 30 minutes. All Electric Dryers are fully automatic (no pilot to light). Nothing dries clothes cleaner than pure, radiant electric" heat. J R* JM0RE ISTINGH0USE