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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jan 1959, p. 5

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Thursday, January 15, 1959 McHenry Plaindealei Phone 170 - 171 v, Published every Thursday at .7 McHenry, 111., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc." t(» -- : I A I I O N A I I O I T O R I A I IP Ias?oc5t@" k _taHnimzEB!2aa3a THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Ffr« *S"S"S' '!• { Twice Told Tales j FIFTY YEARS AGO Taken from files of January 14, 1909 W. BURFEINDT, Gen'l. Mgr. ADELE FROEHLICH, Editoi SUBSCRIPTION RATE In McHenry County gl Year $3.5l w 6 Months $2.00 7 3 Months • $1.25 Outside McHenry Cotinty 1 Yea*|. $4.00 6 Months $2.25 3 Months $1.50 Entered as second-class mat ter at the post office at McHenry, Illinois, under the acl of May 8. 1879. POST 491 by Mary Einspar Mrs. Marie Howe, rehabilitation chairman of McHenry Unit 491, reports the local unit ^as made contributions towards the support of the following rehabilitation programs . • being sponsored by the Department of Illinois: Insulin fund, a fund made available to diabetic veterans who have been dismissed from the hospitals but are unable to pay for the needed medication. Vaponefrin fund, similar to the «sulin fund, provides medicaon to the veteran suffering from asthma who cannot afford to purchase the prescribed medication. Treasure chest funds, allows cigarettes, creature comforts, candy or fruit to all hospitalized veterans in Illinois. Canteen books, a fund that provides the veteran patient who has no income of his own with a means purchase some of the items he needs and also gives him the satisfaction of selecting his own purchases. Hospitality funds, assures all the hospitals of monthly entertainment, furnishing greeting cards, stamps, matches, bingo sets, magazines and many other items. Downey nursery, provides ^are and entertainment, including the serving of milk and cookies to children of veterans while other relatives and friends visit the veteran who is confined toTfie hospital. Easter gifts, allows the hos- •• pitalized veteran a special gift at Easter time or a canteen book. These programs are some of the many rehabilitation programs being supported by the donations of the units throughout the\ state. McHenry Unit 491 auxiliary members will meet again on Jan. 19 at 8 p.m. Social chairman, Marge Mikota, will have the following members on her committee: Bette Schmidt, Mata Schroeder, Georgia Stueben, Joanne Swegle, Lillian Stilling, Helen Knight, Doris Walker, -%Telen Schmidt, Emma Lieser, Evelyn Justen, Jeanne Schaef- . er, Alice Wade, Eleanor Foley, A petition is now being circulated about the village for the purpose of petitioning the village board to vote on the question of dividing the village into wards. Whether or not such ap act would be legal, we are unable to state. Worts and Boley, proprietors of McHenry Brewery, this year broke all previous records in f i l l i n g t h e i r i c e h o u s e s , t h e work being accomplished in just exactly twenty and onehalf hours. The house at the brewery has ,a capacity of about 800 tons and it was filled to the roof. *• The pupils and teacher, Miss Margaret Ward, of the Prairie school are going to give a basket social Saturday evening, Jan. 16. Conveyance vijill leave Block and Bethke's at 8 o'clock sharp. Nothing definite was decided at the meeting of the stockholders of the McHenry Canning company, held at the city hall Saturday. Quite a number of the stockholders are in favor of selling the building and its contents and discontinuing doing business. We understand that an outof- town liveryman is seriously contemplating the idea of renting the Riverside barn for carrying on a livery business. If more such plays as "The Fighting Parson" were offered for public approval, there would be more consideration given the melodramatic field.! I.eonore Freund, Mary G. Burke, Annabelle Heimer, Elo- Ia Boyle, Kathryn Burks and Mesdames P. M. Justen, G. H. Johnson and Clara Starrit. William H. Karls, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls of this village, bears the distinction of being the first McHenry boy to return home from overseas duty with Uncle Sam, W i l l i a m h a v i n g a r r i v e d l a s t week after nine months in France. The annual January thawarrived last week and progressed into the first of this week. Supt. J. E. Pufahl had intended to start the ice cutting season oil the Borden field Monday but the thaw placed a decided crimp into his plans. man. It surely was nice .to see Ethel Bruce at the meeting, she actually left her little baby doll in her hubbie's care. Ethel was in charge of the evening. It would be a lot nicer for everyone if all" members of the committee would do their part. Ethel is child care chairman and served a lovely luncheon as well as giving us a good time, for all those who attended, that is. Olga Johnson Publicity Chairman FEB. 15 DEADLINE FOR DISPLAYING LICENSE PLATES MOOSE LODGE Women of the Moose From the files of January 16, 1919 Death took Frank J. Barbian who came to McHenry township after the first big Chicago fire and established a cigar business in McHenry in 1876. A' jolly sleighing party was conveyed to Woodstock in a bob sleigh Friday evening of last week and saw Charley Chaplin in "Shoulder Arms" at the Princess. Making the trip were the Misses Lena Stoffel, Anna Frisby, Fannie Granger. and Isabell Thompson. Initiation of new members will take place at this meeting, please try to attend. We wish to extend our sympathy to the family of Barbara Weber. We are very sorry to lose a member of such long standing. Sefiior Regent Mable Thomas called our first meeting of 1959 to order Jan. 6 with nine officers, eight chairmen and three escorts present, a very poor showing due to the fact that there is still a lot of sickness around! All officers, chairmen and escorts are urged to attend the ritual practice on Monday evening, Jan. 12, as we are to have the opening in the midwinter conference in Waukegan on Jan. 25, and we all need the practice in order to do our part well. This will be a closed meeting and only Women of the Moose may. attend, so let us have a good showing. This meeting starts at 1:30 sharp. On Jan. 27 Crystal L a k e Chapter is honoring their green beenie girl and extends an invitation to our chapter to help make this a memorable night Ann Rodenkirch, our only college of regents member, is invited to be an escort for the Des Plaines chapter on Feb. 26. Don't forget your secret pal. Send your secret pal a card for any occasion no matter what. It will be fun for both of you. Sometime in April we are going to have a rummage sale so please gals save your rummage. Call me at McHenry or Marge Fernstrom at McHenry 2191-R and we will pick it up or you may bring it to my home anytime you get some collected. Reports to be read at the next meeting Jan. 20 will he publicity, Olga Johnson, chairman; child care, Ethel Brucr. chairman: Mooseheart, Mary Meyer, chairman; and homemaking. Marilyn Biggs, chair- I ADVAXCED FIRST AID j An advanced first aid class is j being started at the fire house | in McHenry on Wednesday, | Feb. 4, at 7:30 p.m. Interested j persons may register by sendi ing cards to Red Cross, Mcj Henry, 111., or to Larry Murray, McCullornXake, Rt. 4, McHenry. Sunday, Feb. 15, will be the deadline for displaying 1959 motor vehicle license plates on the vehicle, Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has announced. To meet that deadline, motorists submitting their applications by mail should have them in the Secretary of State's office by Feb. 1. Mr. Carpentier said. While only five da>s are required to process applications' at the peak load period, I the fact that plates are fourth ' Class mail sometimes slows . their delivery, he pointed out. For that reason, two weeks i should be allowed to be ' sure I of having the plates in time for , the deadline, he said. ' Registrations processed at the close of business last week totalled about 1,315,000, an increase of 165,000 over the amount received at the same time last year. Secretary' Carpentier said. That figure represents .only about a third of the ^expected registration, he added. Mr. Cai;pentier urged motorists to submit their applications without further delay. The automobile division office is staffed to handle a considerably heavier flow of applications than is being received at present. O B I T U A R Y The Becker Infant infant son and only Memorial Hospital for McHenry County in Woodstock a few hours after birth Jan. 5. The body rested at the George Justen & Son funeral child of Mr. and Mrs. Richard j home prior to the time of ser- ! vices Becker of south Green street1 ' was buiied in Woodland ceme-: Trouble is only opportunity tery last week. He died in dressed in work clothes. Democratic Women Meet j A meeting of the newly form - ; ed Nunda Democratic women , was held Jan. 5 at Burton's • Bridge. Miss Dorothy O'Brien DeKalb, Democratic chairwo-* ' man of the northern district of Illinois, was the speaker of the ! evening. , , Wise--Use the Classifieds INCOME TAX SERVICE McHenry Accounting & Tax Service 123 Riverside Drive SECOND FLOOR PHONE: McHenry 343 -- Wonder Lake 7211 For an Appointment There's No SUBSTITUTE F O R MONEY IN THE BANK We "Are Proud Of Our Growth Comparative Table of D E P O S I T S DECEMBER 31sl ATTENTION HAM SUPPER FAMILY STYLE SUNDAY, JANUARY 18th, 1959 , 4 P.M. - 8 P.M. ZION EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH West on 120 -- McHenry, 111. Sponsored by MEN'S CLUB DONATION: Adults - $1.75 Children 4 - 12 - 75c Children up to 3 yrs. old FREE •ft! the day they're made I 171.140 191 1920 644.707 8 448705 12.515.260 This Continued Growth Proves E IS K i 9 0 in a bank you can withdraw your savings with no delay and no formal application, explanation or extra cost. Our financial statement shows why there's no substitute for "Money in the Bank". Cash and high grade marketable securities of $8,000,000 offset over 60% of our deposits. 6 TO I 9 5 8 in a bank you establish a credit reference second to none. in a bank you can obtain a vast array of services available nowhere else under one roof -- savings accounts, checking accounts, personal loans, commercial loans, real estate loans, safe deposit boxes, financial assistance and guidance, and many others. i n a - t a n k such as McHenry State Bank your deposits are insured up to $10,000.00 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which insures availability as well as safety. "Money in the Bank" is a quality investment in security-unequaled by other thrift devices such as share accounts, corporate stocks and bonds, and mortgages. It's cash where you want it--available when you need it. NOW AT BOLGER'S McHENRY STATE BANK DRUG STORE McHENRY PHONE 40 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Member Federal Reserve System Interest Paid on Saving Deposits PHONE 1040 k ML ri is?'

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