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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Dec 1958, p. 12

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Page Twelve THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Tuesday, December 30, 1958 Wonder Lake SUDDEN DEATHS OVER HOLIDAYS SADDEN LAKERS by Jane Ducey -- 2781 Betty Burns--5501 ' The shocking news of the death's of. three ftien well known in our community in the short space of a week cast a shadow on the joy of the Christmas season at Wonder Lake. Leon Switzer collapsed at the evening service at the •--First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Woodstock, Christmas Eve. We extend condolences to > his family in their loss. Surviving are his widow. Yosta, daughter, Mrs. Albert Burr, and three grandchildren, all of Wonder Lake. . Mrs. Wilbur • Brink of Morton Grove. The Switzers moved to the lake six years ago where t hey reside in Deep Spring Woods No. 2. Another death which toucha hitch Monday night and was very much enjoyed by all the members of the audience. From Mrs. Stork's snowflake song to the chorus and band numbers performed by the upper grades there was an air of breathless excitement among the performers in the program. We were partial to Miss Rrickley's costumed production of "Little Red Riding Hood's Christmas Tree", and to the long tailed cat (Morty Frodin) who provided the finale in Mrs. Vyeital's skit. We didn't find a half-melted snow man nor a green sheeted one in the entire production. Ladies Monday Xlffht league Team standings are Violas 32Vj-15,2, Lake Cleaners 31-17, Cardinal Store 31-17, Handy Pantry 25-23. Leighs 23-25, Xels Johnson 39-29. Gutzman 1S'2-2912, anda\Vonder Lake Builders 12-36 as of December 22. Violas had high series for the year that night with 2275. News' Briefs ' Happy birthday to Laverne Perrin who will celebrate on w..« 1 Hood On January 2, tri Austin | Hood on Jan. 30. • i "Butch" Weideman, son of ; Frank and Jerry, is home for j the holidays from Shaw Air i Force base in South Carolina, I which makes a Merry Christ- I ed our community, was that of j tsjow Year's'Dav, and to Iona Joseph Waynne who collapsed ' at his desk in his law office in McHenry Tuesday and died at McHenry hospital Dec. 24 at the age of 59. He was a charter member of the McHenry Township Kiwanis club, which he served as president, and past i . tL.t. G/-o v. off the N-N-o rt«hu E-C- ast djiv.- II mas for his Jp arents. ision. He was born in Chicago | Mrs. Pat Gallas was hostess and moved to McHenry county jto the Wonder Center canasta 12 years ago. Surviving are hi? club Dec. 18. playing for the widow, Stephanie, and two sis- ; benefit of the Memorial hosted j pital, were Neva FuhrCr, Sig- Thanks to the work of the i r'd Eltoft, Marlene Gallas, McHenry County chapter of | Helen Gallas and Ann Weretthe Red Cross. Paul Reuter, I ka Lucky winners were Grace Jr.. was flown from Korea j Markel and Marie Milbrandt. where he is stationed, t'6 be ! Mr. and Mrs. Dale Healless present at the burial service and family visited family and for his father which took place Dec. 22. He will be home for a. month. friends in Naperville and Berwyn over Christmas. Adding to the joy of Christmas iri~tfie STeve Vaciila irouse^ hold was the "first time downstairs" for Steve since his heart attack several weeks ago. The Sew-N-Sews enjoyed a Executive Board Meets The executive board of the Harrison School P.T.A. will meet in the library Monday, Jan. 5, at 3:15. All members 1 Christmas party and gift1 ex are asked to be present to dis- change at the home of Mrs. cuss plans for the second half ; Charles Kopp Dec. 18, in the of the year. On the new busi- j afternoon. Present were Mrs. ness agenda is the -election of j Betty Fiala, Mrs. Mardell delegates to the state conven- Swanson, Mrs. Anthony Weret- : tion in the spring, the election j ka> Mrs Harry Davidson, Mrs. of a nominating committee to I victor Milbrandt and ifcrs. prepare an officer slate for j Harold Wohnrade. next year, and discussion of new. chairmanships which could --he set up in the local unit. The • blue slips have arrived from the state office to be filled in. Retarded Children Group To Meet A membership drive will be the subject of discussion at the meeting of the McHenry Coun- , tv association for retarded children to be held at Harrison school Tuesday, Jan. 6, at 7:30 p.m. This is an open meeting to which anyone interested in the work of this group is invited. Plans for a Valentine party for the children will also be discussed. Coffee will be served at the close of the meeting. Mrs. Evelyn Peters, who teaches fourth grade at Harrison. is enjoying" a between the holidays trip to Panama. Now there's a lady we admire. "Wonder Lake Yuletide" All over the world, t-h*? spirit of Christmas has taken hold, and here in Wonder Lake Christmas has cap tiva t-^ d many. This scribe has just returned to the fireside after a heartwaijning trip, around the l a k e a r e a w i t h t h e f a m i l y . Many of the beautifully decorated homes left "a deep impression. A galaxy of colored lights strung all along the fence and rooftop of the Wunderlichs of White Oaks Bay were wondrous to see. The Christmas carols permeating the air and the twinkling lights at the Willis Reed home gave a boost to our Christmas jaurit. In and around the drives, Jack Shirras, the Beedlcs. Corrodos. Weisenbergers. Cahills, Borns, Wagners, and McCombs, all seemed to send a warm welcome to passers by. Lite size" figures in Nativity scenes are displayed in front of the John Miller and Ed Druml homes. Santa Claus and his eight,,reindeer prance across the front lawn of the John Carlsons. 1 A beautiful silver tree in a picture window enveloped with multicolored lights strung edging the house of Ed Doutlick is a focal > point of interest in Indian Ridge. Another a w e - inspiring scene is Vic Milbrandt s at Wooded Shores. Merry Christmas is wished to passers by at the homes of N o r t o n s , P a l k o s , a n d f o u r homes in a row on Deep Spring Woods road; the Pliners, M a n n s , S w i t z e r s a n d J a c o b - sons. Along the Lake Shore are Walkingtons, Rinks, Leidktke, Sansomes, Specht and Parkers. Yuletide greetings everywhere and last but not least are all the churches, and the Memorial Triangle in Wonder Center, where the Cub Scouts have decorated a tree erected by Orville "Skip" Lichty. -- A happy Yuletide spirit shared with many. | Christmas Spirit ! Genial Ernie Schultze was I the jolly St. Nick who visited j t h e h o m e s o f t w e n t y s m a l l j children in the West side of i Wonder Lake and distributed | Christmas gifts that the moms I and Santa had planned. John I N o b l e c h a u f f e u e r e d S a n t a j around and enjoyed the happiness that followed through- | out the area. ; Christmas Party The Ladies Club of Wonder ! Woods had their best party ever last week when they all gather- i ed at Mrs. Bob Sandgren'r"for j their Christmas get-together. Challenging all "Hawaiian < chipmunks" were the hula hoopers, and much to the envy ! of all the ladies, Mrs. Jo Jirousek outlasted th<?m all claiming first prize. Glare Nielsen won first prize in the hilari o u s s a f e t y p i n c o n t e s t . T h e tasty hors d'oevres and punch bowl were served from a fes- , tively decorated table centered with a unique frosted loaf cake topped with Santa's sleigh made with candy canes by Betty Ellsworth. Nativity Evangelical Lutheran Church ' j The Nativity Sunday School presented its Christmas program at Harrison School Sun- . day evening. The Junior and ' Intermediate departments combined a verse choir, telling tfee , Christmas story. The intermediate group did a nice presentation of a play, "Getting Ready for Christmas." , The story of how one person brought back the true meaning of Christmas for many others. Each child brought a canned fruit or vegetable to be presented to the Nachusa Lutheran Children's home. 1 Sunday s program was enjoyed by a large audience of i people and the endeavor pu'tSj forth by the youngsters partic i p a t i n g b r o u g h t f o r t h m a n y favorable comments. in Wonder Lake; the Don Lowerys, Muss Hansens and Bob Ahrens. Christening Wayne Kenneth Schleicher, i son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schlei- : cher of Shore Hills, was bap- ' tized at the 11 o'clock service j Sunday at the Nativity Lutheran church by Rev. Burton Schroeder. The godparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Scheiden, Jr., of Des Plaines. The family and friends enjoyed dinner together after the christening. Birthday Mrs. Mae Lovvery of Wonder Center celebrated her birthday just a few days ago. We wish this lovely lady many happy birthdays to enjoy with her family, some of whom reside "Coming and Going" Several Wonder Lakers were away for the Christmas holiday, and several more had visitors to spend the day. George and Joan Gergits and youngsters went into Chicago for a family reunion with her folks, the Preisslers. Dr. and Mrs. Leroy Numbers were visited by Mr. -ind Mrs. Howard Numbers of Riverdale; M r e . S t e p h a n i e S o r e n s e n a n d her daughter, Romaine of Chicago and Mrs. Ada Numbers. Charlene and Pell Woodward were back seeing old friends and telling everyone how things are at Oshkosh, Wis., where they now reside. Pell is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Woodward of Wonder Woods. Additional visitors at Woodwards at this time are Mr. and Mrs. Jim Woodward and children of Lincolnwood, and Mrs. Charles Jegen of Chi^ cago. • • Aside from all'the 'teenagers dropping in to say "Merry Christmas," Earl and Mary Miller entertained Lester and Betty Smith and children of McHenry, and Gert and Bill Nielsen and children of Wickline Bay. Many of the young ladies and men going away to college were home to spend Christmas with their folks. Carl Walker, from Millikin University, looking taller and handsome as ever was with his family at church Christmas Eve. Patricia Kay Clark from Alycrno, looking more grown up than ever in a pretty Christmas red dress and sleek new hair-do,-was accompanied by her "special friend." Carole Piller the pretty daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Piller is home from Sacred Heart Academy and Marty Weisenb„ erger is home for the Holidays from St. Mary's, where he is enrolled in his freshman year. each subdivision. Square patches of ice have been cleared at all the beaches by the youngsters. Some older "youngsters" at Lookout - Point enjoyed ice skating last Saturday. They were Mr. and Mrs. George Hartmann,. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kaefer, and Joe Sullivan. After the skating they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Jim LaGreca, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fiala fcr a pre Christmas feast at the Hartmanns. Highlight of the evening was the gift exchange, the most unique and untimely being a plastic bag of goldfish. (These^guys and gals have more fun than people at their get-togethers!) _ Little Lass Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ryder of Wooded Shores are the happy parents of a' new baby girl, Laurie M^rje. The little lass was born Dec. 19, at the Memorial hospital and weighed 8 lbs. 8Vi oz. The baby has two sisters, Patty and Debbie. The paternal grandparents, Mrf and Mrs. Steven Ryder, live in Highland Shores, and the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Rink«?, reside in Mokena, 111., as well as the great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ileiman. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Sellers of Marshalltown, Iowa are c$so great grandparents. for their new baby born Dec. 12, at the Memorial hospital. A brother, Steven Michael, is 17 months. Th} maternal grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Stanely Straszyns^i, live in Island Lake and a igreat-grandfather, Anthony 1 Starszyriski, lives in Grayslake.jand another greatgrandfather, Fred Teachout, lives "in Lake Villa. The paternal grandparent, Anthony Leaman, Sr., lives in Chicago. A Bouncing Boy Weighing 8 lbs. 13% oz., Bruce Edward, son of Mr. and I Mrs. William B. Johnson, was I born Sunday, Dec. 21, at the I Memorial hospital. His happy i sisters and brothers are Qkni thia, age 9, Philip, 8, and Wil- ! I'am just 1 year old on Christmas Day. Christmas Birthdays (Continued on Page 16, $ We sincerely hope that you | will hold the key to | much happiness and good health in the New | Year ahead. McHenry County Well & Pump Co. Located in the Village of McCullom Lake PHONE 713 "Penny from Heaven" Penny Rose is the name chosen by Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Leman of Shore Hills, 'MQM FUTURE U IS COMING TO YOU Fun Galore During the past few days the skating has been excellent and thoroughly enjoyed by many in Christmas Program The Harrison school Christmas program went off without FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 • Just East of Route 12 r Volo, I1L Phone McHenry 667-W-l i^yssxys^ys^sssdiys^^ys^js^.ys^ss^y Everybody's happy, and everything's on the up and up . . . 0 *273,000.00 IN EARNINGS Paid Marengo Federal's Savers during 1958 'A Twelve months of expanding opportunities for prosperity and success . . . that's what a New Year should be. And that's what every economic yardstick indicates the New Year 1959 will be. So here' a hearty welcome to the year . . . and may your personal future shine in '59. CLARK CHEVROLET SALES & SERVICE 204 YV. Elm St. Mc-Henr.v, III. As time runs out on the old year, we look forward to the new one in the hope of continuing to enjoy the privilege 5J of serving all of you whose patronage we value g so highly. Here's wishing you a very happy '59 ! ED THENNES THENNES OIL COMPANY PHONE 32 g 704 So. Front Street McHenry, III. The future forecast is bright for you who have so wisely saved. You've made wonderful plans to be ready for the future . . . the age of rockets and push-button living. We're enjoying the job as your partner in the exciting task of creating a working savings reserve for your future needs and want. Now, to further your plans, year-end earnings will be added to your savings. Imagine the effect this money will have on plans for new homes, business expansion, college funds or relaxed retirement. Whatever your savings goal, the waiting time and the amount still remaining to be saved has been decreased by the amount of your share in these generous earnings. If you're riding a streetcar rather than a rocket-ship, isn't it time you joined your modern neighbors who are enjoying the profits and protection of a specialized savings institution? One friendly, quick visit can remedy this and make your future forecast bright. MARENGO FE1 SAVINGS fGDlHMj! sfvii^Ea AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 102 North State Street * JOrdan 8-7258 < ... a TOTAL ASSETS OVER $9,500,000.00 Current rate per annum

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