Thursday, February 5, 1959 /£hE McHENgY PLAINDEALEB Page Seven v. CLASSIFIED # REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - HOMES - FARMS < CHOICE LOTS - BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY , «NOX KLiAL EST A IE 405 Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 421-J 42-tl & 3 J^IDROOM HOME for Living room with fireplace, a*, large rooms. Attached garage, gas heat. Also 4 loom furnish ed apt. attached, provides a ditional income. Call Wondei Lake 5654. J4-" BUYING or SELLING A. H. Gallagher 38 Channel Beach SUNNYSIDE -- A 3-bedroom ranch home in beautiful condition. Tile bath. Oak floors. Birch cabinet kitchen. Full basement. F.A. gas heat. Attached garage. Water rights and pier. $15,0Ci0. 122 Country Club Dr. McHENRY -- Immaculate 2- bedroom home on the Fox River. Glazed porch. Expandable 2nd floor. Fenced yard. 2-car garage. Now is the time to buy water frontage. Only $15,000. Spring Grove Road JOHNSBURG -- 4 bedroom, 1V2 bath home with grand MISCELLANEOUS NOT RESPONSIBLE for debts contracted by anyone but myself. Wilhelmina Nelson, Box 162-A, Fox Street, McHenry, 111- 40-3 TO BE GIVEN AWAY ABOUT 600 yards good gravel fill free for the hauling. Plione McHenry 242C. 38-tf LEGALS NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of EMIL JURGENSOHN, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, March 2nd, 1959, is the claim date in the estate of EMIL JURGENSOHN, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. HELEN M. JURGENSOHN Executor James M. Mclntee, Attorney 105 East Elm Street McHenry, Illinois Telephone: McHenry 2440 (Pub. Jan. 29 - Feb. 5-12, 1959) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of ROBERT L. BARRY, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday. March 2nd, 1959, is the claim date in the estate of ROBERT L. BARRY, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the . , , said estate on or before said sized rooms. Family room a*d date without issuance of sum_ 1 Dtdroom on 1st floor. H.W. gas heat with baseboard radiation. Full basement. 2-car at- Spring Grove by Mrs. Charles Freund Babies Mr. and Mrs. Charles May are now grandparents to their eleventh grandchild. Mr. and Mrs. Charles May, Jr. of Waukegan had a baby girl weighing 8 lbs. 1 oz. on Jan. 19. The new baby has three brothers and three sisters to welcome here home. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Larson, Jr., have a baby boy weighing 7 lbs. 5 oz. born at St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan on Sunday, Feb. 1. Mrs. Larson is the former Donna May. Mary Carol Thornton, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Sfh~6"ffiton, has joined her farftily at home after spending more than a month in the hospital in an incubator since her birth in December when she weighed only 3% lbs. She now weighs 5 lbs. 9 oz. Besides her parents, her brother and three little sisters are happy to have her home. mons. FAY WARREN BARRY . l. j T3 4.*f 11 . 1 Executor' tached garage Beautifully mod-: James M McInte Attorney ernized. Extra large lot. | 105 Eagt E,m street $21,000.1 McHenry) niinois 301 N. Riverside Dr. j Telephone: McHenry 2440, McHENRY -- Two 5-room! (Pub. Jan 29 - Feb. 5-12, 1959) apartments and room for a | : 3rd. Unobstructed view of the; NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Clubs Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Marie Lewis in Fox Lake on Thursday night. Chicken ala king was served and the evening was spent at cards. Prizes went to Mrs. Ray May, Mrs. Frank Prosser and Mrs. Edward May. The club will meet next at the home of Mrs. George W. May. Mrs. Arthur Kattner had the birthday of the month and was presented with a gift. Mrs. William Engels ^entertained her club last week and Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mrs. Frank Sanders, Mrs. Nora Miller, Mrs. Frank Tinney and Mrs. Engels received the prizes in the games of five hundred. A lovely lunch was served after cards. Lilymoor Nanci Ritter New Reporter by Nanci Ritter--560-M-l This is my first column and I hope I please you with my writings. With each column I want to improve, but I will need the kind help of you folks. If anyone has any news or experiences that they would like to share with others, please telephone Nanci Ritter at 560-M-l. I will be happy to receive any news. Thank you. Winter Picnic I am sure that everyone who attended the pot-luck supper Wednesday night, Feb. 4, had a marvelous time. The supper was held in the church at 6:30. Lilymoor Association Meeting Folks, mark your callendar for Feb. 10, which is the next meeting of the Lilvmoor association. The meeting will be held in the little white school house at 8 p.m. I am sure you won't forget. vjr. Full basement. Gas heat- Estate of CLARA HARRIS, docBle controls. 2-car garage. 1 Deceased. . Semester Vacation Students home for the end of a semester are Pat Kagap of Peru, 111, Jim Kagan of Madison, Wis and Tom Jessie of University of Illinois, Champaign. 132 x 132 lot. ........ $31,500. j DO NOT DISTURB OWNERS CALL FOR APPOINTMENT WATCH FOR THE ' GALLAGHER SIGN | A.H. Gallagher & Associates I OFFICE: FOrest 9-6700 j JirWy Gallagher: McHenry 16291 James . Roesch: McHenry 3549 401 James M. Mclntee, Attorney ' 105 East Elm Street Meetings On Wednesday at 8 p.m. the Spring Grove Methodist WSCS held their regular meeting. Projects for the coming month were discussed. A bake sale for Feb. 7 was planned. Members who braved the cold and snow and were present were the president, Mrs. Dorothy Johnson, Mrs. Mary Hedge, Mrs. Doris Kephart, Mrs. James I Brown. Mrs. Newberg and Mrs. n-r a two oatvp 1 Ij°lly Class. Mrs. Newberg dis- GLADYS BODE I piaye(j the honey apron which Executor each member is to make, pro- Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday. March 2nd, 1959, is the claim date in the estate of CLARA HARRIS. Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Dlinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. ^ Garbage Pick-Up Thu is to remind you that the next garbage pick-up will be on Feb. 11. It would be wise to put your garbage can out the night before so it isn't forgotten. A Word to the Wise Most of us enjoy snow, but lately we have been receiving it in heaps and bounds. This is presently a driving hazard, so please drive cautiously and be on the look out for youngsters playing. I know you yuungsters find the most pleasure in the snow, but please don't play near or on the roads. Cars can't stop instantly on the icy and snowy roads. There is plenty of snow away from the roads in which to play. Please think seriously about what I just said. Mid-Winter Vacation Just back from a lovely trip to Texas are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sickafoose and their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Root. For the past two and one- half weeks the foursome soaked up the warm sun, while we up here shovelled snow. While in Texas they visited Frank Sickafoose's folks, then toured New Mexico. A wonderful and well remembered vacation. THftEE BEDROOM home, full j McHenry, Illinois basement, garage; on corner, 3 j Telephone: McHenry 2440 lots (2 wooded) fenced; forced I (Pub. Jan. 29 - Feb. 5-12, 1959) air heat, bath and %; cabinet, kitchen; lots of closet space. 1 NOTICE McCullom Lake Estates. Sac- | IN THE MATTER OF THE rifice. Phone 971 Tor appoint- 1 ESTATE OF ERVIN CAMERm< 29-tf ON. DECEASED. File No 59- P-31. All persons are hereby no tified that Monday, April 6th, MUST SELL our lovely home on Fox River in McHenry. 7 rooms down, 2 extra rooms up- j 1959, js the claim" date in the stairs. Full basement, 85 ft. administration of the estate of double sea wall, 2 car garage. | Ervin Cameron, deceased, and Many extras. Real buy for *hat claims may be filed right party. Immediate possession. For further information call Crystal Lake 2634. 40 SITUATION WANTED CARPENTER WORK wanted, remodeling, additions, garages, kitchen cabinets, roofing and cement. Free estimates. Phone Wonder Lake 375£. 12-tf ART LOVERS ATTENTION: Struggling young artist with I family seeks employment oppontenities. Please write Roy Scnnackenberg, 301 Lakeshore Drive, McCullom Lake. 40 WANTED Sgainst the estate in the office of the Clerk of the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, McHenry County Courthouse, Woodstock, Illinois, Vernon W. Kays, County Clerk, on or before the claim date without issuance of summons. Dated at McHenry, Illinois, February 3, 1959. WILLIAM CAMERON Administrator of the Estate of Ervin Cameron Robert F. Doyle, attorney Rt. 4, McHenry Phone 504-J-l (Pub. Feb. 5-12-19, 1959) ceeds for this project will go towards the building fund. A committee was selected to help Sunday school members to decide what will be needed for the new Sunday school home which was recently purchased from Art Nimsgern. At the close of the meeting pie and coffee were served. PTA meeting will be held on Wednesday night at the Spring Grove school house. All parents are urged to attend these meetings as the support of the parents is needed. The following day each child whose parents are present at the meeting will receive a gift. Birthdays We wish Allen Ossler a belated happy birthday. Allen celebrated his third birthday on Jan. 13. We also wish little Bobby Sickafoose a happy birthday. Bobby will ge five on Feb. 5. Cute JoAnn Halle celebrated her birthday on ground hog day, Feb. 2. Happy birthday JoAnn. Bake Sale A bake sale will be held on Feb. 7, voting day, at the town hall. Come vote and buy a pie. Coffee and coffee cake will also be on sale. TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock -- 1610-M-2. 43-tf WANTED TO RENT WANT 2 furnished area Immediate possession, adults. Reply Box 433 c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 40 NOTICE February 5 Bethel 98, Job's Daughters-- Officers' Practice Session -- 7:30 p.m. February 8 OR 3 bedroom un- Stage Show -- High School home in McHenry Auditorium -- 3 p.m. and 8:15 ' p.m. -- Benefit Local Knights of Columbus. February 10 First Annual Pancake Dinner-- Legion Home--St. Paul's Episcopal Church, McHenry. O.E.S. Stated Meeting--Valentine Party--8 p.m. P.T.A. Parent Education Meeting on Edgebrook and Landmark Schools -- 8 p.m. -- Landmark School. February 13 Luncheon--Card Party--Legion Home--Sponsored by Women's Club. February 21 Washington Day Card Party --8 p.m.--Acacia Hall, 107 N. Court Street. February 24 P .T.A. Parent Education Meeting--8 p.m.--Junior High School. March 10 P.T.A. Parent Education Meeting--High School--8 p.m. NOTICE The Switzer Cleaning Products business of Wonder Lake, Illinois, was sold on January 30, 1958, to Neal Berke of Dundee, Illinois, and we are no longer responsible for the debts of Switzer Cleaning Produe^. Vesta Burr Switzer, Elizabeth S. Brink, Metta S. Burr, Heirs at Law of Leon Oscar Switzer, deceased. 40 ACCORDIAN 4 and guitar lessons available now at Steffan's Jewelry and Records. Beginners and advanced. For further information call McHenry 123-J. 19-tf Read the Want Ads Gnests On Sunday, dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Class were from Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Amil Monhardt and family; Mr. and Mrs. William Ross and family; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Monhardt and family of Spring Grove. The afternoon was spent tobogganing. There was alsfi, a prebirthday celebration for Mrs. Class. Farewell Party Approximately fifty friends of Moon and-Edna Olson gathered at the fire house on Saturday night to wish them well in their new venture up north. The Olsons are moving to northern Wisconsin on March .1 They have been running the grocery store in town for the past five years. Cards and visiting were enjoyed and a lunch was served. We know the answers to yesterday's problems but today's are baffling. Church Program Mr. and Mrs. Belford attended the meeting of the Community Methodist church on Sunday, Jan. 25 at 7 p.m. During the evening parents met with the teachers of the Senior Youth Department and the M.Y.F. The high-light of the evening was the panel discussion. The topic of the discussion was "Christian Living." The panel consisted of Mrs. Harry Stinespring, Jack Thomas, Rev. Martin and the narrator Mr. Iber. Buzz-groups and question-answering followed the discussion. At the end of the program hot chocolate, coffee, sandwiches and cookies were served. This and That Mr. and Mrs. D. Leske spent Saturday evening in Chicago at a house-warming. The housewarming was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miller, friends of Mr. Leske. Mr. Haines is still at home recovering from an illness. We all hope he feels better soon. Mr. and Mrs. Sadowski celebrated their fifty-fourth anniversary on Jan. 5. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sadowski visited with his family over the weekend. Thought for the Week Live a life that's worth living. No man ever stands more erect than when he stoops to help his neighbor. READ THE WANT ADS The Isle of B Salon At Island House Shopping Center, On Route 176, at Island Lake Hours . . . Tuesday. Thursday & Friday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. ^ Monday, Wednesday & Saturday 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. PHONE: JAekson 6-1211 Lakemoor by Marion Sulok--592-R-l A would-be surprise, baby shower in honor of Mrs. Edgar Wade was held at the home of Mrs. John Hose on Thursday evening. Mother nature had to spoil the surprise and Arlene hkd to be told that a shower for her was going on to make her leave the house in such a storm. Even though the snow came it didn't keep some of the braver ladies from coming out. Arlene received many beautiful little garments for the expected arrival sometime in March. Mrs. John Hose and Mrs. Tony Hi»-sch were the hostesses serving homemade apple slices, cherry tarts,' banana cake, coffee and tea. The evening was spent in the telling of how we all met our husbands and of course some pictures of some of the guests were shown and many laughs were had at the difference a few years make on a person. on a vnew look with more shelves being placed. Come rain or shine our good neighbor and friend, Jim Buchwalter, is always there to help with all the work. A meeting with the state librarian will soon be held and the members of the board will all be briefed on the operations of a travelling library. Our Sympathy The community of Lakemoor was stunned with the sudden death of one of our dear friends and neighbors on Wednesday evening. Frank Harder had been in the McHenry hospital for a little over a week suffering from a heart condition when he took a turn for the worse. Mr. and. Mrs. Harder had lived for ten years in the village and were summer residents for the past thirty years. Frank was born in Lockport, Oct. 5, 1877. He leaves to mourn his wife, Josephine, one daughter and four sons. To the Harder family we all extend our deepest sympathy. Notice Vehicle and dog tags may be obtained at the home of the village clerk during the week days or at the office of the clerk at the fire-community house on Tuesday or Thursday evenings. The deadline is coming closer and eraser so let's all get the new stickers on our cars. Shut-Ins James Buchwalter has been confined to his home after suffering a heart attack. Mrs. Buchwalter has been feeling a little better and is now watching out for Jim. Mrs. Anna Kloeferr was hospitalized for a few days the past week but is back at work again. Mrs. Jennie McDermott has been home for a few days not feeling up to par. We all hope that you folks are all well on the mend soon. Happy Birthday To Mrs. James Buchwalter who will celebrate her day on Thursday, Feb. 5. Mrs. Midge Beahler had another year added on Feb. 2. Mrs. Lyda Diedrich, former resident in the village, celebrated her day on the thirtieth of January. Many happy returns to you folks. Wedding Bells Were ringing on Saturday morning for Miss Dolores Mercure and Mr. Richard Sokowloskie at St. Mary's church in McHenry where they took the final step. In the wedding party were close friends of the couple. Don Massheimer, Kenneth Crook, Miss Rosemary Mercure, sister of the bride, and Miss Teresa Tonyan. A reception for over a hundred guests was held at the V.F.W. hall at Which everyone enjoyed themselves. Rich and Dolores were the recipients of many lovely gifts. After a short honeymoon the couple will reside in Lakemoor. Mr. and Mrs. Rexford Stockwell are the parents of a daughter, born Feb. 2 at Memorial hospita). Mr. and Mrs. Robert Benson are the parents of a son, born Feb. 2 at Harvard hospital. Raymond Joseph is the name chosen by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wirtz of Fort Smith, Ark., for their first child, born Jan. 28. He is the first grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wirtz of McHenry and of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Freund of Johnsburg. The great grandparents are Dr. and Mrs. Henry Freund and Mj-. and Mrs. John Wirtz of McHenry. Peter Freund Sr., of Johnsburg is the maternal great grandfather. Mr. and Mrs. David Kent are the parents of their first child, a daughter, Barbara Helen, born Jen. 28 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, weighing 8 lbs. 2 oz. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Milton Olson and Mrs. Verona Kent of McHenry. Mrs. Kent is the former Karen Olson. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Becko are the parents of a son, born Jan. 31 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. A son was born Jan. 27 at ( Memorial hospital, Woodstock, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Clark. | Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kenneth Jensen of Panama City, I R. P., announce the birth of a 1 son, Ronald Kenneth II, on Jan. 15 at Gorgus hospital, Balboa, C. Z. Mrs. Jensen's parents are well known in this area, having a home at Pistakee Bay. Sunnyside Estates Home Owners Hold Meeting From A to Z That night is here again. The S.E.H.O.A. meets at the Kropf home at 8. If George a,nd Millie's place is downhill from you, hop on a sled and coast down, it's great fun really! If you are downhill from them, the only thing we can suggest is a pair of good walking boots or maybe you have someone who could furnish the muscle power for your sled. Whatever your means of transportation, why not plan to attend this meeting- Home Bureau News With February upon us and some holiday hospitality prevailing, the Sunnyside unit of the McHenry County Home Bureau enjoyed the local leader lesson, "Cooking for Company," held on the evening of Jan; 28. Observing it from the culinary point of view, the ladies agree, half the fun is being the hostess. Diets and resolutions were quickly forgotten, as a honey-baked pork chop dinner was served, tid-bit style, in^ stead of the usual refreshments. Members also picked names for a secret pal, not to be revealed until the end of the year. A Newcomer Arrived for Stan and JackievSmolinski on Jan. 23. The hardy young lad weighed (a little on the heavy side) 11 lbs. and 1 oz., giving him a good head start in life. Thomas Stanley was happily welcomed home by five year old Laurie who is very proud to at lait have a baby brother. Congratulations to the entire Smolinski family. Anniversary Congratulations to Bob and Betty Lakowske on Feb. 7 when they will complete eleven years of married life. Mishap Pattie Voight slipped on the ice while out walking with her dad. She had to keep her injured arm perfectly still in a sling for a few days to allow the bruises to heal. All is well again, we are happy, to report. Library News The Library is still taking McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB NOW ©fEN Serving Lunches and Dinners Open 6 Days a Week Closed Mondays Specializing in Parties, Banquets, Business Meetings For Reservations Call McHenry 1072 Birthdays The sixth of February is a popular birth date around here; those celebrating on Friday include Earl Fry, Paul McDonald, who will be 10, and Stanley Walczynski who will be 4. The only sweet young thing among so many men, is Mary 1 ^ r V Be Free from Floor-Waxing Drudgery! Let the Namco Man clean, wax and polish your kitchen floorany kind, any size--for only $1.50 a week. This is less than you now spend on mops, pails, soaps, waxes, etc., and you don't sign anything, you don't buy anything! What a blessing for busy mothers, career women, bachelors and old folks . . . so call the world's largest floor-beauty service for the Namco Man to visit your home. PS: Also low rates on other floors in your home. Phone McHenry 563-R-3 Beth Hoyle, who will be 2 on Feb. 7. Also marking off another year on the seventh is Ron Siepman. Matt Bott who probably hasn't stopped counting them yet will celebrate Feb. 8, and Dale Maule, in the* j same category, on Feb. 9. Marty Palmer rounds out the week of birthdays on Feb. 11 by turning over the big number 3. Happy birthday boys and M?ry Beth. Scout News Saturday night is the date set for the father and son dinner for the scouts and their dads. This affair is an annual event of National Boy Scout week. More about the festivities next week D. D. A. With all the snow piling up these past weeks there have been quite a few new names added to the "ditch dwellers association." However, Dale Kuntz claims he has the first call oh the presidency of this organization having" been in one ditch or another around here three times so far this year. Don't know if we'll give it to him though as he has only tied, not surpassed, my record of last year. Of course anyone who may have bettered this number already would put both of us out of the running. Any takers? LOCAL RESIDENT PROMISED CANVAS OF RUTH YOUNY One McHenry resident, especially, wilt anxiously--be awaiting word as to the success of the exhibition of paintings by Ruth Young, which will be held in the Crespi gallery, New York, from Feb. 9 to Feb. 21. The lady is Mrs. Samuel Leibsohn, who is a personal friend of Mrs Young and has been promised one of her beautiful paintings. Mrs. Young and the Leibsohns met five years ago in Hot Springs, Ark., when Mrs. Leibsohn was sketching on the sun deck of the hotel roof. The friendship was renewed last month in New York/ when the McHenry couple visited this versatile lady, who during the first fifty years of her life had been a well known singer of folk songs. Mrs. Leibsohn showed special admiration for a particular canvas in Mrs. Young's apartment which was to be part of the one-man show. She graciously put a tab on the painting and said it would be sent to Mrs. Leibsohn - as partof her collection after the show. SHOP IN McHENRY (INSTALL mw UtTO, IT WILL RAY IN BETTER LIVING , EVSERV ©AY/ vlmlx © LOCAL TftAOtMAtll, fat. H. E. BUCH (Meet SONS gg\ plumbing-HEATINGX^JI AIR CONDITIONING *1j-- ,i . 11 r jk r\ t" ' ^ 40 Operated by the Buffiims & SON BUILDERS If ODf? law** Estab. 1926 RESIDENTIAL CIA L Located on Hwy. 120 lA mile east of Fox River Bridge 1 Phone McHeitry 976 New homes available for immediate occupancy mm • MWtH a@ED[»)©QDG0G§ • Bdhg toot B©cs©ff'» prensHpdons to thi« profooolonal pharmacy whara componadifflg ii • upadaifiy. Skilled! Hogiotofod Phuffiaaditt a©d aMplo osabl# m to oil jpjfooeripgfeiao promptly •ad osaesly oo t&o dlli?c32o. Bash stop doEaMo-dhoefiod £®s oeesaffoey. Yet, ou pcfeM an always fair. Try at ooit cum! jfjer S Drug Store 103 So. Green Phone 40 McHenr I