Thursday, December 18, 1958 Eastwood Manor THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER w«ek. Cynda had a sore throat first prize, which consisted .of and cold and Harry had the I seventeen piece starter sel of flu. dishes. The booby prize, a . (Chinese wrought iron wall This and That ^ plaque, was.won by Lydia. The Pat Linnane and Virginia table prizes were- imitation PLAN EMPOA MEETING AND YULE PARTY % Lois Krebs--2755 0"'ens' both of Lakeland Park. 1 champagne bottles which were were luncheon guests at the actually chocolate candy, and Moyse Cary home on Thursday. ' also a little angel for each Dec. 11. guest. The refreshmetns con- Calling all tree trimmers. We'll be looking for you torriorrow evening in the Community barn. There will be a short association meeting followed by the annual tree trimming party. We need all the help we can get. The tree, as most of you know, will be put up in - preparation for the annual childr «B' Christmas party which The Lee Hansen family were sisted of sweet pizza with asove_ r_ -night g-u esAt s_ a_ tA tAh. e ht om_ . _ e_ Clll'tnH r.M,U .A. 1 J of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seibert in Elmhurst on Friday. Dec. 12. • The Ray Lessards and Lew Kelloggs enjoyed dinner on Saturday evening. Dec. 13 when they attended the Mcwill he held in the barn this Henry hospital Christmas Saturday, Dec. 20, at 1 p.m. Oh, party. by the way, if you have a spare Joyce Engstrom's mother, ornament that you would like Mrs. Betty Klein, arrived on to contribute to the tree, please Thursdav evening, Dec. 11 for do so, as the association can use a four *day visit at the Engall they can get. See you tomorrow night. Faith Presbyterian Church News strom home. Jean McHale's mother, Mrs. Heien Nelson, alson arrived from Chicago to spend the weekend at the Mc- Hale home, so the daughters 'level's of Christmas," taken got the mothers together last from Luke 2:1-40, is the topic Saturday evening for a-gab fest of the sermon to be given by at the Engstrom home. Rev. Jack Mclntyre on Sun- ' day, Dec. 21, in the Commun ^ The Glen Messers enjoyed a visit with Glen's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Messer of Melrose Park, when they came out on Sunday, Dec. 7 to help Glen celebrate his birthday. Lois MeCormack, Mary Hadley, Winnie Hansen, Betty Radner, Patsy Couglin, Helen Birbe ne!d at the Tom Simpson mjngham, Rita Simpson, Pat home, lifi Manor Lane, at 8:30 Cisewski, Marie Daltori, Mary p m. on Tuesday, Dec. 23. Thienes, Jackie Grom, Norma Harness, Hannah Harner, Pat Happy Birthday Kellogg of Mill Lane. Dolores to Erika Haldeman who will Lawrence and Marion Alford celebrate tomorrow, to Shirley all enjoyed a demonstration at ity barn of'Eastwood Manor at 11 a.m. The choir will render "Jesu Bambino" at this service. Block Itosary l'te weekly block Rosary will >e ne Carlson whose big day is Saturday, to Avlene Tinsley and Rosemary Newlon who will ch^t up another-year on Sunda.^ and to Ken Noonan who will cut his birthday cake next Monday. Happy birthday also to Jim Couglin who was 4 years old on Dec. 6. Jim celebrated his birthday with a party for all his little friends on Dec. 5. Those present were Martha and Steven Simpson, Margie Birmingham. Janet Long. Pam Radne'j^ Michael McCormack, Greg FuWz ( the home of Marilyn Fultz on Thursday evening, Dec. 4. The Radner family all took off for Chicago on Saturday. Dec. 6 where they went shopping and visited with Santa. After their shopping tour they enjoyed a luncheon at the home of Grandma and Grandpa Lightholder. Jim Pencik spent five days in Huntsville, Ala., on business from Dec. 2 through 6. Tom Birmingham, Tom Simpson and Tim McCormack all ! journeyed to Chicago on Satsorted fruit and date nut bread. The next mooting, which will be the Christmas _ party, will be held at the home 'of Marge Tinkler on Dec. 17. ' I • Meet Your Neighbors - The Edward Radner family, of 129 Manor Lane, moved into their home on May 10. 1957. Ed is a machinist employed in Chicago. Betty and Ed are the proud parents of Sandy, who will be 16 in February, Dickie, who was 14 in July, Cynda Lou. who was 10 in September, Jackie who was 8 in May, and Pam who was 3 in August. Betty reports that Ed's hobby 4s working- the house and yard and that she likes to spend her spare time kaffee klatsChing. Betty hails from Springfield, and Ed is a native of Toledo. Ohio. The Richard Reid family moved into their home at 131 Clover Lane on Sept. 29. 1956. Dick is the manager of a drug store in Chicago. Arlene and Die^c are the parents of two little dolls. Gail, the eldest, was 4 years old in November, and her sister. Donna, was 3 years old in November. Incidentally, all four members of the family share November as their birth month. Dick enjoys bowling and fishing in his spare time and Arlene reports that she likes to work in the garden. Dick was born and raised in Chicagb and Arlene first saw the light of day in Worth. That's all for this week kiddies. How about giving us a call this week? Page Nineteen Lakeland Park COMMUNITY HOUSE PROJEdf UP FOR VOTE Vickey Bottari 22G2-J or 1524-J The following is a report of tne general' meeting; held b y t h e L a k e l a n d P a r k Property Owners association on Sunday, Dec. 7, 1958 at the American Legion hall. Fbr the benefit of the people who did not attend this meeting, the meeting was calied to order at 7:30 p.m. and adjourned at 9:40 p.m. It was a very important meeting at which time a motion was duly made and seconded that the board of directors be directed to conduct a voting day sometime in the month of January. This vote will be a proposition that the people of the community confirm their desires for a community house again. Also a second motion was duly made and seconded that a ballot vote be conducted on the proposed amendments to our by-laws, Jf there are any people who would like to work as judges and tellers for this balloting day, please call 2262-J. Miss Cooling, Mr. Struwe, Mr. and Mrs. R. Elmer have already offered their help and services for this day. We would like to have volunteers for this very important event which concerns each and everyone of us in the community. PROCLAIM SPECIAL YEAR Gov. William G. Stratton has proclaimed 1959 as' "Visit Illinois During Lincoln's Sesquicentennial Year" to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birth. Cop and his brothers Mike, | urday morning, Dec. 6 with Bob and Kevin. !,heir children. They enjoyed Jacquelvj.n Carv reached the I \°u ok™Z in a" |he windows in ies of the governor's proelamathe loop and also paid a visit tion and other material boostto old St. Nick. ing the Land of Lincoln as a The Messer family travelled vacation target are being sent to Itasca on Saturday, Dec. 13 to travel editors and travel age of 7 on Nov. 28. but delayed her party until Monday, Dec. 8, at which time she had a combination birthday and Christmas party for all of her friends. Helping her to celebrate were Rosemary and Michael Rogers, Georgina and Thienes, Caryn Peterson, Denise Dethlefson, Will Albert. Bobby Hauser and her brothers and sisters. Happy birthday, |Jacquelynn. Happy birthday also to David shared' his birthday cake with Ginny, Janet, Janice and Gail Engstrom, Priscilla Mclntyre, Larry Tucker and his brother, Mark. His sister, Susan, is jnsi|»>a wee hit too small to be eating birthday cake yet but she undoubtedly just enjoyed watching all the excitement. Happy Anniversary to' Peg and Matt Oik, who will celebrate their anniversaryjust two days before Christmas. Many happy returns of the day to both of you. £ Siek List Dave.v Patryas had quite a siege of it when he spent a week in the hospital. Davey had a swollen gland in the neck which resulted in a temporary paralysis of his vocal chords and he entered the hospital on Thursday, Dec. 4. Davey's speech has now returned and we are most happy to report that he is coming along jusfc fine. Cvnda Lou Radner and Harry McAllister were both home from school for a few days last for a birthday celebration in honor of their niece, Sherry Lynn Messer. Tripoli was the game of the evening at the Radner home on Saturday, Dec. 6. Joining in the fun were Dolores and Len Lawrence, Winnie and Len Hansen and Pat arid Bob Kellogg. Club News The Octettes held a meetat the home of Lydia Fenner on Wednesday Dec. 3. Vern Bauer was the winner of the agents throughout the nation by the Illinois Departmental Information Service to help promote the sesquicentennial. This agency is compiling material from questionnaires sent to visitors who came to the state this year. When completed the survey will give a cross-section of likes ..and dislikes of the average tourist who came to Illinois in 1958. Join the McHenry State Bank Xmas Savings Club Now. Adv.--27-tf READY-MIX McHenn n f YOuVE BEEN A VERY ! SICK MAN, SIR - j ONLY YOUR STR0N6 CONSTITUTION I SAVED YOU AND REMEMBER THE MOST TPUSTWORTHY PEOPLE IN TOWN TO DEAL WITH ARE AT cHENRY READY-MIX JUST THAT WHEN W1LLYOO A DVICfc, RZA0Y MIX CO. INC TkotcA MCHENRY 920 ^ • /=€>& 7&-L. F&ee JTXUUA GRAYS LAK E • £Af7b:R£>R/&£:<?200 MCHENRY Thanks i Mrs. Jo Rizzo. chairman • of the entertainment and refreshment committee, wishes to take this opportunity to thank all her committee and ^anyone who in anyway helped to make the Christmas party held by the Lakeland Park Women's club the beautiful and fun filled night it turned out to be. Thanks again girls for the manv hours which were put in to prepare for this annual event. Happy Rirtlidny to Bradley Jett who celebrated his birthday on Dec. 12 with a quiet evening at home with his family to help him celebrate. to little Debb'e Franklin who celebrated her fifth birthday on Dec. 13, but had a few of .the kids in after school on Friday afternoon. Those who came in just about half frozen were Ray Jett, Ray and Elaine Bottari and of course her brother, Jimmy and sister, Valepie. j Of course Elaine Jett anirmy- j self had to get in»on some of Marge's very delicious birthday cake. ^ again to Mrs. Lee Glorch Who celebrated her birthday last week, but the birthday elub got together at my house for the coffee and t;ake on Tuesday afternoon. Those who attended bringing with them little gifts were Elaine Jett, Marge Franklin, Jean Parisi, Edythe Lavin, Francis Cina and yours truly. Lee is so, young at heart that Only she can celebrate her birthday twice and not only once like „the rest of us. coming Sunday, ' paper, please see that I receive HONFY 1 to 3 at the it no later than Wednesday Si held on this Dec. 21 from American Legion hall. Also evening or early Thursday! do not forget to bring a 25 cent (Thank You. grab-bag gift and mark the • boy's°gift "boy" and the girl's ' Scavenger Service gift girl . . Scavenger collection will bo PIE IS SPECIAL XMAS DESSERT What Christmas would be complete without eggnog? And p.icked up as usual on this com- ^or var'et>' 'n this favorite holiPreVTeen Christmas Party day treat. Geraldine Acker, rpu *3 , ,, Thursday, Christmas dav. The Pre-Teens will hold their \ , - - - Christmas party this Saturday c' . so n 1 »or8et to Put specialist, suggests this recipe evening, Dec. 20 starting at your garoage cans out as usual, for honey eggnog pie: University of Illinois foods to Kenny Spencer on his tenth birthday. He celebrated by bringing candy to his classmates at St. Patrick's school on Friday and then on Saturday he*.- celebrated with his mom, dad, brother and his wife and baby, at which time the traditional birthday cake was served to all. Thanks The Pre-'Teen club want to thank each and everyone of you who either baked for their 7:30 and ending about 10:30 at the home of Jerry Rogers. 92 'Teens Shore Drive. You can bring t}1c Teens club took in a > our own partner for the eve- 'day of bowling last Sunday afning if you wish to do so. Last ; ternoon with about fifteen but not least, don't forget your grab-bag gift. Cub Scout Den No. 2 On Thursday evening, Dec. 11 Cub Scouts of Pack 362 mot. Santa Claus was on hand to pass out gifts arid candy to each of the boys who attended. Awards were given at this time and Wolf badges were received by Billy Krater and Billy Sullivan. Cub Scout Den No. 9 From this Den Brad Grote received his Denner'sbadge. Happy Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. William Krater celebrated their twelfth wedb^ ke sale last week or who | ding anniversary. They eelowent in to purchase the good-j brated the occasion'by taking a ies that they had. They were [trip to the South Seas (by way very sorry though That some , of the <?inema )and dinner at a of you could not get your cakes, , real nice Chicago restaurant.. etc.. to the corner store due to ! the fact that they were closed. • Early Deadline ~~ Next week only, due to Christ- Christmas Party maf; ^ay fa]ijng on Thursday, Do not forget to get the kid- j the paper will be again put dies to the annual Christmas ' out at an earlier date, so if you party which this year is being have any news you want in the From where I sit... Jy Joe Marsh 'teens attending. The chaperone for this occasion was Mrs. Jean Parisi. Furlough Over Wayne -Strandquist will return to Norfolk. Va..where he is stationed with the U. S. .. Army after having spent the s'x:on, v an 'a ar>d one-half teapast two weeks with his moth- sP°°ri nuimeg. er and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Told the custard mixture Strandquist, ' '"to a meringue of . four egg ..I whites and one-half cup sugar. Nineteen' million people in pour, into the cooled baked the United States, or one out 'crust -chill until it sets First; prepare and bake a plain fi-inch pastry. Then soften one tablespoon gelatin in one-fourth cup cold water. Mix four beaten egg yolks, one-half cup honey, opehalf teaspoon salt and one-half cup milk in the top par* of a double . boiler arid cook until thickened, stirring all the time. Add gelatin and cool. After the mixture has congealed slightly, add one tea- • of every 9 persons, receive U. S.. surplus through domestic relief and school lunch programs. In addition, the Government allocates commodities for foreign relief, through such agencies as CARP". Ev ery $1 sent , to the CARF, Food Crusade. New York 16. N. Y.. delivers a 2'J-lh. package of these farm foods to the needv in other lands. and (about one hour). Top this eggnog-filling With sweetened whipped cream, garnish with grated sweet chocolate and you have a real holiday J.roat for the family. When a married man tells you he's the boss in his own home, you know he'll lie about niher things t o . Windy Needs Less Horse-power! airy Tales PLENTY OF MILK FROM FRBUND'S DAIRY IS THE BEST INSURANCE - FOR GOOD HIEALTWj A bunch of us--Windy Taylor included--went to see Easy Roberts' new two-year-old filly. She's a real beauty! Right off the bat. Windy was the "authority." He told Easy what kind of bridle to buy, what saddle. He even suggested that Easy was not keeping her in a warm enough stall. Finally Windy pointed to thehorse feed Easy had purchased and said, "Oh, no, not that. There's a much better brand." Easy smiled and said, "Really? When was the last time you ate some?" From where I sit. the best advice is not to give too much advice, too often. Sooner or lalrv, you intrude on people's personal preferences. Like who to vote for, or what car to buy-- even what beverage is most refreshing. Me--I'll take a glass of beer but maybe \on like iced tea. Fine! Let's respect each other's choice and not debate each other "hoarse." Qot Copyright, 1958. United States 'Brewers Foundation "TAKE A TIP FROM ME, BUD 'Don't knock yourself out looking for the things you want to buy -- wise up and look in the Yellow Pages!" find f# las# in the Yellow Pages The Gift of BETTER SLEEP >r someone special on your list Give an Automatic Electric Bedcover for Christmas - t tie Nsw Rod Almost anyone on your Christmas list would love to get an electric blanket or electric sheet. Matter of fact, more than 20 million people sleep better this way (and feel better when they wake up, too). There are lots of reasons why electric bedcovers make such perfect gifts. • - v it They give warmth without weight. An electric bedcover provides the comfort of 3 ordinary blankets, yet often weighs less than one. ^ Chilly sheets are gone forever. Just set the control a little before bedtime and your bed is warm when you're ready for sleep. "^T They offer single or dual controls to suit individual comfort preferences. Automatic cofiloyol try fhangps in room temperature. • Modern electric bedcovers can be laundered beautifully either at your regular laundry or in a modern automatic washer. There are contoured models in both single and double bed sizes to make bedmakin;; quick and easy. Plenty of foot roomj too. so covers won't be "kicked ofT." "At All makes fully approved bv Underwriters' .Laborsi^iriss. ~aasctrsTi f'c. -sfbsoiute safety --many years of depends bit' service. 1959 0LDSM0BILE DYNAMIC 88 HOLIDAY SP0RTSEDANThis distinctive new Olds body style (available in all three series) is the hit of the new-car parade! Its sleek "Linear Look" is as tastefuHy elegant as anything it has an all-new, thriftier version of the famous Rocket Engine, featuring an exclusive, two-stage automatic choke. With demand running high, you'll be smart to place your order early. Visit your local you'll beseeing in 1959. And like every Olds for '59. - -authorized Oldsmobile Quality Dealer, right away! R. J. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STREET PHONE 3202 McHENRY, ILL. SEE YOUR ELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEALER NOW! Public Service Company f : ® CommoawMltb Gdiaos Company