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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Feb 1959, p. 16

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Page Sixteen Visitors Mr. /unl Mit>. Phil Piscitello and dauRhtei", Camille. from Chicago spent last weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Birearo. ohnsburg BROWNIE TROOP PREPARES FOR PINNING RITE b\ twin Mcttermani. Troop 295. under the leader 1 Iettermann was joined by Donna Jean Frett, Nancy Kay Mili ler, Sandy Hettermann. Pam i Obstfelder and Diane Stilling > for an evening at the McHenry I theater. After the show the J tjirls stopped at Kathy's home for hot chocolate and cake. With the exception of Pam, all the girls stayed overnight for a Lakeland Park .Attend Winter Picnic at Church Virkey Battari--2262-J - 1524-J The Community Methodist church of McHenry held a winter picnic and the following members of our community .o , , , . T. , >. attend were r and Mrs Wil- ! of our ,hree dens here in Lake- few meetings for their forth , Hani Radisoh and Mrs. U.verne ! '•»< •*"* coming pinning ceremonife. , *7/°' ^noy Okal and her three children. It : da>' 7 ; This event will take place at , ?art.y was a pot luck dinner affair: their next meeting on Feb. 11.1 and all who attended had quite Nominating Committee | Last week-s cookie hostess was j a nice time being it was called Again we are asking you to Mary Anderson. I a picnic. This in itself made ; please nominate your candi- 1 people forget the load of snow ; dates for the coming election of Troop 378 celebrated Sheila were joined by several of their they may have had to shovel board of directors which will be Marshall's eighth birthday at friends last Sunday in celebrabefore get|ing out of their gar- held at the general meeting on their last meeting. The troop | t i\on of^Jheir ^.eigljjeenth wed- Fsither j».nd Son Dinner A father and son dinner was E? '« ! "ZtenT. i in"celebration' of which time fathers and sons lhese |Ka.hys th.rteenth birthday. • " T " 1 On Saturday the girls were Feb 7 was her thirteenth birthday. Frank and Agnes Freund age to attend. New .Members Mr. and Mrs. M. George and : their .three children and Mr. and Mrs.'Henry and their one child became some of the newest members of the Community Methodist church. Meeting; Celebrities Little Miss Beth Okal attended the auto show which was April 5. The committee is as ; enjoyed milk and decorated follows: Chairman. Robert Ell-;i cupcakes prepared by Sheila's nier. 3264; Carol Huhiann 1847; mother. ding anniversary. On Valentine's Day, Feb. 14. The girls used plerfty of im- j Connie and Dick Marshall will LeQhe, 3582 and Norb Kwiatek. agination and design when they | be celebrating another year of 362. - endeavored to make their own J wedded bliss. - 'valentines at this meeting: At | our congratulations to one Sympathy, this week's meeting the girls . an(j an. , Our sympathy' is extended to , will hold their; valentine party. ^ Tony Pintozzi on the death of __ Frances Klotz and Kristine | Number Six his grandmother. Mrs. Rose Kerr will collect dues and take | Mr. and Mrs. Steve May be- Meccia, who "passed awav on attendance for the next two came grandparents for the sixth time when their daughter and son-in-law, the Ed Busses, wel- Mondav in Chicago. She is weeks. hpiH in Chicago a COUDIC of ' survived by her husband, Danweeks aeo and* she was called ial, ten children and twenty- At their recent meeting Troop comed a son. The Busses have five erandchildren and thirty- 408 was divided into two groups. | three daughters and another The older group under the guid- | son. Congratulations are exupon the stage to ask questions f'v"P grandchildren to a talking automobile. At four great grandchildren, this time she was introduced to Miss Nina Kolb of the Ray Rainer Show and of other TV shows this very unusual interview Beth was presented with a model of a 1959 automobile. Christening Little Catherine Rita Pin- At the conclusion of tozzi was christened on Sunday afternoon at St. Patrick's church with Father Collins officiating at the ceremony and ance of Mrs. Adams will start to work on their sewing badge. Mrs. Stinebess will guide the younger group in learning the history of the Girl Scouts. After joining with troop 135 for the good night circle, the meettended to the new parents and grandparents. ' the godparents are Mrs. Frank Parisi. After the Mr* and ing was ad3ourned Happy Birthday to Bonnie Bucaro who cele- j christening a party was held brated her birthday on Jan. 31. 'at the Pintozzi home on Home She was given a party at the avenue. home of Diane Koerper and the Girl Scout News At their meeting last week, troop 135 found Mary and Dorothy Hettermann pinch-hitting for leaders Lu Ann Smith and Around the Town Warren Smith and Peggy Peterson had to miss a fewdays of school recently as they recuperated from a bout with the measles. guest list was as follows: Judy Loewe. John and Joe Parisi. Larry and Denny Swedo. Joan Kcerper. Diane and Roily Koerper. Dick Anderson. Rose and Louie Felasete, Jerry Schmilk, Pat Birmingham. Gordie Reberg. Rich Reining. Jim Tiffney, Don Parisi. «*Jim Topper. Nancy Colby. Pat Corso. Sue Dahlquist, Marge and Pete Parisi. Baked ham. potato salsurprise The girls are now working on for their fathers. Refreshments their badges. Hostesses for were served to this troop and the ^evening were Suzv Lau- troop 408 by Mrs. Sibre Whitrence. Donna Bucaro and Elaine i insz. Mrs. Ted Voight and Mrs. Piasecki. " Ben Thelen. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Lasser entertained guests from Den- , , ver, Colo, in their home for Ethel Rad. The girls worked j twQ weeks on their Valentine Day surprise ' Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j N. Kane over the weekend j .Rose. Art Orr and Mrs. Flor ad and lots of other goodies.^ Svitanek and children. were served and Bonnie was \ presented with many beautiful i HISTORY OF Kifts MT'SEUMOBILE Confined to Hospital Mrs. Elizabeth Freund was a patient at the McHenry hoswere Charlene Carselle. Don 1 pjta] for almost two weeks. We all join in wishing her a speedy recovery. Arnie and Clara Michels had honeymooners as house guests this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Clouse of New Regal. Ohio exchanged their marriage vows on Feb. 7 and are spending the week up here. Mrs. Clouse is Clara's niece. Congratulations Corner Last Friday evening Kathy ! freeze a thin lady. <%Vhile you are intent on the speaker, your ice cream melts and your coffee chills, proving that the same room temperature may boil a fat man and to little Larry Burns, age 3. . In 1949. the world's first mu- | who celebrated his birthday on ! seum on wheels stopped beside Feb. 5. j a one-room schoolhouse in to Gayle Garn. age 3. who i southern Illinois. An electrical celebrated her birthday on Feb. ; connection was made between 5. the Museumobile and the school's electrical outlet. Scores of children, living in a rural area and far from a big city museum, filed into the 10-ton Cub Scout News Den 2--Pack 62 This Den will again be holding their meetings at the home ; van and viewed three-dimenof Mrs. Earline Davis their den I sional exhibits depicting the namother on Wednesday evening ! tural history of Illinois. from 7 to 8 at 223 Prairie ave- | This was the birth of the nue. A word of thanks goes j Illinois State Museum's Musto Mrs. Joan Krater who took ; eumobile. the first of its kind, over this Den and did such a , Since its inception, almost a wonderful job with the boys as j million Illinois children have only Joan is always capable of j enjoyed and profited by the doing in anything she does. story it tells. FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 • Just East of Route 12 - Volo, 111. Phone McHenry 667-W-l e --Cullon"1 Lake VILLAGE MAY APPLY FOR NATURAL GAS by Barbara Brand Gas Line Goes Through This Spring! The proposed gas line into the village is now a certainty. The working drawings have been completed and the contract awarded. C. F, Jones, district manager for the Northern Illinois Gas Co., related that work on this project commences as soon as possible this spring. Property owners wishing to make application for this service should apply to the Northern Illinois" Qas Co., 61 No. Williams st., Crystal Lake, III. Study Bound ^ Where did Jean Anne Mc- Ginlsy go? This local lass left this neck of the woods for study at Wcisa Memorial hospital on Marine drive., Chicago. She plans to emerge two years hence a full-fledged x-ray technician. Her home away from home is the residence of Mrs. Theresa Schlitt, mother of Bill Schlitt of Beach View Drive. Gobs of good luck to a stalwart student. Well Wishes Here's a good idea! Why not send a cheerful card to gallant gals, Fran Liston and Sally Hocin. If the world looks mighty bleak and Oblique, a friendly note can make the scene more rosy and right. Bowled Over Any bowling enthusiast of the feminine gender who yearns to learn how to be a league leader should contact ten-pin tattler, Bai b Brand, at McHenry 3283-J or speed queen, Helen Meyer. The gal who flustered fazio-- at McHenry 3497 after 7^ p.m. Deepest Sympathy to Dolores and Ed Roininen of Hammond, Ind., on the loss of their three week old daughter,,, born Jan. 17. For the wee one, death was swift and merciful, not so for the grief stricken parents. Dolores is the niece of Willard Schultz of Fountain Lane and together with her mother, Mrs. Edith Tamburino, has" been a frequent visitor to our shores. Theresa and Willard journeyed to Chicago on Sunday to offer their hefp and sympathy to the parents and grandparents. Rover Boys The convivial " Matth^sius clan, Fred and Frank, with respective spouses, Anneliese ana | Eileen, motored to Cincinnati. I Travel may be broadening, but i the main purpose of this trip 1 was attendance at the funeral ! of their uncle, George Handra. j San Francisco welcomed vili lage president, J. R. Levesque, last Saturday. He flies through the air with the greatest of ease. {Far Away Places SighPseekers, Alice and Conrad Gustafson, who traveled 7,500 milee through sixteen states last fall are previewing their travelogue film, with sound, tonight at 8 p.m. during thg- ladies of the lake meeting held at the beach house. The itinerary \ncludes many interesting and intriguing sights; so come on, gals, let's go! Local lovebirds this week include Barbara 'arid Chuck Thackfer who celebrate eight years of "togetherness" on | Feb. 5, Marge and Ole Olsen who have shared "the same harness" for nineteen years, this Feb. 9, and sweethearts Betty and Frank Polenda, who share Abe Lincoln's birthAiy with him. See you next week. . Saime newspaper, same section, same ; column, same reporter--different news items. I'm keeping my ears to the grindstone. Thanks and" 30. | Deadline Data I Here £re two real valentines, ( Mary Tomasello and Paul Nitz, ! Jr. Of course, their common natal day is Saturday, Feb. 14. HEALTH SERVICE ' Seventy-one per cent of fie Illinois population has access ; to local full-time public health : departments. The local departments are established and maintained under Illinois law i and receive Illinois Departi ment of Public Health grant- 1 in-aid state funds. ANOTHER Real Estate Tax Increase VOTE NO! SAT., FEB. 14 POLLS OPEN 6 TO 6 NUNDA TOWNSHIP The Isle of Beauty Salon0 At Island House Shopping Center On Route 176, at Island Lake Hours . . . Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Monday, Wednesday & Saturday 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. PHONE: JAckson 6-1211 O Operated by the Buffums GOES GOES GOES ON A GALLON ! Biscayne U-Door Sedan shows the Fisher Body beauty of Chevrolet's lowest priced series for '59. More miles are back in a gallon of regular-grade gas--up to 10% more--and Chevy's neu Hi-Thrift 6 engine puts them there. It also gives you more "git" in the speeds you drive the most. Here's an engine that always seems able to coax extra miles out of a tank of regular-grade gas. In fact, if you're one of those drivers who keep tab on things like gas mileage, you'll soon see for yourself that this new Hi- Thrift 6 gets up to 10% more miles a gallon. Another thing you'll like about this i:i5-h.p. 6 is the extra pep it gives you for passing and climbing hills. This is due to higher torque at normal speeds. It may be hard to believe anything that looks and moves like this *59 Chevy can be such a stickler for economy. But--whether you pick the Hi-Thrift 6 or a vim-packed V8--this is just one more reason Chevy's the car that's wanted for all its worth. Stop by your dealer's and see. The smart switch is to the '59 Chrry! CHEVROLET now--see the wider selection of models at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's! 204 West Elm Et* CLARK CHEVROLET SALES . fl . McHenry. IU. Phone 277 Customers are our favorite people. We love them dearly and we woo their business with these Big Valentine Vr'jes. Stop in at BOLGER'S today - you'll love the savings we have in store for you. PAPER MATE CAPRI MARK III BAIL POINT PEN $949 FOR WIFE, HUSBAND, M RELATIVES, FRIENDS •DKti 1 1 1 ' * ' " "k.-j (Mkswttl CREAJVi ODORANT 98* SIZE Shampoo S9< SIZE GLE TOOTHPASTE 69* TUBE 57* Fannie May and Whitman Valentine Hearts $1.57 VAL. VIGR&M &OXZEMA Complete Selection Helena Kubenstein ILTKA FEMININE CREAM $5.50 Size NOW $3.50 / p of NOKCKOSS Valentine Q X Cards BRISTLE HHIlt HUSH (0),0 MEN'S S' STYLE ... .$3.50 ....$1.50 ....$1.35 ....$1.00 $1.00 Zippo Tweed Bsstilh Powder Futurama Lipstick Case & Refill Old Spice After-Shave Lotion Evening in Paris Bubble Bath SA190 UP0DERMIC BATH OIL 1 capful in tub makti your skin velvet smooth @0 LELONG COLOGNES $5.00 BOTTLE OF 50 STIFLE YOUR " SNIFFLES:, WITH THESE COIP® KILLERS 3^ • ' v. c - "• AERO SHAVE Isodettes Lozenges Complete Antiseptic Selection LATHER BOMB 60 DAY SUPPLY Valentine Cosmetics Ctipwt se/VtC£ OLGER'S DRUG STORE PULV1X DRI-SHAAAPOO FOR DOGS PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL Plus 10% federal Eicit* T«i on Toil«tri«i V

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