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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Mar 1959, p. 8

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Page Eight THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Johnsburg ~ COMMUNION DAY OBSERVED BY FORESTERS by uetty Hettermann At the 8:30 Mass at St. John's church, 1he mori Foresters and boy juveniles will receive Comf^ nationsreeeived-fromthese- -aw stickers help to maintain your Johnsburg rescue squad to keep their equipment up to date and in good working...order. Stickers ran be obtained at either Paul's drive-In or Hettermann's service station. ington. Richard Marshall left by plane for Washington last Monday where he will spend several days on business. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frett, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huemann and \iii-. Marie Hunt ington return- Ciirl Scouts and Brownie News Troop 135 held their recent munion in a body. The parish (meeting in the community club | ^ recently afler spending a ladies will show off their cul- ; 0n Feb. 23. Following the col- ! week in South Dakota. inarv skills by preparing break-! lection of dues, some of the' fast for the court members in j twirls received their child care , Attending the wake of James badges and are now starting to Peterson in Chicago last Wedwork on their dabbler badges, i nesday were: Mr. and Mrs. most of the troop is just about Peter Freund, Mrs. Lorraine through with the sporting Pitzen. Georgette and Nancy badges. € Thursday. March 5, 1959 the community club hall following the Mass. The following Sunday, March the lady Foresters and girl juveni'cs will observe their commui'nn Sunday. After the 8:30 Mass the members will enjoy breakfast in thtp Community C.ub haii. We all hope the men of the parish will continue their tradition of preparing breakfast for the ladies as they have in the past. Anyone wishing to donate cither eggs or milk may do so by dropping them off .at the hall, A small fee will be charged t)v morning of the breakfast to defray the cost. Kay Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Freund. Mr. Peterson was the father-in-law of Alvin Freund. Besides Mrs. Peter Troop 408 went to the fair in Elgin on Feb. 21. They browsed around at the various booths Freund and Mrs. Lorraine Rutand then indulged in some re- 17?n. and Mrs. "Bud" Milfreshments. F o 110 w i n g the watching of an Indian dance, the troop departed for home. JINETY-NINE CONFIRMED AT ST. PATRICK'S His Excellency, Most Rev. Loras T. Lane, administered the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Patrick's church Sunday, March 1 at ~ 4 p.m. Ninety-nine children were in the group confirmed, the girls wearing white gowns and red beanies; and the boys attifed in 1-ed gowns and ties. Assisting the bishop were altar boys of the seventh and eighth grade classes. Kenneth Martin, cross-bearer, led the procession, accompanied by aco'ytes. Rdnald White and Gary Walsh. Eugene Bolda followed the bishop as train-bearer. During the ceremony, Roland Koerper assisted the TAX FACTS Look Ahead To All-Color Spring Spring 1959 is not a blue spring, pink spring or green spring. It's an all-color spring. Karlyne Anspach, University , .... J of Illinois clothing specialist. 1 *he. Ch'ld ®a™ed *600 or more suggests that you open your j ,UI?ng , Lon&. P'" mind and eyes to new color or_ ,J.nfe.rr! Revenue for Parents may find they can claim their child as a dependent on their 1958 federal income tax return even though comfeinations in c o s tu m e s. Wear your spring suit when shopping for an Easter bonnet, and try several contrasting and blending colors. You can choose from muted s violets, jonquil yellows, oranges, blade-greens and turquoise. As for changes in styling, the wandering waistline is on its way down. The predominat- Chicago Dis'rict, announced. He explained: "Even though your child is required to file an income tax return if he has income of $600 or more for the year, you also may claim him as a dependent if certain conditions are met. "If you have furnished more than half of his support, you may claim an exemption for ANNUAL GIRL SCOOT COOKIE 1,,- the funeral serv- bjsh , |n(_ an(l Rogcl. ( ,c« „n Thursday. ! Thompson and Robert Mra-1 j chek were crozier and mitreb e a r e r s . r e s p e c t i v e l y . B i l l y Boone was candle-bearer "and Ben DpCicco, book-bearer. Benediction followed the Confirmation. At this time, Duane acted as master of Death Claims Two Our sincere sympathy is extended to Bill Haag upon the death of his father who passed away earlier last week in Chicago. Mr. Haag was quite weli known in this area as he resided in Niesen's subdivision for many years. Sympathies are also extended to Carl Neiss whose mother succumbed at the Villa Home last weekend. Mrs. Neiss h^d been a patient there for over six years. She was laid to rest in McHenry on Wednesday morning. Another son, Norman also survives. The Browr'es of troop 195 worked on posters for the forthcoming cookie sale at their re- SALE OPENS SOON cent meeting, Troop 378 planted seeds in Plans are near completion j Diedrich individual pots at their last for the forthcoming cookie and ceremonies, with James Meyer i meeting. The girls will watch peanut sale of the Girl Scouts, 'the censer - bearer. "Music-! which will take place starting throughout the Confirmation! March 9 and continuing apd Benediction was sung by through March 20. The sale dif- the adult choir, under the difers this year in two respects, j re'ction of Mrs. Carl Weber, or- { first,-that peanuts are on sale ganist. j in addition to the traditional ' j cookies, and that orders will' be taken during the sale forj later, rather than immediate. ing style has a slightly raised him regardless of the amount waistline, giving a short-waist- [he earned, providing he had not ed look to the silhouette. All reached his nineteenth birthof the waistlines are marked or ! day by Jan. 1, 1959. belted, so you can say good-bye j "When the child is 19 or over, to the chemise and sack. you still may claim an exemp- "Along with the slightly short- | tion for him if he was a full waisted look comes the "soft- j time student during five calentop' skirt. This spring's dar months in 1958, and if you is employed full time during the day and art tends night school, or if he is taking a correspondence course or" an empoyee training course." Mr. Long emphasized these special rules apply only to the taxpayer's own child (including an adopted child or a stepchild). Any other child, whether or not related to the taxpayer, may not be claimed as a dependent if he has income of $f>00 or more, regardless of his age or his status as a studeht, and regardless of the fact that the taxpayer contributed over half of his support. Mr. Long also reminded parents that if their child is married and files a joint return with his or her spouse, no exemption may be claimed for that child even though all the other tests are met. FEATURE NOTED SPEAKERS ON TWOMARCH PROGRAMS Two outstanding speakers will appear at the Alliance Bible church in McHenry-on April 2 and 3 at the anCnal i missionary program. i On Thursday evening, the second, Rev. William Carlsen, who first went to China as a child and has served recently in the Thailand area, will appear with coloied slides and a lecture. The second night's program will feature the appearance of Miss Astrid Pearson who fjas completed two terms of service in Ecuador. The public is invited to both programs. » therti grow from week to week. Peggy Peterson was cookie hostess for this meeting. Congratulations Corner Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fritz celebrated their fifty-third wedding anniversary on Feb. 26. Happy birthday to Hank Nell delhery. on March 9, Jacob Fritz on March 7, Jim Hettermann and Alger Oeffling on March 14 and Mary Hettermann March 20. Each year the counc.. ™ on Narrow Escape Mrs. AlbeiT Huff and daughters, Janice and Eileen, were victims of a harrowing expert ence one night last week. The trio was driving in the Huff car when it hit a patch of ice and overturned. Outside of a few bruises the threesome escaped without serious injury although the car was badly damaged. Around the Town David Peterson was scheduled to enter the McHenry hospital on Sunday where he was SERVICE NEWS Kenneth A. Uelman, seaman Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Uelman, Jr., of, McHenry, and Marvin E. Brigveiop camp sites available ^Merman fire^n apprenthe 450 Girl Scouts and Brown- US,N-,f" °f Mr, 'I ,M"I ies in Sybaquav Valley View ZFT.u 8 ? v * *• ^ M/>Uanmr o Krvnf h/\ i4»i n<iK neighborhood. Monies, are used straight skirts are slightly gathered at the waist to give a curved line around the hips. Then the skirt drops* in a straight line. The p e r e n n ia 1 shirtwaist reaches new heights on fashion's ladder , and brings with it the "relaxed" look in silhouettes. The freshness of new fabrics and colors, plus the meet the support test. A full time student is one who is enrolled for the number of hours which is considered to be a fujl^ time study program. "In addition to attendance in the regularly recognized high schools and colleges or universities, your child also will be considered a student if he is pursuing a full-time one-farm sors the sale so that there will ber funds to maintain and deyouthfulness of full, flaring j training course under the sup skirts, keys the shirtwaist's ervision of an agent of a state promotion for spring. -- - SHOP IN McHENRY not only for camp sites but for camp maintenance and equipment. , Mi's. Peter Griesbach is McHenry, aboard the anti-submarine aircraft carrier USS Princeton, took part in an antisubmarine warfare exercise from Feb. 16 to 19, off the to undergo surgery on his arm chairman of sa]es for the loca]; coast of southern California neighborhood^ ELECT OFFICERS OF CEREBRAL PALSY GROUP IN COUNTY New Resident Our welcome mat was brushed off recently to welcome. Mr. and Mrs. James Scott and their family to our town. The early Monday morning. The Hettermanns, Helen, Dorothy, Mary, Mike, and Eddie, all visited Carol Ann Stilling at St. Coletta's school last Tuesday. An election of officers was A gang from New Munster j h e k, Pt t h e m p e t i n u of t b e was in our town last Sunday j foonrd of directors of the United afternoon to bowl a match , Cerebral Palsy organization of game with our local soft-ball i McHenry county held recently *-earn- i at the Easter Seal therapy cen- . | ter in Woodstock. Present in Rockford last | Alvin Eugene Hutchinson of Scotts moved into their new'week to bowl in the farm bur-j Cary was elected president, vehome on Hillcrest Place in Hil- jeau tournament were: Mr. and ; placing Charles "Churk" Miller ler's subdivision last weekend, j Mrs. Frank Schmitt, Donna ! of McHenry, who will stay on I Condon, Mr. and Mrs. Don i as chairman of the board. Mrs. Plans New Addition .Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. "Bud" • Elizabeth Tetor of Silver Lake, Of interest to many persons 1 Miller in this area is the new addition and Mrs. "Chuck planned for the Johnsburg public school. Due to the increasing enrollment of the, school, the board of education is plan- Mary Hiller and Mr. . Cary. is the new corresponding Weingart. secretary. It was announced at the Will Krift and Mrs. Leonard j meeting that the physically Lois of Burlington, Mr. and j handicapped room has been as- Mrs. .^ohn Ketterhagen and | uteri sppce for the coming ning or adding eight classrooms j daughter of Janesville and Mrs. j venr. The next meeting will be held March 24 at the therapy center. READ THE WANT ADS. kitchen. washrooms, office, j Helen Pitzen were dinner multi - purpose luncheon and j guests at the home of Mrs. teachers' room. j Helen Hettermann Sunday. - j Afternoon visitors were Don Rescue Squad Assists The Johnsburg rescue squad nernhers were called to Sunnyside last Friday where little three year old Thomas Fielder had his arm caught in the wringer of a washing machine. After freeing the youngster and administering first aid, the ! squad took him to the McHen- j ry hospital. Vehicle $tickers Reminder ( While on fie subject of the j rescue squad, the vehicle stick-; ers that are available each i year can still be obtained. Now that you have your license plates, it is no more than right I that your vehicle sticker should j be on your windshield also, j The exercise was conducted! under the operational control i of Vice Admiral R. E. Libby, the commander of the First Fleet. Marine Sgt. George M. Anderson, son of Carl M. Anderson of Route 3, McHenry, took part in the 18th anniversary celebration of the 2nd Marine division at Camp Lejeune, N.C. FOUlT^SOLOISTS, SIX ENSEMBLES WIN TOP HONORS (Continued from page 1) j Hettermann, Jean Borchardt j and Karen Glysing. "Excellent", second division, | ratings went to Karen Dresdow, baritone; Lois May, baton; Bruce Novak, bass; Barbara Krickl, mezzo soprano; Carol Swanson, soprano; Mary Etheridge and Karen Viverito, contraltos; the boys' octet, drum quartet, brass quartet, saxophone trio, cornet duet, trombone duet, clarinet duet and clarinet quartet. 4-luHuj.l CjSfWdi, /VJcn^j! 2 (?k a Whi| put* &3j«) ^Itli HW WATER Let us install a New "Neco" RENT-O-MATIC Automatic Water Softener • Nothing to buy • Softens both hot and coId wafer • Works automatically -- no exchanging of tanks • low service charge covered by savings Moil Coupon TODAY! ALTHOFF'S GAS 700 Front St.- McHenry, 111. Phone 283 Bu/fj- for People I --r--" | -- | Check Ford's . Everybody gets a Headroom- No deep All front seats I large door openings I full-depth cushion I leg room galore | footwells' I are foam padded „\mm i i ® ™ 7 7 ! , Saves up to a J Change oil only J Aluminized mufflers ' Save on lowest-cost ^ Diamond Lustre | gallon with "regular" | each 4000 miles | last longer | accessories | Finish needs no wax | Bui/f- for Bo\sings your FREE Ford Savings Book . . see savings of over JI6? on the cost of car and accessories THE WOMBS MOST EEAHHHJLHY FROPOOTIONED CARS BUSS MOTOR SALES 531 MAIN STREET PHONE 1 McHENRY, ILL If You're Interested in an Used Car - Be Sure to See Your Ford Dealer WIN A 59 FOftD PLUS 110,000 CASH AND A GLORIOUS HOLLYWOOO VACATION FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY PICTURE YOURSELF IN A 59 F0RD-AND WIN A TRIPLE GRAND PRIZE Hundreds of other fabulous prizes in the Sylvania Photoflash Contest fOM fUU INFORMATION M your entry blank and the official ruin at your Ford Dealer's or wherever Sylvania Blue Dot Flashbulb! are sold. Contest closet midnight. Ma'ch 15. 1959 or political subdivision. "Your child is not considered i to be a full- time student if he Peter Wl. $udten S'on OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone McHenry 63 €? (jliapei COUNTRY CLUB Vi Mile No. of Skyline Theatre On East Johnsburg Road McHenry 2040 PLAN NOW TO ATTEND OUR St. Patrick's Day Party SPECIAL CORNED BEEF & CABBAGE DINNER $2.5p For Reservations or Take-Out Orders Phone McHesary 2040 FOOD OF DISTINCTION IN PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS Chinese & American Cuisine THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER ^-Ji~ea.(lauarter& <2^~or QUALITY PRINTING W ince 1875 CREED CAHILL With over 40^years' experience in job printing gives each order prompt, careful attention. # TICKETS # FOLDERS . PAMPHLETS . POSTERS .ENVELOPES . LETTERHEADS . BUSINESS CARDS . BUSINESS FORMS , WEDDING INVITATIONS . BOOKLETS 0 COMPLETE F WiLE T© FILL ALL P« .3or (equality and £*conom,u 102 North Green Street McHENRY, ILLINQ1 PHONI MeHlNlY 170 or171 '£

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