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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Mar 1959, p. 11

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Thursday. March 19. 1959 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER . Johnsburg I SODALITY PLANS 1 TWO EVENTS * FOR MARCH 22 by Betty Hettermann ft, Rescue Squad and Fire Calls The members of station 2 were called out on a fire alarm last week which took them to Pistakee Highlands. An overheated gas furnace in a home was the cause of alarm. The e officers and members of ' furnace was disconnected until the Blessed Virgin sodality will receive Communion in a body next Sunday, March 22, at the banquet. This should be all the more reason for you to attend the diocesan banquet. Don't forget to get your reservations in early. Around The Town Karen Smith has fallen victim to Mr. Measles. Although Page Eleven a repair man could be located. I she isn't real sick. Karen is a No damage was reported. I beautiful shade of red. 8:30 Mass. Breakfast will be served in the school hall following the Mass. We all hope the unpredictable weather will give us a break so the turnout is large. Early Sunday morning the Johnsburg rescue squad was called to Surtnyside Estates. Ansgar Olson suffered a heart attack and' succumbed shortly after. JJJuiday evening the sodality Glr, Scouts and Brownie News will sponsor a public party in the school hall. An open invitation is extended to one and all to attend this parish function. The evening's proceeds will be turned over to the school building fund. Dance Coming Up Once again you and your fa^gjrite dancing partner have an^pportunity to showoff your fancy steps by attending the forthcoming Fireman's 'dance. This musical event will take place on Saturday evening, April 4 at the community club hall. Tickets can be obtained from any of the station 2 members or can be purchased at the door. * Third Place Winner * Again the 'teen-age set made the print of this newspaper Eileen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff, placed third in a contest to select Miss Future Business Leaders of America held in Springfield at the state convention. Our congratulations are extended to her. Vows Exchanged Recently ongratulations are in order for Ethel Quaintance and Arthur McKiel. The couple became man and wife at a ceremony performed in Lake Villa on March 7. Sincere wishes for a happy future are bestowed on this couple by their many friends. School Bond Vote is the civic duty of every eligible voter to cast his or her vote in the school bond issue taking place at the Johnsburg public school next Saturday, March 21. Polls will be open from noon until 7 p.m. The school board of District 12 found it imperative to ask for an approval of a $225,000 building bond issue to expand the school due to the increasirf' enrollment. Please get out and vote! Troops 135 and 408 of the Girl Scouts and Brownie troop 295 held no regular meetings last week. The girls received their material for the current cookie sale and embarked on a trek to look for customers. The cookie and nut sale ends this Friday, so if by chance you were missed and would like to make up a purchase, please contact any of the local girl scouts. The girls of troops 135 and 408 along with Mesdames Dorothy Adams, Mary Hettermann, Vera Huemann, Dorothy Stinebess and Eleanor Mangold spent last Saturday afternoon at the roller rink in McHenry. At their last meeting, troop 378 finished decorating their bud vases and started on an Easter project for themselves. Julie Whiting acted as cookie hostess for this meeting. Diocesan Conference Meets Here The officers and members of St. Agatha's Court No. 777 will be hostess to the Rockford diocesan conference of the women's Catholic Order of Foresters when they meet in the community club hall on April 12. A dinner will be served at noon followed by a regular meeting, installation of officers,,, and a question and answer period. Anyone who wishes to attend this banquet is asked to have their reservations into Mrs. Virginia Pitzen no later than March 29. It would do our court proud if we had a large turnout of members so plan on attending this dinner and meeting. There will be no annual banquet for our court since the Aprij 12 date is so close to the date usually set aside to" our COMPLETE LINE New Parents The many friends of Mai and Barbara Malinoski accumulated during their previous residence here were delighted to learn they have added a third member to their family. A beautiful six month old baby girl is^/being showered with plenty of love and affection by her new parents. In Lakeland Park, where the Malinoskis now reside, all of their friends join in extending their congratulations as all of us here do. OF Iflflaternity Clotk ed FOR MOTHERS-TO-BE Ben FraiEdin GREEN STREET McHENRY W8NGERTER APCT1QW ^ WM. RUSSEL -- Auctioneers -- DAN POWERS As we are discontinuing our farming operation, retaining only the Pure Bred Angus Cattle, will sell at public auction, the complete farming equipment located on the farm known as the WOODBINE FARM, 4 miles West of Crystal Lake, 4 miles North of Huntley, 7 miles South of Woodstock, 1 mile East of Route 47 and 1% miles South of Route 176, known as the old Lawson Farm, described as follows, on: TUESDAY. MARCH 24th, 1959 COMMENCING AT 11:00 A.M. SHARP t MACHINERY / International Hay Baler, Large model, new 1958; New Idea j 2 row mounted Corn Picker, 1958; John Deere 4 row Corn Planter, new 1958; John Bean Power Sprayer, Trailer type, new 1958; J. I. Case 10 ft. Grain Drill with Grass Seeder and | Fertilizer attached; 2 Model M International Tractors: Ford Tractor with equipment, including Post Hole Digger, Manure Loader with 3 buckets, 2 bot. Plow, 7 ft. Mower, snow plow, etc.; Case 7 ft. Combine, like new; Ezee Flow Fertilizer Spreader; 2 - 3 bot. International Plows; 3 - Discs, 6, 9 anH 10 ft.; 2 - 2-row Cultivators; New Idea Grain Elevator-Hydraulic Hpist; Corn Sheller; Platform Scales; IV2 ton Ford Truck, n\al Wheels; 2 R. T. Wagons and Boxes - Side Rack; 1 R.T; Wagon and Grain Box; 1 S. W. Wagon and Flare Box (Wooden); 2 Lawn Mowers, one power, driven, new; 3 Window ventilating Fans; Hammermill; 2 New Idea Manure Spreaders; Shaw Garden Tractor with attach; Allen Grain Buster; 2 Sec. Rotary Hoe: 4 Sec. Steel Harrow; Hog Feeders and Watei Fountains; Steel Field Roller; Case Cornstalk Chopper; New Idea Side Delivery Rake; John Deere Field Cultivator: Blower Type Grain Elevator; Silage Cart; 2 Wheeled Trailer; Speed Jack; Windrower; Air Compressor, Paint Spray; Hay and Grain Feed Bunks; Portable Hog and Poultry Sheds; Water Tanks Water Heaters; Quantity Fence Posts; Barbed and Woven Wire; 1 Cold Morning Coal Stove, new; Many small tools and miscellaneous items too numerous to mention. HAY AND GRAIN Large quantity 1st and 2nd cutting Alfalfa Hay; Large quantity Com Silage; Quantity Fertilizer and Steer Supplement. HOGS AND POULTRY 25 Hampshire Shoats; 4 Hampshire Brood Sows; 40 White Leghorn Hens. AS THIS IS A LARGE SALE OF GOOD EQUIPMENT, FT WILL BE NECESSARY TO START PROMPTLY AT 11:00 F. R. WINGERTER, Owner NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS^ LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS Mr. and Mrs. A1 Pepping, ^>hn Smith, Mrs. Helen Pitzen, Mrs. Helen Hettermann. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith and Mrs. Kate Weingart were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Catherine Smith and Mrs. Mamie King last Tuesday evening. Happy birthday to Larry Adams who entertained several of his young friends at his home recently in honor, of. his seventh birthday. Henry Sompel returned homo last week after spending six weeks in Belgium visiting his relatives. Mr. Sompel related this trip was one of the most exciting moments in his whole life. He reacquainted himself with his brothers and sister whom he hadn't seen in over fifty years. ° Lakemoor-------- YOUNG PEOPLE VISIT BIBLE INSTITUTE Marion Sulok--592-R-l The young people and their sponsors ertjoyed themselves on Friday at the Moody Bible Instiute in Chicago, while there they were on the radio twice during the day. The group of twenty five boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 16 were on the Bill Pieoce program at 1:45 and actually had their own show of their activities in McHenry. They also enjoyed a lunch at the institute and a pleasant tour of the building. Mrs. Betty Winsten and Ruth Syeen are the sponsors for this fine group and they also report a grand time was had by all the young folks. Pastor Hallock tond his wife are enjoying themselves with this group and say that there is room for more of the young folks^ out here in Lakemoor to join in the activities that take this group to many interesting places. Mrs. Winsten was pleasantly surprised while in the radio Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith were station to find an old classmate visitbrs in Rockford over last of hers playing the organ. To weekend. Mrs. Smith will re- both of these folks the meeting main there -for--about a week to f"had many memories of the days visit her family. ! gone by. The radio station on j your dial for these programs is Xiirl Scouts Troop 309 The girls are starting a home nursing course and they are not holding their regular meetings until April 6. The girls will receive a badge when their course is completed so they are going to be working very hard to get this completed. + Girl Scout, Cookie Sale The sale of the scout cookies will continue until March 21. so if any of you folks have not ordered'* and want the cookies you may contact any Girl Scout or Brownie or Mrs. Pat Morrison and they will take your order. Youth Meeting On Saturday evening Mrs. Betty Winsten, Pastor Hallock and wife. Mrs. Phernetton and Mrs. Bert Bienapfl drove the young peoples group to B.arrington for their monthly meeting. The group meet in the grade school auditorium with young folks from all the surrounding towns and have a wonderful evening of entertainment and a speaker for the 'teenage problems. An Error By some mistake in printing my name did not appear at the heading of Lakemoor s column. I still am ycur reporter whether some other name is at your news column. Birthday Party Lori Beahler celebrated her twelfth birthday on March 15 with twenty-two guests to help her out. Many games were played and Mama Bealhe^ served cake and punch to all of Lori's guests. To complete the day Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hatch of Lakemoor, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hatch of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hatch of Eau Claire. Wis. (Mis. Beahler's mom and dad) and Mr. and Mrs. John Hansen and son of Highland Shores were dinner guests at the Beahler homo. Many happy returns to you. Lori, but poor mom with all that work. She loves it though, Lori. Sick List Mr. and Mrs. James Buchwalter have not been feeling too well the past few weeks j and would like to hear from j some of their friends. Just a card or a phone call would help brighten their days for them. Hurry and get well so we can see your shining faces around again soon. L.l.A. The members of the club held their meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hyatt. Plans were made for the meeting of the state librarian who will visit our library in a few weeks. Due to illness of our members the card and bunco party that was scheduled for April 4 will be called off until later in the I summer. After the meeting 1 cards and bunco were played and the hostess Mrs. Hyatt served cake and coffee. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ted Beahler. READ THE WANT ADS. cM edical Mirror WHAT DOCTORS SAY ABOUT: READY-MIX McHenr\ Mary Jo and Billy Haag were quite the excited youngsters last Saturday when thev accompanied their grandmother. Mrs. Mary Adams, to Chicago by train. The trio took in a couple of movies and ate lunch in a restaurant. They mot their grandfather. A1 Adams, to make the return train trip home. When all is said and done. Ihe fact remains thai you have to sell what you write, what you make, or what you invent. 1100. Tune in and hear some of the interesting things that our young folks are doing for themselves. £ Mitt OTIDK __ SPLAY SEE THEM W@!M OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS McHenry County Wdl & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DHIYOT «* MrmiU aad Scnito ALL MAKES atf PCMPSt Ixcittd in fh» VQlagi of McCuUom Lab 2 ^4 m 1 rran ** '* ***** and WMoncdHenr trLya okne Rthoaed M eCtolkm PBOXE 713 6 Whs Said Are A Luxury? Add the cost of cleaning this man's rain-soaked clothes and you'll agree door-to-door taxi actually saves money. A cab can help in a hundred different ways. When you need one. Radio Dispatched McHENiY CAB PHONE 723 n the jobs vbu<?s IF I COULD BE SATISFIED AS TO YOUP HONESTY. PLENTY TIMES, I BEEN PINCHED FOR DISHONEST STEAUN'-BUT EVERY TIME I GOT OFF ACQUITTED, DEY CALLED SAY, I 60T PROOF I HAVE LOTS OF DAT FOR HONEST DEALING YOU CAN DEPEND UPON McHENRY READY-MIX TO GIVE YOU YOUP FULL MONEY'S WORTH AMD YDUR SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEEMcfferfu/ ^ OLi ^ R£A0Y Mtx Co. tNC. MCHENRY 920 --j ANTIOCH • Fog 7CH.L. r&ee: SEGv/ce Jfyvw GRAYS LAKE • Stage Fright • Hard Water • Thumbsucking O' "This sounds silly but tchen I am called on to talk before a group of people my mouth gets so dry I can hardly speak. Can you offer a suggestion?" ---A Colorado reader. A. This is a common symptom of stage fright. There is nothing medically wrong so there would be no medical cure. Continue making speeches before groups and you'll gradually become more at ease. Q. "IVhy does hard water roughen the skin?"--B.B. A. The hardness of water is due to dissolved chemicals, some of which combine with soap to form an insoluble substance which sticks to the skin. The film is responsible for the rough feeling of the skin. Q. "My baby has started sucking his thumb. What should I do?"--4 worried mother. A. Don't get too upset. The thumbsucking baby was once Through mhmmledae considered a happy baby. Then germs were discovered so, of course, the word went out that babies should not put their fingers in their mouths. Dentists spoke up against thumbsucking because it supposedly caused crookecTteeth. The coup de grace came when psychologists connected thumbsucking with sex. All of these notions have largely been disproved. Germs get i>»j the body in many ways, the least important of which is by thumbsucking. Many dentists say that if thumbsucking stops before age 6, any harm done to the mouth or teeth will usually correct itself. Answers do not necessarily reflect the opinion of all doctors. The diagnosis and treatment of disease is the function of the patient's personal physician. Questions directed to Dr.-fTD. Ralston. Science Editors, P.O. Box 396. *lad,son Square Station, /V. Y. 10, /V. Y. will he incorporated in these columns when possible. <?200 MCHENRY e** DRUG STORE GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILL. A ) \ , anewjuararifee. A CHAT WITH US Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs te you! Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling CH'S 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE 516 Front St. McHenry, Dl. Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R of quality m convenience! ./ £ 'GQLPSIMgos Ranges have at least ^important features ALL good cooks appreciate! Here are just a few-- AUCTION USUAL HANK TERMS FIRST NATIONAL BANK of WOODSTOCK, Clerking Member Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Having decided to discontinue farming, the undersigned will offer the following personal property for sale at public auction on tlir> farm located 4 lb miles Northeast of Lake Zurich, 111., 4 iniles West of Mundelein, 111., 1 mile South of Route 63, 2 miles North of Route 83 on the Volo-Gilmer Road, on: SATURDAY -- MARCH 21st Commencing at 1:00 O'Clock 8 CATTLE -- 3 Holstein Heifers, 18 mos. old, vaccinated, not bred; Registered Jersey cow due to freshen at sale date: j 4 Black Angus heifers 600 lb. average. | HOGS -- 7 Brood Sows to farrow first week in April. ! TRUCK -- 1941 Chevrolet l'z ton truck with 12 ft. grain box and hoist. DAIRY EQUIPMENT -- 3 Surge seamless milk units; , Surge pump; Silo cart and milk cans. , TRACTORS, COMBINE & FARM MACHINERY - JD Model B Tractor with powertrol: JD Model D Tractor; MH 10 ft. self-propelled combine; JD 4-row corn planter with liquid i fertilizer: JD 10 ft. grain drill on rubber with fertilizer attach-' ment; JD 5 ft. power mower onrubber; JD model 226 mounted corn picker; JD model 101 semi-mounted picker; JD 3-sec. drag; JD tractor spreader: JD sub-soiler; JD 2/14 plow on rubber; JD 3/14 plow on rubber; 7 ft. Chisel plow; 3-sec. soil surgeon: 4-row rotary hoe: Big Chief stalk chopper; Interna-, tional side deliv ery rake; 4-row Anhydrous ammonia applica-; tor; 10 ft. Cobev disc on rubber: wire corn crib, 1100 bushel capacity; International wagon gear on rubber with Cobey grain box: Lindsay rubber-tired wagon gear with corn box;|r NI wagon with 16-ft. rack: 14 ft. hay rack; DB manure loader: \ Badger silo unloader for 14 or 16 ft. silo; Arco vent hay dryer j with 5 h.p. motor and fan; Gehl feed grinder with cutter head; Kelley-Ryan elevator with motor; NI elevator with jack; Case baler; JD windrower for mower; International No. 2 silo' blower; U.S. Grain blower; wagon unloading jack; 2 unloading units for silo wagons and many other articles too numerous to mention. TONY WELZEN. Owner Look for this Gold Star! World's newest emblem of ( excellence--mark of the world's finest range. It's your assurance or quality and wonderful cooking convenience. Gold Star award GAS Ranges feature a host of new advancements (certified by The American Gas Association to be 28 or more!) to make meal-making marvelously easy . . . your meals more tasty. And don't forget--along with this Gold Star certification ... cooking's fast . . . cooking's wonderfully automatic . . . cooking's cleaner . . . and cooking costs a whole lot less--when you're cooking with GA§! Choose your GOLD STAR l^MGE from these favorite brandsat your Dealer's or our nearby store! «<i> © e© m oo o o oo CROWN Magic C'lu'f • Automatic rotisicri* • Smokeless broiler, waisthigh in many models • Friction-free, sag-proof racks and drawers • Extra-thick, heat-holding oven insulation • Lift-out oven bottom e Automatic meat thermometer e Autbmatic "off-on" clock-timer • Burner-with-a-Brain (Thermostatically controlled) e Self-lighting broiler, oven and top burners e Thermostatically controlled built-in griddle • Lift-out burners that are easy' to dean • Cool miniature pilots for oven and broiler • Oven-ready light, interior oven light e Rust and stain resistant materials throughout ftm Mil f ESS .© ® n= Rubers & Behm, Auctioneers WISCONSIN SALES CORPORATION, fclerk Union Grove, Wis. Phone TRinity 8-2421 c ® s © See what we'll allow you on your old range toward the purchase of a new one! Fill out the coupon and mail! GENTLEMEN ^UMiufpoot CP"***? Phone McHenry 2081 Priced as LOW as per month SMALL down payment,., up to 36 months to pay Penny Flame (Room 202) Northern Illinois Gas Company 615 Eastern Avenue, Bellwood, Illinois I am interested in a Gas Range. MrfKe Please tell me how much I can expect to save with the allowance for my old range. 11 understand this estimate does not obligate me in any woy) Name- Address. City State

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