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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Apr 1959, p. 17

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TEttwday, X{»U 2, 1959 THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Eastwood Manor EMPOA REPORTS BUSY MEETING DURING MARCH l»y Lois Ryan--2510-R we wish to invite you and all newcomers to our community meetings which are held monthly at the barn. "^e March meeting of the EMPOA was lead by viee-pres. Peggy Garrelts. The committee to organize the special party to be held in May was selected. Marie Dalton and Pat Cisewski, who did such a fine job on the last party, are the cochairmen. John Couglin is the head of a committee to welcome newcomers to our subdivision. We hail needed such a committee for some time now to let the new home owners know that we are glad they came to live in Eastwood Manor. We know that John and his committee will do a good job. Several other items were brought up and they will be made into a motion and voted on at the next meeting. We hone that everyone will be. out tojfoice their opinion. Block Rosary On April 7 at 8:30 p.m. the Block Rosary will be held at the home of John Sheehy at 128 Manor Lane. Faith Presbyterian Church On April 5 Jack Mclntyre will give a sermon entitled "Pride and the Lowliness" Luke 18W-14. On that same date an adult study and discussion group will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the church. The group will be lead by Mr. Mclntyre and all are welcome to this meeting. Baptized Baptized on Palm Sunday were Karen Sue Jensen, daughtei^ of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin JenselPof Johnsburg; Tracy Alan Philippi, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Philippi and Peter John Hayes, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes, both of Eastwood Manor. Happy Birthday Our best wishes for a happy birthday, go to Otto Shaw, who will celebrate tomorrow and to D«|ald Cisewski, who will celeb r M e S a t u r d a y . M a d e l i n e Freckman will blow her birthday candles out on Sunday. Little Paul Cisewski will be two 'years old come Monday and Bill Urban will turn seven on the same day. Our best to alL.jof. you. { Happy Anniversary *Mr. and Mrs. William Harnflfewill celebrate the anniversaiy of their wedding day on April 4. Best wishes to you both. •!?(a Sick List Steve and Linda French have been ailing Don and off for two weeks now. Mama Jackie is getting worn out, and she's happy to report that things are getting better. Little Mark Stephenson has a case of mumps. Pre Lindemann has been trying ^o care for her family under the burden of flu. We understand fully how hard a job that is. Measles took over Neal Barry on Tuesday, March 24 and he's not a very happy little boy. Who can blame him! Both Olive and Fred Mueller have been' trying extra hard to nurse themselves through a siege of strep throats. They wanted to be well in time to go to Milwaukee for their granddaughter Gathy Sue's baptism on Easter Sunday. Denise Lottchea had her cqse of chickenpox early enough so as not to miss out on the Easter fun. She and her parents, Shirley and Harold, were able to go to Schiller Park to visit with her. great grandmother and many other relatives. The Jerry Ryan family started for Morton Grove last Saturday without a care in • the world. They arrived at the home of Lois' aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Selk, to join a party given in the honor of Bill Selk, who is going in the Army in April. They were there about one hour when Debra came down with a raging fever, so home they came. Debbie had the flu for the whole week and she was a very sick little gal. We hope that the sick list will be a big nothing next week. Everybody come on and get well fast. Welcome Wee One Dainty 6 lb. 12% oz. Kathleen Patricia joined the New- Ion family at 9:08 a.m. on March 21 to make it three girls for Rosemary and Bob. Bob's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Selgret, came from Michigan to visit with the Newlon family over the holiday. This and That Mary and Dave Hadley partook of Easter festivities in the home of Dave's folks, the L. T. Hadleys. They celebrated the joint birthdays of both his mother and his father and also Welcome New Neighbors »We wish to extend a belated | wblcome to the Merle (Tony) Kjaufman family who came to Eastwood Manor about eight w^eks ago. JoAnn and Tony are proud parents of Kathy who wij|J be one year old in April. We are happy to have you as a part of our community and EE'S RES14LL RENTS Floor Sanders to Rotary Tillers PHONE 32 DR.. HINiY FliUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 their wedding anniversary as well as Easter. The trip to the South side of Chicago was an excusion for the two children and everyone had a good appetite for the fine meal. The McHales enjoyed a visit from Jeanne's mother, Helen Nelson, for Easter Sunday. Erwin and Erika Haldeman and their three children were among those fortunate ones who were able to take a trip for the weekend. Their 110 mile jaunt took them to Streator for a visit with Erwin's folks. The Alfords hosted a dinner party for Marion's girl friend and her husband, Connie and Herb Iverson. Then the following da/ the Alfords traveled t6 Chicago for dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson. That was a busy time for the Alfords. They helped Harry Durkin celebrate his birthday. All had, a good time. Little Ginny Engstrom's birthday was complete when grandma, Betty Klein, came to help her celebrate and to spend a few days at the Ertgstroms' home. The Harness household enjoyed a visit from Norma's mom. Mrs. Van Burean Holbert from Chicago, for the weekend. The Robert Lindemanns had the pleasure of weekend guests in the form of Pre's mother/ Mrs. Michael McGrane, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fleming. On Saturday they attended a bowling tournament in Round Lake. Mim and Lee Hansen were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hultman of Lombard on March 22. Helen Mathes was the guest of Mrs. H. P. Andersen of Park Ridge for lunch and lecture given by Stuart Brandt, a television book reviewer. Ice cream and a cake with candles always means a good birthday party. That holds true for Jimmy Fultz, who was six years old on Saturday, March 28. His guests included Randy Penick, Steve Simpson, Steve Hansen, Raymond Lassard, Steve Rohrer and Greg Fultz. The all boy party was a lot of fun, but mama Marilyn was glad to have a rest. The rest' came when Jack took Marilyn to dinner in Chicago and to a stage play. It was very restful and enjoyable. Tom and Rita Simpson helped Marilyn and Jack Fultz celebrate, Marilyn's birthday on March 22, Hannah Harner and Pat Kellogg took their children to.Chicago to see a children's movie and have dinner. A not so pleasant task went to LeRoy Rohrer when he killed a large river rat on Country Lane last Thursday. We're glad to report that this is no a common occurrence. Christening Peter John Hayes was baptized at Faith Presbyterian church on March 22. Carol and John, the happy parents, entertained Carol's parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Ray Johnson, and Pfeter's godparents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wickstrom, for dinner. The William Welp family spent Easter weekend with Joanne's folks in Rock Falls, 111. On Saturday, March 22, the Hutchinsons had a visit from some of Jo Ann's relatives. Her grandmother, Mrs. Broske, her mother, Mrs. Martha Macey, her aunt, Mrs. Alice Mattes, and her two children, Jo and Fred, and her uncle, Peter Broske. They had a grand gettogether. Meet Your Neighbors Elmer and Charlotte Urban and their son, Billy, moved into their home at 108 Country Lane in Eastwood Manor on April 10, 1957. Billy celebrates his seventh birthday April 6. Elmer is a lab technician in Des Plaines. Charlotte enjoys gardening and reading. Elmer also likes to putter around outside and he likes to go fishing. Both Urbans are from Chicago. The William Welp family occupy the house at 143 Manor Lane since Dec. 1957. Bill is a training director in Chicago. He and Joanne are the proud * • »•»•••--•-•w St* for AREHOUSE HUP or HICK IELIVE1I Nitrogen Fertilizers Available Phosphates Rock Phosphate Potash Mixed Fertilizers (with or without Aldrin) Service when you need it most from your ! own toirimaMwmsd and controlled FS compass^ & A gift of extension phones adds ease and smoothness to her busy life! For the one-women "plant" she's running, extension phones are just what the thoughtful husband orders. Placed where she needs them, these lowcost extensions help her cook, clean, chauffeur and tend the toddlers with a minimum of lost motion. Shell thank you for the steps she saves --and for the beautiful colors, (her choice of nine, including a feminine rose pink). Why not consult herr and call your Service Representative? Mc.lLi«.iY cou< SERVICE COMPANY ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE 111 North Court Street Phone: 9981 Just tell us her choice ef color and where she wants the phoru Your Service Representative will do the rest. PHONE WOODSTOCK 543 Page Sevenlofu Sunnyside Estates PRESENT SLATE OF OFFICERS AT ASS'N. MEETING by Lois Anderson The April meeting of the Sunnyside Estates home owner's association will be held tonight (Thursday) at the Johnsburg public school. The nominating committee will present its slate of officers and nominations can also be made from the floor. Reports from the various comparents of Jody Lu, born Feb. 5, 1953, Billie, Jr., who was born Sept. 21, 1955, Randy Scott, who was born August 3, 1956 and the baby, Kimberly Ann, who was born Sept. 11, 1958. Joanne's hobbies include sewing, gardening and sports. William likes to play golf and do wood work. Especially making furniture. Joanne is from Rock Falls and Bill hails from New York City. We will be losing the Welps to California come July. Weare sorry to see you go, but we wish you luck. This and That The dog situation is better, but there's always room for improvement. We will have some more on the 4-H Cardinals and Cub Scouts next week. Also a report on the party and welcome committees. Please call with your news. It's greatly appreciated. Bye now. See you next week. mittees are also on the agenda for this meeting. Plan to attend and help select names for future officers of your association. If you have someone you would especially like to sec take an office, this is the time and place to do it. Dance A final reminder of the fireman's dance being held this Saturday, April 4, at the Johnsburg community club. Line up your baby sitter, shine up your dancing shoes, and we'll see you at the dance. If you don't already have your tickets, they can be purchased at the door. poster was deserving of a prize but the main award-went to the eighth grade for Pamela* Obstfelder's contribution. Birthdays Happy birthday today (April 2) to the charming hostess of our association meetings, Millie Kropf. On Saturday, April 4, another very charming lady, Adeline Zeiger, celebrates along with two fine gentlemen, they are. Elmer Wehrmann and Bill Jenkins. Hope your days are pleasant ones. P.T.A. News At the March meeting of the St. John's P.T.A., two new officers were elected. To the office of vice - president members elected Mrs. Dorothy- Adams and for treasurer, Mrs. Dorothy Whiting. These new officers will start their terms at the May meeting. The school children made posters using March, the vocation month, as their theme. Each Spring Thoughts We hope everyone had a nice i Easter and can now concentrate on spring activities. If the nice weather will hold, we may be able to get some semblance of a garden started and then settle back and wait for things to start popping and (sight summer vacations. And speaking of summer, it isn't too soon to start planning our fourth of July picnic. The way time flics these days, before you know it picnic time will be here. We can all remember the terrific job Sol and Helen Kobus and their committees did last year, so we can look forward to another day of fun and good times for the entire family. Pills are preparations you take -to pep you up. tone you down or cause - you to turn in. It won't kill you to be careful. READY-MIX UNBELIEVABLE BARGAINS Plus Many Prizes _ Will Be Featured At Our Great GRAKD OPENING Watch This Paper For Date MCHenn a l*H! WHY DON'TCHA 8UY A GOOD . MOUTH _ STERIUZEP? WHX, IT'S UNBEUgvABLE 1 SAY, did you know THAT EVERY TIME I BREATHE-A „ MAN DIES? WORD OF MOUTH SAYS McHENRY READY-MIX 15 TH* PLACE TO 60 FOR TH' TOWN'S McHejvtu RCADY Mtx Co. tNC- 'fflioKCA MCH£NRV 920 ^ ANTIOCH • f=C>G! 70C-L. rR£E$£A?Y/C£ TfyuCW <3RAYS LAKE • <?200 MCHENRY momum We Would Like To Have You Attend Our Paint & dolor (Siinic Thursday Eve., April 9th 7:30 to 9:00 P.M. Decorating Suggestions, Colbr Schemes and Painting Problems Will Be Discussed. Refreshments Will Be Served Due to limited accommodations we would appreciate a call if you plan to attend. Phone McHenry 1424 A Complete Line of and PAINT SUPPLIES Are Now Ready at Alexander's Attractive Paint Department To Satisfy Your Every NEED Paints by GLIDD OF COURSE lOOX LATEX PAINT : J NM / | ftlCNtlONft 0AIIIMM9 nSQUQO VONMB IAII MIA iabimooi CtftVtDiOQll? USTS BEAUTIFIES PROTECTS CSStS LESS COMPLETELY SATISFIES HOLDS WATER PRESSURE LASTING MINT fir MASONRY BEST BY TEST lull VAUI%, ASIA OUR COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH ANY BUILDING PROBLEM ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 -- South of Mates Street -- MefHtesary, llraois P 1 4 2 4 "'ALWAYS FIRST . . . SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS"

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