°*ge Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER V T WED NOV. 29 Birthday Party Honors Mrs. Leo Mrs. Roy Lee was surprised al a birthday parly hold in her honor Tuesday. Dec. 2, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Boyle at Worthmore Estates. A social evening was enjoyed and a tasty lunch served by the hostess. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wahl. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd • Scharf. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wentzel. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Padock. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Touissaint. William Conrad of Chicago and Roy Lee and the host and hosless. Mrs. Anthony Wagner, mother of Mrs. Boyle, baked the birthday cake, which was beautifully decorated for the occasion. Mi seel! a neons Shower For Frances Thomas A miscellaneous shower was held at St. Mary's hall Sunday afternoon, honoring a bride of the near future. Miss Frances Thomas of Chicago. Hostesses were Mrs. Paul Freund. Mrs. Robert P. Freund and Mrs. George Gilpin. Thirty-five guests attended from Chicago. Jol.nsburg and McHenry, enjoying a lunch and a social afternoon. Miss Thorilas will become the bride of Eugene P. Freund on Jan. 3 at Rt. Rita's church. Chicago. to Bethlehem," which will in-t spire each to put Christ back in Christmas. A number of : surprises are said to be await- ' ing those who attend. j Riverview Camp Plans Xmas Party Riverview Camp, R.N.A., will hoftl its regular "meeting and Christmas party Tuesday evening, Dec. 16. at the K. of C. hall at 7:30 p.m. There will be a fifty-cent gift exchange and a cash donation to be given to a worthy cause. CROWD .OF 600 ATTENDS ANNUAL HOLIDAY CONCERT PERSONALS Kotalik Strdio Photo THE AXEL SCHWANKES Miss/joyce Schmitt of Rt. 3, McHenry. became the bride of Mr. Axel Sciiwanke of Holiday Hills in a nuptial service which was solemnized at St. Mary's Catholic church on Nov. 29. Paul Frennd Baby Baptized The son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Freund was christened Steven Paul at a baptismal service held at St. Mary's church Sunday. Nov. 30, with Rev. Fr. Harold Nflges, officiating. Sponsors for the baby were Mr. and Mrs. George G. Gilpin, aunt and uncle of the infant. Supper was served at the home Of the parents to the grandfather, Herbert H. Freund the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scholz; the great grandmother, Mrs. Marie Gemulla; and the Gilpin family. A crowd of about 600 persons attended the annual Christmas program of the McHenry Choral club, held two nights last weekend in the high school auditorium. The scenic background for the sacred portion of the concert was a simulated organ and choir,boys, which was an appropriate setting for the Christmas songs of various countries. It was given for use of the club by Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Kaeut'fl of McHemry. The latter part of the concert was devoted to the lighter, secular observance of the holiday-, featuring soloists and ensembles, as well as the chorus. Miss Mary Ann Bolger and Mrs. Verna Schlofner provided able accompaniment for the chorus. CARD OF THANKS J I would like to thank all 1 who sent cards, letters and offered prayers during the time , I was in the hospital:' also the doctors and nurses for their wonderful care. j *32 Gerry Hettermann Surprised At Birthday Party Mrs. James Orr was guest of honor at a party honoring her sixtieth birthday anniversary, held at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Glen Benson, last Sunday. Co-hostess was Mrs. Earl Tessendorf. Guests for buffet supper were Mr. and Mrs. John McDonough anef family of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Winter of Aurora, Miss Mae Addison of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. E. Tessendorf and family and the Glenn Benson family. TAMS To Hold y Holiday Party * •'T The Tams will hold a Christ- \ vi mas party on Sunday jfifter- if noon at the home of Miss Char;- lotte Houda. The girls have VI drawn names for the gift ex- M change. They are making can- {fl dies and Christmas centerpieces which are on display at Cy the Pink Lady shoppe. Pro- ^ ceeds will be used for one of jw the children's homes. Ir CARD OF THANKS The Parents association of the Viscounts Drum and Bugle corps wishes to thank everyone who attended and helped make the feather party a success. 32 Mrs. Wm. Lingenfelter Join the McHenry State Bank Xmas Savings Club Now. ! Adv.--27-tf December 12 Woman's Club Meeting--Legion Home--1 p.m. December 13 Snow Ball Dance -- Legion Hall -- Sponsored by Lakeland Park Women's Club. December 14 K. of C. Basket . Social--6 p.m. -- St. Patrick's Church Hall. December 16 McHenry Garden Club Meet' ing -- Mrs. Arthur Klingberg Home, 20 Mineral Springs Rd. --Pot Luck. R.N.A.- Regular Meeting and Christmas Party -- Gift Exchange -- K of C. Hall -- 7:30 p.m. ATTEND COLLEGE Among the 786 students from thirty states, the District of Columbia and eight foreign countries enrolled at Lake Forest College were three from McHenry. They are Gordon Johnson Rt. 4, Edward Okpisz, Rt. 3, and Susan Casey, Rt. 2. BAKE SALE The West Shore .beach Women's auxiliary will hold a bake sale Saturday, Dec. 13 at the Justen furniture store on Green street, starting at 9 o'clock in the morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corso, son, Johnnie, and Miss Mildred Kinsala were in Aurora, Sunday, to attend the christening of Michael Patrick, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kinsala., Mildred Kinsala and Bernard Kinsala acted as sponsors. The Kinsalas have one other child, Debbie. / Mrs. John Vycital, daughter, Frances, were recent guests in the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Emma Sodomka in Minneapolis, Minn. While there j they enjoyed a visit with Dr. Richard Vycital of Boise, Ida- | ho. who was attending a medi- I cal conference at Rochester, Minn., and was also a guest in the Sodomka home. Miss Estelle Thompson of Lansing, Minn., Mrs. Hattie Chaffed of Austin, Minn., and Mrs. Lloyd Gratton of Woodstock, were recent guests in the Robert Thompson home. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Stoffel and grandchildren, Mary Beth and Jack; have returned from a trip to Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Mann attended a stage show and testimonial dinner honoring a friend Laurence Rastery, in Chicago Saturday evening. The Frank Palmer family Were guests in the Math Kleitsch home in Chicago Sunday. Arthur Larsen was a visitor in the Alfons Adams home last Thursday enroute from Hayward, Wis., to Florida where he plans to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meyers, and Mr. and Mrs. James Phelps of Marengo were visitors in the Joseph Miller and Anton Williams homes Saturday. Mrs. Irene Guffey accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Pope of Woodstock, attended the wake of Arthur Molinaro in Kenosha, Wis., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nye were Sunday guests in the William Nye home in Madison, j where they served as spoiiSors for their little daughter, Judith Lynne, who was baptized on that day. Mrs. Roy Wiedrich of Burlington, Wis., was a visitor in the Joseph J. Miller home on Washington street Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Math Schaefer and Miss Christine Adams were in Richmond, Sunday, to attend open house honoring their nephews, William Harris and wife, on their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. The affair was held at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Russell Rudolph, Jr. j Mr. and Mrs. William Sutton, son T£ddy, and Mrs. Laura Minleer, of May wood, visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson. Mrs. C. -W. Goodell and | Miss Ethel Jones were among ! the local folks who attended the Christmas Show of the Woodstock Garden club last week. Mesdames Anna Miller, Madeline Mayfield, Mary Agnes Boetsch, Fred Rogers, Clifford Olson, Maurice dark, Charles Cnda and Arthur Boger attended the open meeting of the McHenry cleanery held at St. Petri's church. Spring Grove; last Wednesday evening. Mr- and Mrs. Clinton Marti# j left Thursday for Belleview, |Fla., where they plan to spend | the winter." Mr. and Mrs, Fred Bienapfl attended a post nuptial shower at Twin Lakes Sunday evening honoring Mr. and Mrs. Richard Larson, Mrs. Larson was the former Deanna Schenning. Members of the. American Legion and the Legion Auxiliary who entertained the veterans at Downey, Thursday evening, included Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hoyve, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Diedrich, Mr. and Mrs. Nick B. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergqnist, Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Swegle and Ford Han-r ford. Mayor and Mrs. George P. Freund and son, James, have returned from a five day plane trip to Nassau. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Palmer were recent Glenview visitors where they were called by the death of his brother, Herman Palmer. Thursday, December 31, 19|8 OSRITAL OBITUARY Paul C. Wooster Paul C. Wooster, a former McHenry county resident for many years and husband of the late Myrta Bel Wooster, nee Gallaher, died at Underwood hospital, Woodbury, N. J:, on Dec. 1. He was 77 years old. Mr. Wooster is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Metta Horst, of Woodbury, and a sister, Mrs. Laura Blodgett, of Oxford, 111. Services were held last Thursday morning in Woodbury. NAME BABT Lawrence, Jr., is the name selected by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ekeroth for their first son, born Thanksgiving day. AfcHenry Hospital Patients in the McHenry hospital this past week included Pauline Heilman, John Streetz, William Buchholz, Floy Hansen, Virginia Posthuma, Dave P a t r y a s , Ruth Kaczmark, Wayne Fuchs, Robert Hollander and Sandra Stilling of McHenry; Leola Lile and 'Steven Gehrke of Crystal Lake; Edwin Miller and Joseph Hopkins of Wonder Lake; Frank Frantz of Holday Hills; Frank Henkel of Round Lake; Lorrain Siruzek of Woodstock; Lydia Bowman of Chicago; Adeline Kalmas and Vida Eberly of Ingleside; John i Sovsky of Lakemoor; Frances Anderson of Lakeland Park and Betty Williamson of Fox Lake. Memorial Hospital Patients at Memorial hos-, pital, Woodstock, this week included Ronald and Ambrose Schaefer of McHenry and Helen Kemler of Wonder Lake. Deanery Learns Aims Of Council Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Winters of Ringwood are the parents of a daughter, born Dec. 5 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. A son was born Dec. 5 at Memorial hospital to" Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams of Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Knox are the parents of their first child, a son, born Dec. 4 at Memorial hospital. A girl was born Dec. 4 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bauer of Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Klapperich are the parents of a son, horn Dec. 4 at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leiser are the parents of a son, born Dec. 8 at Memorial hospital. HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS St. Peter's church in Spring Grove was the scene of the McHenry Deanery Council of Catholic Women meeting on Wednesday evening, Dec. 3. Benediction was held at 7:45 p.m., officiated by Father Alfred Kruk of Spring Grove. Rev. Harold Nilges, deanery moderator, opened the meeting by leading the group in a prayer to "Our Lady of Good Council." He then introduced the host pastor, Fiather Daleiden, and Rev. Wm. Kriegsman, assistant moderator of the Rockford diocese. A summary of the aims, purposes and objectives for 1959 was given by Father Harold Nilges. Mrs. Maurice Clark of McHenry explained the advent wreath and made several suggestions as to how to make one.* Mrs. Charles Cuda of McHenry attended the national convention in St. Louis, Mo. last September. She gave a brief report. A short spiritual talk was given by Fr. William Kriegsman. . Father Nilges spoke of a new plan for helping the Newman club. This plan sugyests man club. This plan suggests working as individuals to earn funds for the club. ' The meeting was closed with a prayer. Beautiful slides and an explanation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was given by Father Nilges. The rural life chairman and their moderator. Father Clement Petit of Hampshire, held a short meeting. £ Refreshments were served by Mrs. Albert Wipper, th^ host president, and her Altar and Rosary members. Letters To Santa^ "Dear Santa Claus: "My name is Candace Kobus. I want a doll with high heel^w Accompanied by a very fine drawing of a large fire truck was the following letter to Santa: "Dear Santa Claus: "My brother is writing this for me he says he wants one like the one down there (the truck picture) I am five and a half years old. I will be good to my mother and father. I try very hard. £ ' "Mike Foran" "Dear Santa Claus: "I am 7 years old. I go to® school. I am in Brownies and I like it. I would like a doll for Christmas. "From Denise Koch" XMAS TREE Scotch -- Norway Pine Balsam ALL FRESHLY CUT ELM ST. FLORIST LOT Also FLOCKED TREES White, Pink, Ice Blue, Chartreuse Coll 203 or 2419-J S Writers' Club Meets Tonight The Crystal Lake Writers' club will meet this evening, Dec. 11, at the home of Mrs. Burgett, Cryslal Ridge farm, Crystal Lake, at 8 o'clock. Election of officers will be held, followed by a work-shop period. Refreshments will be served by the hostess. Interested persons may contact the hostess or call McHenry at 3575 for further information. Foresight can make you, too, a success as a Santa! P.T.A. Planning; ! Christmas Party The , McHenry Community P.T.A. is planning the annual Christmas party for members and guests on Saturday, Dec. 13, at 6:30 o'clock in the high school cafeteria. There will be a pot-luck supper and dancing. Ham, rolls and coffee will be supplied by the P.T.A. members are asked to bring a dish to pass and a dollar gift for exchange. Teachers will be guests of the P.T.A. Mrs. I. Levine is chairman for the party, assisted by Charles Peterson, Louis Marchi, Edward Wittrock and Mrs. Fred Lieberson. % A/QSt\ SAVE 50* per week *1.00 per week *2.00 per week *3.00 per week *5.00 per week *10.00 per week *20.00 per week RECEIVE 525.00 *50.00 *100.00 *150.00 *250.00 *500.00 *1000.00 \ Spirit Of Xmas Theme Of Meeting The spirit of Christmas will be the theme of the next W.S.C.C. meeting, to be held at the Community Methodist church on Thursday, Dec. 18. A pot-luck luncheon will be served at noon. Coffee, rolls alnd Tiutfer^will b? furmsTYe3^»y Naomi circle, members of which will serve as hd&tesses for the festive occasion. Naomi circle will present the devotions and also "Hie Road U w ENRY STATE BANK Established Sirioe 1906 -- Resources of $15,000,000.00 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. ^ FEDERAL I^E^RVE SYSTEM PHONE 1040 £ - mm DECORATE YOUR WINDOWS AND MIRRORS... Treat the children to this full set of stencils and treat your clothes to our finest drycleaning . . . alf at no extra cost! You'll get a full -set of large (8V2 x 11") stencHs with over 12 beautiful Holiday designs absolutely FREE with every cleaning order. Have Xmas fun . .. give your home the festive look ... send your cleaning order to us NOW! FREE with every cleaning order of $1.75 or more! SAME DAY SERVICE AVAILABLE SAVE 1®% C( RAIIS PHOMI 927 Around Corner North of National Tea 100 N. FRONT STREET -- McHENRY \ Always Plenty of Free Parking at Rainbow's Drive-In . OPEN DAILY -- 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. -- Fridays to 9 P.M. \