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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jan 1959, p. 14

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Page Fourtean THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Tohnsburg CARD PARTY WILL BENEFIT BUILDING FUND Virginia Pitzen was served to I the following ladies Hilda May, j Liz Smith, Gladys Smith. and 1 Helen Hettermann. i fO> Little Linda Adams had about ready to welcome his return to kindergarten after spending sometime cooped up in the house recuperating from a case of chicken pox. " Guests in the Joe Smith home by rtetty Hettermann quite a day last Sunday cele- | last Sunday for dinner were L_ ' -brating her fourth birthday. To j Mr. and Mrs. Ener Fossum of Village of Sunnjslde VILLAGERS HOLD SOCIAL MEET AT SCHUMANS Irma Gunther--1577-J Thursday, January 15, m An open invitation is extend- start the eventful day, Mr. and j Rockford and Ann- Doran of! w .. • of the buildine on Mis Jnp Adamfi anH r*hrv«tip Chicago. i ' tnat time of the | learned pointers on a healthy diet and health habits, also a | talk was given on how to take ! care of frost bite. A session of ! exercises were done the ! girls also. When the meeting • was over the janitor of the school took the girls on a tour ed to one and all to attend the . Mrs. Joe Adams and Chrystie public party next Sunday eve- j Michels were dinner guests in ning, Jan. 18, in St. John's ' the Adams home. Afternoon school hall. This event is ! visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Otsponsored by the Blessed Vir- to Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Joel gin Sodality and proceeds of Adams and Carl Adams while Birthdays Roger Ripley had his third birthday on Jan. 4 and is still getting cards. Dever Casey was surprised when she was invited over to Pam Obstfelder'S house on- Thursday and found it was a surprise birthday party for her. Girl Scouts and Brownie Scouts Girl Scout troop 135 worked „ . , diligently on their badge work this party will go to the school the Harry Freund family and i at f(le jas^ meeting. At the building fund. Refreshments ! the Harry Smith family were j close of the meeting the girls will go to the school building supper guests. Lindas grand- j wore served a special treat of fund. Refreshments will be father and uncle from-Summitt ; cocoa an(j doughnuts as reserved by the committee in were uriable to join her in the | ward for the good job of C;Trharge at the close ol the eve- fun filled day. ning's activities. Father Passes On Joling they did during the : Christmas season. Mrs. Mary Hettermann was in charge of Our sincere sympathy is ex- I serving refreshments at this month again when the village On ^an- 8. I, along with other social will be held and it is; mothers of 4-H girls, drove to hoped the turnout will be as'the First Methodist church in large as the last one or even i Woodstock for a meeting of bigger. The time -- after 8:30 4"H girls .and boys for a lesson p.m. and the place -- the home on recreation which could be of the George Schuman family *;used at their meetings. The event of the evening will i Ruth Dickens of the extenbe movies shown by the tele- ' sion recreation service from phone company, after which the University of Illinois was some fast moving games will ! the instiuctor for this lesson, be played with prizes going to i There must have been over 200 watch them, they might fall in the water. So please .caution your children to be very careful. I know the channel in back of our house is alright because the children haven't mentioned anything about seeing any holes but there are some under the bridge between Bayview and Sunnyside drive. they can'call 2479-M and they will be glad to return it. News Deadline Please try to give me your n^ws by noon on Friday because I have to have-it there by two. Thank you! Hospital Patients •Jimmy Marshall was a re- tended to Wally Schlueter upon • meeting. cent patient at the McHenry , the death of his father The ; -- =- hospital where he was treated eider Schlueter succumbed in | Brownie troop 295 held a for a broken wrist. Chicago last week. ! business meeting and election Mrs. Charles Smith entered I ------- .of officers when they gathered the hospital in Woodstock last I Belated Celebration j in the public school basement week where she underwent Mr. an(j Mrs. joej j last week. Newly elected into surgery. Sal is now roeuperat-.^were guests of., honor last Sat- [office were: Mary Jo Haag-- ihg at home. -urday evening in the home of : president, Patty Kenny, vice- Joe Hi Iler. returned to his his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto president, Nancy Jorgenson, home last week after spend- Adams for a belated wedding secretary, Libby Stinespring, ing several days in the Wood- celebration. Several of Joel : refreshment chairman, Mary stock hospital. Joe now sports ancj Sharone's friends could not , Ellen Freund, Nancy Schaefer a walking cast on his injured join them at their reception > and Betty Himpleipann--:flag foot. when they were married on bearers. Games and songs were -- • Dec. 27. so this, special celebra.-. also enjoyed by the girls. <•' .. On The Move tjon %vas planned. :-- We are sorry to lose Jae'K JojninR the^ewlyweds at a buffet supper were Mr. ana the lucky ones. S«o come one and all for an evening of fun and laughter. P.T.A. Don't forget St. John's P.T.A. boys und girls present because it was almcst impossible to do very much. The different groups told what they did for recreation at their meetings and Ruth showed some new .„ . , ones. We really enjoyed ourwill be having its meeting on ; seives Monday, Jan. 26 at the Com-! u ** o u munity club so circle that date! Mrs' Qbs«eld(,r. Mrs- SchultI on your calendar so you won't and myself were the drivers forget. Movies wilf be shown by the telephone company which should be very interesting to all. In the Peterson home last Wednesday afternoon, Maureen cently vacated their apartment Mrg Rauen, Mr. and Crist and Jean Hettermann in the building owned by Mrs. Mrs Potter and members of were appointed to take the Tena Lay. The Justens have ' statiQn Nq 2 the „escup squad members and all the wives. taken up new residence Green street in McHenry. We wish to extend a hearty welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Caroll R. Reeder and family who moved into an apartment in attendance and collect dues for a two week period for troop 378, The troop and leaders practiced various acts which are connected with their pin- | Home Bureau | The monthly Home Bureau | meeting will be held on Jan. 128, at the home of Mrs. Vyduna j of Pistakee Terrace at 7:30 : p.m. The lesson will be "Cook- ! ing for Company" and you will ! be able to sample the food that will be prepared so all of you members please try and come. from our side and the girls ffom the village Who went Wore, Dever Casey, Susan Schultz, Janice , Ripley, Carol Niemiec, Pam Obstfelder, Jeanniejo Benoche. and Bernadette Schneider. Visitors The John Ripleys had their nephew, Walter Ades, and his lovely German bride, Helga, stop in for a visit. The young people are on their way to Athens, Ala. where they will be making their home. New Arrivals Irene and Alfred May are happy to announce the arrival of Gerard Anthony who was born Jan. 2 and weighed in at 7 lbs. and 14 oz. and this young man is now at home to , join his brother, Alfred, Jr., and sister, Rose Marie. Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Kalmes celebrated nine years of wedded bliss on Jan. 14. Lost or Abandoned The Williams family have a grey kitten which they "^believe belongs to somebody because it is house broken, likes children, so if any one owns it SHOP IN McHENRY £ 'Save More By Shopping At Home€ lee Skating I have heard from a few residents that the muskrats have been building homes on the channels and this is dangerous because they make holes in the ice and if the little ones go out on the ice without some older children around or parents to The Exciting and Sad Side Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith were , jin^ c 0 eJem^ °?ming Up °" tthhee JTonep FFrreetttt hbVuiiilldHiinngp .maVstt thrilled beyond words for hei an e\era games an daughter and chi]dren Mrs j songs preceded their cookie William Morick, Genine and j rea ' week. The Reeders formerly resided in Lilymoor. Southern Travelers Troop 408 having been doing Cindy, of Rockford, who *^tt earlier this we?k for California. . T , n- r, v. Mrs. Morick. who had worked n')ite a bit of studying these The trio of Jack Pierce.^Bo^ jQr sev:eraj years for a company ; past meetings. They are get- ; in Rockford, was gifted this | ting ready to fly-up-into the trip for herself and daughters. ! girl scouts in the very near fu Hettermann and Tom Thiol took off for the sunny shores of Florida earlj last Tuesday resjgn from ture. The girls took time out Upon seeing \arious points o ^ vvjien she learned the sad to enjoy some lemonade and interest along the west coast news that her daughter. Cindv, I cookies. the boys drove over to_ the wfis a vjctim of ]ukemia Her ; IS Mrs'8 Jac^ Kwnan in former <™P|0-Wr an<i follow ; HEAR PETITION and Mrs, Jack *^na workers made this two week, : ra'E' r\c Pompano Beach They also . „ ex e pai# trip possible. : ON RE-ZONING OF stopped m Lakeland to visit ' . H ^ ' FARMLAND ACRES Tom Keenan who is attending Our 4-H Cardinals attended a health meeting at the Westwood school in Woodstock on ; Jan. 5. The girls who attended ! from the village were Carol ! Niemiec, Pam Obstfelder and Jeanniejo Benoche. The girls INCOME TAX SERVIC Prompt, Confidential Service Day or Evening FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 2500 college there. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Thelen and Mr. and Mrs. John Theleh *verc also rimonq some of ihe lucky Around the Town The Arnold Michels family had three good reasons why they-spent 11 days in Ohio recently A petition was heard last week by the county zoning board of appeals, asking re- On Jan. 1. the Michels zoning of 100 farmland acres people to be able in escape our fami]v %vere jn home of her for home construction, sat of, cold weather foi awhile^ This parents to help jn the celebra- j Spring Grove road on the west foursome left last Sunday to | tion of thp eighty-fifth birth- shore of Pistakee Lake. The spend a few weeks enjoying day of Mrs John Rugncr petitioners were Betty J. Will, the Florida sunshine. I (Clara's mother). J- R. and Florence Ladd. Congratulations Corner i They attended two weddings The 100-acre area was iden- _ . • . during their stay, both being tified as Pistakee Terrace Unit Two of our youngest res,- neices of C]ara.s Qn Dec 27 4 in the tition dents will put the first candle Dl, , 4U ^ , on their cake come Jan 21 The ^ Bugner became the: Recommendation on this on their cake come Jan. bride of Herman Vande Kerk- hearing and others were sub youngest member of the 'Bud hnff T„ T ^ ... I . ^ r u omers were sud- Meyers uf amily is one and Joel ' Carol Ainnnn Laa Fontaine was •< IbTo a!rd of sthupee MrvcisHoerns.i 7 united in marriage to Francis j ' Office At: 204 East Elm Street McHenry, Illinois / AYTINAL AYTtNAt VITAMINS MINlAAl} 20& mSCOOHTS ;2i29 Boftle o,' 50 . WKeiCjttw- boy AYTINAIi ON NATIONALLY FAMOUS OLAFSEN VITAMINS V IT AM INS -MINJE RAly PeL--rsp-'oi.«tf!S: - free! Keg. 1.S9BotH*JO -•'AYTINAL VWI.TTAAMMIINNSS I ' when you buy fha 100-tiit Wakitsch is the other. Mrs. Helen Pitzen was joined by several of her neighbors last Saturday, Jan. 10 in the celebration of her seventy-third birthday. A cake baked by Agnes Freund and decorated by "Life Is Nothing Without Friendship" Author's Name Below Operating a Pharmacy is different from other businesses, because we s u p p l y m e d i c i n e s a n d health-aids that vitally affect your life. Pharmacy is a friendly Profession, "because like all good friends we are able to be of service. When sickness invades your home, or you need any of the many healthaids we carry, come to us, as you would to a friend, for any service we can Ethically perform. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHENRY 26 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE Pick up your prescription if shopping near us, or let us deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? NYE DRUGS /IqmMcy" PHONE 26 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. ^ PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS WE DELIVER "Quotation by Quintus Ennus 200 B.C. Siebenaller. Five year old Gary Adams is You do not have to be a resident to trade in McHenry but it helps. AYTINAL Multiple Vitamins «B2h for Whole famityt 11 vital vitamins jn all--including red" vitamin Bl2. SAFETY for YOUR Savings Imported, platn or Hivoreu. ri. • @Dictilcium Phosphate TO1 With \ uisterol--rich in D. 100« & * 9"55 Marengo Federal's reserves total $795,333.00 -- or over 9% of the total in our Savings Accounts. A savings* institution is measured by the amount of its reserves -- in ratio to savings. 9% is a very strong reserve position. This reserve fund exists solely for your protection. It is assurance that your association is strong and able to stand any economic storm. Save now at ©OLAVITOLSolution 70< Multi-vitamin* for children. 4-o«- m * BAYTOL Tablets Vitamin B complex. Boiile of 100 Oleum Percomorphum 14? Concentrated A and D drop*. ^Occ B GERIATRIC Elixir Fortified', t or folk, Oi. tr W. 12-"*. .. Marengo SAFHIf SAVINGS 102 N. State St AN ED) ASSOCIATION MAKERS GO, ILLINOIS Phono JOrdan 8-7258 SERVING NORTHERN ILLINOIS SINCE 1925 Total Assets over $9,500,000.00 LAi©E AUCTION The following personal property will be offered for sale at public auction at the Antioch Sales & Commission Sales Barn k)cated o mile Northeast of Antioch, 111., Vi mi]e East of Koute 83 on North Avenue or State Line Road, on WEDNESDAY -- JANUARY 21st Commencing at 11:^0 O'clock LIVESTOCK -- 21 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 6 to 12 mos. old; ' 44 Angus & Hereford Steers weighing 400 to 600 lbs.; 9 Bred Hampshire gilts due in March; 30 feeder pigs. i PRODUCE -- 10 ton hay; 150 bu. barley, ' 7ti,uRcLLk,C K1i9L4T4 "W„!9il-l?y6s FJeoerpd. Model 250 Pick-up truck; IHC si ton I1 M^nC£9?8' ,MACHINERY * MISC- - JD Mod#B tractor; ?/iC rac, Wlth cult': Ford tractor". MH 101 tractor; ifw* • 1 PiOW: McC"D 2/14 PIow: AC 8 ft. disc; McC-D 10 ft. tandem disc; McC-D 10 ft. disc; DB power com sheller; ft ai'nm V DB 0 Spreader' NH 8 in" hammermill; Cardinal 15 corn hov- bt': °Wp mounted corn Planter; PTO wagon & ' llaarrgeee sseilrefcitnionn onff Sn°ne w s!huo.apck aanndd hmanand yt oootlhse. r articles including; Larse quantity furniture including chairs, tables, dishes and some, antiques. ANTIOCH SALES & COMMISSION wiktUSc^"" & Ja°k proeber- Auctioneers Union C SALKS CORpORATION( Clerk M °ye' fhone TR 8-2421 COD LIVER OIL plain i>r flivored. P< JR. AYTINAL mMMuIKmAIS" Just'ti^ht size lor Children. 100s JR. AYTINAL Junior" multiple vitamin!. lOGi VITAMIN A SO.000 U.S.P. units. 100 captuUi. VITAMINS& MINERALS Wide Range" Formula with. SUPER Rotertcyi;: Save $1,191 Bottle 100: W@W Vitamins OLATSEN MULTIPLE VITAMINS For infants and children^ If^odily '^ mixes wtth-food and juices;-'"* Save 83c .1' 66\ S0(c Bottle I 0LA-BEP.9NI2 • i i oKcnnui-itfi. otftgtRQxwj gonn of so 3.:» *2.29. Bottle of when you huyi lOO *[(t*f<iO**iA >JtfHtf(iM j viboa Potent 250-mg. abltit. 100» Olafsen THERAPEUTIC B COMPLEX Stress formula vitamin* meet post-illneu nveds and thoM of buty living. You Save $2.59 ML * Bottle of 100 W 15Q I r-Do\ Regular *3.79 J- Bottle of 50 when you buy 100 GERIATRIC FORMULA Nutrition aid (or folk* over lort>. Reg. '10.58 MS Thiamin Chloride 3W \ iiamin Bl. 100 mg. tablets. Buttle 100 @Liver Concentrate l49 Iron. B (iimplrx. 8-1 capsules ® @HEMATiNiTl=' 949 Plus l,i\t*r and Iron. Bottle ol 100 Utk @Multi-Vitamin Elixir QQ1 Helps tt! huild rich, red blood. P<- .MB @0LAVITE Vitamins 579 10 therapeutic vitamins. Bottle 100 10 OLAV TE'M THERAPtUTlC V I T A M I N S Olcivife-M ^ VITAMINS & MINERAL^ * Super Potent to Hghit vitamin ond . mineral deficiency. _ - - Save $1.97 C95 ttmfm r Bottle 100 3 129 RIVERSIDE DR NYi DRUGS ^ PHOHE 26 McHENRY, ILL YOU'RE ALWAYS WELCOME AT YOUR AGENCY DRUG STORE Vitamin Headquarters CLEARANCE OF MENS FURNISHINGS w $5.95 -- $5.00 -- $4.00 DRESS SHSRTS FANCY COLORED & WHITE B. D. Collar, Regular Collar, Attached Single Button Cuff and French Cuffs. / $3.95 - $4.95 $2" $4.00 - $5.00 QUALITY PAMMi&S $2" $2.50 - $3.50 FAMOUS BRAND TOES *169, IMPORTED BROADCLOTH and DACRON $6.50 - $6.95 Broken Sizes & Sleeve Lengths iiirts $499 $1.50 - $2:00 FAMOUS BRAND f Boxer Style SH 95 $10.95 - $12.95 FAMOUS BRAND SH *895 » 20% OFF TOPCOATS • SPORT COATS • SUBURBAN COATS • WINTER JACKETS KING KORN STAMPS WITH EVERY PURCHASE WHITE'S MENS SHOP 208 S. GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILL. Phone McHenry 19 V '

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