I Thursday, December 18, 1958 THE JlcHENRY PLAINDEALER Lakemoor Girl Scouts Elect Officers by Marion Sulok--592-R-l At the scouts last meeting that was held at the Fire-Community- House the election of officers was held. The new president elected is Janice Wall, the scribe is Jenene Denber, and the treasurer is Judy Steadman. The girls played Charades and sang Christmas , carols. There will be no meeting on Dec. 21. The next meetj^ ing will be held on Jan. 5. 'Baby Shower On Tuesday evening Mrs. Ted Beahler was again the center of attraction at a baby shower in her honor for the new arrival. Mrs. Alice Wade was the charming hostess and served the guests some of her delightful pastries. Midge received many beautiful and useful gifts wfor the expected bundle who was to arrive &oon. . . Sick List ( Little Melody Grossman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Herbert Brossman, underwent surgery one day this past week in a Chicago hospital for the removal of those troublesome tonsils. Sure she will be "well ^^nough to greet Santa Claus ^ind tell him ali her troubles. . Joseph Yaeger one of our older residents entered the Mc- Henry hospital on Wednesday for a check-up. Joe is now living in McHenry but is a frequent visitor out here in the village. Mrs. Agnes Simmons is still taking things pretty easy but is progressing nicely. A Mrs. Walter Biehl is also Reeling better these days. Mr. and Mrs. James Buchwalter, who have been on the sick list, are both at home and must take things a little easier. To all the shut-ins we all wish you folks a speedy recovery and see you around again real soon. awaited event and 'all; your McHenry Shores friends and neighbors wish the b e s t t o a l l o f y o u . N o w L o r i \ C „ U J U -- you can talk about your little j OUDQIy lSlOil XTQS sister. " The Winner0 Some weeks ago Mr. Parratore received a live deer. The Parratore children are delighted with their Xmas reindeer and have it in a barn near the village. If any of the parents in the village want to take their children to see the baby deer get in contact with the Parratore family and they will take you to the barn and show him off. m Ladies League On Saturday evening the ladies ana tneir guesis enjoyed a most of us have just enjoyed Christmas Spirit beat the women, but by a very slim margin. A good time was had by all. The Hicks seemed to be enjoying themselves, too. Caroling Louise Winters--2897 ! The children of McHenry Shores will again go caroling some night shorfly before Christmas, as they did last yenr. Any child above nine is invited to a practice session at the Schopp.s, Friday afternoon, Dec. 19, right after school. Come and bring your best voice; best behavior, too. The Christmas spirit is beginning to be noticed in McHenry Shores. Several houses are now well lighted; we think the Gulmowskis were the first with their Santa faces. So far we haven't seen a tree up yet, but no doubt when this is printed, the tinsel will be showing. Christmas Parties Have begun to make their appearance, and while some of us have had lots of work to do. delicious chicken dinner at orie of the restaurants here in the village. This was the annual Christmas dinner that the ladies plan on during tne year. After the dinner the folks returned to the Fire-Community - ourselves. The VFW auxiliary Happy Birthday To Rernice MacCallum, Ellen Misiak, Johnny and Dawn Wiley, (the Lokay grandchildren), and our own Mary Ann. who will be a whole year old on the twentieth. Doesn't seem Page Fifteen house for the exchange of gifts , night. Chiistmas party was thorough- possible. Manv more to all of ly enjoyed by M^rie Hinz, Glad- them, happy-birthdays, that is. ys Lokay, Shirley - Lamerand, I _• Visits and Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith were overnight guests at the ! Thev are Daisy Smith, and your reporter. It was certainly worth braving the bitter cold that and a few games. All in all an enjoyable time was had with friends and neighbors getting together. On Wednesday evening the ctub met at the home of Mrs. C. Hyatt with Mrs. Herbert Brossman as hostess. A general meeting was held and the exchange of gifts was had with each and everyone enjoying every minute of it. Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. John Bonder. Library N^ws A The Lakemoor Public Li- Drary has changed their hours from Monday evenings to Tuesday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. The library board of trustees »re holding, a meeting on Wednesday evening. New Arrival The most precious gift that one can receive was delivered by Mrs.' Ted Beahler early Friday morning at the McHenry nospital, making the Beahler family overflowing with happiness. The darling little bundle of love weighed in at 7 lbs. 13 cz. and has been named Teresa Michele. This will make a delightful holiday for the long On H.P.C. ?riday evening the girls met at the home of Mis. Walter Para and enjoyed an evening together with the winners being. Mrs. Julia Kraus and Mrs. Anne Brzezinski. Helen served a very tasty lunch which always pleases the guests. Our Sympathy Friends *md neighbors extend their deepest sympathy to Mrs. Helen Para in the loss of her uncle, Phil Piasecki of Chicago, who on Friday morning collapsed from a heart attack. Mrs. Piasecki, whose birthday was Friday, is in a state of a shock from this great loss to her. Mr. and Mrs. Para attended the wake with friends on Sunday. The PTA Christmas party was well attended by McHenry Barnetts recently. from Chicago. The Gus Smiths are off to Shores parents, also. All these j Davton, Ohio, to spend the hoi pot-luck suppers will be the j idavs with their daughter and death of our diet. Such delic- ; her family. ious food iust can't he ignored, i T . u » * i , .. The Cub Soc out* C^-uh ri• sTtm as , but not least, the Wmparty at the American Legion |ters are entertaining Mr. and hall had its share of McHen-1Mrs Samuel Winters. Senior, ry Shores boys and their den !from Philadelphia. Penn., for mother, Jerry Olbinski. Boys ! several days. When they got who took part in the games and the plane gift exchange were Jimmy Lando, Corky Olbinski. Sandy Winters and Michael Marchese. For a quick and easy holiday dessert, try Chocolate pChi Tortoni. Fold one package semi sweet chocolate pieces and one teaspoon almond flavoring into one quart softened vanilla ice cream. Spoon into paper baking cups, and sprinkle with chopped toasted almonds. Freeze until firm. Then garnish each cup with a marachino cherry. Women's Social Thirty - four women didn't think it was too cold last Thursday night to venture out. We all had a good time in Olbinskis' basement, and it was unanimously decided to hold the affair again soon after the holidays. Christmas Box There is a box down at the office just aching to be filled with canned goods and food, thanks to Mr. Miller. Let's make it a merry Christmas for everyone. & Bowling Each week bowling seems to be getting more popular in McHenry Shores. A recent'Saturday night saw the John Smiths, the Munroes, the Whetherults, the Lamerands and the Winters trying their skill (?) at the McHenry alleys. The men i on back East, the temperature was about forty degrees. When they got off four hours later. Chicago greeted them with seven degrees below zero. They are very impressed with our subdivision, but it's just too cold. They must come in July next time. News and Views Have you tested the fish they have been catching out of those little holes in the ice lately? We are not»fish eaters, but could learn in a hurry if all the catches were as tasty. Hope the snow stays on the ground for a white Christmas, don't you? Not only for the looks, but it will give ouf little darlings something to do for two whole weeks. Funny, how our ideas on Christmas vacations have changed with the years. Next week let's have all the news of how you spent your holiday, see you then. The number is still 2897. LEGAL NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of WILLIAM H KAPCHE. Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that February 2, 1959, is the claim date in the estate of WILLIAM H. KAPCHE, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on oi before said date without issuance of summons. Lake Shore National Bank Executor (Pub. Dec. 11-18-23, 1958) Enuring the coming year, CARE plans to distribute enough U. S. milk powder to make 648,200,048 quarts -- or more than the equivalent of a 7-ounee glass for every man, woman and child on earth. Contributions to the CARE Food Crusade, New York 16, N. Y., help deliver this milk to needy children and adults overseas. A CHAT mm us Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out for yourself Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE 516 Front St. Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R I • • l % a • . • • ' i • • a • a a a • , a * \ a a FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI K®SWiMMSN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 - Just East of Rpute 12 - Volo, III. Phone McHenry 867-W-l tfifis 5 i AUCTION Gordon Stade and Bill Stade, Jr., Auctioneers, Palatine, 111. v Due to the death of my husband, I will sell the following ' ^(({•ersonal property at public auction on the premises located on Route 12, one mile south of Volo and three miles north of ~ Wauconda on SATURDAY. DECEMBER 27, 1958 „ AT 1:00 P.M. 83 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 50 Cross Bred Feeder Pigs, 40 to 80 lbs. each; 6 Bred Sows; r 6 Butcher Hogs; Reg. Corriedale Ram; 19 Bred Ewes, some with lambs; Reg. Hampshire Ram. # FEED 1000 Bales First & Second Cutting Clover Hay (baled without rain); 10 Ton Straw; 1200 bu. Ear Corn; 1000 bu. Heavy Oats; 500 bu. Barley. MACHINERY 1954 Oliver "88" with live PTO; 2 row JD Cultivator w/sidedress attach.; Oliver No. 4 2 row mounted picker, like new; • McC. 8' grain drill with grass seed and fert. attach., on rubber; . JD KBA 8 Disk; McC. No. 52 combine with motor and pickup; JD No. 14 hammermill, almost new; Case 30' elevator with folding sides; 4 sec. wood harrow with folding drawbar; V snow ^low; JD wagon and rack; Oliver wagon and flare box; Small feeders; Hog waterers; Grain binder; 300 gal. Overhead gas tank and elec. motor; John Deere "B" with rolla matic; JD 4 row corft planter with fert. checkwire and pressed wheels; JD 290 corn planter; Oliver 3-14 plow on RT; JD 75 tractor mower; 2 Row rotary hoe; Power Oat huller; JD tractor manure spreader; Tractor manure. loader; 1 ton Ammonium Nitrate; V2 ton 5-20-20 Fert.; New 80 Bu. hog feeder; 3 Rolls snow fence; Sheep feeders; Gates, post and many other articles. 20' Extension Ladder & f"ile of Lumber. This is a clean line of machinery and has been well housed. ^ MARION BRANDT, Administrator for the ESTATE of ERNEST J. BRANDT -TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and under cash. Over this amount one-fourth down and the balance in six ^monthly payments. Make arrangements for credit with clerk before sale. McHENRY STATE BANK, Clerk NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS FOR MOTHER Fancy Panties 59c-$1.00 | Nylon Slips « $1.98 - $3.98 g Nylon Hose •. 79c - $1.39 f Skirts $2.98-$5.98 1 Sweaters $2.98-$7.98 | Blouses $1.00 - $3.98 | Pajamas •. $1.00-$3.98 $1.98 . $1.00-$1.98 $1.00-$3.98 . $1.29-$3.98 ... $1.98 - $4.98 ... $1.00-$5.98 39c-$2.95 $5.98 g House Slippers .. | Gowns jf Handbags i Umbrellas | Draw Drapes ^ Lamp Shades g Pyrex-ware | Dress I Novelties 25c - $3.98 i v FOR DAUGHTER *g TP,a nt•ie s I Slips $ Blouses i Skirts |« S weaters | Dresser Sets . $ Perfumes t Dolls | Stationery | Handkerchiefs t .... 29c-$1.00 $1.00-$1.98 . $1.00-$1.98 $2.98-$5.98 $1.98 - $9.98 $1.00-$2.98 29c-$1.00 $1.98 - $10.98 .... 15c -$1.00 15c-59c Luggage -- Popular Priced Toys -- Xmas Cards -- Wrapping Supplies 8 j afore Ihotirs fhru Dec. 23- -9 a.m. - 9 p.m. OPEN SUNDA? DEC. 2L 9:30 A.M.--5 P.M. RANKLI A COMPLETE SHOPPING CENTER FOR THE FAMILY try your drugstore first r S 0S4660 Delicious assorted choco lates. Per lb., only Make his pipe dreams come true with a fine briarwood. Only Luscious assortment of hard candies. Per lb., only j jg Special Pipe tobacco in attractive canisters . . . from only Child's Phonograph filial stand. Has volume con- :ok!s 100 records. $20.oO value. Oui M a n y more price gifts for the smoker! $15.88 Fine imported and domestic wines. Per Delight the ladies on your list with our fine cosmetics ... all top brands! 89c Famous name scotch modestly priced at $5.98 ys $1.00 to $8.00 Ideal "Betsy Wetsy doll. All vinyl, with clothes and accessories. $8.95 49 piece set of doll's dishes. Only $3.98 Name brand vodka, priced at only umoMNiP McHenry, 111. Famous name rum at only Walking, barking dog. Remote con trol opera led $2.98 We have all the most wanted fragrances . . . heavenly gifts! $2.50 to $17.00 Famous name gin at only I V Hni;. S3 9X $3.59 value, only $2.88 Cherry Kijafa $2.68 l inker Toy set with complete instructions. Lincoln Logs Set. * 91 pieces . . . Parker Bros. Games. "Clue" "Sorry" "Monopoly" "Careers' $6.98 $2.98 $1.00 49c - 79c 59c-79c g $1.00 i 39c - $1.00 $1.25 - $3.59 $1.98 10c - $1.39 29c-$2.98 8 $4.98 set--$ 1.00 Handsome leather wallets for men Box of 50 Havana cigars for his smoking pleasure Only $3.45 rom $1.98 $3.50 up Nylon bristle hair brushes for ladies from $2.50 Box of 25 Havana cigars • $1.80 M a n i c u r e set in leather zip case $1.00 to $3.75 10 cigars 75c Famous name pen Shaving set, gift and pencil set. Only boxed for him. $1.00 to $7.50 Refreshing floral dusting powder. Traveling alarm clock Delightfully scented bath salts. Only $1.98 $1.00 to $3.50 39c - 59c 59c 69c-$1.00 | Famous name toilet water $1.00 to $5.00 T4TI0NE 29c - $2.98 8 29c - $3.98 $1.98-$3.98 | 29c - $5.98 59c - $4.00 Fine bond writing paper and matching envelopes scented soap in gift box $1.65 to $3.50 Free Parking E DR WALGREEN AGENCY 129 N. Riverside Dr. PHOiNSE 26 McHenry. Til FOR FATHER Smoking Stands $4.98 Shirts .. Necktie^ Socks Underwear Shaving Sets Shaving Brushes Candy box- House Slippers Ash Trays Gloves Hassocks Cuff Links Men's Wash & Wear While Shirts FOR SON Shirts - Shorts 39c - 59c Sport Shirts Socks Neckties Belts Gloves Model Kits .. Baseballs Trucks Games Indoor-Outdoor Lite Sets -- Tree Decorations