V" Page Ten THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER McHenry Shores LONG CAREERS END AS TWO MEN RETIRE Louise Winters--2897 Last Friday saw the end of long careers for two of our residents as Charles MacCallum and John Smith retired. Mr. MacCallum had been a principal in t.he Chicago school system for 29 years, the last 15 years at the Nash elementary school. The faculty and PTA of his school held a dinner in his honor recently where he was presented with a check with thanks for his service. Mr. Smith is leaving the post office and government service after many long years. Good luck to both of them. Any thoughts of taking it easy now have been dispelled by their wives, and both claim they'll be busier now than ever before. TobopR'anlng: About six carloads rtf hardy souls took off on a recent Sunday afternoon to try the slopes over in Crystal Lake for sledding and tobogganing. We all had a wonderful time, the walk up the hill kept us plenty warm. Getting covered with snow and winded were the Hattans, Starks, Poggensees, Winters, Whitneys, Olszewskis, Munroes, Tanners and Schramms. We'll het no one had insomnia that night. Ringwood DR. HEPBURN OBSERVES HIS 85th BIRTHDAY Ruby Shepard / I Dr. William Hepburn was 85 years old Jan. 30 and/quite a few; friends came to call on him. Mrs. Hepburn served cake and coffee. He received flowers, candy and loads of cards from his many friends. Dr. Hepburn has been bed-ridden for five years and enjoyed their visits. Among . those from a distance to visit him were Mr. and Mrs. Nick Justen of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Swag of Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. Petroski. Floyd Foss and Duane Overton of Richmond, Mrs. George Lutz and father, C. A. Tschabold of Fox Lake, Roy Welter of McHenry, besides friends from Ringwood. Home Circle The Home Circle will meet at tho home of Mrs. Roy Harrison Thursday, Feb. 12. Mrs. Gus Carlson will be co-hostess. Sorry This community was sorry to hear of the death of Ed Liston of McCullom Lake, who was struck by thfe train and killed and his wife badly injured Saturday afternoon. Mr. Liston was precinct committeeman for Ringwood and McCullom Lake. Woman's Social That white stuff that everyone talks about rowadays did not keep about twenty-five of : us home lr.st Thursday night. 1 Jt_seenis_lhe^vomen:s social is " becoming so popular that three ' men even showed up. We cer- : tainly enjoy these get-togeth- , ers. Xew Mason Marge and Larrv Hicks had quite a celebration last week. Larry was raised to the third degree in the Masons and thirty of his co-Workers came out from Chicago to attend the ceremony. Marge had a buffet Supper for all of them beforehand. Happy Birthday To Ken Schopp, John Smith and Bill Lokay. Many happy returns to all of them. . New Baby Congratulations to the Clarks on the birth of their first son, Michael, who put in his appearance on Jan. 27, weighing ^ at 9 lbs., 6 oz. Little Chris and Cathy won't know how to ^Ct with a little boy around. Welrome Home Party Bob and Lu Poggensee were c o n s i d e r a b l y s u r p r i s e d o n e night recently when several of their neighbors walked in with all the makings of a party to welcome them home. From what we understand. Bob was already in bed. Joining in on the fun were the Tanners, Starks, Whitneys and Olszewskis. * News and Views Is anyone taking bets that 19ie snow will be gone by Easter? They'd be a lot safer to say the Fourth of July, but even that's not a sure thing. We've heard of more people wanting to move south than ^yer before. Just put some snow in your freezer and take it out next August Ruth and Fred Dodge and Irene and Trent Middlekauff Joined the Community Methodist church last Sunday along with several others who have been going to membership classes for several weeks. Then Sunday afternoon Trent took off for New York for the National Auto Parts Show. . We hear there is a skating pa^ty in the making for Feb. 14. That's roller skating this time. Now don't say it has been a long time since you've been on skates, none of us live on them. Discharged Dean Carlson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Carlson, received his discharge from the army Thu rsday and i s™ now- a t t he home of his parents. Movers Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank have moved from the Butler house to the house on the Ewell Farm. Twentieth Birthday John Hogan. Jr. celebrated his twentieth birthday Friday evening at the home of his parents by entertaining a group of his former classmates some of whom were home from college during semesters. There were twenty-five present. Needless to say all enjoyed themselves immensley. Sick Richard Kunz of Camp Leonard Wood. Mo. was called home by the serious illness of his mother, Mrs. Gerry Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison and son and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Dowell have had the flu bug this weeek. Personals Mrs. Paul Norman of Glenview spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkineton. Jim Pearson, who is attending college at DeKalb. is spending his between semester vacation at his home here. Harold Jepson and son, Harold Lee of Dundee, spent Wednesday afternoon with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkin gton. Mrs. Ruby Shepard spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Mrs. Lillian Powers at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal^ Lake were callers in the Louis'Hawlcy home Wednesday afternoon. Paul Shadle of Lacanada. Calif., spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Shadle. Mrs. Bertha Hacker, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kempfer. Rev. and Mrs. Vick Wenger of Toledo and Rev. and Mrs. Williams of Maumee. Ohio, were visitors in the Dr. Hepburn home Saturday. Mrs. Bertha Hacker spent the week here. They are cousins of Dr. Hepburn. Butch Leonard of Lake Geneva spent the weekend in the Fred Diedrich, Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles TJhl and family visited relatives at Milwaukee Sunday. Mrs. Ruby Shepard with the Alan Ainger family were Sunday dinner guests in the W. A. Pierce home at Zion City. Mr. and Mrs: Walter Low and family spent Sunday in the Beatty-Low home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock were afternoon callers. Walter Fritz and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reimer of Elgin were callers in the Clayton Bruce home Sunday afternon. 1 Mrs. Ella Newman of McHenry called on . Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Jr., Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Tony Senkerik of Sunnvside Estates spent Tuesday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert spent Sunday afternoon in the John Skidmore home. Mrs. Charles Uhl visited Shirley Donohue at the McHenry hospital Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Cox of Algonquin were callers in the Dr. Hepburn home Sunday afternoon. 0, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Oxtoby spent Saturday evening in the Robert Oxtoby home at Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman of Poplar Grove were Sunday dinner guests in the John Hogan home. In the afternoon they were all callers in the Richard Thompson 'iomp at Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington and family spent Sunday in the Glen Benoy home at Hebrrin. ~ Mrs. Elmer Olsen and Mrs. John Hogan attended a district 4-H meeting at Elgin Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rowe of Woodstock spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen and celebrated her nineteenth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods nnd granddauehter. Helen Bu'- lis of Genoa City, spent Sunday in the Pete Sebastian home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and son, Rob. of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter, Georgia Mary, of Sycamore spent Sunday afternoon in the Fred Weidrich, Jr., home. Terry Pliner of Wonder Lake called in the Bob Brennan home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard ->nd son. Jimmy, and daughter, Mary Kay, of Lake Geneva spent Thursday afternoon in the Fred Wiedrich. Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Sunday in the Ernest Reinwall, Jr., home at Cooney Heights. theEDIi Money spent for classrooms ts an important expenditure. Good teachers are necessary to make the building a school. Illinois Education Association mm** Say the things YOU want to say...with Who Said Taxis Are A Luxury? Add the cost of cleaning this man's rain-soaked 1 clothes and you'll agnee door-to-door taxi actually , saves money. A cab can help in a hundred different ' ways. When you need one. Radio Dispatched Met CAB PHONE 723 NORCROSS SATURDAY Select yours NOW at BOWSER'S D 108 ST Cireen St. rug awe PHONE 40 McIIenry, III AMERICAS DEPENDABLE FOOD MERCHANT SK FULL SHANK HALF c Thursday, February 5, 1959 SMOKED HAMS 18 to 20 lb. Size FULL BUTT HALF * 49G * NO CENTER SLICES REMOVED Hot or cold, sliced or In sandwiches . .. flavor-rich smoked ham from A&P is sure to win plenty of praise at parties, or any time you serve it. For A&P's Super-Right hams give you the tenderness of the best-fed pork, the mellowness that comes from careful curing and smoking. There's no happier choice for enjoyment and economy. Try it and see! PILLSBURY FLOUR Gold Msdal or Ceresota Wlhift®, All Purpose Super-Right Quality STEAK Porterhouse, T-Bone or Club Tall-less, lb. 95 C Sirloin Wedge-Bone Removed, lb. 85 Fancy, Young, Plump, 18 to 22 lbs. -LB. BAG $189 it Tom Turkeys Super Right ' ' Thick Sliced Bacon Super Bight ££ Skinless Funks • U. S. Gov't. Inspected Oven Ready DEXO PURE VEGETABLE hortening 49 flain Page » Chocolate, White & Spice Cake Mix x-19* LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE Twice Rich, Rich in Flavor, I Rich in Vitamins 46-oz. tin 29 POTATOES Northern Grown, Red or White U. S. No. I, Grade A 15-39 Florida Pascal Celery 30 size 10c ORANGES California Grown Navels 88 Size, Sweet and Juicy mE Grapefruit Seedless, 96 Size 10 49* BROS. COFFEE ') Maxwell House, Manor House or I-lb. Chase & tin Sanborn 77 Green Giant/Whole Kernel Niblet Corn tr 15 Pineapp!@°Grapefruit < VACUUM'COFFI A&P Brand Our Very Finest Manor House Coffee Betty Crocker, Duncan Hines & Pillsbury Chocolate, White, Yellow, Spice ^ 46-oz. tin 2-lb. tin pkg. 25^ $113 25' Lux Liquid Detergent 71 larga Lux Flal 2 pkgs. Rinso Detergent >'2 'Z 67c Lux lir Soap 3 29c Lux liil Seap^. 2 >'» 29° Vel Hipl litergent7IC Fife Detirint^rl 'z |ae Zest Beauty Bar 2 r 39e Zest Beauty Bar 2 29* Lava Hand Soap 2 = 25c An. Family ikes 2 large pkgs. St Perfect for Duz Soap Laundry or Dishes IxydiS ietirgi Tide iitergent Cheer iitwnt Contains Bleach Special 5c Off Deal 2 large £Qc pkgs. 09 2large fill© pkgs. ©if Giant Pkg V; Xew Blue 74' 2larg° CQc pkgs. Q9 •*g n Special Kitilen Ihizer 2 For Auto. A 18-oz. f*Ac Washers £ pkgS. AD Detergent l«y Whit© Bleach 19° My Andy^X,69° Saline 8raik©r$ Fresh Crisp Nabisco 14-oi. tins lb. pkg. 25c THE GREAT ATLANTIC i PACIFIC TEA COMPANY All Prices Effective Through February 7th We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities SHOP LOCALLY IT PAYS ./i