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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Mar 1959, p. 16

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Pag* Sixteen •HE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH Wonder Lake VOTERS APPROVE NEW ADDITION TO HARRISON by nJane Ducey -- 2781 ; Betty Burns--5501 The Board of Education cf District 36 voted to raise the salaries of teachers at Harrison school by $300 per year at their meeting Tuesday night. This sets the salary of a teacher with a bachelor's degree and no experience at §4,600 per year. Also at this board meeting contracts were offered to all teachers at Harrison for the year 1959-60, The addition to the school was assured with the passage af the bond Issue by a vote of 144 for.'and 112 against, at the polls Saturday. There weie four spoiled ballots. With a potential vote of well over 1000 in the district, the voting was considered light for a bond issue. • The architects will now proceed with the specifications" and drawings so that bids may be solicited from the contracday afternoon Vith a gathering over coffee at Harrison school. Present were fund adult, choir will meet Thursday jvenir.g at- 8 for rehearsal. More members, especially "men wilt-going president of the Won- j one able *to join in this importder Lake chapter, William T. i ant work is asked to be at the Born, current president, Rob-J church Thursday night., ert Lunak, and secretary, Mrs. I A Holy Hour of Devotions in Robert Lunak. i t he church, beginning at 8 pm. It was announced that water Thursday will precede the safety classes at the Lake will meeting of the Altar and Rosbc assured this year if the area j ary in the school hall. Preparmeets its quota of $1000. Fail- j ations are being made for the ure to make last year's, quota1 corned beef and cabbage dinresulted in the discontinuation i ner to be held March 8,from of the classes last summer at nooon until 4 in the school hall. Wonder Lake. » The Altar and Rosary members Highland Shores subdivision aPPr^ciate ihe cooperation was commended for coming wbich l^e ladies of the parhave bought out the business of Walter and Florence Dean, and took over the first of March. Thursday, March 5, 191% di ive chaii man._Toni_McMiIlan,--ji-c- needed-for--the-choif;--Atiy--Fhe--Robinsons have been resi-~ -ot--the--birth of a baby Hnnghdents of Shore Hills since 1950 and have four children, James, Rita, Jeffry and Jerry. ish give to these functions. Any one who can help i:i any way is asked to contact Mrs. John within a few dollars of meeting its quota, the same afternoon. The workers have "callbacks" to be made, which will Mustek, president, or Mrs. John assure them of reaching their Kremer, social chairman. goal, according to Mrs. Raymond Dvorak, subdivision cap- Christenings at Christ the Kins tain. Patricia Marie Misiak, daughi ter of Anthony and Bernadine Family Living Theme Weinand Misiak, was oaptized The Harrison Parent Teach- 22 by Rev. Raymond^Juer association will meet Tues- bers, O.E.S. Godparents are day, March 10, to learn about Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weinand. •Creative Family Living," in The same day. Father Hukeeping with 'the "better bers baptized Michael Alexanhomes" phase of the aim of \^r ^ai son Ronald and tors for a decision by the board ! the organization. A m o v i e Diane May'Clark. Godparents of education. about family life will be shown 1 Mre Michael Peri el and Barb- The Girl Scout cookie d r i v e !with the discussion period foi- '"'a May. will be conducted in Kachina ' lowing conducted by Pastor neighborhood (Valley ViewjWright. . North* from March 9 through. The major business on the 'Recreation" is the next sub- March 20. A change has been | agenda will be the election of ject for discussion when the made in the cookie chairman i officers for the coming yea: Golden Gloves Boxing Matches There will be 100 tickets to the finals of the Golden Gloves boxing mat-ches available to fathers who would like to take their sons (or daughters) this year, according to Fred Zandier, president of the McHenry Township Kiwanis club. However, the club will not provide a bus to transport the group, transportation will have to be arranged for privately. School Discussion Club for the neighborhood, Russell Spuehr taking the place of Richard Pickrum. Assisting the chairman will bo Mrs. Frank Bergsma of Richmond and Mrs. Russell Spuehr. The girls will take orders for the nuts and cookies during this period in March. Deliveries will be made from April 13 through April 17. at which time the money will be collected. On the recommendation of the service team, it was requested that all Juliette Low birthday fund money be turned in at the March neighborhood meeting, which will be held at Wonder Lake Wednesday. March 11 at Christ the King church. Any troops wishing to exhibit at the county fair ave asked to contact Harriett© Wilson of Wonder Lake. young men and women of high Hostesses for the social hour school age meet, March 9 at 7 will be the room mothers of n m in the school hall of Christ Mrs. V y c i t a 1' s and Mrs. ; the king church. All youth are Wenck's third grade classes. j invited to come. Nativity Lutheran Church News BIMP Ch'iroh NEWS A weekly bible class, conducted by Rev. Richard Wright, j National Girl Scout Sunday and designed basically for I will be observed March 8 in mothers, began March 3 at the churches throughout the na Quadrennial Report The initial shock of seeing a New York Times-size Plaindealer last Thursday in the mailbox was exceeded only by the groaning and tearing of hair as Wonder Lakers perused the Teal estate assessment list to;learn what the township assessor considered 60 percent of t h e " c u r r e n t r e s a l e v a l u e " o f ! their property to be. In the "'signs of growth of the area" department, we are told that it took sixteen pages of the Plaindealer to print the 1950 quadrennial assessment list, twenty-four pages for the 1954 list, and thirty - seven pages for the 1958 list. Bible church. Anyone interested in joining should be at the church at 1:30 p.m. every Tuesday. The instruction, which will last an hour or so, will be given in how to read the bible, how to pray, and the requirements for Christian living. The topic for March 10 will be, "How to Pray." Membership Sunday has been postponed from March 8 to March 15. The group to be taken into membership at this service will include some young people who have been attending the Senior Sunday school class .and A.F.C. club so faithfully. A warm welcome is extended to all of them. There will be a Sunday School teachers meeting Monday, March 9, at 7:30. Parents of children attending Sunday School 'are welcome to these meetings also, to see how matters pertaining to the spiritua' life of the children are handled The Young People's group will go to Barrington to a Youth for Christ meeting Friday evening, March 14. Groups of young people from churches of like faith- from all of the Northwest suburban area will attend this meeting in the high school gym. tion. All Girl Scouts and leaders are welcome and invited to attend worship services on this special day, and to sit in a' reserved section of the church. The sermon topic for the day will be, "The Great Provider." All young people of high sc h o o l a g e a r e w e l c o m e t o a t tend the Luther League meetng Sunday evening, March 8, starting at 7:30. There will be a program, social and refreshments. March 11 will mark the fourth Wednesday in Lent. ,and our fourth mid-week Lenten service to which everyone is always welcome and invited as we learn of "The Way to Calvary". The Altar Guild will have their regular monthly meeting after the worship service, Wednesday evening. Business Changes Hands Jim and Darlene Robison Pre-School "Children Not In The P.T.A. Census Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith of Lookout Point are parents of a"1 boy, Robert Glenn, born Friday evening, Feb. 27, at .Memorial hospital, and weighing 6 lbs. 14 oz. The couple has four other children, Shawn, Susan and the twins, Pat and Kay. Maternal grandfather is Melvin F. Jones of Chicago, and . paternal grandparents are the Robert Smiths of Chicago. The Walter Zahrays of Highland Shores have named their ;on, Walter Paul. The baby was born Monday, Feb. 23, at Memorial hospital, weighing 8 bs. 11 oz., and is the second ?hild in the Zahray home, brother Bobby being three years old. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Megchelsen of Keokuk, Iowa, and paternal grandparents are Mr. •^nd Mrs. Karl Zahray of Yotingtown, Ariz. Congratulations to the John u'oys of Wonder View who are he parents of a 7 lb. 3% oz. boy, Raymond Eugene, born Thursday, Feb. 2, at Memorial hospital. Maternal grandfather s Willie Goodin of Howe, Okla. nd paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William T. Foy of Chicago. Vital statistics on baby girl Palko and baby boy Bailey, bom Feb. 27, and baby girl Schmall, born Feb. 23, are not available at this writing. Of Cabbages and Kings Greta Weisenberger had news Monday night of her father's safe arrival in Winslow, Ariz. Henning Widen made the trip alone by car to visit his daughter, Mrs Boyd Shumway and family, for an indefinite stay. Lynn Wilkinson and Jill Gustavson spent Friday and Saturday in Springfield at the State Convention cf the Future Business Leaders of America. The girls were sent as delegates by a bond issue vote to raise tax^s coupled with the increase in assessed valuation, left a bad _ , .. .. . , Larry Pierce was an unex- .In . an.y event. t .he tim in.g of : p e c t e ,d g u e „s +t a .t t..h e „B i..b .l e hntin icciia i-Ata tn roico tuvnc 1 * chuich last Sunday. He is studying for the ministry at . . . .. .. , Grand Rapids School of the taste in the mouth of jBjb]e and Musjc He read residents who direly predicted jcongre|,a,lDnal hymns and spoke briefly in the morning worship service. Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to' you! Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mcchanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhanling 3Q€ the defeat of the school bond issue. So the subject of taxes comes into focus for Wonder Lakers to gripe about now that the weather man is showing signs of leniency, and we were just about to feel good about living in "outer suburbia". Red Cross Fund Drive Underwsiy The Red Cross Fund Drive in Wonder Lake kicked-off Sun- 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE 516 Front St. McHenry. Ill Christ the King Church News The men and women of the Phone 811 -- Residence 91*R ABOVE ALL A SET OF HANDY CLEANING! TOOLS me... OUFT 0w£u the crowning touch of a smart new hat . . . INCLUDING TOOLS *69=95 REY APPLIANCES, Inc. 119 S. Green St. McHenry PHONE 251 Choose here the new hat that will take your right-about-face into the Easter parade . . . and complete the picture of head-to-toe perfection that the occasion demands. McGee's Open Daily: 8 a.m.-6 p.m.' - Fridays 'til 9 p.m. - Sunday 9 a.m. 'til noon Store for Men 117 S. Green St. Phone 47 the Future Business Leaders I Sunnysidc Estates c l u b a t M c H e n r y h i g h . * . . . . . . . News from Orlando, Fla., is I ASSOCIATION ter to Sanai Jo Joosten last week, (the coiiplfe's other child is a boy). Maternal grandparents are the Joe Monteleones of Orlando, and paternal grandparents are the Richard JoOs- (ens of Wonder Lake. An honorary FFA degree was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moeller of Wonder Woods at the sixth annual parent- son banquet ot Future Farmers of America in' Woodstock last Thursday. The degree was in recognition of son, Quentin, who won"'a state aaard in FFA. ^ Another birth of local interest is that of baby gii'l Thatcher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs .eon Tnatcher of Hebron, born Feb. 25 at Memorial hospital. The couple has one other child, boy. Mrs.^ Thatcher, who has been teaching combination fourth and fifth grade at Harrison, has been replaced by Miss Sarah Harkness of Grayslake. Miss Harkness is a midterm graduate of Monmouth College with a B.S. in education. AND THERE BUSINESS TO MEET A' JOHNSBURG From A to Z This is the last reminder we can give you about the March meeting to be held tonight at the Johnsburg community club. Much has already been said about this meeting and aside from the printed word perhaps word of mouth is more convincing for you. We can oftly hope that either reading about it or talking about it with your neighbor you are by now convinced of its importance. Hope we see you there. NEW STORES The biggest two-year growth program in Jewel Tea company history is right on schedule, according to George L. Clements, president He said eighty new stores will be opened by the end of 1959. Forty new units were opened in 1958, including the McHenry store. PRESENT SHOW The Crystal Lake Jaycees are giving much time and energy to the forthcoming Crystal Lake Home, Industry and Arts show, which they are sponsoring March 13, 14 and 15. This greatly anticipated event will be held in the field house of the Crystal Lake high school. Has a man gained anything who has received a hundred favors and rendered none? New Arrivals Our neighbors just south of us on Spring Creek road, Jerry and Marilyn Thelen, are the pj-oud parents of a new baby, boy born on Feb. 20. This date is also their wedding anniversary and Robert Michael arrived on number five weighing 8 lbs. IV2 oz. The Thelens have two other sons, Ricky and Randy and as Marilyn sa|id, even before Bobby was born, "we have another farmer in the fjmiily." Congratulations to all the Thelens, This seems to be the year for good sized baby boys or "can you top this"? Florence Kanter presented her family with a boy who weighed 11 lbs. 14 oz. when he was born on Feb. 21. John James is the third child for Cece and Florence and a new brother for three year old Stevie and two year old Mary. Congratulations to all the Kanters. Hospitalized We are sorry to report that Gus Berg has been hospitalized for an infection of some sort. The Bergs have certainly had their share of sickness this winter but we hope things will very soon be right with them. In the meantime, however, we're sure Gus would' appreciate hearing from some of us. Birthdays Don't know how we slipped up on.this birthday but belated greetings for yesterday go to Debbie Noah who was seven. Starting out this week's lineup of birthdays is Pat Anderson who is 2 today while Tom- 7, Tommy turning 6 and Dorothy Ann, 11. The two adult birthdays are those of Rose Felicetti on March 9 and Harold (Barney) Palmer on March 10. Halppy birthday all. Church News By now everyone probably has heard or read something about the new Mount Hope Methodist church in Pistakee Highlands. This church is for anyone of the Protestant faith who wishes to join and it will serve all outlying subdivisions including Sunnyside Estates. Even though you are aware of its inception you maf wish to know a few of the particulars concerning its worship service, etc. Those who h??ve pledged their support to, the task of acquainting everyone vith these matters have quite a bit of work to do and ask that you be patient if you have not as yet heard from them. They do however want to stress the point that you are mc^t welcome and they wiil do all in their power to make it convenient for you to attend. You will find listed belcw the age group, location, and residence of the various classes that are to be held every Sunday. The Church Worship service is held at 11 a.m. in the Community^ Center, all other classes are held at 9:45 ajm. at ' the following locations: Nursery, under 4; kindergarten, 4 id 5, 206 South LoueHa, Thoren residence; primary, 6-7, 118 Rand drive,. Rodge residence; junior, 9-10-11, 315 West Ann, Glueck residence; intermediate 12-13, 213 Fox Lake road, Stewart residence; youth class 14-18. Community Center. If anyone is interested in teaching any of these classes there are training courses available to them. Any questions you may have or further information about all phases of this new church can be answered by either E. Thoren at 2649-J or C. Stewart at 3062. See you in church. CAFTION TO FARMERS Stillman J. Stanard, director of the Illinois Department of Agriculture, has cautioned Illinois farmers to be wary when receiving feeder pigs hauled long distances. Those pigs, he explained, may be suffering from exposure or exhaustion and cause serious loss to the buyer. Stanard warned thpi there are a number of IllinAj iand out-of-state truckers who attempt tc evadfe the law. The state's quarantine officers, working in 12 districts, are enforcing the Illinois livestock law to the letter, Stanard said. A number of prosecutions have been brought against shippers who acted without health certificates or permits. -fedical M WHAT DOCTORS SAY ABOU BctkrlMMlkiltk TkmqfitoKtmMqe: Note to readers: Thanks for all the nice letters. As many questions as possible will be answered in this column, but for obvious reasons replies must be brief. READY-MIX McHenn a VeS."mEY CEPWINLY applauded WHEN 1 SAT DOWN. YOUR THAT g> LOCAL TRADEMARKS. I» THEIR COMPETITORS CAM TALK ALL THEV WANT BUT TBSXgSSlg&P McHENRY READY-MIX s • L- ~ . Mcffentej RCAOY MfX CO. tNC. 7%0«C4 MCHENRY 920 ANTIOCH • f=OG 7CH-L. <S£A?\//C£: <5RAYSLAKE £A/7EPlf>G/&£ <?200 MCHENRY Q. "Pleate give information on mongolism. Does glutamic acid and thyroid help?"--M.S. A. The cause of mongolism remains a medical mystery so there is not much to go on in developing a method of treatment. Mongoloid children are born to people of all walks of life--the rich and the poor; the brilliant and the dull. For a while doctors thought glutamic acid was helpful but it is now generally agreed that this drug is of little value in mentally retarded children. Thyroid is no better unless, of course, there is a definite thyroid deficiency Q. "What is the best 1cay to remove superfluous hair on the lip and chin?"--No name. A. The only way to permanently remove unwanted hair is to destroy the hair root If hair growth is extensive, the dermatologist (skin doctor) may use an electric needle. This may require several trips to the doctor's office. Lip and chin hair can, of course, be shaved. Answers do not necessarily reflect the opinion of all doctors. The diagnosis and treatment of disease is the function of the patient's personal physician. Questions directed to Dr. J. D. Ralston, Science Editors, P.O. Box 396, Madison Square Station, N. Y. 10, N. Y. will be incorporated in these columns when possible. Q. "Does shaving the legs cause ' the hair to grow thicker and coarser?"--A reader. A. No. Frequent shaving will - not stimulate growth of hair. If this were true, about-to-be bald£) men could prevent baldness by simply shaving the head a few times. Q.. "Do bleeding hemorrhoids (piles) ever go into cancer?"-- O.E. A. No. Hemorrhoids can be very I distressing but the condition itself does not lead to cancer. .However--and this is very, very ' important--rectal bleeding from " any cause calls for an examination bv a physician. The bleeding^, may just be due to hemorrhoids®-, or it may be due to something >• far more serious. ' Q. "/ am 60 years old and in pretty good health but have J, trouble sleeping at night. ,t. Should / take vitamins?"--No name. A. Insomnia (inability to sleep throughout the night) is a common complaint. The sleep pattern seems to change as we get older. Most teenagers can sleer the clock around. In later life^ these sleepyheads will require lesi™ sleep. Vitamins won't help an' drugs to induce sleep shouldn be used unless prescribed by a physician. M* DRUG STORE GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILL. By 0RCR0SS GREATEST SELECTION CARDS FOR EVERYONE ON YOUR flci.ster cjCiit OUR NOW AT BOLGER'S l

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