Page Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday. February 5. 1959 G.O.P. INSTALLATION Former Local Man i Calls Church Dance Harold Phannenstill, a former McHenry resident, will call the last dance before Lent at St. John's Catholic church hall in Twin Lakes, Wis., from 8:30 to 11:30 on Saturday, Feb. 7 There will be lunch and refreshments served. At the last dance, a cake walk proved so popular that something in the same line will be featured this time. Pan Hellenic; At Fulton Residence The McHenry County Pan- Hellenic meeting was , held at the home of Mrs. Clifton Fulton on Monday evening. Mrs. Annel of Barrington spoke for Illinois Bell Telephone company on "Color Comes Calling," dealing with colored telephones and the decor of homes. About twenty members were in attendance. Any girls interested in joining the organization will be welcomed. MAKE PLANS FOR VALLEY VIEW DAY CAMP AT LAKE Girl Scout district director Mrs. Helen Danley was the guest speaker at the January meeting of the neighborhood, Valley View North, at Wonder Lake last week. She gave a very informative visual demonstration on neighborhood structure and the function of the service team.' The meeting was presided over by Mrs. Velma Sinclair in the absence of Mrs. Russell Spuehr, chairman. It was decided that until Mrs. Spuehr's health improved, the neighborhood service team would take over as many of her duties as possible. Plans for day camp were announced for the week of July 6. The camp will be held at the Rod and Gun club grounds at Wonder Lake. Camp di- „ rector will be Mrs. Sinclair, assisted by Mrs. George Rink, in addition to the site committee made up of Mrs. Charles Paetow, Mrs. Stanley Wilson. Mrs. Howard Ehrke and Mrs. M. Arseneau. Leaders were asked to deterflnine Ifow many of the girls were planning to attend for five days. Announcement was made of ' the cancellation of the rally in Crystal Lake, as the result of a decision made at the district meeting. Attention was called to a $10,600 budget shortage and discussion was held on how the neighborhood could contribute to help make up the deficiency. Several plans were offered and it was decided that everyone bring suggestions to the next neighborhood meeting at the Richmond Community church Feb. 11. A committee was formed to choose a name for the neighborhood which has been split, composed of Mrs. Tom McMillan, Mrs. Albert Topp and Mrs. Granger. Everyone is asked to bring a suggestion to the next meeting. It was announced that Richard Pickrum had accepted the position of cookie .sale drive chairman. Orders for cookies and nuts will be taken during the period of March 8 to 20. The money will be collected on delivery during the period of April 13 to 24. Harriette Wilson gave a demonstration on how the girls of her troop make their own valentines at the close of the meeting. Dolores Mercure Saturday Bride St. Mary's Catholic church was the scene of a lovely midwinter wedding last Saturday, Jan. 31, at 10 o'clock when Rev. Fr. Nilges officiated at. the marriage of Miss Dolores Mercure and Mr. Richard Sokolowski. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Thomas Mercure of Lilymoor and the groom, is the son of Mrs. John Ciechon of the same area. The altars were beautifully decorated with bouquets of pink and white carnations. The bride placed a small bouquet of white carnations and white stephanotis Oh the Blessed Virgin's altar. ,Miss'Mercure'was charming in a traditional gown fashioned of peau de soi. with long, tapered sleeves and unique sabrina neckline of errtbroidered alencon lace studded with sequins and pearls. The full skirt fell from a fitted bodice, featuring a sequin and pearl trimmed, vertical panel of lace which enhanced the front and swept into a graceful chapel train. Ker imported veil of illusion fell from a pearl and sequin queen's crown. Attending the bride were Mrs. Theresa Tonyan, a close friend, as maid of honor and Miss Rosemary Mercure, sister of the bride, as bridesmaid. They were attired identically in dresses of nylon organza in sea coral, waltz length, with full skirt topped" by a wide Pictured at the installation ceremony for officers of the McHenry Township Republican Women's club, held at the V.F.W. clubhouse last week, were Mrs., Harold Frett, treasurer; Mrs. Florence Falsetti, recording secretary; Mrs.^ Eugene Miller, president; Charles J Miller, installing officer; Mrs. Henry Nell, second vice-president; Mrs. Robert Doran, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. Ben Redman, first vice-president. INSTALL NEW OFFICERS OF GOP WOMEN'S CLUB Mrs. Eugene Miller was installed president of the McHenry Township Republican Women's club at an installation rite held recently at the V.F.W. j ^ und, the Community Methoclubhouse. Charles (Chuck) I dist church of McHenry and CARD OF THANKS I would like in this way to express my sincere gratitude to the great many acquaint? ances and friends of my late husband, Joseph X. Waynne, for their prayers, spiritual bouquets, memorial offerings to McHenry hospital, the Heart PERSONALS tucked midriff empire effect, on snug bodice. With the sleeveless dresses they wore matching mitts, and on their heads had circular veils of velvet lenf. in saa coral. The little flower girl, Debbie Mercure, a niece of the bride, wore a nylon organza white dress, with green and white ballerina length skirt.. A circular veil was attached to a pearl capette. Kenneth Crook and Don Massheimer, both close friends of the groom, served as best man and groomsman, respectively. Michael Ketchum, nephew of the bride, was ring bearer. Mrs. Mercure chose a lace sheath dress in beige, with which she wore blue accessories and a corsage of white stephanotis and red roses. Mrs. Ciechon was attired in a beige dress, brown accessories and a corsage of white, stephanotis and red roses. About sixty guests enjoyed dinner at noon at the V.F.W. clubhouse, where 200 friends and relatives gathered later for a reception. The newlyweds are residing at 16 W. Rand road, Lakeir.oor. The bride is a 1955 graduate of the McHenry high school and is employed at Rainbow Cleaners. The groom attended the local high school and is employed at the Kroeger store in Winnetka. CARD OF THANKS The tiioughfulness and sympathy extended by our friends and neighbors during our recent sorrow will always remain with us as a precious memory. Our sincere thanks to all. Mrs. Harry Ward and Jackie *40 Miller, chairman of the G.O.P. central committee of the county, acted as installing officer. Installed with Mrs. Miller were Mrs. Ben Redman, first vice-president; Mrs. Henry Nell, second vice-president; Mrs. Florence Falsetti, recording secretary; Mrs. Robert Doran," corresponding secretary; Mrs. Elizabeth Frett, treasurer. Standing committees include Mrs. Jerome Miller, refreshments; Mrs. Robert VanZevern, ways and means; and Mrs. John Brosky, program. Present at the impressive service were Judge James Cooney of Woodstock, Senator Robert McClory, Rep. A. B. Mc- Connell, Sheriff Melvin Griebel. County Clerk Vernon W. Kays, Probation and Child Welfare Officer Bert H. Boerner, Committeemen Joe Cina of Lakeland Park, Art Giavannoni of Cary and Casey Gilles of Woodstock; also H. Walter Anderson, township clerk. A St. Valentine day dance will be held at the V.F.W. Saturday, Feb. 14, sponsored by the club. Mrs. Robert Doran may be contacted for tickets. Dick Voss Serves On President's Council Dick Voss, 20 Orchard Beach, is among twenty-two students at the University of Wisconsin who were recently chosen officers or named to committees of the pledge president's council on the state University campus. The Plq,dge President's Council is made up of representatives of student pledges of all sororities and fraternities on the university campus, and governs all UW student pledge activities. Dick is serving on the council's social committee this year. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone for their cards, gifts and prayers and those who visited us while we were hospitalized. Your kindnesses will always be remembered. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schmitt *40 others, for flowers which came from points even so distant as Vancouver, B. C., and the French Riviera and were so warming in the chapel and for those which were seiii to my home and for other expressions of thoughtfulnc-ss. Specially, I am grateful to my loyal friends who extended immeasurable concern and kindness in my behalf during the past month without which comforting gestures I would have found it almost impossible to go on. I am very grateful to the women of the American Legion for their appearance in uniform at the chapel; to the Legion guard for their beautiful performance; to the McHenry Lodge, A.F. & A.M. No. 158, for their most touching and perfect execution of an impressive ritual at the chapel and other expressions of care; to Mrs. Ida Quinlan for organ music; Otto E. Pyritz for the song; to the minister, Rev. Geo. W. Martin; to the Woman's Society of Christian Service for their several expressions, and to those whom, unintentionally, I may not have mentioned. I am grateful to the very many people who visited the chapel, who sent cards, letters and assurances. I shall try tor answer all of them as soon as possible. Stephanie Waynne HARDEST BUSIEST CHE APES! WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS Included' in the McHenry folks who attended the wake or funeral of Edward Larkin in Elgin last week were Edward Sutton, son, Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sutton, Mrs. Joseph J. Sutton, William\ Sutton, R. J. Sutton ana Robert Knox. \ Billy Kinsala of Lljtguna Beach, Calif., is spending several weeks in the Charles Corso home. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Walsh and children, Billy, Bobby and Kathy, of Fox Lake were Sunday guetss in the Alfons Adams home. Edward' Dwyer of Chicago spent the weekend with his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Thelen and Mr. and Mrs. John Thelen have returned from a three weeks vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Croak of Chicago and Skipper and patti Bacon of Crystal Lake visited their grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon,. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young have returned by plane from a trip to California. They accompanied Mr, and Mrs. Louis Young, of Waukegan, there, where they attended the wedding of the letter's daughter, Miss Mary Dolores Young, to Fred William Perry, which took place at San Carlos Borromes Mision,, Carmel by the Sea, Saturday, Jan. 31. The Louis Youngs remained for a longer visit with their daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bacon of Round Lake were visitors in the home of Mrs. Zena Bacon Thursday. Dr. and Mrs. James West of Lombard called on McHenry relatives Wednesday. Miss Ann Frisby who had spent the past and Mary, Dorothy, Louise and Melvin Walsh and Miss Lenore Frisby attended the wedding of Louise Walsh's niece, Maureen Walsh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Walsh of Grayslake, to Richard StinelT of Chicago, which took place at Immaculate Conception church, Waukegan, last Saturday. A reception was held in Highland Park. \ Ellen, Mary, Dorothy, Louise and Melvin Walsh spent Sunday in Hammond, Ind., where they attended the wake of a couean, Mrs. John Julier, the former Agnes Muldoon of Hammond. She died unexpectedly at, her winter home in 'Fort Lauderdale last Thursday. ' Sandra Walsh, student at the College of St. Therese, Winona, Minn., spent the weekend with her parents, the Quentin Walshes. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ballowe have returned from a threeweek trip to Florida. While there they enjoyed dinner at a restaurant owned by former McHenry residents, J&oy and Lorraine Melsek, who now reside on Fort A|eyer Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen arrived home Sunday after visiting the past six weeks in the home of their son, Dr. Jerome W. Justen, and family in Glendale, Calif. Among the many beautiful sights they viewed during their stay was the Tournament of Roses parade on New Year's day. Died Jan. 25 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt appreciation for the many acts of kindness, prayers, cards and floral offerings received during the illness and passing of our beloved daughter and sister, Marilyn Anderson. We are especially grateful to Rev. John Reuland and Rev. Harold Nilges and the nuns of St. Mary's and Rev. West and the nuns from Rosary college. Your two weeks in their home, re- helpfulness and comforting exturned to McHenry with them. Miss Clara Miller and Mrs. Annabel Aicher left Saturday, via plane, for a several weeks vacation in Clearwater, Fla., They report a temperature of eighty degrees upon their arrival there. The Marion Messman family of Woodstock visited her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, Sunday. Miss Ann Loretta Weber returned to her studies at Clarke College Dubuque, Iowa, Tuesday, after spending a few days w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. George Binder and family of Morton Grove were Sunday visitors in the Bert Bienapfl home. Mrs. A. J. Wirtz left Monday evening, by train, to spend some time in the home of her son, Pfc. John Wirtz and wife at Fort Smith, Ark., where she will make the acquaintance of her new grandson bo n last \ oek. Sunday visitors in the Herb Simon hom: were the James Wagner fr.mily of Milton, Wis. and the Robert Wyman family of Arlington Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Walsh, daughters, Sandra and Judy, pressions of sympathy will always be remembered. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Anderson *40 and Carol Jean MARIL¥N ANDERSON The community last week mourned the untimely death of Marilyn Anderson, 19, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Walter Anderson, which occurred Jan. 25 in St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin. She . was in her second year at Rosary nllege. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all who sent cards and gifts and to those who visited me during my recent illness at the hospital. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. 40 Mrs. Otto Adams 0SRWI1T AL n McHeury Hospital "f\ Patients at McHenry hospi^ tal during the past week included Frank Bohl, Christine Brock and Jack Snader of Crystal Lake; Dwight Davidson Of Lisle, 111.; Anna Kloepfer of Lakemoor; Earl Gorman of Woodstock; Marion McOmber, Thomas Kenney, Ludwig Thalhofer, Donald Backhus, Robert Doherty, James Kennebeck, Donald Fernstrom, Mary Zir merman, Elizabeth Freund anc Frank Pitzen of McHenry; Fred Schneider and Robert , Schaefer of Ingleside; Hilda Johnson of Chicago; Joann Rizzo of Lakeland Park; Bryan Von Bruenchenhein of Pistakee Highlands; Josephine Cosella of Jacoby subdivision, McHenry; James Scott of Park Ridge; Frances Liston. of McCullom Lake and Robert Dietrich <0 Fox Lake. Memorial Hospital / Patients at Memorial hospital, Woodstock this past week included Mrs. Keturah Barnard and Grace Paetow of Wonder Lake and Randall Schiller and Robert Idstein of McHenry. Harvard Hospital 0 Mrs. William Garrity has been a patient in Harvard hospital. giiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiitiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiHHiiiiii^ | VILLA NURSING H^ME 1 1 = 3as ON PISTAKEE BAY NEAR McHENRT 5= £ = s 2E 1 Home for the Aged r SENILE BED PATIENTS I PHONE McHENRY 461 i : | rlllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIMi||||||ini|||||||j||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||H1l|IIHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIli cJCoveiy! SHE USES PROFESSIONAL CARE R E M E M B E R • • • lf}q.liana( (f^eaulu SaLn WU FEBRUARY 8th to 15th If You're Not Becoming To Him ... . . . You Had Better "Be-Coming" To Us Riverside Jdairdtyiinfy *Studi 126 N. Riverside Dr. Phone 147 no McHenry, 111. Member of N. C. H. A. READ THE WANT ADS IT LL BE BETTER IF YOU MAKE IT WITH GOO© RICH MILK FROM FREU YOUR VALENTINE DESERVES THE FINEST \ COMPLETE LINE OF Rust Craft Valentine Cards Phone McHenry 97 OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M VALENTINE'S DAY C LOCAL TRADEMARKS 77ie standard of the world in Precision DAIRY, INC. |(^rr/^a£-cheese Precision, perhaps more than any one factor, has placed Cadillac above and beyond other motor cars. In every phase of design ... manufacture ... and assembly, meticulous care is devoted to even the most minor of details. The result of this untiring effort is evidenced on every highway of the world--Cadillac motor cars--ten or fifteen or twenty years old--still providing pleasure and prestige. Visit your Cadillac dealer to drive the 1959 Cadillac and to experience motor dam's most convincing howr! (tttittit-ITW W+iirH %![ \ l l ' i :: "i > s i , ; if if Mchenry S local OA' C*Y 400 FRONT STREET VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. PHONE 17 or 3200 McHENRY, ILL.