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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Feb 1959, p. 14

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Page Fourteen Thursday, February 5, 1959 Wonder I t hat pa I itMtIs apply for treat- 4-H Notts ment at the onset of their emo-J New member; Kathy Mc- SCHOOL BOARD tional disturbances when the j Mahon, and visitor, Donna Kid- »rr<rDTC r»T Attre most can be done to effect a I dell, were present at the meet- AuLLr lo fLiAXMo cure ing of the Wonder Workers at FOR ADDITION O. K. Stephens, business ad- ! the home of their leader, Mrs. by Jane Ducey -- 2781 ministrator of Elgin State hos- j Muss Hansen, on Jan. 26. The Betty Burns 5501 P',al- who accompanied Mrs. treasurer's report showed a Whit hers to Wonder Lake ' balance of $35 in the treasury. The Board" of Education of pointed out that the trouble An issue was read by Bar- District No 36 has selected with a hospital is that it takes bara Hansen on ' What to eat ™ rtLS firm fMm «ho patient away from home, for breakfast'. Another talk Rockford, for the proposed ad- family, friends, church, clubs u,,s given by Patty Hansen on dition to Harrison school at and possibly business, all of j Stitch and Switch school their Tuesday meeting. The which works to his disadvan-; dates The first year girls architects plan to have pre- tage for a recovery. had their drop biscuits tested liminarv drawings to submit Mrs. Whithers outlined the , by some of the older girls in time for the P.T.A. meeting growth of the Fox Valley Donna Setzler gave a dem- Tuesday Feb ,10 The board group, pointing out that the onstiation on How to make is scheduled to come before first step was the preparation coffee cake." After this Lorthis group with their proposal, of the community with an in- ne Vacula demonstrated the „ f (ll„ fnr. formal educational program, making qf white sauce. Re- Recognition of the need ^ begun later : porter for the Wonder Workers enlarging Harrison school is i nt? , jc \nn piinpr based on the two additional funds beca f me ava lable 18 Plinerin nrn^nect next fall- from lhe state t0 finance lts °P* : j 'j i* j oration. Patients come bv self Girl Scout News another second gia e c ass an app]jcatjon and by referral of C.irl Scout troop 318 met at a combination se\en i an ho , doctors and ministers. ! Harrison school, last week. The wfh , EJlriff * Xe.'a™ TTw w'shMt incidence of pa- leader, gave a demonstration go th^^jroiecUon shows tlenta in the Fox Valley clinic, on "How to make a hospital In 1961-62 the p j among women and bed" and the girls all partici- Mjd. for another room,.and-m among wo Refreshments were 1962-63. one more room .nil be ^ Stephens said that a re-; brought by Nancy Regelin. cent .investigation hafd. shown Knstine Weisenberger is the that a population qf $50,000 troop reporter. would support a clinic. Mc- Also Daniel Joseph Gosse, son of Orville and Mary Popelka Gosse. His godparents are Therese Popelka and James Borre. required. Present enrollment is 410 students. The children who will be needing these classrooms are ^^ population is esalready living at the Lake and ag ^ the projection does not -take Nativity Lutheran Church Ne,\vs Members of the newly organinto account the influx which To j|ear state Chairman ized "Men of the Church" will would come from the development of any new subdivisions in the district. . Prepare For Easter Parade At the Jan. 26 meeting of the Kiwanis club of McHenry Mrs. E. H. Robinson. I.C.P.T. attend the convention of the program service chairman, will Chicago Conference United Lube the guest speaker at the theran Church Men, at St. Founder's Day program at Marks Lutheran Church on Harrison school Tuesday. Feb. 1 Sunday. Feb. 8. Rev. James 10. The Role of the P.T.A. is White, pastor of Redeemer Luher subject and she will out- theran church in Chicago, will Township George Pederson, im- ljne p0;nts on the purposes, be the banquet speaker. mediate past president, announced that the hair stylists in the community were going programs and origins of the Special mid - week worship PTA the reason for Founder's j services will begin during Lent and the purpose of the on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 11, to the county home at ^art" birthday gift. 'starting at 7:45. All are welland during beauty week, Feb. Following Mrs. Robinson the ' come to these special services 8 to 14, to give free hair-dos school board will be present to as we travel with Christ, in to the ladies at the home. ^jve thg facts ancj figures on j heart, and mind, down the road 7 " • the proposed addition to Har- | to the cross. The topic on High School Polls rigon schoo] and to display the ! which all of these mid-week At Harrison preliminary drawings which sermons will be based is, "The The Harrison school board have been made by the arChi- Way to Calvary." The Altar voted to have the polling place A question and answer Guild will have its regular for the election of McHenry sessjon will fQuow the board's j meeting following the worship high school board members at pr0p0saj ! service. tHta rrison s„c„ih ooli , in conjunc- Thatcher's and Mr ! Chamber Elects Directors ; Three directors were elected j at the meeting of the Chamber j of Commerce at the Mill Inn Party For S»s.n ! ^u?day- _ a h re „Fran>l Susan Olson celebrated her ™'e£e™n;. A !5h,mke ,and T. P. Mathews. The meeting the evening. tion with the grade school Wenc^s fifth grade room board election, at their Tues- mothers wju ^ hostesses for day meeting. Fred Marks, who is the Wonder Lake representative on the high school board, said the establishment of this polling n.nth birth(i Saturday, Jan. place at Wonder Lake had been with a at her home granted after numerous re- presen) to hel celebrate were quests had been made, and ask- jQann RinR Tina Topp pen. ed that it be held in conjunc- , IIa Sara Wright, Lois ^ U1 ^ ^ tion with the Harrison board { He]en Misek Debbie (this year. Election of officers election. Falkenthal Pollv Ducev Janie IWl11 take place at the next It is hoped that this conven- ,Brandt> and Ajlen Matheson. I meting to be held Feb. 26. was well attended and the discussion centered around plans for an Easter Egg Hunt which the C of C will sponsor again ience to the residents of the Guests from Chicago were Mr. Monday Night Ladles League Team standings in the Monday League show a first place are a number one issue in our ^i'^r'susanandhertaiTy ! "f b"wee" "f and Lake . . . . . . Wickline , Ciders with 44'S; games won. Cardinal Store 41 Ms, Handy Pantry, 37, Leigh's 30, Gutz- Lake will do much to increase |and Mrg MerJe Dickie and Gin_ the participation m school. ny gnd Jpan an(J Mr and Mr, board election, since schools John Romps and their daugh- Welcome Bundle From Heaven Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Misiak are the. happy parents of a baby girl, Patricia Marie, born Saturday at Resurrection hospital in Chicago. The baby weighed 8 lbs. % oz. Pat has, two brothers, Mark and Paul, and the only living grand mother is Mrs. Barbara Weinand of Chicago. "Tari" For Short Therese Mary is the name selected by the S. L. Ruggeros for their new little black haired, bright eyed daughter born last Monday. Mom and Dad just didn't make up their mind in time for the "deadline"--or maybe they wanted approval of the three little sisters and four brothers at home. The majority of votes favored Therese. pital with a broken leg. We hope he won't be horizontal too long! Party - Goers Gloria and Ed Coughlin tripped the light fantastic (?) at their friends' wedding party up in Twin Lakes Saturday. It's been a long time, Gloria said and now that she's recovered she will happily consider afn encore! Houseful Of Fun Mr. and Mrs. WiH'am Dicker of Highland Shores held a family reunion Saturday in honor of their daughter Cindy's birthday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Willard Plante, daughter, Rita, and son, Howard, of Oak Park, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bartels and youngsters, John, Paul, Ralph and Jean of Brookfield, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Lawser and daughters, and Kathy of Lombard, Mrs. Wilbur La- Pointe of Hillside, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dicker of Oak Park. "Many Happy Returns" Birthday congratulations are in order for Donald Malo, Richard Huebner, Auston Hood, Eugene Freund, Terry Brennen and Therese Burns. Infanticipation Pink, and white carnations and blue and white kimonas were the fancy favors set off by the frilly net trimmed bassinet centered at the place of honor for Mrs. Richard Pickrum at the blessed event shower held at Mrs. Jack Kremer's home in Deep Spring Woods. "Lee" was taken by surprise by the following ladies, Dolores Wines, Dorothy Nemsick, Harriet McCall, Jean McKibbin, Alice Hopkins, Eve Johnson, Joan Schwegel, Jane Ducey, Jackie Kremer and Betty Burns. Rita Rice, Madeline Jones and Edith Sauers were unable to attend. Anniversaries This Week Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hansen of Wonder Center are celebrating their forty-fourth wedding anniversary and Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of Wonder Center are celebrating their fiftyfourth wedding anniversary. Congratulations. Cool Vacation Suzan Ensminger is home from Wayland Academy in Beaver Dam, Wis. during midterm. Visiting from Milwaukee with the Ensmingers is friend Jim Silver, and from Long Beach, Calif. H. H. Ensminger, Susan's grandfather. "H. H" is 86 years young and traveled here by train surprising the family. We hope this brisk weather compensates the Californiah with its beauty to the landscape, brrr! port the collection bottle with | an approximate total of $401 was stolen Saturday afternoon j or evening from their counter. Proceeds were to benefit the 'rescue squad. The empty bottle was found ! outside the store--broken. Any-1 one knowing 'any information j concerning this should report it to Bob Asmus. TAX FACTS by Maurice W. Scott, Executive Secretary Taxpayer's Federation of Illinois Catastrophe Little Roger and Sandy Hansen caught the chicken pox last week when they decided they were not to be outdone by their cousin, Dick Ahrens. What the little fellows didn't realize, is how it would curtail their social engagements, they missed out on Gram's anniversary party, and a lot of good sleddin'. The Wonder Workers The 4-H group, the Wonder Workers are going on a field trip to the bakeries in McHenry on Feb. 12. The bus will leave the center at 12:45. Mr. and Mrs. Sigurd Jacobson and daughters, Susan and Petria, are happily settled in their new home in Ringwood. We know their friends and neighbors in Wooded Shores will surely miss them. Community Drive During the month of February the Highland Shores rescue squad, will be making a door to door solicitation for badly needed funds to reach an objective of acquiring better fire protection to be housed in their community. In order to do this, and in order to continue the work they have been doing for the past year, operating capito is needed. During the past year with contributions ajjd the cooperation of citizens and merchants the squad hais been able to purchase an ambulance, a resuscitator, first aid equipment and supplies, and a heated enclosure for the. ambulance and equipment. The squad has answered calls of all kinds and was responsible for saving the lives of three people. They plan to continue to serve the community and help any one in need. To improve their operation, they must improve upon and add to the equipment. Since it is civic duty of every one to take part and help as much as possible the men would appreciate the support of all in the area. Any and all contributions will be welcomed. Regular members of the rescue squad are: O. Yager, H. Kopp, D. Tomamo, J. Laing, B. Asmus, R. Fehling, D. Condit, B. Detweiler, B. Wiggins J. Stetler, H. Margitts, F. Nystul, E. Wilweski, B. Brooker, S. Samp, W. Dicker and Betty Booth, registered nurse. A training class is now being conducted by George Meyer, teaching first aid to D. Rusells, C. Michaels, V. Perryman, P. Breckenridge, H. and R. Reymann. With the recent convening of the 86th Congress, President Eisenhower's announcement of a balanced budget should be well received by members of Congress and the people back home, the Taxpayers' Federation of Illinois announced. The reaction of "the spenders" to the president's announcement of a balanced budget as "phony" or "cheapskate" is alarming. However, facts do not warrant such criticism. Mr. Eisenhower says his budget will be balanced at around $77 bilion. On the spending side, this would he $3 billion less than the latest estimates for . the present fiscal period. Perhaps the adjcctive which has been most often applied to the proposed new budget is "unrealistic." In part, at least, this criticism is apparently based on the premise that tl>e modest reductions in some expendi-. tures which the president's budget contemplates will mean curtailing certain federal programs, and that some of these are important to the defense of the nation. The fact is tSiat the record does not support this fear. Reports indicate that defense spending will increase next year, perhaps by as much as a billion dollars. And a fac- • tual analysis of federal spending in recent years shows that' the huge budget increases are due to balooning expenditures: in the domestic-civilian programs, not to those concerned with our protection. * , There have been some douwa expressed about the revenue estimates upon which the new balanced budget ° is predicted. However, these were made by responsible government officials who are qualified to determine revenue forecasts. A thinking person may soberly decide that the most unrealistic aspect of the whole picture is the belief that this nation can go on spending billion a year or more, running up huge deficits, adding to our terrific national debt, without bringing on galloping inflation; a.nd doing severe damage to oUr country's economy. Although a spending level of $77 billion is much too high and there is no universal feeling that fiscal 19S0 will actually end up in the black, the ov||- riding <fact remains that a rSl effort has been made. The president is not simply taking an optimistic view? of revenue estimates; he is calling for considerable cuts in spending -- which is the direction the government must go to restore fiscal solvency. When a married man tells you he's the boss in his o|||i home, you know he'll lie abotUt other things to. FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 - Just East of Route 12 - Volo, lit Phone McHenry 667-W-l Casualty Week's Meanest Trick ,From slippin! not sleddin! i The grocery store in High- Curt Waller landed in the hos- land Shores is unhappy to renation today, both to tax pay ers and/or citizens with children to educate. residence in Wooded Shores. Kiwanis Hears Mental Health Speaker In lieu of Aldene Ecker. executive director of the Fox Valley Mental Health clinic, Mrs. Dan Obituary James J. Aheam, summer resident of Look Out Point for the past five years, and retired Chicago policeman, passed away Sunday in the city. He was Whithers, past president of the born jn Ireland We extend Elgin association for Menta!; condolences to his widow, Health spoke to the McHenry ; ^ Jam(?s Township Kiwanis club Mon- Rev Fr John j who are day night on the function and rU we„ known tQ QUr commun_ o r g a n i z a t i o n o f a s t a t e - a i d e d j . . community mental health clin- I ' ic. The township club began , Bible Church News a new project this year, which j The week beginning Feb. 2, is the establishment of a clinic j is Founders Week at Moody for McHenry county. Bible Institute. Pastor Wright Mrs. Whithers established , will attend the alumni dinner that a mental health clinic \ Tuesday and will also be there serves the people who cannot j on Thursday. Friday evening afford private psychiatric treat- the Young People will go in to ment with a view to the preven- , attend the service. tion of mental illness, as well Pastor Wright will be speakas providing service to the con- ing in his father's church in ditionally discharged patients Muskegan, Mich., Sunday, Feb. from mental hospitals. It has 8. In his absence Rev. Robert the advantage of removing . Vaught from the Lake Region much of the stigma which at- ; Bible church will fill the Wontends a mental hospital, soder Lake pulpit. mans 25^, Fredrickson 22, and Nels Johnson 20 games won. Christ the King Church News Christenings Jan. 25, Rev. Raymond Hubers, O.S.B. baptized two babies at Christ the King church. They were Tamela Lou Eberlein, daughter of Joseph and Irene Carlson Eberlein. Godparents DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 Jockey Something Cute, Something Pretty, Something Clever, Something Witty. You II find them ALL on NORCROSS ntines 2 of course.. Say the things YOU want to say! 103 S. Green St. g Store PHONE 40 for your true comfort M mod* only by BRIEF Clever red hearts on a white background with a sweetheart message ... "My heart pants for you." They're Celanese Acetate with true Jockey comfort-tailoring that makes them perfect. What better gift to give him than a lasting gift of comfort! In size, 28-40. $U0 Jockty HOSIERY A most unusual gift ... a pair of Jockey Unisize stretch hose, • sine rep tie, a simulated tie tack and a clever mechanical heart that "beats." A four-fold surprise package of fashionl The socks in red or black; Unisize (one size fits 10- $2.95 $1.00 13). Socks alone McGee's Store for M 117 S. Green St. Phone McHenry, ni. Open Daily: 8 a.m.-6 p.m. - Fridays 'til 9 p.m. - Sunday 9 a.m. 'til noon m Give sweets to your sweetheart on Valentine's day . . . candies to thrill her taste! Our delicious chocolates are the finest made . . . to show you really care! We have all her favorite kinds ... beautifully gift-boxed. Heart-box asst. m Hearts of tempting chocolate in various sizes, L WHITMAN annie NOW AT BOLGER'S

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