Page Fourteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER N; Tuesday, December 30, 1958 McHenry Shores Carolers Heard In Subdivision Louise Winters--2897 McHenry Shores echoed with young voices one evening last week as about fifteen boys and girls accompanied Santa Claus on his e?irly rounds. The younger children at home were speechless when he made his appearance, but al| were quite pleased with his gifts. We all enjoyed the singing; the lack df harmony was morea than made up for by the enthusiasm shown. Thanks to all who made if possible, the ways And means committee. Santa Clans, and those who donated the refreshments for the party afterward. Hospital Party The Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW made their monthly hospital party at Downey a Christmas one. on Dec. 17. A beautiful Christmas table was set with all kinds of home baked cookies donated by the members, ice cream, coffee, apples, bananas, and gaily wrapped gifts for each veteran. Those attending were comm a n d e r o f t h e p o s t V e r n o n Reinboldt, Doi'othy Reinboldt, Eleanor Cahill, Judy Diedrich, B a r b a r a B e c k e r , M a t t h e w Oiks, Marie Hinz and Stephanie Korczyk, who played carols on her accordion. The party was under the supervision of Daisy Smith and her loyal assistant. Genevieve Bradley. Anyone wishing to participate in this worth while work may contact Daisy, 540-R-l, or Gert Barbian, 885. Volunteers are needed daily. Christmas Accident The holiday spirit was somewhat dulled for the Rodes when Mr. Rode slipped and fell while decorating the outside of their house. He broke both heels and will be confined to casts for several weeks. He was expected home from the hospital for Christmas, however. Let's jail take a lesson and be careful. Christmas Pageant McHenry Shores was well represented at the Junior high l a s t S u n d a y a f t e r n o o n w h e n t h e C o m m u n i t y M e t h o d i s t church held its Christmas pageant. The play was well done and all the singing was beautiful, from the primary children on up. Church services at all the local churches were filled to capacity on Christmas Eve. we are very happy to note. It speaks well for the whole community. Christinas Box Thanks to all you good people, there were three .full bask e t s o f f o o d d i s t r i b u t e d f o r Christmas.' The recipients are very grateful, and also thankful that their son is now home from the hospital. News and Views • It has been reported that i most of the safety signs order- , ed are here, and as soon as I weather permits we'll see them ! sprouting up. Now let's obey 5 them. I Both the fishing and skating i have been wonderful lately. If | you don't indulge in either, you'd still enjoy watching. Just bundle up warmly and take a walk down to the channel. We understand that an unknown boy in a red jacket caught a whopper the other day. All for now, Happy New Year. SCOUT NEWS Sunnyside Estates Association Will Meet Jan. 8 From A to Z Since this Thursday is New Years' Day the first association meeting of 1959 will be held on Jan. 8. Let's all make a resolution to attend this and as many of the, forthcoming meetings as possible. Happy Birthday To Bonnie Whetherhult who will be eight years old on the second day of the new year. Many happy returns. To Karen Lindwall who can now officially say she is going on sixteen, thanks to her fifteenth birthday last week. Visits and Visitors The Christmas season brings friends and relatives from all over. We know we won't hear of them all through the grapevine, so give us a call. Your guests will get a bang out of a newspaper mention.. The Lindwalls are happy to have Bill home again for a short time. Nothing like an absence to make us appreciate each other. The Corc6rans als o s p e n t C h r i s t m a s w i t h t h e Lindwalls. Bonnie Schopp's mother, Mrs. Lydia LaTour of Chicago, is here for the holidays, and is enjoying all her grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Golbeck spent Christmas with the Mondrys. They are from Crystal Lake. John and Daisy Smith entert a i n e d t h e W i n t e r s c l a n f o r Christmas dinner. As you can imagine, there was more noise in the Smith household than was normal. n Successful Party The Christmas party given by the Sunhyside Estates Home Owner's association on Dec. 19 was a huge success. Those in charge did a tremendous job, it isn't ea!sy managing so many children of so many ages. Without all the help this would not have been possible. Everyone was eager to help, which made everything fun instead of a chore. Special thanks go to the W. Roys and the Red Davises for paying for the rental of the hall. Legs Bute who was very nice, chubby Santa. With cooperation such as this community affairs can be so much fun. Back Home We are very happy to report that, Marge Palmer is back home again after being gone too long. She is feeling fine now and what nicer Christmas present for a family could there be than the return of the mother. All friends and neighbors of the Palmers missed her and are happy to welcome her home again. Birthdays and Anniversaries Two birthdays just under the wire for December are Jean Gerke's and Gus Morressi's, they share New Year's Eve. The first birthday of the new year is that of Bob Kelso who will be fourteen on Jan. 3. Next in line are Lorraine Major and Gus Berg on Jan. 5 and 7 respectively. Congratulations to all. , Happy anniversary to Gus and Wanda Berg who, along with Gus' birthday on the seventh, celebrate their wedding a anniversary too. r . v - We celebrate the arrival of 1959 IS with a sincere | wish for our many good 1 friends in | this community. § § May the New | Year bring & g you lots of g happiness. $ Sound the fanfare, roll out the red carpet . . . here comes 1959. May it prove richly rewarding to you and yours . . . bringing you a bountiful measure of good health and good cheer . . . crowning all s your efforts <vith success . . . and leaving you with a rich treasure trove of happy memories to cherish. Teipi's Home Furnishings & PHONE 917 1 214 S. Green St. McHenry, 111. | i ¥55555 52525 5255 3=j55!«jas5jaa 58555^52^ 525 ja553a«i585sj^5!« 52^3355585 At thpir Christ rqas party, Troop 464 held an investiture and awarded year pins to their members. The following girls were invested: Donna Schmelzer, Pamela Parkhurst, Tony Amico, Elizabeth Liebman and Nancy Morris. Mrs. Robert Myers was invested as a leader. The following girls received their year pins: Kathy Beck, Linda Blake, Nancy Burke, S a n d r a F a i r c h i l d , T e r e s a Freund, Loreen Getner, Linda Herdrick, Elizabeth Kilday, Kathleen La Fountaine, Linda Larson, Dolly Myers> Linda Regner, Kathy Thomas, Denita Tomasello. Nancy Zahn and Kathy Boone. They welcomed the following new girls into their troop: Dianna Erb, Cynthia Menolosino, Betty Ingersol and Nancy Schmunk. Troop 464 is happy that Mrs. Menolosino is joining them as a leader and Mrs. Fairchild as a troop committee member. The girls sang Christmas carols and later enjoyed refreshments served by their troop committee. They are grateful to their troop committee members for the nice party. The officers of Troop 464 are President, Denita Tomasello; vice-president, Linda Herdrich; secretary, Linda Blake; treasurer, Linda Regner; scribe, Sandra Fairchild. The leader is Mrs. Clarence Regner. The next meeting will be held on Jan. 12 at the Landmark school. HAPPY ! I NEW YEA! | YES | g We have them here R | Ice Cubes £ I and | $ Cru§h@dl Ice I t For Your g 1 Christmas Party I | OPEN 8 K 8:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. R CHRISTMAS DAY 1 MOLLY'S | Texaco | Service Station § 400 E. Elm St. 58S5J30 58^^:^325558^5253 5255 5853 JS& ^5853 58535855^^5853^3853 5253 5255 38*538*333*55853*53 3853 *55580 52*3 380 325532! 8S5J80 380 380585532S3J^5a« 52^38032535807305853 385538038533853330 585338533803255585338^380585338055$53803255380 3805853 m l JEWELERS 207 E. Elm St. McHenry, 111. 8 3803803803203203803805553320580520380320380580380580380»038058032535 "Best WtiJm 959 Bakers The cake bakers for Ihe next association meeting will be Rose Felicetti, Bern ice Fry, Jean Gerke and Dolores Gerstein. Incidentally, we forgot to mention the bakers of cakes for last month's meeting, they were, Pat Bott, Lu Davis, Mary De Francisco and Marge De Francisco. | Greetings | Hope everyone had an enjoyable Christmas and can now ' look forward to Ihe new year. •{-Whatever your plans for wel- I coming in 1959, enjoy your- ; selves and remember, if (finjv- : ing, please be careful. Happy New Year and may it be a i bright and prosperous one. Surprise Gift A few days before Christmas, yours truly was pleasantly surprised by a gift of a tiny ming tree with pretty blossoms. My surprise was exceeded only by my gratitude, it is I who should present them with a gift for the privilege of allowing me space in their paper. It won't kill you to bo carr ful. Jos. FRETT & SON BUILDERS Estab. 1926 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Located on Hwy. 120 V* mile east of Fox River Bridge Phone McHenry 976 New homes available for immediate occupancy BRUHN AUCTION WILLIAM H. RUSSEL -- Auctioneers -- DAN POWERS From all of us to all of you go happy greetings, joyous wishes. We hope your New Year will hold all the riches of good health, the great rewards of loyal friendships and the wealth of a happy family and home. Greei Street Barfc@r Shop IRVEN SCHMITT, Prop. 134 S. Green St. Phone The personal proper ty of ARTHUR BRUHN on the Oak Hills Farm located on the Barreville Blacktop Road 7 miles Northeast of Crystal Lakp, 2 miles South of McHenry, 4 miles North of the five corners or the intersection of Rts. 31 and 176 will be sold at public auction on SATURDAY. JANUARY 3. 1959 Commencing at 11:00 A.M. A full line of new John Deere machinery and equipment. With very few exceptions, none of the machinery is over two years old, including 3 John Deere Tractors. This will, be the best line of machinery and equipment that will be offered for sale in this community this year. Anyone wanting good equipment should make an effort to attend. 6 Ewes, 1 Buck 64 Feeding Pigs and 12 Bred Gilts a quantity of HAY, GRAIN AND SILAGE ARTHUR BRUHN, Owner O. C. CHRISTIANSEN. Manager FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK, Clerking; ANOTHER THORP SALE 2585 | Dan Powers, Wm. Russet -- Auctioneers .. . for your MiW YEAR'S PARTY Your Doctor** order I# our law** • ••we'll compound It wlthovt flaw! O Bring your doctor's prescription! to this professional pharmacy where precioo compounding is « specialty. Skilled Registered Pharmacists and ample ccae&o anabl* as to ©ompound all pr««cripd®a3 promptly and y&actlvas the ^octor dlllmsga. Each gt*n double-checked for accsarasy. Yat, our prices arc always fair. Try as next time! ^ l@ipr S Drug Store 103 So. Green Phone 40 McHenr Our store is brimming with the gay spirit of the holiday season . . . with the wonderful array of holiday packaged liquors, imported wines, etc. Hiram-Walker IMPERIAL attractively boxed for holiday giving. only WINES 79c & up KOSHER WIME $1.00 qt. PORT - MUSCATEL 89c VODKA $3.60 BEER IMPORTED and DOMESTIC by CASE or CANS CHAMPAGNE SPECIAL REGULAR PINK SPARKLING BURGUNDY • MARCHANT CHATEAU RENAULT O KORBELS O HEIBIECK fifth and up I 7 Yr. Old Straight Whiskey $3.75 fifth ACE TAVERN PHONE 280 411 W. ELM STREET LOCATED NEXT TO THE NATIONAL TEA -- WE GIVE KING HORN STAMPS Q i | KORN | The undersigned dissolving partnership will sell on the Shamrock Farm located 7 miles E. of Woodstock and 2'/2 miles SW of McHenry on TUESDAY, JANUARY 6th at 10:00 O'Clock, A.M. 160 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK -- 39 Angus cows; 1st & 2nd calf heifers (8 registered) due to start freshening in Feb.; 1 Registered Angus bull; 41 Angus calves, 300 to 500 lbs.; 21 Shorthorn calves, 400 to 600 lbs. 40 Hibred Pigs --- av. wt. 150 lbs.; 9 Hibred sows.w/pigs; 8 Hibred sows to farrow in January; 20 Hibred Gilts (some bred and some open); 1 Landrace Boar. MACHINERY 1956 JD 70 Diesel tractor w/power steering & Roliamatic; 1955 JD 70 Diesel tractor w/power steering 6 Roliamatic; JD 60 tractor w/Rollamatic; Wide Front end for JD 70 tractors; MM Model R Tractor; Ferguson Tractor w/6 ft. disc, 2x16 plow; 2 cultivators; Mower; Buzz saw; Snow plow; 2 blades; Bucket & Spred box, extra steel rims; 3 Hydraulic cylinders; 2 4-14 Hydraulic lift Plows; JD No. 277 Corn Picker; 2 JD 4 row Cultivators, 1 w/Hoe attachment; JD 10 ft. Fert. Grain Drill w/Grass seed attach.; JD PTO Manure Spreader; JD Field Chopper w/'hay attachment; JD Blower w/65 ft. of pipe: JD 4 sec. Drag; JD 490 planter w/Fert. attachment; JD 12 ft. Wheel Disc; JD PTO Corn Binder; Stanhoist Loader w/8 ft. snow blade; 2 AC 66 Combines w'scour kleans & pickup attachments: 1 new in 1958; AC 4 bar PTO Side Rake; Case 4 bar Side Rake; NI PTO Mower; Oliver PTO Mower; Bradley 4 sec. Rotary Hoc: Litz Burr Mill; IHC Ham- ;mer Mill; IHC 10 ft. Track Disc; Beard 5 row Anhydrus applicator; Farm-rite Tractor sprayer w/hand boom: Ezee Flo 10 ft. Fert. spreader; Little Giant Fert. Spreader: Ottawa 42' Elevator w/10' drag & 7 HP Motor; 3 Hi-Speed wagons w/combination sides; Hi Speed wagon w/steel box; New Holland speed Jack w 1 HP Motor; Elevator speed Jack; Forney Elec. Welder: 2 Air Compressors w elec. motor; Milker pump; Case Stalk Chopper; JD 2-14 Plow; Harvey 12" Hammer Mill: Orchard sprayer w/3 HP Motor; Bradley chain saw: 2 drive belts; 2 Elec. Fences: 25 gal. Estron 99 weed spray; 28 bales Twine: 7 rolls snow fence; 16 14 ft. gates; 8 hog feeders; 5 hog waterers; 2 water tanks; 24 heat lamps & drop cords; 8 feed bunks; Drill press; 3 lawn mowers; 2 heating stoves; 3 oil pumj^s; 2 elec. motors; 2 elec. drills; 2 wagon jacks: 300 ft. garden hose; large quantity of new bolts: nails & staples; 1947 Dodge lVz ton truck w/grain box & 10 ton hoist: Dozens of misc. items. FEED-ETC. -- 1500 bu. corn; 7000 bu. Oats; 1000 bales straw; 700 bales 1st cut alfalfa; 40 ft. silage in 14 ft. silo-; 1 ton pig creed feed; ton calf pellets; barrel molasses; *2 »hag;pl crensni^ ,;.,Uir^ crrffcKon equipment. All of the equipment offered'in this sale is in A-l condition, having been housed when not in use. THIS BEING A LARGE SALE IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO START PROMPTLY ON TIME. ALL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT WILL BE SOLD BEFORE 1:30. .... t sual Thorp Terms Blaine Church will serve Lunch Herman Lacy A. R. Hall & Son Thorp Sales Corporation -- Clerk Phone Woodstock 110 LEGAL. NOTICE In the matter of the'appiication of Eldon Diederich -ftu; zoning variation: ^ NOTICE is hereby given that in compliance with the provi sions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, a public hearing will be held by the McHenry County Zoning Boarci of Appeals lelative to a variation of the set back line of the building located on the following described property in accordance with the prayer of the Petition filed with saiC Board: Lot 10 in Block 3 of Wonder Center Unit No. 1, a subdivision of McHenry Township, McHenry County, Tllir nois. These premises are located in the business district of the Community of Wonder Lake, Illinois. Said hearing will be held i£ the City Hall in the City or McHenry, Illinois, at the hour' of 3 P.M. on the 20th day of: January, 1959. All persons interested may attend. t McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS By John E. Looze Its Chairman Petitioner's Attorneys: HAMER, CARROLL & LEAL^fc 110 Vz Benton Street - ^ Woodstock, Illinois Telephone: 1334 (Pub. Dec. 30, 1958) PROFEmOflRl DIRECTORY DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL, Chiropratic Physician Naprapathic Manipulation Steam Baths and Massage 604 East Elm Street McHenry, 111. Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed. St FrL 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. l:S0 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. , Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone McHenry 748 DR. C. R. SW ANSON " Dentist Office Hours: ! Daily Except Thursday --\ 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to $:30 Mon., Wed., & Fri. Evening* ' By Appointment Only ^ Telephone McHenry 16P EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life ' Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance Any Kind PHONE 43 or 953 Greet & Etas McHenry, w. ft SCHROEDER IRON WOET9 Ornamental & Structural 9* • > Visit Our Showroomr 8 Miles South on Rt. 3 PHONE 950 . Ifon can retire on the si dollars you use to protect *• ^ family. Larry Booster -- Virgil PoIie«. The New England Mutual Life Insurance Company 904 E. Elm St. Phone 256*^ Expert PIANO TUNING and Repairing A. G. SKALA o/o Steffan's Jewelry Store 514 W. Main Street % PHONE 12S-J DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 12P So. Green Street Office phone McHenry 186 Res. phone McHenry 604 M-l Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 . Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 - 9:00 Closed all day Wednesdays Eyes examined • Glasses fitted . Repair. Service (% DR. LEONARD L. BOTTAK1 Optometrist Eyes examined - Glasses fitte< Contact lenses 105 Richmond Road Hoi^rs Eve.: Wed., Thurs & Fri 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays - 3 to 6 p.m. Phone McHenry 2262-J Loop office • 108 N. State St GEORGE J. CASTLE. Agent The, Prudential Insurance Co of America Life, Retirement, Sickness A Accident rand Group Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Road, McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 2533 , *"