Pig* Eighitm THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 9) b Thursday, January 8, 1959 Eastwood Manor A New Year - A New Reporter Lois Ryan -- 2510-R With the arrival of the new year Lois Krebs has turned her reporting duties over to me. I know that each and Clauses, candles, tiny corsages and acorn tree favors. Santa cake was served along with Christmas punch and snowball ice cream. First) prize of cologne spray mist went to Marge Tinkler and Lill Zgorski took second, prize of salt and pepper shakers shaped, like feet. Christmas carols were sung bringing a joyous meeting to a close. The next meeting will be Strand in Chicago on Dec. 28. From there they , drove to the C. Bertucci family in Highwood for a family dinner. On the twenty-ninth the Lindemann family journeyed to Round Lake where they attended a dinner, given in honor of Staff Sgt. Gordon Brewer, who has just returned from Germany. every one of us will miss tele- , he,d Qn Jan 7 at Ljn Zgorski s phoning our news to her, be- j home cause she has always been so pleasant to chat with. Thanks, j TWs That Lois, for being so wonderful! , . I can only try to follow in your °n ^ e " V* " fnntstpmi rence and the Len Hansen fam- - ilies had a pre-Christmas celebration at the Hansen home with Winnie Hansen's and Len Lawrence' folks, the Len Lawrence family of Chicago. Later in the evening Betty and Ed Faith Presbyterian Church News In the absence of Rev. Jack Mclntyre, who is on vacation, _ the services in the- Community J £aJn';r Vnd"£>is and Warren Krebs joined the party. On the same date the Mat^ Mersches, the Jim Penicks and Barn of Eastwood Manor will be led for the next two Sundays by the Rev. Clarence F. Kerr, who is the administra- . . . tive assistant at the Woodstock | the Robert Lmdemanns jomed Children's home and associate another £re-Chnstrnas celebrapastor at the First Presbyteri- jtlon at the Jeiry Ryan home, an church of Woodstock, Mr. Dee and Jim Penick spent Kerr's topic for Jan. 11 is Christmas afternoon ice skat- •'First Things First" and the ing on Pistakee Bay with their choir will sing "Seek Ye the old friends. Doris and Frank Lord." Church school is at Palmer. Great fun and no 9:30 a.m. and Worship'Service broken bones is the report, at 11 a.m. A cordial invitation The Jerry Ryan family spent is extended to all to come> to Christmas Eve at the home of Jerry's folks in Arlington Heights. Christmas Day Lois' mother and a family gathering for dinner in Fox River Grove. The evening of Dec. 27 saw a ^ear Mr. Kerr preach. Happy Birthday Carey Fenner had quite a birthday celebration on Dec. 27 when he arrived at the ripe i delightful combination Christold age of 5. Eclairs, ice cream | mas an(j New Year's party at and whale cake were served to ' the Woolwine home. TTie host- Gary Stoll. Alford and Jackie j ess< Delores Woolwine. Char- Ritter, Craig Sigman, Monica ; ]otte Urban, and Lena Camp- Haldeman, Ricky Wigman and i bell, got things under way with his sister, Cheryl. Grandpa and games, dancing and refresh- Grandma Zgorski also joined in ; ments. Those who enjoyed the the festivities. In the evening, ! party were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh aunt and uncle Loveless and . say nor, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Urban cousin Danny arrived with i an(j Mrs. Lonnie Campbell, aunt and uncle Miedonna and j an(j Mrs. Glen Messer, Mr. Meet Your Neighbors Harley Pohlman Snd his wife, Charmaine. moved into their home at 205 Hillside Lahe on Nov. 30, 1958. Harley is a truck driver out of Rosemont. When he isn't busy driving his truck he likes to hunt, fish and roller skate. Charmaine, who is from Chicago, likes swimming, roller skating, and all outdoor sports. Harley is a native of Akron, Colo. The Leftoy Rohrer family, of 123 Country Lane, moved into their home April 14, 1957. Donna and LeRoy are the proud parents of Steven, who was born Nov. 24, 1952, and Brian, who was 2 in July. LeRoy is employed in Evanston, his home town. Donna, who is also from Evanston, enjoys swimming and most sports. However, she claims that two boys just don't leave much time for relaxation. LeRoy likes sports in general and has rto favorites. Dogs The dogs of Eastwood Manor are on the loose again! 1 Please try to keep your dog home where he belongs. We all would appreciate your efforts. Don't forget to call 2510-R with all your news. Thank you ; for your co-operation. Bye now. Village of Sunnyslde Send, Greetings To Villagers Irma Ounther--1577-J , Well, here we are starting a new year and may it bring to all of you the things you want and be a better one for those of you who had a year 'that could have been more fortunate. May <Ve all appreciate what we have and enjoy life , to its fullest because it can i be very short and I think many J of us don't realize how lucky ; we are. So make the most of What you have and say a prayer for those who are less fortunate. Hoi id:; > Company ! I guess many homes in the village had holiday visitors and I also many families went else- ! where to visit. The Garrity | family had relatives and friends ! dropping in to wish them Merry Christmas. Likewise the S c h u m a n s , M e t z g e r & a n d t h e Gunthers entertained. Sylvia Obstfelder had her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Fratik-Beg- ' cek, down from Wisconsin visiting after Christmas. I'm sure many of you had company and I wish you had called me so I : could have had the news for the column. The Benoche family „ had 1 Jean's nephew, Ronald Coleman ; from Chicago, for the holidays ; and he didn't want to go home. | because he had such a good I time here. Operation Bobby Roggenbuck spent a day and night in the hospital after a fast tonsillectomy. .He is fine anil won't be missing i:he opening day of school. Birthdays Carmela Sanborn celebrated her, day on Jan. 3 and my husband will be ???? on Jan. 6. lee-Skating The boys and girls sure have been having good ice-skating on the channel and it is nice to look Dut of our sun porch window and see all of the kids, and some parents too, shoveling the snow because last time just three kids did it for others to enjoy. When a'l pitch m to help the work is di>ne in r.o time at all. Why don't you parents get your skates and come : on down and join the kids^'feesides good exercise, it is a lbPof'fun. Spring Grove Students Home For Holidays by Mrs. Charles Freund cousins Linda and Roger to help Carey celebrate. Belated birthday greetings are extended to Edwin Haldeand Mrs. Lee Hansen, all of Eastwood Manor, the Don Lorches of McCullom Lake, and the Wayne Rollins of Mc- CHANGE NAME The office of Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier I has granted a change of name to Cary Electric Shop, Inc., \vhich is now Electric Appliance, Inc. man, Hariy Brodin, Murry Al- Henry ford and Edward Anderson, j Qn the same evening Louise who all shared Dec. 31 as their ; an(j wiegman, Betty and natal day. Belated greetings j Radner, Winnie and Len also go to James Long who j Hansen, and Lois and Warren More than twice as many males as females are killed each year in accidents, according to the National Safety i Council. i New Year's Revelry j The Gerald Ripleys celebrat- ! ed the new year with a party ! at their home with relatives a n d f r i e n d s i n t o h e l p . T h e Fritz home was the gathering place for friends helping celebrate. A very good time was had by all who came and the nicest part of all was that they -didn't have far to go home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mac- Laughlin with Mr. and Mrs. 1 Armin Obstfelder had mutual friends in at the Obstfelder basement en Saturday for some after Christmas cheer. The Kagans were all home for Christmas, Leigh from Salvatorian seminary at St. Nazians, Wis., Pat, who attends ] St. Bede's in Peru, 111., Jim, who is studying at Madison, Wis., .and Mary Lou, who is a student at St. Mary's in Milj waukee. Linda Kautz, who is ' attending Northern Illinois I university, was also home for I the holidays. I the death of Lawrence Liden, ; who passed away very sudden- 1 ly on December 26. He was ; taken to the hospital on Christmas day suffering from bronchial pneumonia and passed away at 3 a.m. the following day. Funeral services w e xv e< held at St. Peter's church. Home On Leave Sp-2 Donald Reimer, who is , stationed at Fort Leavenworth, K a n . , s p e n t C h r i s t m a s w i t h Mr. and Mrs. John McGovern. Mrs. Tom M visited friends day. Iden of Roscoe ere on Satur- C ERTIFICATlON PLAN Vacation in California ! Mr. and Mrs. Jess De Groft ! are enjoying a vacation in Calj iforni^u with relatives and I friends. Norman De Groft j flew down on Wednesday to | join them for the holidays.- Happy Annivietrsary | To Conrad and Frieda Asch- , aker. They^ entertained a ga- ' thering of friends last Sunday ' to help celebrate the occasion. Visitors Seventy-two of the state's 1102 counties have been certified to use the compulsory 1^t i and slaughter plan for eradicating bpvine brucellosis. Gov. IWiJJi^rn G. Stration last week r e c e i v e d a r e p o r t f r o m t h e i state's Department of Agriculture revealing that Crawford and Jackson counties have i been certified to put the plan ! into effect, making a total of j 72 counties at year's end. Under the plan, state and federal govj ernments pay cash indemni^s to owners of infected cattle | when the animals are'"slaught- I ered. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vorheis j • _ """ -- j of Spokane, Washington, spent | The art of living is the proi the weekend with Mr. and cess of getting along with peo- Mrs. Frank Sanders. Mr. arid ' pie you do not like. Try snake plant for fhat " h a r d - t o - g r o w - p l a n t s - i n " a r e a of your home. These hardy plants are able to service in poor light, low humidity, drafts, dryness and even; neglect. Just be sure their soil is porous and their containers are thoroughly drained, because they won't live long in wet soggy earth. Christmas Gathering Guests in the Charles Freund home for Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. George W. May and Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Rofbert Sutton and children of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Paul May ' and Mike, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- i neth Larson, Miss Diane Kay j and Bud Jarrett. ! Move Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Holliday have moved to Chicago. They visited here this weekend and had dinner with the George W. Mays on Saturday. Regular check-ups and , maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and 'find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BOTCH'S 24 516 Front St. HOUR TOWING SERVICE McHenry, I1L Lawretnce Liden Dies We were sorry to hear of Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R celebrated on Jan. 3 and Janet Long who was 4 years old on Jan% 7, and to Lois Krebs who also celebrated on that date. Krebs celebrated Len Lawrence's birthday which was actually the twenty-sixth. Pre and Bob Lindemann and More January birthday . the children attended open greetings are going out to Ca- i house at the home of Joyce rol Hayes, Marge Sheehy and | Alberta Sobahki who share the eighth, to Marjorie Brodin on the twelfth and on. the fourteenth Irene Carey and- Helen Birmingham celebfate" Happy Anniversary Best wishes are extended to the Ed Radners who celebrated j their anniversary on Jan. 10. Club News ' The Octettes Christmas party was held Dec. 17. The table decorations were a delight to behold. There were Santa WATCH REPAIRING AT ITS FXMEST By McHenry'a Oldest, Most Reliable Dealer STEFFAN'S JEWELRY STORE 514 W. Main McHenry Phone 123-J 3L Canda OX 'i'Y GREETING CARDS for all occasions featuring • MRS. STEVENS' CANDY • SHURTLEFF'S ICE CREAM • VOGUE DOLLS » 120 SO. GREEN ST. McHENRY Phone McHenry 97 i 6Sa II 25 TABS 24 Oz® Seritol..*•••.. $4*98 100 ¥§tahips...« $3.11 100 0ne-A-Day..«....$2.94 16 Oz. Homicebrin. .. • .$3.96 250 Upjohn Unicaps.». .$6.96 FREE MOISTURE CREAM JERGEI !S>< why the smart switch 59 Chevrolet BOTH FOR $|00 ROOMIER BODY BY FISHER: features wider seats and more luggage space. MAGIC-MIRROR FINISH: keeps its shine without waxing for up to three years. NEW BIGGER BRAKES: better cooled with deeper drums, up to 66% longer life. OVERHEAD CURVED WINDSHIELD and bigger windows--all of Safety Plate Glass. SLIMLINE DESIGN: fresh, fine and fashionable with a practical slant. HI-THRIFT 6: up to 10% more miles per gallon. VIM-PACKED 18's: eight to choose from, with compression rati<4f ranging up to 11.25 to 1. FULL COIL SUSPENSION: further refined for a smoother, steadier ride on any kind of road. One short drive and you'll know the smart switch is to Chevy. Come in and be our guest for a pleasure test first chance you get. NOW-PROMPT DELIVERY! Stepped-up shipments have assured you a wide choice of models and colors. We can promise prompt delivery--and it's an ideal time to buy! Luslre4»reme SHAMPOO to oz. HIE w makes CENTS to save here :::::::::: :::::::::: f ASPIRE SAVE 58* "i::i CHEVROLET ALL-PURPOSE RUi HI:::: 111 GROVE' HOMO COL© S@'s NEW GOOD-AIRE air mmzmm Sprays eiweiy £<tl".Gin>3 & New Floral or Spice ffragrancd ECONOMY SIZE Fitch Shampoo, 12 oz. ••••••••••••• .$1.25 Tampax Tampons, 40's $1.49 Lydia Pinkham M or. $1.49' Sominex Sleeping ?dbS@9§, 72's ......$3.23 Squibb Mineral ©ii, Quart $1.09 Bromo Seltzer, jar 98$ Gelusil Antacid, 12 oz. $1.49 Zonite Disinfectant, 14 oz. $1.29 PrepsraSltM MH" Ointment, 2 oz. $1.69 Casl!©!?s Hot?©!? Pills, lOO^s ••#•••••••.$1.19 MerasUsiSuEe ieep Heat Rub $1.69 Cepssdl lntes@p?ic, 16 oz. 97< Ex-Lax Laxative, 48's 79$ 3 6 § . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 ^ 7&h SPRAY WERNET'S DENTU ECONOMY TUBE 691 Vfl lNE R TONIC $1.00 BOTTLE DEPENDABLE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE The 6-passenger Nomad and the Impala b-Door Sport Sedan 'oca' authorized Chevrolet dealer's?! CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 204 West Elm Ei. McHenry, 111. Phone 277 irtennen Pablum Similac FletcEneir's BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 103 S. GREEN STREET PHONE 40 McHENRY. ILL. $2.00 AERO SHAVE 11 oz. 4 MONTH SUPPLY Plus 10% Ndaral Eicii* on TotUtriM