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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Dec 1958, p. 5

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uesday, December 30, 1958 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER ~t Twice Told Tales >M"E <fr •;• FIFTY YEARS AGO Prom Issue of Jan. 7, 1909 ^Villard Thurlvvell passed away at his home in this village Monday afternoon after a ten day's illness. Funeral services are being held from the U r t f v e r s a l i s t c h u r c h ( t h i s (Thursday) afternoon. Over seventy couples were in" attendance at the New Year's dfince at Stoffel's hall. Supper was served by the ladies of St. Mary's church in the base- ^>nt dining hall. Mrs. S. S. Torrance, who has conducted a millinery store on the west side during her stay in McHenry, left Monday for Alberta, Canada, where she expects to make her future home Mrs. Torrance has disposed of her stock to Miss Hiller. Fishing through the ice is prohibited by statute, but nev- fheless many a fine mess of. > finny tribe finds its way to the table these days. of the beatiful white to make it good for lighter sleighs. Miss Ellen Cooney, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gooney of Chicago, summer residents of Lake Defiance, passed away in St. ! Luke's hospital. Doc. 26 of Spanish influenza. Resides her parents, she is survived by one sister, Mrs. Mary Heckman. and two brothers. Mrtrtin and Leo Cooney. \... PERSONALS TWENTY-FIVE* YEARS AGO From issue of Jan. 4, B984 Deathg the past week included John W. Herbann 83, who died at the home of his daughters, Mrs. George Kramer Tuesday; Math Warner, father of Walter Warner, who -iLarry, of Woodstock, , to Dow- Mr. and' Mrs. James Hoyt have returned from a vacationin the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hoyt, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yanda are spending the holiday with relatives in Winnebago, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson, daughters, Ginny and Robin of Milwaukee, Wis., visited her grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon, Monday. Miss Rena Scheid accompanied Mrs. John Scheid, Mr. and Mrs Elmer Scheid, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scheid and son eluded Mrs. John J. Scheid. of | ^ ,•!? Woodstock and the Elmer ^lda£s ™th h*r Scheid family of Hetoren. !pdrents- ^ John Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Loyfs Young of i ^Ir and Mrs- John R- Freund Waukegan were visitors in the I ^ncL D'an^ spent Sunday in the Melvin Walsh liome Christmas ! J Se>TIlour home in Wheeling. Page F fve TWO HAZARDS ADD MOST TO WINTER DRIVING eve and the following day. Joan Collins of Iowa State University is a holiday guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Collins. Lt. and Mrs. I\\ J. Pepping and son, Gerald, of Grand Rapids. Minn., arrived last week Monday to spend a couple of weeks with their parents, died in Elgin Monday afternoon; and Rev. Father Henry Hagen, a former pastor of St. Patrick's church McHenry. whose death occurfed at Sacred Heart sanatorium Friday after-a short illness. The Orchard Beach golf club was sold , by Master in Channev Veterans hospital, where they visited her brother, John J. Scheid. Mr, and Mrs. George H. Johnson accompanied by Mrs. Erie Geer of Crystal Lake, spent Christmas in the George E. Johnson home in Skokie. Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson and Mrs. Kathryn Worts spent John Molidor of Arcadia, Wis. !'he- Herbert Engdahls and the was a caller in the home of Miss ^ r°d Peppings. Rema Scheid Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Selz of Miss Kathleen Anglese is | La Jolla, Calif., Mr. %and Mrs. | home from htfr studies at Ros> | J(>hn Hennigan of Crystal Lake 1 ary College, River Forest for a , Miss Primrose Rendel of < holiday visit with her parents. |l' lgin_were breakfast guests in Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anglese. the Herbert Engdahl home Fri- ; Visitors in the Joseph Blake {morning. j home on Christmas included | Mr. and Mrs. G. Walinder j Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller, son j spent Christmas in the home of j Robert of Libertvville. Mr. and ' their' dauRhTer\ Mrs. Robert" Mrs. Orvil'.e Sabatke, Cary; , Belzer. ar.d family in Gales- j Mr. and Mrs. Carl Serock. Iburg.r j Sheryl, Melanie and Carla of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hay and1 According to leading safety authorities, the two hazards that add most to the danger of driving in winter are reduced visibility and inadequate traction. In a check of vision obstructions on vehicles involved in traffic accidents during 1957, the National Safety Council reported that 50 per cent of all such accidents involved visibility obscurements such as rain, snow, etc. on the windshield. The same deadly combination accounted for 39 per cent of the deaths in such accidents. Elgin. Mrs. John J. "Scheid cf Woodstock was a weekend guest of Miss Rena Scheid. daughters spent Christmas Eve in the Bill DeVries home. Mr. and Mrs. Bill DeVries and family and Mr.' and Mrs. eery Henry L. Cowlin, of Crystal Lake, in a foreclosure pro- ; the Christmas holidays with e ,. ceedings at Woodstock last ; relatives in Chicago. , the local saloon week Tfie proper1y uas sold tQ Mr and Mrs. Bert Bienapfl keepers are complaining of a Stephen H. Freund. former [ were Christmas guests in the poor business. The slump is mvner for $30 000. price of the j George Binder home in Morton undoubtedly due to New Year . mortRaRe and interest. | Grove. re®° U ^nS- . Members of the D. H. G. club j Mr. and Mrs Aifons Adams, The Georgia Minstrels, given 1 surprised George eH. Johnson j Joan and Joyce, ate Christmas by the Empire Stock Company , Saturday evening, the occasion 1 dinner in the William Walsh and McHenry, attracted large I being his birthday. j home in Fox Lakeri Sowds at the Central Opera J Dr. .and Mrs. C. W. Klontz j Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Granbuse last Saturday and Sun- • entertained members of their \ ger of Hayward, Wis., former 1 masday evening. Some of the high- j pinochle club and guests at a j McHenry residents, called on Mr- and Mrs. Nick M. Justen lights were Misses Lillian and ; watch night party Sunday eve- Kate Heimer, who favored the ; ning when a chicken dinner audience with selections on ; was served at 8 o'clock. the Notre Dame Cathedral , From files of the Plaindealer Chimes; Gottlieb Meyers, as 1 Qf fifty years ago comes E. D. king of the air Casper Bickler , Lawlus's ad which read s: as Peter Piper and Miss Mar- j "Overcoats that will wear three garet Ward in her, "Address to j years, $3.50; heavy suits S5.00 Women Only." Mr. and Mrs. David Dodge [Merle Nelson and son spertt and family of Beirut. Lebanon 1 Sunday afternoon and evening visited relatives here Tuesday. 1'n the Bill Hay home. They are spending sometime I -- with her mother,. Mrs. Curtis j SEND DELEGATE West fall, m Chicago. TQ EDUCATTONA1 Mrs Frank Meyer attended * ~ ™ !„ „« an after Christmas party at the j MEET DEC. 28-30 Ode Potter home in Wauconda, Friday afternoon. Oliver Reardon, PNC, USN, Great Lakes, visited in the Donald Meyer home, Christold friends here last week. ! wd Clarene were Christmas ' Mr. and Mrs. John Neuharth guefts in the Joseph Justen were guests in the Karnie home in Richmond. Hicks home in Chicago Thurs- I Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen, day. CW.rene, Mrs. Marie Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Law- : daughter, Greta, and Miss Dirence, of Chicago spent the "an? Freund visited Sister Nic- Christmas holidays in the home ! ele at Holy Redeemer school in Miss Edith Vogel of McIIen- j ry's grade school is represent- | ing the local educational sys-j iem as a delegale to the 105th ; annual meeting of the Illinois 1 Education association, held in I Chicago. Dec. 28. 29 and 30. j The meeting gives considera- I linn, to the problems arising from needs for increased fi- j nancial suport for the schools , due to increasing and shifting school population, lag in school ' construction, need for an ade- • , , . , . q u a t e s u p p l v of t e a c h e r s f r o m I and boys pants, heavy lined, ; of Donald Givens, who accom- j Milwaukee, Friday. i kindergarten through the uni- Nothing like knowing what's ; $1.50." : panied them to Waukegan to, The James Seymour family ! versities. the responsibility of has a^ Chritsmas eat Christmas ^dinner in the ()f wheeling and the Norman ! the teachers to keep the public Freund family of Wauconda j informed, and Qther current Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomp- spent Christmas in the John R. ! issues in education. son and Miss Maud Granger j Freund home. • ; . _ _ -- spent Christmas Eve and the following day in the Harry Alexander home in Hebron. Out of town folks who attended a family gathering at the. Herp Simon home Thursday included the James Waggoing on. We keep you posted ' MdHenry locally, but the Weekly Inter- i baby with a baby boy arriving Harold Phalin home Ocean gives you the news of , at the home of Mr. and Mrs. all the world. By our special J. J. Marshall Christmas Day. arrangement you can secure J -- both papers for one full year j ZONING HEARING for the very low rate of $1.75. ! _ _ T On Tuesday, Jan. 6, at 3 o'- To guard against dangerously reduced visibility, the Highway Visibility bureau recommends these simple precautions: ( 1 ) Any w i p e r b l a d e t h a t streaks or smears the windshield should be replaced, unless the wiper arm can be adjusted to supply sufficient pressure for a clean, clear wipe. ( 2 ; Wiper arms should be checked regularly for adequate pressure of blade against the glass. If they exert pressure on thp glass of le^s than an ounce - to - the - inch of blade length, they are probably inadequate for clean wiping. (Car manufacturers in recent years have specified arm pressures equal to or more than one ounce, to the inch; for example, a twelve-inch blade should have at least twelve ounces of arm pressure against the windshield. ) ( 3 ) The w i p e r b l a d e r u b b e r should be occasionally wiped clean when the windshield is cleaned. It takes only a fewseconds longer. ( 4 ) W i p e r b l a d e s t h a t h a v e been in use for a year or more should be replaced with newblades of "live" rubbed to make sure of clean wiping. (Rubber deteriorates from exposure to hot sun, wind and road film, even though it may still look good.) (5) If^your car has a windshield washer make sure the -Water contains- a solvent with 1 an alcohol base, especially dur- ' ing the winter months. ( 6 ) F o r n i g h t d r i v i n g be s u r e that all front and rear lights are operating, and clean Replace any burned out bulbs imi mediately. If driving in rain, I sleet or snow -or when there is considerable dirty road spray from other cars--stop at service stations from time to time to wipe off lights. (Stopping at service stations is recommended because of the danger of stopping on a street or highway when it is hard to seel. (7) Make sure directionai signals are working properly. (8) Make sure the defroster blows enough warm air to keep the inside of the windshield clear. , McHenry Plaindealei Phone 170 - 171 .Published every Thursday at JtfcHenry, JLI1., by the McHenry Publishing C6mpany, Inc. Queen Elizabeth I built up a collection of hundreds of pairs of richly embroidered and bejeweledgloves through the custom of New Year's gifts. LAHON AL EDITORIAI As|oc£jTgH VV. BURFEIN'DT. Gen'l. ?*lgr. \DELE FROEHUCH, Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATE In McHenry County 1 Year • • $3.51 ,6 Months .... .... . $2.00 3 Months . $1.25 Outside McHenry County 1 Year • $4.00 , 6 Months • • ; $2,25 3 Months $1.50 ' Entered as second-class mat ter at the post office at McHenry. Ill inois. under the act if May 8. 1879. Wise men believe . nothing that contradicts their intelligence. ZJlie C^andu d^ox GREETING CARDS for all occasions featuring • MRS. STEVENS' CANDY • SHURTLEFF'S ICE CREAM • VOGUE DOLLS 120 SO. GREEN ST. McHENRY Phone McHenry 97 Miss Diane Freund of St. Jo- Happy New Year clock in the afternoon, a hearing will be held at the city hall in McHenry. At this time, the ©Word r e a c h e d M c H e n r y t h i s i P e t i t ^ o n e ' ' s . _ ^ e t t y J . W i l l J . R Forty Years Ago From issue of Jan. 2, 1919 week telling of heroic work , done by Stephen Justen, son of 1 John Justen of this city, and a former resident here. While ; a t C a n d o , N. D. o n e d a y l a s t j w e e k , a f i r e b r o k e o u t i n a i h o m e1 i n t h a t v i l l a g e a n d S t e - j phen, with the use of a rake, succeeded in rescuing two small children while they lay asleep in their bed. JT Mrs. Verne Lockwood. 26. <jJhe former Blanche Loomis, passed away at her home in this city Friday evening. Besides her husband she is survived by two small children, Lloyd and Darline. A deal was closed this week whereby Frank Freund took over draying and transfer business formerly conducted under ^ie firm name of Freund wot hers. John Freund, the junior member, has returned to his work as cigar maker. A watch party was given by the members of Valley Camp M.W.A. assisted by Fox River Valley Camp R.N.A. at Woodman hall Tuesday evening. Music was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hauswirth. The season's first sleighing m* now being enjoyed by many, "•hile the layer isn't heavy enough to warrant the hauling of heavy loads, there is enough Ladd and Florence Ladd wish j ner °f Milton. Wis., and j to change the classification Gf j the Robert Wayman family of, a piece of property from that i Arlington Heights. j of "F" farming to "R-l" resi-'l Mr- 3,1(1 Raymond Powdential. The p r o p e r t y i s l o c a t e d i c r s a n c* s o n ^ c ° t t of P e k i n , I I I . | $ast of the Spring Grove road j sPPnt several days the past on the west shore of Pistakee : here where they were called by the death of his fa- 600D Of BILL! i_. FlKlE ANDYOUP ^ A-TER AU SHESTIUL THESE VEAKS HOW5 ALICE : INDEED SHE 15- ' OKIL / NOW, IT TAVES HER LOTS LON6EP V TO UET THAT WAV Lake. MARRIAGE LICENSE Joel A. Adams and Sharone L. Barlow, both of McHenry. Gene Michaelis, McHenry, and Sharry Harvel. Crystal Lake. . Almost every borrower can give you a°good reason why the money you lend will be safe. 101 jags 55^58058^ ther, Raymond Powers. Mr. and Mrs. . Clarence Anglese and daughter, Kathleen were Christmas guesis of relatives in Morrison. 111. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Peterson, Douglas, Phyllis and Christie, of Chicago spent Thursday in the Herbert Engdahl home. Misses Rena Scheid, Julia, Rose and Margaret Stilling, were Christmas guests in the Norman Scheid home near Woodstock. Other guests in- IFANY NEW WINKLES * iN THEIR LIME COME AL0N6 YOU CAN BE SoRE McMMRY READY-MIX , WI^L 8fc JOHNNIE ON'THE" I I SPOT TO APD THEM FOP? ' .^.YOUQ BENEFIT READY MIX CO. INC 7lus>«tA MCHENRY 920 -fc ANTIOCH • 70L-L. FR£E$£GV/C£ <5RAYSJLAKE • <?200 MCHENRY :SS&38& s&a JAGS SAA SAG? SSSSJSSSTSSSSSJW! & £ r As the bells ring in a t bright New Yean we chime in with the heartfelt wish that it will be a right New Year for you. May all your wishes come f true, and may you enjoy all the blessin§§ of good friends, good health and good luck. MAY ALL BE FINE IN GLADSTONE'S DEPT. STORE "The Store For Everyone" 4 7 A ER Topr Adwtit«rs F*chong« Inc. 1958 Be a smart hostess. Serve our delicious cold meats C. D. E^Cf Nog qt. 49c y»iir holiday parties and gatherings. They're real , ..n . . treat meats--wonderful for buffets . . . perfect for ' ii Pt. Whipping Cream 35c sandwiches--and easy to prepare Frozen Strawberries Hawaiian Punch you the best for less. I so i<> ... so eco 2 39c nomical to buy! Always an appetizing variety of 3/gl QQ freshly cut, freshly packaged quality cold meats to choose from . . . and always low-priced to give Am. or Pirn. Cheese 1 lbN25c Shrimp Cocktail 49c Bartlett Pears 21i> can 29c Lucky Whip Topping ... 35c D-M Peaches 3/$1.00 R-A Kidney Beans .... 2 25c Hormel Chili 3 89c Del Monte Peas 6/$ 1.00 ' 2 Gallon Milk 35c 2 lb. loaf Velveeta 75c Shoestring Potatoes 23c Certified Coffee lb. 59c Assorted £@9d Cuts .. lb. 69*| PATRICK CUDAHY 3 lb. Ginned lam . . *259 J Armour S Butts lb. 55* PATRICK CUDAHY 10 lb. Canned Ham . . lb. 69* Cal. Oranges . . . doz. 35* Royal Crown Cola Plus Dep. 6 for 29* Philadelphia Large torn Cheese 27- Kin9 ^ Sardi,*s 3 ,or ,1JXI 203 S. Green St. PHONE 182 McHenry. 111. Be Sure To Attend Our Gala New Year's Eve Celebration EGONxSTURM AT THE ORGAN Fun and Favors for One and All McHenry Recreation Li Country Delight se Special 59* On Fox Street McHenry, 111. $ 2 lb. loaf Tuna . . 3 for 89* Use Our Free Customer Parking Area YOUR NEW SU« CERTITIED FOOD STORE Corner of Green & Kim St. Phone 80

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