Thursday, February 5, 1959 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Eastwood Manor St. Pat's Dance Committee Met Lois Ryan -- 2510-F The first meeting of the St. Patrick's day dance committee was held at the Jerry Ryan home on Wednesday, Jan. 28. Those present were Peg Garrelts. Otto Shaw, Jean Mersch, Dee Penick, Pre Lindemann, Madeline Freckman and Harold Slove. The meeting was t open for suggestions. Individual committees will meet durin^ the first two weeks of February so that &iey will be able to present all their ideas at the February EMPOA meeting. Block Rosary The home of Tom Simpson at 126 Manor Lane will be opened for the Block Rosary on Tuesday, Feb. 10. The time is set for 8:30. The girls voted to have a speaker in February ahd a parent night in March. . Nancy and Margaret Oik were on the refreshment committee and it was mighty good, Mrs. Oik. The 4-H Cardinals depleted their treasury when they -sent the money they were saving for a Christmas party to Our Lady of the Angels school in Chicago to help out where it could after the terrible fire. The girls had twenty dollars saved. However, they are getting back to that bank account look in their treasury so that when nice weather comes along they will be able to take some trips. ™ Faith Presbyterian Church News Rev. Jack Mclntyre will continue his series of sermons on the Lord's prayer with "The Kingdom of God" as his topic This and That Marion Alford's father, Mr. Orth, has been spending some time at the Alford home recuperating after an operation. Mr. oVth is from Chicago. He's been i. _. in Eastwood Manor about three ; ^ T'mmy °" his birthdate of 1 was his aunt and uncle with Jean Connell, Marie's mother. They arrived in Eastwood Manor about ten o'clock that evening. This all happened on Wednesday, Jan. 28, and Marie is still trying to get herself back to normal, but it was worth it. Jeanne McHale's mother, Mrs. Helen Nelson, who is ! from Chicago, arrived in East- j wood Manor Friday, Jan. 30, to _ . • spend a very enjoyable week- Saturday afternoon, Jan. 31, end at the McHale home. at the McCullom Lake black- T ;+ti„ r>„ ii • r to Little Russell Davis cele- P crossing, the eastbound car T-J. T • * J brateda uh-is *b •i rttih d.a y. HTTi. s sur- „b.earing Edward Liston and i wi;lfQe, w°,h o resid, e .in comj . was a. ke' Ivl"ch ,!vas | munity, collided with the northlate m arriving, but the tune | bound Korthwestern McCullom Lake LOCAL CITIZEN LOSES LIFE IN TRAIN CRASH by Barbara Brand didn't really matter to him. He had a great time with his bike and his friends, Michael and Rosemary Rogers. Jerry Brodin and Mark and Georgina Thienes. David, Mary, Cathy and Timmy Hadley recently celebrated Timmy's first birthdav. Joinweeks now and he's getting along fine. Betty and Ed Radner took their children to Chicago to visit Grandmother Lightholder on Friday, Jan. 23. Mrs. Lightholder is Betty's mother. On Saturday, Jan. 24, the for the third given Feb. 8. Feb. and also his great aunt and great uncle. Under those circumstances we know it must have been great fun with a big dinner party and many gifts. The festivities took place in Chicago in the home of Timmy's aunt ,and uncle, Mr. and sermon to be i Len Lawrence family motored 1 Mrs. William Christiansan. We Happy Birthday Today Jody Lu Welp will bteiv out six birthday candles. f35. 9 is shared by Simpson and Timothy as their natal day. Steven will be six years old and Tim will be one. Happy birthday to all you dear children. . wish you many more such happy celebrations, Tim! Tripoli was the order of fun one Sunday evening with Mim and Happy Anniversary 'Mr." and Mrs. Jaik Rogers have our best wishes as they celebrate their wedding annivqgpary on Feb. 10. Sick List Little Dean Broden of Country Lane was another in the long list of earache victims. We hope that he's feeling better by this time. Bobby Lindemann suffered with pluerisy and infected ears for over two weeks. He's very happy to be well again and out to Chicago to visit Dolores' mom and dad, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Hayner. That same Saturday Lois and Tim McCormack drove to Nor- j and Lee Hansen and Mi Steven wood Park to spend some time 'Mrs. Truchenbrod of McHenry Hadloy | with Tim's brother and his j being entertained by Pat and family, the Thomas McCor- 1 i>ew Kellogg. macks. ! Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wiesenthal were surprised by an unannounced visit from the Warren Krebs family. Lois' parhapp; w#h his friends.' The four Engstrom girls were ill with tonsillitis. They're getting well now, but they don't want to go through that again. Tuesday, Jan. 27, Joyce Engstrom fractured her toe and had to go to the hospital for x-rays. We hope that you'll be able to be up and around, Joyce. Colds have taken over the T^feker household. The children are better at this time, but mom ar.d dad are talking through their noses. Florence and Bob, we wish you well. Jeanne McHale is suffering from that same old cold germ. He seems to jump from one home to the next. We hope that Jeanne is on the mend now too. Meet Your Neighbor Doris and Otto Shaw moved their family into their home at 117 Manor Lane in June of ents live in Arlington Heights, j 1957. That family mentioned Bill and John Hutchinson j consists of Nancy, who was ioined the Bill Millers, who are j born Nov. 23. 1954, and of Neil, from Itasca and Norman Am- j who will be three years old undsen, who is from Chicago, March 14. Otto is employed for the great sport of tobogganing in Cary. After getting stuck in the snow with the car on the way home, all ended well with hot dogs and the trimmings at the Hutchinson home. Sunday, Jan. 25, was fun day for the weary, but happy tobogganists Nancy Lassard and Marion Alford spent Tuesday, Jan. 27, driving from Eastwood Manor to Glenview, to DesPlaines and then on to Wheeling to visit high school chums. On the same date Bob Lindemann attended a banquet given by an insurance company in Chicago. Doris enjoys knitting and reading, while Otto likes to chase that little ball around the golf course. Chicago is Doris' hometown and Deerfield claims Otto. The Thomas Simpson family came to Eastwood Manor to stay in July, 1957. The Simpsons are the proud parents of Steven, who will be six Feb. 9, and Martha, who arrived June 12, 1955. There will be another addition to the family come April. Tom is a salesman for a laboratory in Chicago. When by his union in a large hotel in : he isn't busy selling he likes to downtown Chicago. There was a meeting before the banquet and awards were given to different people in the group. Lois, Debbie and Brenda. city, Chicago. golf and bowl. Rita lists reading and knitting as her favorites. Oak Park is Rita's hometown. Tom hails from the big ^ Sympathy extend our deepest sympathy to the Glen Messer family. Glen's grandfather, Melvin Messer, passed away at the age of eighty-one. Mr. Messer had been staying with Glen's father in Melrose Park, but he is originally from Missouri Valley, Iowa where the funeral was held Jan. 20. Ryan spent Jan. 27 at Lois' mother's home in Fox River Grove. Jerry joined them in the evening for dinner. While Grandma watched the girls, Lois spent some time with a I dear friend who broke her leg I a few weeks ago when she , fell on the ice. ' Marie Dalton packed up her two children and drove to Chi- She picked up Jack's aunt. Mrs. McNamara, on the way and they all spent the day Thanks to Dee Penick and Jean Mersch for helping me get the news for this column. Don't forget to call my number while the news is new so you won't forget to call at all. Bye now. See you next week. passenger train. Mr. Liston, the driver, was killed instantly and his wife was severely injured. Mrs. Liston is at present holding her own at the McHenry hospital. This tragedy has startled and shocked the whole community, but particularly Don Liston, their son. who-received the emergency call while at work with the sheriff patrol. Too many words seem superfluous at this time, but perhaps this saying from the works of Confuscious can best sum up the feelings of those who respected and loved this man: "There is a nobility of Heaven and of man. Benevolence, righteousness, self consecration and fidelity with unwearied joy in these virtues-- These constitute the nobilitv of heaven and of man." Neither Sleet Nor Snow The Mother's March on PoMo marched last Thursday night, Jan. 29. The front line of this gallant group included Jean Reid, Myrtle Burg, Lillian Ringelstetter, Betty Morris, Kav Godina, Eileen Klapperich, Margaret Davidsen, Evelyn Harrison, Mrs. Maxwell, Mrs. Lundy. Elaine Nelson, Jerry Jensen, Lee Brocken. and heading the parade, Henrietta Vycital. These motivated mothers managed to collect almost $100 for the Polio fund, which now supports many affiliated research projects. Hot coffee and delicious plum cobbler, served by Henrietta Vycital, topped off the evening for the tired, but happy group ofmarchers. SHOP IN McHENRY Food Find "But I can't eat any more." This was the only complain that was heard at the monthly breakfast given by the McCullom Lake Men's club last Sunday. The large group of breakfasters broke their fast with a menu that consisted of either wheat cakes and sausages or eggs and bacon with "all the coffee you can drink." This shindig is held the first Sunday of the month. It has gained popularity with the local residents each time it has been given. \ Pago Nine Club Notes a 4-H Cardinals j ^he first meeting of the 4-H j Cardinals took place on Thursday, Jan. 29, at the Johnsburg i public school. A full years ' program was planned. The of- , ficers were given their specific ! duties and new members were | initiated. A committee was j selected to make 4-H posters j to be displayed in McHenry. Let us install a New "Neco" RENT-O-MATIC Automatic Water Softener • Nothing to buy • Softens both hot and ^ coId water • Works automatically -- no oxehanging of tanks • low service charge covered by savings Moil Coupon TODAY! • ALTHOFF'S GAS 700 Front St. McHenry, 111. Phone 283 NAME. ADORES*. "All Things Are Changed And We Change With Them" Author's Name Below In recent years there has been a great change in the practice of medicine and pharmacy. To keep pace with this change we pharmacists are continuously studying the drug and medical journals. As soon as a new drug is released we not only stock it, but learn all about its dosage, action, proper compounding, and preservation. That is why we are prepared to compound any prescription, prescribed by any physician, no matter how distant, exactly as he specifies. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHENRY 26 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE Pick up yGur prescription if shopping near us. or let us deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? © NYE D1UGS PHONE 26 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS WE DELIVER Quotation bv Lothair (825-869) 2 Va ' 3 '4 ' stop 3c ft. casing 7c ft. base 10c ft. PLASTER BOARD White-Pine MOULDINGS 4x8 $ 1 . 4 4 e a . j i 4 x 1 0 $ 1 . 8 0 ea 4 x 12 $2.16 ea 4x8 $ 1 . 7 6 e a , 4 x 1 0 $ 2 . 2 0 e a , B a s e S h o e 2 ' / 2c f t . i'2" 4x12 $2.64 ea. Quarter Round Sc ft. cove 3'ic ft. bdl. $1.12 IV ™ve 6c ft. Closet Pole 11c ft. V2 GYPSUM LATH 32 sq. ft. • • • Armstrong CEILING TILE Wood Corner 10'/2c ft. 12 x 12 White 10" 2c ea. 1 2 x 1 2 D e c o r a t i v e 12" 2c e a . PLYWOOD SHEATING 12x12 Acoustical 14" 2c ea. 5/16" 4 x 8 CD PI. 9c sq. ft. V 4x8 CD 9c s q . f t . 4" 4 x 8 CD 11 ' 2e s q . ft. •V 4 x8 CD 13c sq. ft. 12 x 12 Textured • • 23c ea. New 12x12 Classic 17c ea. 1x3" firring strips 3c lin. ft. Fnee use of Stapler for Application V' 4 x 8 C D P I 1 4 e sq ft. ALUM. COMB. DOORS MAHOGANY PANELLING 1." thick $29.50 Full piano hinge complete hardware. 4x8 *4" V. g r . • • $ 4 . 8 0 e a . Beauty - Plus Economy BIRCH HOLLOW CORE FLUSH DOORS A-Grade Matched Faces l'-6" x 6'-8" $5.9.5 2'-4" x 6'-8" $7.95 l'-8" x 6*-8" $5.95 2'6" x 6'-8" ... $7.95 l'-lO" x 6'-8" $6.95 2*-8"x6'-8" $8.95 2'-0" x 6'-8" $6.9o 2'-10" x 6'-8" $9.50 2'-2" x 6'-8" $7.95 3'-0" x 6'-8* $9.50 IV BIRCH ENTRANCE DOORS $16.95 up 3'-0" x 6'-8" White Pine Glamour Doors $23.95 You'll find all our prices equally low! YOU'LL SAVE -- because of our volume buying power. YOU'LL SAVE -- by paying cash. YOU'LL SAVE*"-- by hauling your own material. YOU'LL SAVE -- by using our "Easy Payment Plan" financing. (Hauling arranged for at reasonable rates) SPRING GROVE CASH & CARRY LUMBER Co. Spriug Grove, 111. -- Plipne Richmond 2732 The village board meeting' transit from Morocco to Port will be held at the beachhouse j Hueneeme, Calif. Monday, Feb. 9. Watch out Westchester! Last The Ladies of the Lake will | Saturday the Shigleys, Mayda resume their meetings this 1 and Gene, visited the home of month. The first meeting of Chuck and Lucille Broadwell. the year is to be held at 8, Feb. The evening sped on and was ANNUAL CALENDAR 12 at the beach house. Hearts and Flowers Come one, come all to the St. Valentine dance given by the Republican Women's club Saturday. Feb. 14 at the V.F.W. hall in McHenry. Here is an opportunity for a romantic Roover much too quickly, because everyone at the party had such an enjoyable evening. Elating Events The state's travel promotion agency is asking for help in compiling information for its annual calendar of special events in Illinois. The 16-p^ge booklet, published each year bjHj: (J M H the Illinois Departmental In- j formation Service, is distribut- | ed by mail to out-of-state vaca- ; • t ion inquirers and carries lists . . , of visitors attractions in all Christmas comes but once a ! sections of Illinois, including year and so do birthdays. The centennials, county fairs, relocal celebiants this week in- ; gattas, rodeos, passion plays, 1 c'u „ Vycital and Ar- | qUtdoor operas and dramas. The meo to whirl his favorite Juliet thur Stuhlfeier who share the agenCy begins distribution of to the swing and sway of en-! common natal day Sunday, | th<? booklet about April 1 each chanting dancirtg music. Tick ets are sold at the door. Feb. 1; Joyce Wilson whose arrival into this world was Jan. 30; Don Lorch Who made good thirty three years ago on Feb. shower was|^: anc^ ^ut not,the least of these, Virginia Tomasello Chit Chat A lovely baby given at the home of Mrs. ,, . • .. ., , _ , „ Louise Hammerstein of Maple o e 1 a> was e . •. Hill drive for her favorite daughter-in-law, Betty Hammerstein, Jr. Hostesses Elaine Rose and Jean Blanken arranged the festivities which consisted of games and Novice News Your new cub reporter this monjh is' local gal, Barbara Brand/. Any interesting facts re_ jand figures, fit for printing will year. If t here are special events of ,any of these types scheduled in your community, please send information on them to Illinois Departmental Information Service, Room 406, State Capitol, Springfield, Illinois. HEART ti 1 Art 111 SHOP IN McHEN-JY freshments. Delightful daughter, Lynn, opened the gifts for her mother. A visitor from Morocco. Scebee Paul Johnson, formerly from Wonder Lake, told his absorbing experiences in this torrid country to an attentive audience, William Brand and family. Sailor Johnson is now in be very much appreciated. Just call McHenry 3283-J. Thanks and 30. . @§rmis 1© &asa&E@08 |} Peter Wj. fasten & Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone McHenry S3 McHENRY SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION McHENRY, ILLINOIS We are presenting a Statement of Condition as of December 31, 1958. It is of interest that our assets have risen to $1,666,456.80 which represents an increase of $517,875.12 or 45.1% over the previous year. Both the savings and the loans have reached new high totals. The mortgage loans have increased $550,601.33 or 65%. over the previous year; and savings $531,982.91 or 62.5% over the previous year. The ratio of liquid assets at December 31, 1958, as measured by cash and U.S. Government obligations to savings accounts was 10.7% for a total of $147,547.28. We have an excellent source of credit at the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago which can be used at any time. Our reserves, surplus and permanent shares are 10.1% of the total in our savings accounts. This is a very strong reserve position and exists solely for your protection. The facts and figures presented in this report attest to the efforts of a well managed association. STATEMENT OF CONDITION as of December 31, 1958 ASSiTS First Mortgage Loans - Home Improvement Loans - Loans on Savings Accounts - - Federal Home Loan Bank Stock - S & L Building Corporation -- Stock - Cash and U.S. Government Securities Furniture & Fixtures (net) - Prepaid Expenses and other Assets - LIABILITIES Savings Accounts (savings & investment accts.) Advances from Federal Horhe Loan Bank - Loans in Process - Funds in Escrow --------- Other Liabilities - - Specific Reserves - - - - - - .- General Reserves, surplus and permanent shares $1,397,186.08 11,965.23 34,435.22 14,100.00 40,000.00 147,547.28 14,445.66 6,777.33 $1,666,456.80 $1,383,489.47 45,000.00 69,064.87 9,076.89 17,217.93 3,249.96 139,357.68 $ 1,666,456.80 I, John J. Neuharth, Treasurer of the above named McHenry Savings and Loan Association, hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. J. NEUHARTH Treasurer CORRECT ATTEST EARL J. KRUKOW Secretary State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2nd day of February, 1959. RITA MARTIN NOTARY PUBLIC *