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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Dec 1958, p. 11

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Tuesday/December 30, 1958 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Pistakee Highlands K. SIELISCH NEW REPORTER FOR COLUMN " Caria Bales--2895-J ^ Hazel Morley--640-J-1 Just a little note to tell you that next week you will have a new reporter. Carla Bales is resigning to spend more time witlyher family. I have enjoyecKvriting the column and want^ to thank the faithful people who have given me news each weak. Your new reporter, togemer with Hazel Morley, wili be Kay Sielisch, 698-M-i. B« sure and give her a call. Congratulations to Sally and Fritz Von Bruenchenliein on the birth of their baby boy on Thursday, Dec. 18. Happy Anniversary tfl Bob and Delia Wesselirik wlw celebrated on. the twentyninth. AlSo to Art and Lorraine Erdmann, vyho will have an open house on New Year's day for their many friends and neighbors to celebrate thirtyone years of wedded bliss. Teen Club Some of the 'teens in service home for the holidays are Jim Peloquin, Dick Rapp and Don Rofflkel. After caroling Monday night, the kids, Bud Messel, Gloria Waldin, Erna and Don Rockel, Dick Rapp, Dolores Formella, Trudy Rogde, Ginny Cinami, Bob Fletcher, Ron Spankuch, Lee Johnson and Barb Schlick, went to Dolores' house for cookies and hot chocolate. Tuesday some of the kids went roller skating and some went caroling again. Lola Din"ree left Tuesday for Florida to spend the holidays with her parents. Here and There Sunday Eddie and Marcia Dowd had unexpected company from Waukegan, Keith and Gerry Hunt and their boy. They promptly challenged them to a game of ping pong. t and Mrs. Heineman have really been having a house full of company. Everyone is coming out, to have a look at their new hotne. They will spend Christmas with her daughter and family of LakeWilla and New Year's in Ottawa- Mr. and Mrs. Ristow and their granddaughter, Lola, have left to spend the holidays in Florida with Lola's mother and dad. r$Ua and Bob Wesselink and their son, Bryan, have left for mas Iowa. Bob's sister is getting married Christmas day and Bob is the best man. George and Marilyn Lammert and sons will spend Christmas day in Chicago visiting both the Lammerts and the Delaroys. Sorry to hear that Mrs. Had- ,dock was sick. Also that Audrej^ Misavice and Ann Szyplebaum are sick wfth bad colds. The three Groth children are sick with the chicken pox. Mrs. Anna Cohrs will spend the holidays vith her four sons. Bobby and Rolf Heilgeist had a big diy 'Monday when their daddy took them into Chicago to see Santa Claus and a movie. The Haefligfcrs spent Sunday ih Chicago visiting. Marcia and Eddie Dowd will spend Christmas in Chicago. The kids are going downtown to see Santa Claus. On Sunday they will visit Eddie's brother. Chuck McNerney and his family, in Arlington Heights. Blanche Haefliger received a Formosan Christmas card (written in both English and Chinese) and a package from her son. Douglas, who is working in Formosa. Blanche confides that in the package there was a red snake belt for Carl. Douglas figured it would make quite a hit at the office. The Misavice family spent Christmas in Chicago. Happy Birthday to Mrs. Wrobleski who celebrated a happy birthday on Dec. 24. to litt'e Gerry Reilly who was just 1 year old on Dec. 27. to Ralph Mueller added another year on Doc. 20. Along with his family lie celebrated with Hazel and Martin Rogde and Trudy. Many happy returns of the day to you all. Don't forget the association meeting on Jan. 7. and each received a gift and j News Bits ohnsburo Lr^ce^' J!f, ra" kl?- <"* Geri Vrbik are get- '"'"SbUI9 an" n S'T ""TS t a" ' h e i r va- LOCAL BABIES bag shaped like a football Milk t 'n Ih' Plan?.are ^ and PRESENTED AT and cook'es were served and T *Lre waiting for now is pxpirrq** FONT .he mothers wei giad for a ! ^ T hot cup of coffee. ' f nere rney come. / Pat Rogde and a girl friend Page Eleven Pin the tail on the donkey and drop the clothes pin games were played with many winners. The Brownies gave a skit which was very nice. Lorraine Ullo was chairman and her helpers were Joyce Heir, Marilyn VanZevern, Marie Schlick, Kay Reilly, Blanch Haefliger. Betty Sandelin and Audrey Misavice. All the gifts received by the children were made by members of the- Women's Club. Contest Winners With so many homes so nicely decorated it was quite a job for the judges to come to a decision, but after much thought they chose the three . homes which were rewarded I ]Fve ® Christmas day. Hazel, Over Christmas Over the Christmas holidays many families had company or went visiting themselves. Kathy and Jack Reilly spent Christmas in Chicago visiting with the grandparents; Ed and Virginia Thoren entertained company Christmas Eve after the church service; Vi and Floyd Johnson had friends in from Champaign and also visited the Roqor Pechous family in Jak-Ana Heights. Christmas Eve Bob Hurckes' folks, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hurckes, his sister, Mrs. Baugous and her family, and his brother, Dick Hurckes and an aunt and uncle were guests of Bob and Lorraine. Christmas Day found the Hurckes family visiting with Lorraine's grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Schu'lz and Lorrain's mother, Mrs. Rix. Steve and Gori Vrbik were in Chicago visiting Geri's folks and seeing old friends. Martin Rogde's folks visited with his family here Christmas prizes. Judges Paul Lupo, Fox j ??a,1^n an(^ ^ru<^y drove to De- Lake business man. R. Freund of McHenry, and John Theleft, awarded first prize to Mr. and Mrs. D. Beilman, second prize to Don Dobecki and third prize to Dick Morley. Prizes were a saving bond, $15 and $10. The association would like to thank the judges for their time and effort and also to all the people who decorated their homes. Some very nice homes had to be left out of the prize money, but with only three prizes and so many beautiful homes it was a hard decision to make. It is heart warming to drive through and see all the lights. Each year more and more join in and maybe some year every home in the Highlands will be lit up for Christ- Kalb to see Hazel's family. Emma, Leif and Rocky Eide spent the holidays in Duluth, Minn., and will be back in the H i g h l a n d s s o m e t i m e a f t e r Christmas. Marylou and Dick Sabielny enjoyed the company of Dick's family on Christmas eve, they spent the evening and had a delicious dinner. Kay and Wally attended the midnight service at church and came home to find that Santa had already arrived, so they opened their gifts and reminisced. Children's Christmas Party The children of the Highlands enjoyed a very well planned party given by the Women's Club on Dec. 23. Each child was given a tag and then all were seated and sang songs waiting the arrival of Santa Claus. When Santa came they all had (their chance to talk ^52^5255 52^ 52052052^ 52^ 52a52f^^^5<352JS52S55aS552S?:52S352^:>2SS52SS52S3 58 May this New Year be brightest On Leave Don Rockel must have a friend in Congress, he is home enjoying another leave. So nice to be home for the holidays. WATCH REPAIRING AT ITS FINEST By McHenry's Oldest, Most Reliable Dealer STEFFAN'S by iwil) lli'tlernmiii. spent the weekend home visit ing with her parents. Vi Schuble. Marge Moreth and Muriel Peterson took in the sights of the big city again last week. Bob and Dot Jenkins and Dick and Mary Lou, Sabielny wined am} dined at a very exclusive night spot just a while back. It was a Christmas party where Bob and Dick work and we hear it was really a bang up affair. Dining and dancing all night. Just heard of another birthday, happy birthday to Martin Rogde on the twenty-eighth of December. Kay Sielisch took a spill last week on the ice and cracked a rib. One thing after another, huh, Kay?? Really tho, sure hope you're feeling better The Fencl family ot A n n street are happily settled in their beautiful new home. What a nice way to celebrate Christmas. Betty and Milt Sandelin were host to friends over the weekend. Frank and Judy ICrurtlwiede d r o v e i f p t o W i s c o n s i n a n d spent some time visiting Frank's folks. Frank had five days off work and took advantage of the situation and the family had a nice trip. Georgie VanZevern celebrated his sixth birthday on Dec. 31. Happy birthday Georgie, ole hoy. The very young set continues to make news this past week. Two of our local youngsters were baptized at St. John's church recently. The infant son of Shirley and "Bud" Leiser was named Peter Albei t when he was baptized by Father Blitsch at a 2 o'clock ceremony performed on Sunday. Dec. 21. Sponsors for the baby were Eileen Huff and David Miller of McHenry. Supper guests in the Lieser home later that day were Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Miller and sons of McHenry, Mrs. P. C. Lieser and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Moehiing of McCullom Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff and family. Last Friday afternoon at 1 O'clock the youngest member of the Wilfred Klapperich family was baptized. Loren Wilfred is the name chosen .by Willie and Estelle for their third son. Performing the rite was Father Everett Hiller of St. Joseph's parish in Aurora. Sponsors for Loren were his aur.t, Mary Elizabeth Klapperich of Milwaukee and his uncle, Norbert Hiller. Hospital Patient Once again Joe Himplemann has become a hospital patient. This time Joe is confined to Hines Veteran's hospital. He will be spending sometime there so I think it will be a very Happy New Year good idea if we all joined in We send our best wishes for | sending him a parade of cards, a Happy New Year to you all | The hospital hours are long so May the new year, 1959, keep i let's try to do a little something you healthy and happy. See | to shorten them for him. Be you all next year. i sure to get that card in the I mail soon. His address is as Join the McHenry State j follows -- Joseph Himplemann, Bank Xmas Savings Club Now. Room F-346 Hines Veterans Adv.--27-tf Hospital, Hines, 111. Reminder of Party The lady Foresters of St. Agatha's court 777 will hold their luncheon and card party in the Ben Thelen home on Wednesday, Jan. 7 at 12:30. Officers of the court still have a suppy of tickets on hand and will gladly fill your need. Around the Town The Jak-Ana association held their annual Christmas party in the Community Club hall on Sunday. Dec. 21. All the children present were quite elated when Santa Claus made his yearly appearance to distribute gifts to one and all. Mr. and- Mrs. Paul Pitzen and family, Mr and Mrs. Frank Freund and Leroy Freund were Christmas Day visitors at the home of Martha and Gladys Freund. Mr. and Mrs. William Meyers were mrtst happy to have their children and grandchildren present to spend, the Christmas holiday with them. The Gerald Hettermann family were holiday guests at the Herb Simon home in McHenry ^vhile the Ed Hettermann family entertained Mrs. Helen Hettermann. Carol Ann Stilling and Mr. and Mrs. Don Dowe as the-ir Christmas dinner guests. Bill Marlinec is home for a fourteen day holiday leave from Great Lakes. Bill Is spending this time with . his familv before being transferred to another base. The William Crist family packed their Christmas presents and suitcases into their car and took off for Minnesota where they are spending the holidays with her family. guests at the home of their daughter and family, the Sonny Millers of McHenry. spend Christmas with their parents, the John H. Dehns, were the Richard Dehn family •'nd the Jim Hettermann family. The Hettermann's softball team and their wives gathered at the home of Richard and Marcella Marsh recently for a party. The group was kept in stitches as they exchanged some pretty funny Christmas gifts. Rockford bound on Christmas Day were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith where they cel- : ! ebrated the holiday surrounded Travelling to Chicago to I by meIttbers of their fami1^ Mr. ana Mrs. Clarence Timm and family of Mountain, Wis., were in this vicinity to spend the holidays with their family and their many friends. PHEASANTS MOVE KOITII Pheasants show some promise of becoming established south of their present range in Illinois, a state biologist said last week. Jack A. Ellis, biologist with the Illinois Departs ment of Conservation and the Illinois Natural History Survev. related how an experiment by'the two agencies resulted in pheasant population sufficient to provide a small amount of fall shooting near Neoga, Cumberland county, and Bellmont, Wabash county, where few pheasants had been known bef o r e . T h e p h e a s a n i s . f r o m game farms of the California Department of Fish and Game, are believed to be more tolerant of warm weather than those now well established in northern Illinois. 1 ANNOUNCEMENT I | Starting Jan,. 1, 1959, Hans Flach will g g take over the Body & Fender Shop at 609 | I Front Street, formerly operated by Bob Ein- $ The Art Kattner family of Spring Grove were visitors, at the Bill May home on Christmas Day. Gerry and Marcella Wakifsch and their family were in Chicago on Friday to have a belated holiday celebration with their families. Mrs. Helen Pitzen spent Christmas Day with McHenry relatives. spar. WISHING ALL A Happy and Prospe tL U war Mr. and Mrs. Tony Freund ! w and family were Christmas Day ^52^52«5a« 580 580 52^J8« 52^5^52^ 5^ 52^ 585^52^ 52^ 525S7a^5K? 523 KR552SS 32^ 52«55r^ PETiK S-ISS SHOE STORE and iREPAIRS 107 No. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. S52« 52^ 52^58^5^5=^5253 52SS52SS52SS52SS 5253585a52SS52« 5853 52SS 5253 52SS52J352SX 5*? {525332535253580580 380 J505253 5205253 580 W3580520W3585352S55S05805S352RS52S3 LOOKING FORWARD Io/ll£ C/rea)ym tffe're taking off into 1959 with every hope that it will be a grand year for you. Thanks for your patronage... W© look forward to serving you in the New Year. i We hope the New Year holds for you a future bright and cheery! To you, all best wishes ft a j « P 1 DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST g McHenry, 111|. 180^0580525352052058056058052535205205805805205253520580520580580520^ W580380JS0530>80*0520580580J80380500580580580580580580530580580580580580 JB05805853520580B0B0W35K* 136 So. Green Street £ At the start of the New Year, we extend to you, friends and customers, the traditional greetings of the season, with the extra warmth that comes from the pleasure of knowing and serving you. May 1959 bring to you and yours a full measure of health and happiness, joy and gladness, opportunity and success. 5U All „/ U at JUtLffs mm P(m%ic t£e futafie /Ace hardware W. B. BJOHKMAN & SON ISO McHenrv, III May it bring us the power to scale new heights of achieve- U | ment and the wisdom to use that power wisely and well to i $ op©n up a bright new era of better living for everyone. And g I our friends: best wishes for health and happiness! || CITY COWieiL |j GEORGE P. FREUNDj Mayor | , g A l d e r m e n : R O B E R T N E W K I R K E A R L R . W A L S H . C i t y C l e r k P SrLE^ D.BROwS THEODORE r^. PITZEN THOMAS F. BOLGER. Treas. || WARREN S. HOLLY ' EDWARD J. ^HENNES JOHN E. LOOZE, Attorney t Mr. & Mrs. Wm. H. Althoff Rich Rehberg Jim Althoff Frank Inderlied Harry Conway May Holle Ethel Conway Terry Brady Jack Phelan Victor Milbrandi Mary Jane Bell Ronald Milbrandt Joann May Ken Homo John Barnings Ken Gable A1 Benoy Dick Becker Pete Anderson Paul Colomer Roy Homo Robert Krickl Steve Yach Ray Pollitt t I II II tI $ i 130 No. Riverside Drive Phone 722 McHenrv CHARLES D. BROWN jr. ireab. s 5 1 # * ||g fHENI^S |j 8 S 3 A i t h o f f ' s j H a r d w a r e i S Gas Service - Heating - Air Cond. | I

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