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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jan 1959, p. 12

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Pag* Twelve THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER /Thursday* January 8, 1959 McHenry Shores Becall Happy Holiday Season Louise Winters--2897 The holiday season is over, but the happy times had by all will long be remembered. Who can forget his first pair of ice skates, or the first time he's been allowed to wait up for the new year? We more doddering types will recall with fondness the friendly -get-togethers and parties that were too numerous to count. And to add to our blessings, at least this year we weren't snowed in on New Year's Eve. Happy Birthday To Ingeborg Corcoran and Ray Olszewski, both of whom were New Year's day babies at one time. To Daisy Smith who was born on Jan. 8, over 21 years ago house guests recently Mr. Newman's brother and his family who are visiting in the states oh a vacatidh from his job as a civil engineer in Ethiopia. Visits and Visitors Recent guests in the Winters household included Miss Prudence McDonough from Philip delphia, a close friend of your reporter's grandmother back East. Miss McDonough was here visiting a niece in Carpentersville. An -enjoyable Sunday afternoon was spent reminiscing. When the closest relative lives several hundred miles away, mutual friends are especially welcomed. The O'Briens entertained Margaret Menzel. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoch. Nancy Tolik and ' Dick Brezina, all of Chicago, on a recent Sunday afternoon. ; The Barnetts were hosts to Henry Smith and Don and • Louis Gugliuzza. who came out from Chicago to try our ice • fishing. Holiday guests in the John j Smith home, other than the "normal crowd, were Mr,- and Mrs. Matthew Kazmeirski, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Smith from Glenview. ' The Middlekauffs entertained their son. Trent, Jr., and his family on New Year's day. The Ziemets had a family gathering for New Year's Day, also. The Gerald Morrises were guests ,too, along with ,the Hattans and the Whitneys. Not many of us can have the whole family home without ileaving the subdivision. ^ The Newmans have had as ,Form F. R. 105e • (Revised Nov. 1955) Parties People are going to think that no one in McHenry Shores just sat home and did nothing over the holidays when this list of parties and guests is printed. Cofrie to think of it, did anyone ? John and Daisy Smith held open house on the Saturday after Chrisrtmas. Guests included the MacCullums, Mondrys, Corcorans, Winters, Whetherhults, Lindwalls, Lisses, Simonsehs, Middlekauffs, the Louis Diedrichs, and the A1 Warneses. The last two couples are from McHenry, All had a good time and the hors d'oeuvres were olit of this wt>rld. The new year was ushered in with parties galore in McHenry Shores. The Tanners were hosts to' the Lindwalls, the Munroes, the Gumowskis, and the Mel Neales of Chicago. A good time was had by all. Twelve couples greeted the new year at the Schramms. To add to the noise and confusion were, the Olbinskis, Hattans, St arks. Schmitts. Chamberlains, Schopps, Cicchinis, Whitneys, Winters and Olszewskis. Speaking from experience, they all enjoyed themselves. The Middlekauffs entertained the Hogans, Hicks and Mac- Callums. Several couples spent the evening at the VFW, those from McHenry Shores were the John Smiths, the Corcorans. Mrs. Snively. Jack Schaeffer and Norman Medeiros. The Lisses lent a helping hand to the New Year's Eve celebrations by entertaining the Gus Smiths, the Simonsens and the Hawkins. A New Year's day present to the Lisses was the arrivaLof- their first grandson. Congratulations. We'll bet no one else can top the Barrows in eats on New Year's Eve. Marion and Dick spent the evening at the Wittrocks in Orchard Heights, and right after midnight what did they do but broil steaks outside! All for now. don't forget the square dance tonight, (Thursday) at the VFW. Bring all your energy. CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this op- Reserve District No. 7 State No. 70-1660 REPORT OF CONDITION OF : McHSWitY STAti 1ANK ,of McHenry, Illinois, at the close of business December 31, <1958, a State banking institution organized and operating under the banking laws of the State of Illinois and a member of the Federal Reserve System. Published in accordance with a call made by the Auditor of Public Accounts and by the Federal .Reserve Bank of this District. A S S E T S 1. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection $ 1,897,034.01 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed ^ 5,017,472.22 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions 658,052.33 4. Other bonds, notes and debentures 361,906.25 5. Corporate stocks (including $9,000.00 stock of Federal Reserve bank) 9,000.00 6. Loans and discounts (including $1,139.45 overdrafts) 6,514,515.30 7. Bank premises owned $160,000.00, furniture and fixtures $1.00 160,001.00 11. Other Assets - 1,200.36 12. TOTAL ASSETS $14,619,181.47 235,000 Tons Of Food For Needy. Christmas will last till spring, at least, for an average of eleven million people who will receive supplementary food every month as gifts from the American people through the annual CARE Food Crusade, now at^its holiday season peak, and related programs utilizing 235,000 tons of food from the United States farm abundance. For this world-spanning food relief, which will continue five to twelve months depending on country needs, the U.S! government gives milk powder, flour, cheese, corn meal. To cover distributions in twenty-two countries, ©ARE will combine: .(1) Food Crusade parcels, donated by Americans at $l-perpackage for packing, handling and delivery, and (2) Partnership Programs, whereby host governments pay the cost of extensive institutional and other projects. To carry out the Food Crusade, three million packages are needed for thirteen areas in Asia, I£urope. the Middle East and Latin America. Every package (average, 22 lb$.) helps feed at least four per- I sons an entire month. The gifts i go directly to destitute families, or to needy groups | through orphanages, schools, ] other institutions. CARE's I American representat ives ! abroad, in cooperation witji lo- |cal welfare officials, determine j recipients solely on the basis of greatest need. Has a man gained anything who has received a hundred favors and rendered none? port unity to thank everyone fo'r the cards and letters I received during my illness. They cheered me up a great deal. Thank you. *36 Donald Ray iillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllHIIimillllllMIIIIHillc | VILLA NURSING HOME f I ON PISTAKEE BAY NEAR McHENRY I Home for the Aged SENILE BED PATIENTS PHONE McHENRY 461 .^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiminiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiS CIX f t While we take care of ALL yo^r building requirements. • Planning & Estimating • Proper Selection of Materials The Right Contractor for Your Particular Job • Financing -- Both New Hom> and Remodeling *3 McHENRY LUMBER CO. 611 Main Street McHenry, 111 PHONE McHENRY 46 L I A B I L I T I E S 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships', and corporations ; 6,672,832.62 14. Time deposits of individuals, oartnerships, and corporations 6,569,997.89 15. Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 95.601.89 16. Deposits of States and political subdivisions 379,828.19 18. Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc> ' 198,492.91 19. TOTAL DEPOSITS $13,916,753.50 23. Other liabilities 45 33^ 35 24. TOTAL LIABILITIES : . . $13,962,135^35 C A P I T A L A C C O U N T S 25. Capital* 100.000.00 26. Surplus 200,000.00 27. Undivided Profits 204 546.12 28. Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital 1 152,500.00 29. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS . 657,046.12 30. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $14,619,181.47 *This bank's capital consists or: Common stock with total par value of $100,000.00 m e m o r a n d a 31. Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes "570,500.00 32. (a) Loans as shown above are after deduction of reserves of 162,385.11 I, Thomas F. Bolger, Cashier of the above named bank hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. THOMAS F. BOLGER Correct Attest^ ROBERT L. WEBER W. A. NYE, M.D. - ^GERAV.TM., -CAREY . (7:. • Directors State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3rd day of Jan., 1959. (SEAL) LENORA E. FRISBY, Notary Public en Fran SEE HOW PRICES HAVE BEEN ROLLED BACK TO GIVE YOU EXTRA Savings! Sleets 1! Cases Sawe 10% Famous Cannon 1st quality muslin. Heavy, strong and durable.. 134 thread count per sq. in. after washing. Sanforized, 1% shrinkage. Save. --White 72x108 Reg $2.29 Now $1.99 81x 99 Reg. $2.29 Now $1.99 81x108 Reg. $2,39 Now $2.15 Twin Fitted --'Reg. $2.29 Now $1.99' Full Fitted -- Reg. $2.39 Now $2.15 Pillow Cases -- Reg. 59c Now 49c Pastel Colored PINK - YELLOW - GREEN - BLfJJL- 72x108 Reg. $2.49 Now $2.15 81x 99 Reg. $2.49 Now $2.15 81x108 Reg. $2.79 Now $2.49 TwTin Fitted -- Reg. $2.49 Now $2.15 Full Fitted -- Reg. $2.79 Now $2.49 Pillow Cases -- Reg 69c Now 59c Close Ouis of PERCALE SHEETS & CASES 72x108 reg. 2.98 Now 2.49 Twin Fitted reg. 2.98 Now 2.49 81x108 reg. 3.25 Now 2.79. Full Fitted reg. 3.25 Now 2.79 Cases, reg. 1.49 pair -- Now 1.19 72x90 BLANKET Reg. $6.98 Blend of Nylon, Rayon and Cotton -- Choice of Colors . $! BATH TOWELS -- WASH CLOTHS Extra Large and Thick Made by Cannon! ' REG. PRICE $1.19 £/ Sale Price ONLY 67 Ea. Matching Washcloths Reg. 29c Ea 17' EXTRA LARGE COTTON DISH TOWEL Reg. 39c -- Appr. 30"x38" SALE PRICE 3 for Ladies' PLASTIC APRONS Reg. 29c - 39c SPECIAL 17 January SalesSAVE! ^ Liwest Prices DECISIVE SAVINGS • Store Hours: 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. -- Friday 9-9 Women's Car Ceils Reduced 20% Ladies' SWEATERS REDUCED Slipovers & Cardigans Values to $5.98 2 Gfiisps -- 5 s PAJAMAS 2 pc. ihannel in sizes 2-3-6 45 V AO Reg. Price $1.29 -- Limited Quantity A 3s' ANKLiiTS Reg. 4 pr. $1.00 Good quality cotton in White or Pastels. Sizes 4-4Vk-5-5Vis 4 pr. 77® LADIES' SKIRTS! ALL $5.98 -- $6.98 SKIRTS Now *4.00 ALL $3.99 -- $4.98 SKIRTS Now $3.00 Women's FLANNEL DUSTERS Reg. $2.98 Limited Size Ranges M-L-XL Now *2.00 All Girls' & Women's HATS Regular Prices $1.98 to $2.98 Reduced to *1 PLASTIC DRAPES Reg. $1.00 pr. 87" Length • • NOW Reg. 51.98 and $2.98 HANG>SA@$ KliPCED Reg. $1.98 Now $1.00 - Reg. $2.98 Now $2.00 Odds and Ends of PICTURE FRAMES Reduced V2 All Lii Dolls df)% , . .. . . . ' ••••• vShop Our Markdown Table for Bargains in 1 of a kind items. Drastically Reduced! FREE PARKING LOT SHOE SALE! Large selection of infants and children shoes reduced for clearance. Reg. $1.98 to $4.50 in sizes for infants to 8V2 in children's sizes. | Reduced ¥3 SADDLE OXFORDS For Girls and Women Reg. $3.98 -- $4.98 Now *3.00 I Girls' LEATHER HOUSESLIPPERS * Reg. $1.98 -- Sizes 10-3 Sale Price *1.47 Women's FELT HOUSESLIPPERS Reg. $1.29 -- Sizes 5-9 Sale Price *1.00 Children's PLASTIC BOOTS Reg. $1.98 -- Sizes 9-3 *U7 Boys' -- Men's -- Heavy Sole GYM SHOES Reg. Price $3.98 -- $4.98 12% - 3 -- 4 to 11 Some in White -- Some in Black Clearance of Men's & Boys' PNDERWIAQLRsduced 1/3 Men's Knit Briefs -- Reg. 69c a Sizes 40-42-44 only NOW "J J Men's Undershirts -- Reg. 59c O^UCi! Sizes 34-36-38-44-46 only . NOW £ [] Boys' Athletic Shirts -- Reg. 49c Sizes 8-10-12-14-16 NOW -J-JV f, I MEN -- BOYS SPORT SHIRTS Reg. $1.98 Shirts $1.37 Reg. $2.98 Shirts $1.97 Limited Quantity! Includes Cottons & Flannels Boys' -- Girls' Winter Ja©kc I Group Reduced '/4 1 Group Reduced '/3 1 Group Reduced '/2 ft ' Special Purchases! Ladies Umbrella -- reg. $1.98 val $1.00 Flannel Back Table Covers Reg. $1.98 -- 54x54" . . . NOW $1.67 Reg. $2.98 -- 54x72" NOW $2.67 2 pc. Shower Ensemble set $1.97 Reg. $2.98 sets. Limited quantity: 2 pc. Shower Ensemble $2.97 Reg. $3.98. Heavy material. Clearance of Cloth Drapes pr. $2.97 AssX patterns. Reg! $4.49 pr. Discontinued Patterns of 6 Famous Contact -- reg. 49c yd. Now 33c yd. Men's Canvas Work Gloves . .. 3 pair 77c Reg. 29c Pair Cocoa Door Mats -- Special! Now Only $1.47 Reg. $1.79 Wool Throw Rug -- reg; $298 $1.68 Large Size 5

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